《Severing Time & Space》Betrayal, Part I


“I think he likes our outfits,” Wu Meiying said with a giggle.

“D-do you think so?” Hou Jingshu blushed pink and looked down at her clothes. “It’s not… too gaudy, is it?”

“Aren’t you the princess of the Shang Kingdom? You should be used to wearing gaudy clothes.”

“… I prefer plainer clothes, honestly.”

“You two look amazing,” Wu Jian said after somehow managing to find his tongue again.

“Thank you.” Wu Meiying eyed him up and down, grinned, and said, “You look good too.”

“I picked out his outfit,” Mother said, puffing out her chest.

“Don’t look so proud of yourself,” Wu Taohua said with a sigh.

“Anyway, the celebration should be starting soon. It won’t do for the guests of honor to arrive late, so you three should go on ahead. Don’t worry about us. We’ll catch up once we get into our own outfits,” Mother assured them.

With his mother all but shooing them out, the trio found themselves walking along the clan compound’s shaded walkways. Because they were in ceremonial garbs, they didn’t hold hands like normal, and instead, Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu each hooked one of his arms in theirs.

Wu Jian felt a little more self-conscious than normal. He couldn’t tell if it was because of his new clothing, the or intimate closeness between him and the two girls on either side of him. Hou Jingshu must have felt the same way because she was blushing. Wu Meiying was shameless, however, and had the world’s largest grin on her face.

They passed a number of people on their way to the dining hall. It wasn’t unusual for everyone to stare at them as they walked, but it felt like their gazes were even more fervent now. That might have been another reason he felt so self-conscious. After reaching the dining hall, Wu Jian, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu were met by Elder Wu Jinsu, who directed them to sit at the head table.

“You three are the guests of honor today. Your victory in particular, Wu Jian, has brought the Wu Clan great honor and prestige. Take this chance to enjoy the limelight for a while,” Elder Wu Jinsu said.

“We will, thank you,” Wu Jian said.

“Elder Jinsu, can I ask what will happen to the head elder position now that Wu Wei has been banished?” asked Wu Meiying.

“Ah… well, I’m told the position might go to Wu Son.”

“I don’t think Wu Son is a good fit for the role,” Wu Meiying said, eyes glazed over. Elder Wu Jinsu’s eyes widened as the girl continued speaking with a dull voice as though locked in a trance. “Nothing good will come from him being placed in the position of head elder even if he has seniority. I believe you should have the head elder role and Instructor Lin should become the next elder.”

“I will… inform Lord Yōushì of this matter. P-please excuse me,” Elder Wu Jinsu said.

“Please do,” Wu Meiying said, coming back to herself. She smiled as though nothing had happened.

Hou Jingshu shared a look with Wu Jian. It seemed Wu Meiying had seen something again.

“What did you see just now?” asked Wu Jian.

Wu Meiying smiled, but this time, it was a sad smile the likes of which he’d never seen. “Something I’d rather not talk about, so please don’t ask about it.”

Wu Jian was curious, but he could see that Wu Meiying was disturbed by whatever she had seen, so he decided to drop the subject. There must have been a reason she wasn’t telling him about it.


Father, Mother, Wu Taohua, the two remaining elders, and a confused Instructor Lin soon arrived in the dining hall. They all sat down next to Wu Jian, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu, who were given the seats of honor. Not long after they arrived did other people begin filtering in. The hall was soon filled with hundreds of people. A festive atmosphere seemed to light the place up more surely than the chandeliers overhead.

Father soon stood up. The chatter from the Wu clansmen died down as everyone turned to him.

It’s amazing how my father can get everyone to quiet down just by standing. That’s the kind of presence and charisma a clan leader should have.

Wu Jian wondered if he would ever have that kind of charismatic presence. He was going to succeed his father as the clan head eventually, but he couldn’t see himself ever possessing the qualities necessary to make a good one. Could he rule the clan with the same authority and wisdom as his father?

“You can,” Wu Meiying murmured in his hear.


Wu Jian looked at her, but Wu Meiying just smiled.

“We are here today to celebrate my son winning the Three Clan’s Competition. Wu Jian has brought honor and prestige to our clan. The rewards we have received from winning are two years of favorable services from the Zhou Clan, preferential treatment when rare items are auctioned off, and special VIP seating at the auction house. We have also received two thousand Body Forging Pellets, one hundred Middle-Grade Cultivation Pills, and a rare Phoenix Jade Stone.”

Everyone began speaking all at once. Wu Jian was a little shocked by the prizes they had won. Favorable treatment from the Zhou Clan was already an exceptional prize, but the pills and Phoenix Jade Stone were even more impressive. The Phoenix Jade Stone, in particular, since it was a powerful artifact that could help cultivators gather chi within their bodies just by meditating near it.

“Now then, let us not stand on ceremony and enjoy this feast to celebrate Wu Jian’s victory over the Ming and Juishi Families!” Father announced by raising his glass of huangjiu.

At that moment, several servants entered the room, pushing carts filled with platters of food. There were all kinds of extravagant foods within each cart. There was of course the more common dishes like rice, noodles, and dumplings, but there was also peking duck, edible bird’s nests, dezhou braised chicken, and shinsuro—a form of hot pot with all kinds of vegetables and meat cooked in a rich broth.

All the best foods were delivered to the head table. The edible bird’s nests and shinsuro were served to Wu Jian, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu. They were also given rice and noodles. The noodles were different from the usual kind they were served during normal meals. These were thicker and seemed to have absorbed the rich flavor from some type of broth. When he slurped some of it into his mouth, his taste buds were hit with a complex umami that was evenly spread through the entire noodle.

“This is… delicious!” Wu Jian exclaimed.

“Mmm! You’re right! It’s so good!” Wu Meiying placed a hand on her cheek as she swallowed some of the edible bird’s nest. “I feel like this is even tastier than the meal we had when Jingshu’s father was here.”

“This food has a much more complex flavor profile than I remember,” Hou Jingshu added. She took an experimental sip of the edible bird’s nest, then grabbed some meat from the shinsuro with her chopsticks and placed it in her mouth. Her cheeks flushed with pleasure and her expression became one of bliss. “Father does not appreciate dishes with a complex flavor. He prefers simple foods. I imagine Lord Yōushì instructed his chefs to make the food plainer than usual to suit Father’s palate.”


“Could be. Either way, this is very good,” Wu Jian said.

The three kids ate their fill under the watchful eyes of the adults. However, as he was eating, Wu Jian thought he felt someone’s eyes on him. He looked around but didn’t see anything unusual. A lot of people were staring at him, but that was par for the course by this point.

Shrugging, he went back to his food.

As the night wore on, Father brought out various types of alcohol, which Wu Jian and the others were allowed to try, though they weren’t allowed to drink much. Alcohol could have benefits toward one’s cultivation, but it was not good to drink a lot at a young age.

The night eventually ended and everyone was sent on their way. A few of the more rambunctious adults who had drank far more than they should have stumbled out of the dining hall, leaning against each other’s shoulders as they laughed.

“I guess this is where we say good night,” Wu Meiying said as she, Wu Jian, and Hou Jingshu stood together on the west side of the compound, at the midway point between all three of their residences.

“Yeah. Have a good night, Mei, Jingshu,” Wu Jian said.

Before Wu Meiying could attack him, Wu Jian grabbed her hands and leaned down, placing his mouth over hers. He could taste the plum wine on her mouth. Leaning back after remaining like that for several seconds, he stared into the girl’s eyes, which were more vibrant than stars. Then he turned to the pink-faced Hou Jingshu.

“Would you also like a kiss goodnight?” he asked.

“I, uh… oh, no. I think we should wait… until we’re older,” Hou Jingshu said, looking anywhere but at him.

Wu Jian felt a bit disappointed that she still wouldn’t kiss him, but he knew Hou Jingshu was a delicate woman. She got easily embarrassed over matters like this. She also believed in propriety. According to her, there was a certain order they had to follow in a relationship.

He didn’t understand.

But he still respected her choice.

“Okay. In that case, I’ll see you both tomorrow,” Wu Jian said

He waved goodbye to the two girls and walked to his compound, which already had several guards stationed there. One stood by the door and two were standing by his window. He clicked his tongue at that. It was thanks to those guards that Wu Meiying could no longer sneak into his room. Just as he was about to reach his house, a voice called out to him.

“Wu Jian, can I talk to you?”

Turning, Wu Jian frowned as Wu Fei walked over to him. The young man was now sixteen years old and had broken through to the Hunger Realm only a few months ago.

There had been a big celebration for him at the time. Breaking through to the Hunger Realm was worthy of celebration since only one in every five Wu Clansmen were able to. Wu Jian had heard that breaking through to the Hunger Realm was seen as a matter of course for bigger, more powerful clans, but such was not the case out here in the countryside.

Wu Jian didn’t have much to do with Wu Fei anymore, not since he defeated Wu Yong back when he was eight. Wu Fei was also the former head elder’s grandson, which made him understandably wary of the older boy.

“Was there something you needed?” asked Wu Jian.

“I… have a confession to make. Um, would it be okay if we spoke in private? I don’t want the guards overhearing us,” confessed Wu Fei.

Wu Jian decided to hear Wu Fei out, though he kept his guard up as he didn’t trust the older boy. He gestured for Wu Fei to precede him and followed as he was led deeper into the compound. They soon reached an area that was surrounded by trees. Wu Jian stared at Wu Fei, who had his back turned to him, which could have been seen as either a sign of trust or disregard depending on the person.

I feel like I made a big mistake in following him, but it’s too late now.

“What did you want to talk about?” asked Wu Jian.

“You know, I never liked you. I’ve hated your guts ever since we were kids,” Wu Fei suddenly said.

“Really? Well, the feeling is mutual. Is that all you had to say?” asked Wu Jian, already tired of his conversation.

“That isn’t all I have to say.” Wu Fei turned around and glared at him. “You were always so weak and pathetic, and yet despite that, you were the heir to the clan simply because you were born from Wu Yōushì’s first wife. You lived a pampered life despite being a coward and a crybaby. I hated that about you.”

Wu Jian rolled his eyes. “Is there a point to this diatribe, or are you just complaining?”

“The point is that I’m far more deserving of becoming the clan head than you! My grandfather was originally the clan head before Wu Yōushì usurped his position! I should be the heir! I should be the one getting preferential treatment!”

The more Wu Fei spoke, the more impassioned and enraged his manner of speaking became. He was practically heaving, face red with exertion, by the time he finished his diatribe.

Wu Jian listened to Wu Fei’s insane shouting with a grimace. “So it’s jealousy, is it?”

“It’s far more than jealousy,” Wu Fei said in a harsh voice. “You see, Grandfather had a plan to give me the position of heir. All we had to do was turn you into a cripple during the tournament. Unfortunately, the people the Ming Family hired were pathetic and couldn’t do their job properly. Now my grandfather has been banished.”

“You realize you just admitted to scheming with your grandfather, right?” asked Wu Jian.

Wu Fei wore a dark smirk. “It doesn’t matter if I admitted it or not. I was just stalling for time.”

It took Wu Jian a moment to understand the implications of those words, but he was quick on the uptake and even quicker to react. He rolled across the ground as something slammed into where he had been standing. Dirt and gravel flew everywhere. Skipping back to his feet, he quickly darted left as several needles became embedded into the ground.

Looking around, Wu Jian realized there were two other people with Wu Fei. One of them was a man dressed in all black, face covered by a hood, though Wu Jian recognized him easily enough. The other was also dressed in black, but they wore a mask. He couldn’t figure out anything about them beyond how the contours of their body suggested they were a woman.

“Wu Ming… are you sure you want to do this?” asked Wu Jian as he stared at the familiar boy. Wu Ming was also one of Wu Jian’s bullies back when he was younger. Like Wu Fei, he hadn’t had much to do with this boy for several years now.

“No, but I am loyal to Wu Fei,” Wu Ming said. He, along with Wu Fei, used to follow Wu Yong around like a pair of lackeys, though it was clear now that Wu Yong had merely been a puppet for the former head elder.

“I see. And you. Who are you?” Wu Jian asked of the woman in black.

“Don’t bother asking. She can’t answer you,” Wu Fei said with a snort. “Wu Lan is my shadow. She has been trained not to speak.”

Wu Jian realized he was in serious trouble. He had of course expected Wu Fei to try something, but he had been confident that he could handle a single person, even one at the first subrealm of the Hunger Realm. Wu Fei had just reached the Hunger Realm, after all. His cultivation base shouldn’t have stabilized enough for him to do much more than strengthen his body with chi. But that was only if he had to fight one person. Even he was not confident enough to fight three people at once.

“It’s time for you to die, Wu Jian. You were a pest, right to the very end,” Wu Fei announced.

Making a split decision, Wu Jian decided on the best course of action he could at the time: He turned around and ran away. He was not a coward like when he was younger. But he wasn’t stupid either. Rather than fight a losing battle, it would be better to alert someone in the clan so he could get help.

Unfortunately, Wu Fei must have anticipated this. He nodded toward the woman, who leapt into the air and flung several knives in his direction. He would have rolled forward to avoid them, but they were spaced so he would get hit unless he moved back into the clearing. Yet the moment he moved into the clearing, Wu Ming was there, swinging a jian at his head.

He’s so fast!

Wu Jian ducked low to avoid the swing, which whistled over his head. He planted his hands on the ground and kicked out, slamming his foot into Wu Ming’s knee, knocking the much larger boy onto their side. Unlike Wu Fei, who had broken through to the Hunger Realm, Wu Ming had not. Furthermore, while he had an impressive amount of strength, he was not stronger than Wu Jian.

Yet while he would have easily attained victory in a one-on-one match, Wu Jian was unable to do as much when there was another person he had to contend with.

He leapt backward as several throwing knives impaled the soft loam. The woman attacking him was also clearly someone who had not broken through to the Hunger Realm, but that hardly meant a thing when he hadn’t either. He was still four years off from being able to break through.

Wu Jian’s mind raced as he came up with a plan. He darted around Wu Ming, rolled across the ground the avoid more throwing knives, and ran straight at Wu Fei.

“You dare to take me on, brat?! I’ll show you the price of displaying such hubris!” Wu Fei shouted as he swung his fist. A bright glow encased his hand like flames. That was his chi, which flickered with a reddish-orange aura. He probably had a fire natured chi. However, Wu Jian did not care to find out what kind of chi his enemy had. His goal wasn’t facing this man head on.

Wu Ming had been following close behind him, and Wu Jian had made sure to keep himself between him and Wu Fei as he ran. Seconds after Wu Fei released his attack, Wu Jian shifted into a slide. The grass was damp, so he was easily able to slide across the ground on his knees.

Wu Fei’s flames missed Wu Jian and struck Wu Ming instead. As the man screamed in shock and pain, Wu Fei was distracted by seeing his own attack hit an ally, and Wu Jian was more than willing to capitalize on his opponent’s mistake.

Wu Jian slid underneath Wu Fei, leapt to his feet, and struck the man in the back of the knees. Wu Fei landed on his back with a loud thump. Wu Jian would have attacked more, but the one called Wu Lan was already closing the distance. Making a split decision, Wu Jian raced into the line of trees and disappeared.

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