《Dungeon Incursions》Chapter 9 - Stopper in the Sink


Monsters. The problem with a dungeon break was the monsters in a dungeon were all headed in one direction – the exit. Being the stopper in the dungeon sink meant that the team had to fight every single monster that was trying to exit. That meant the group barely had time to rest between each successive group of monsters.

At a certain point, Lance started sending one or the other of the impromptu party back to rest, letting them catch their breath and scour the Shop for something new to buy before moving on. The only advantage, as they had found was they were getting five coins for each kill.

It was because they were killing so many monsters that Lance was even willing to hold their position. The

Shop was a way for the entire team to grow more powerful and milking the monsters for coins for powers would allow them to ready themselves for the next battle. After all, he had a little concern about the dungeon boss. And, if he knew anything about dungeons, there definitely was going to be one.

Lance drew and fired again, watching his arrow split and bury two in the large centipede-dog’s mouth and a third glance off the edge of another dog’s carapace and instead embed itself in the leg of a goblin. Smiling grimly, his hand dropped to his quiver only to find it empty.

“Switch!” Lance roared, stepping back.

There was a small break as Yanesh grabbed back his bow and started firing. His own Never-Ending Quiver had been purchased from the recent kills since there was no chance to collect their normal arrows. Unfortunately, the created arrows from the magical quiver disappeared after a while, leaving them unable to grow their own ammo reserves.

Along with Yanesh came Sarah, the woman surging back into the middle of the fight. She swung her weapon to create a gap around Neil, her spear shaft throwing centipede-dogs and goblins aside. Stabbing the spearhead forward again and again, she speared monsters in quick succession, the Enhanced Strength of her latest purchase giving her the ability to power through the latest group with ease.


Neil fell back, breathing hard, hands on his knees. He forced himself straight after a half dozen deep breaths and staggered over to the water flask that they had purchased. The former accountant drunk deeply, slowing down only when Lance barked a caution.

Then, once he was rested a little, the accountant went back to browsing the Shop, slumped against the nearest wall as he tried to get his breathing under control.

In the meantime, Lance was busy running over the Shop list. Sarah had chosen to upgrading herself, throwing aside concerns about potential problems with her build in the future with the belief that they could either be switched out or upgraded later. For that matter, as she had pointed out, surviving the now was more important than worrying about the future.

On the other hand, Lance could not help but consider the future. He knew exactly what he wanted to do, what a world with dungeon’s meant. Or, well, what it meant in all those books and webserials said would happen.

Apocalyptic endings. Alien invasions. Big monsters, even bigger fights. He had every intention on being there every step of the way which meant he needed to make the best choices. Equipment was the way to go for now, till he could buy a good, upgradeable body of some form.

However, before that…

Never Ending Quiver – Arrow Formation Upgrade (II) Purchased.

Light, as his quiver glowed again. Nodding to himself, Lance turned to the next problem. He was getting involved in close end fights which meant he needed something to keep himself safe. Yanesh’s healing spells were patching them together, but not getting hurt was the better option.

Armour was out. Too heavy, too stifling. Lance was rather impressed actually that Neil was still on his feet, considering none of them were exactly trained to fight for hours. Some hidden depths in that one. So, he skipped past the direct armour options, looking for magical armour.


Force Shield – Equippable.

Point Defense Bracer

Ring of Protection

Ring of Evasion

Bracer of Blocking

Glove of Parrying

Options. Too many. Quickly, Lance dismissed any that involved blocking or parrying or dodging or any variation like that. He could do all that himself, and while having armour to help with that was nice, he would trust his own instincts than some enchantments. In fact, he needed to learn those instincts and improve them, just like Sarah was improving her spear skills or Neil his mace and shield tactics.

No, what he wanted for defense was armour – something that worked when he wasn’t paying attention. Point defense or shields or the like were not what he wanted. He was more likely to get backstabbed as an archer than stabbed in front, and in the middle of a fight, it was the bite coming from the side that was more dangerous than the monster in front of him.

So. Something that could cover him, fully, even when he wasn’t paying attention.

Ring of Protection

Strengthens innate aura of user to provide a low-level defense against magical and physical attacks. Best against glancing attacks.

Cost: 250 Points

Force Shield – Equippable

A fully body force shield that comes in a variety of configurable forms. Once equipped, will overlay a protective force shield over user’s aura to deflect magical or physical attacks. Force shield can be broken by mid-level attacks and will take one hour to regenerate.

Cost: 300 Points

Expensive. Both options. One seemed to work all the time but wasn’t great against powerful attacks – whatever that meant! – while the other could provide defense against a more powerful attack but would break soon after.

Not great either one, but Lance could not help but glance at their current opponents and choose.

The Ring of Protection was slipped over his finger, making Lance flex his hand. The damn thing was a little garish, less the One Ring and more Shield-embossed signet ring. Trashy like hell, but he could feel something settle over him, over his… aura? Either way, he felt more solid and protected.

A second later, the light around his quiver flickered and he had a full quiver once more. Drawing an arrow, flexing his shoulders and wincing at the pain, he began firing into the group once more. Neil could relax a little more, pick out what he wanted.

Lance had points to grab.

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