《Severing Time & Space》Tian Hao


Wu Jian froze. He was almost certain he had heard this woman wrong. Tempted to ask her what she meant, he opened his mouth, but then he snapped it shut just as quickly. He was unable to think up a proper response.

Who the heck is this woman?

“Oi! Did you not hear me? Are you deaf? I told you to come with me,” the woman snapped. As if she was fed up with his inability to reply, she reached out as though to grab him, but two people intercepted her before she could so much as touch him. They stood between the two and glared at the woman.

“Excuse me. I don’t know who you think you are, but do not think for one second that I will allow you to touch my Jian. Make him your plaything? Don’t make me laugh,” Wu Meiying said with a derisive scoff.

“You may be an alchemist, but that doesn’t mean you can just do whatever you please. There are still laws you must abide by. Taking a citizen of the Shang Kingdom by force is a crime, and it won’t go unpunished. I recommend you rethink your decision here,” Hou Jingshu added.

The alchemist woman’s face contorted in anger. Her fake beauty was marred by an ugly scowl.

“Who do you brats think you are? Do you think you can speak to an alchemist like me in such a condescending tone? You kids are but tiny frogs in a small well. You look up at the sky and think that’s all that exists, unaware that there is a world much larger than your narrow field of view. Hmph. You are lucky I’m so magnanimous. I’ll allow this transgression but once in light of your ignorance… but that’s only if the boy comes with me.”

The three kids found themselves in a quandary they didn’t know how to get out of. Neither Wu Meiying nor Hou Jingshu had any intention of letting this woman have Wu Jian, and he didn’t have the intention to go with her, but this woman was not only an alchemist but also a cultivator. It was impossible for an alchemist to not be a cultivator since chi was required to refine pills. Even if she was simply at the Hunger Realm, she was still tens of times stronger than they were.

That was simply the difference between realms.

As they were trying to figure out what to do, another voice spoke up. “How imprudent. Do you believe that you can do whatever you please just because you’re an alchemist?”

The crowd suddenly parted like a cultivator cutting the sea as a figure walked into the square. Dressed in a black hanfu with silver dragons traveling across the fabric, face stern and uncompromising, the person who spoke was none other than Wu Jian’s father. Standing on either side of him were his two wives. Wu Taohua silently glared at the woman who had been trying to kidnap him. Mother, on the other hand, looked like she was seconds away from verbally laying into the alchemist.


I’ve never seen Mother look so upset. Her expression is… kind of frightening.

The alchemist went red in the face as she snarled at the trio. “Just who do you people think you are?! Do you not know who I am? I’m Tian Hao! I’m an alchemist who came all the way from Dahua City to sell alchemist pills to your miserable hick town. Do not think for one second that I will put up with you disgracing me like this!”

Father snorted as he crossed his arms. “I do not care who or what you are. I’m not about to let you have my son.”

He, Wu Taohua, and Mother all stepped between Wu Jian and this woman. Seeing this, Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu moved to Wu Jian’s sides and held his arms in a tight grip. A standoff occurred between the trio and this woman, who finally seemed to be showing some nervousness. A trail of sweat trickled down her face as she took a step back.

It was at this time that the young man who had been selling items came over. No one was buying anything anymore, drawn as they were by the confrontation taking place. He walked over to the woman and smiled amiably at Father. Of course, Father met this man’s smile with a glare that could have melted iron.

“We apologize, good sir. We truly meant no offense. It is just that your son has caught my elder sister’s interest. Most people would be honored to know their son has gained the favor of such an esteemed alchemist.”

The way this young man spoke was like that of a typical brown noser. It was ingratiating and annoyed Wu Jian. His father seemed to be of like mind. His glare was truly something to behold as he stared down the young man.

Oddly enough, the young man did not seem all that intimidated. Father was a powerful figure with the highest cultivation base in the city. Wu Jian was certain he was stronger than these two, but the young man acted like he was standing in front of a tiny dog that was yapping at a tiger.

“Perhaps most people would find themselves honored, but my Wu Clan has no intention of getting in bed with their enemies. I recommend your older sister find someone else to play with.”

“Ah. So you are from the esteemed Wu Clan. I guess it can’t be helped then. Come along, sister dear. Let’s get back to selling our alchemy pills.”

Tian Hao looked aghast that her brother was capitulating so easily. “But Brother—”

Before she could say anything more, the young man whispered something in her ear. Wu Jian didn’t know what was being said. Whatever it was seemed to molify the woman, who became complacent and allowed herself to be guided away.

It almost feels like this is too easy. I expected them to put up a bigger fight. Am I just being paranoid?

Just before they went back to their stand, however, Wu Jian thought he caught the young brother staring at Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu. It happened so fast that he almost wondered if he had imagined it.



Hours after the incident in the north market, Wu Jian sat in his father’s reception hall alongside Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu. Mother and Wu Taohua were also there, as was Elder Jinsu.

Father sat on this throne-like chair, while Mother and Wu Taohua stood behind and to either side of him. Elder Jinsu was off to the side. He sat with his feet tucked underneath his bottom, back straight, and hands resting on his thighs as he watched the proceedings.

Father was staring at Wu Jian with a stern frown. This was not new, but somehow, it felt like his frown was even more prominent than normal.

“Do you understand why I’m disappointed in you? If we had not arrived in time to stop that woman, she would have taken you, and there would have been nothing you could do about it. You are strong for your age, but you cannot stand up to an alchemist.”

Wu Jian looked down.

“This wasn’t his fault, Uncle,” Wu Meiying interrupted. Father frowned at her, but the girl was undeterred. “We had simply heard there was someone selling alchemy pills, so we went to see what it was all about. There’s no way we could have known that old hag would take an interest in Jian.”

Father stared at Wu Meiying for several long seconds, but it soon became clear that she wouldn’t budge on her position. Out of all the people within this clan, she was the only one aside from his wife who would contest him like this. She was also one of the few people to ever get concessions out of him.

He sighed and backed down.

I’m always impressed by how Mei can handle Father. I wouldn’t have the guts to back talk him like that, Wu Jian thought.

“Regardless, we now have a situation on our hands,” he said at last.

Elder Jinsu nodded. “That alchemist has begun selling alchemy pills at a price so low that our basic healing pastes and creams are unable to compete. Even Won Ju’s is under risk of going out of business.”

Won Ju was their business partner and they earned a tidy profit selling him ingredients. It might not be the end of their clan, but it would put a dent in their annual earnings.

Clans needed a lot of money to thrive. They had to provide housing, food, training, and education for their members, who were then responsible for further aiding the clan so it would prosper. A clan that lacked the capital necessary to support its members would eventually lose their status.

“What should we do?” asked Mother.

“I’ve contacted the Zhou Clan to ask them if they know anything about this woman… this Tian Hao. With luck, they will be able to provide us with some answers.”

As a clan that had holdings all across the continent, the Zhou Clan would probably be able to find out whatever they wanted. They had the power.

Of course, whether or not they would help the Wu Clan was another matter entirely. Just because Wu Jian won the Three Clan’s Tournament and earned their favor did not mean they were friends. It would probably cost a lot of money or favors to gain their help.

“Oh, right! Meiying, tell Father about what you saw today?” Wu Jian said as he just now remembered her vision.

“Saw? Did you see something?” asked Father, elbows on his knees as he leaned forward with newly invested interest.

“I did,” Wu Meiying said. She took a deep breath, then recited what she told Wu Jian and Hou Jingshu. Father’s face became pensive. Elder Jinsu, Wu Taohua, and even Mother looked pale as she finished talking.

“This is indeed a disturbing vision. Given that the alchemist has shown an interest in Wu Jian, we cannot rule out the possibility that she will hire these mercenaries to kidnap him and destroy our clan out of revenge,” Father said, leaning back in his chair and stroking his chin.

“What do you think we should do?” asked Mother.

“We need more information before we do anything. That is our top priority right now. Hopefully, the Zhou Clan will come through for us, but I don’t believe it’s a good idea to rely entirely on them. Taohua, I want you to observe that alchemist. I want to know what she does, who she meets, where she is residing… anything you can get your hands on. Be sure not to let yourself be seen,” Father ordered.

Wu Taohua bowed her head. “Of course, my lord. Please leave gathering intelligence to me.”

Later that night, as Wu Jian lay in bed, he wondered about what would happen to him. It was the first time he had ever felt as if his chastity was being threatened. Just thinking about it gave him the chills.

He had heard there were people like that. Wu Taohua had informed him that people who wielded great power and influence could become corrupted. These individuals would allow their base instincts to rule them. They stole people from their homes, committed murder without remorse, and enslaved anyone they took an interest in—all because they believed they were above the law since they had power.

I don’t want to think about it. Just go to bed, Wu Jian. Nothing good will come from thinking about this.

He rolled onto his side and tried to sleep, yet sleep would not come no matter how hard he tried. His muscles were too tense. His mind was awhirl with thoughts. Anxiety plagued him like a stubborn cold.

There’s no way I can get to sleep after what happened today.

With a sigh, he climbed out of bed and began doing exercises. He might as well be productive if he wasn’t going to sleep.

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