《Severing Time & Space》Spying


A loud bang like someone had just slammed something onto a table echoed from beyond the window. Wu Jian shared a look with Wu Meiying. Just then, a voice emerged from the other side.

“Damn that Ming Han! Who does he think he is?!” Wu Jian heard Father’s harsh and grating voice as it boomed from inside the building.

“He has been getting a lot bolder lately,” Mother said.

“Haaaah. It looks like I was right to send you along to shadow them, Taohua,” Father said with a sigh.

“You were,” came Taohua’s voice. “Had I not been there, I have no doubt Ming Han would have seriously injured Wu Jian.”

“Do you think he would have killed him?”

“… No. Ming Han might be vicious, but he is not stupid. If he injured Wu Jian, he could claim it was because he was protecting his son and accidentally went too far. He could not do that if he killed him. Fists might not have eyes, but a man of his caliber is more than capable of holding back against someone who’s not a threat. He also knows it would incite your wrath and there would be no recourse other than for one clan to exterminate the other.”

“And the Ming Clan isn’t strong enough to contend with our clan,” Mother added.

It sounded like they were talking about what happened in Zahn City today. Wu Jian scooted a little closer as if that would help him hear what was being said better. He pressed up against Wu Meiying. Her unique floral scent filled his nose, but at the moment, most of his attention was fixated on the conversation hasn’t it?”

“Yes. I’ve been holding myself back on account of Jingshu… but I simply can’t hold it in anymore. Wu Jian, you need to kiss me.”

Wu Jian turned to Wu Meiying, who wore a mischievous grin. He felt his lips twitching as he realized what she wanted.

Wu Jian would have said something, but Wu Meiying chose that moment to pounce.


The next morning found Wu Jian waking up with a sleeping Wu Meiying on his chest. His nightshirt was a little… damp. He realized that Wu Meiying had been drooling on him while she slept. Stroking her hair, he gave himself a few seconds to relax before he went about waking her up.

“Mei? Mei? It’s morning. Wake up.”

“Mmm… hrrm? Mmmmm…”

Wu Meiying’s fingers twitched as she pushed herself into a sitting position. Blinking several times, she stretched her arms above her head, unleashing a loud yawn that made Wu Jian feel drowsy all over again.


“Aaaaaah. Good morning, Jian,” Wu Meiying murmured as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“Morning,” Wu Jian said. “We should get ready. I’m sure Hou Jingshu is wondering why we aren’t at the training ground yet.”

“Mmmm. I guess. Ugh, I’d like to sleep a bit longer.”

“That’s what happens when you stay up late to eavesdrop on a conversation between adults, I guess.”

“Then next time I get an important vision, I won’t tell you and we can just remain ignorant.”

“Please don’t do that.”

The two of them bantered as they turned their backs to each other and got dressed. Wu Meiying went over to his drawer and pulled out a spare training gi, one of several she had left for moments like this. They always kept a spare in his room just in case she decided to sneak over and spend the night. He finished getting dressed first, then listened to the ruffling of clothes while Wu Meiying donned her outfit as well.

“I’m ready,” she said.

Turning around, Wu Jian found that Wu Meiying was dressed in a standard black and white training gi. She had even pulled her hair back into a ponytail, though it looked messy because they didn’t have time to comb it.

“Let’s go,” he said.

Since Wu Meiying had snuck in, they couldn’t go out the front. Instead they slipped out through the window, curved around the building, and appeared from behind a copse of trees several dozen yards away. Nobody else was present. Wu Jian could see a few people in the distance, but they weren’t paying him or Wu Meiying any attention. That was good since he really didn’t want his father finding out that Wu Meiying was still sleeping with him.

They arrived at the training ground to find Hou Jingshu pouting, hands on her hips, foot tapping against the ground. Wu Jian felt apprehensive as they approached. That feeling increased as she turned upon hearing their footsteps and glared at the two.

“Meiying, why weren’t you in your room this morning?” asked Hou Jingshu.

“Because something important came up last night, so I stayed with Jian,” Wu Meiying said as if it was no big deal.

“WHAT?!” Hou Jingshu shouted in surprise.

“Shhh. Not so loud,” Wu Jian said, putting a finger to his lips.

But Hou Jingshu paid him no mind. “Y-y-y-you slept with Wu Jian last night?! How could you?! That’s… that’s so indecent! It’s—mmph?!”


Because he didn’t want any potential eavesdroppers to overhear what she was saying, he placed a hand over her mouth and moved in close. Hou Jingshu’s cheeks and ears were bright red. Wu Jian felt a little flustered as well. From up close like this, he had an amazing view of her big, beautiful eyes and clear skin, but he shook those thoughts off. This was important.

Hou Jingshu began struggling, but Wu Jian was stronger, and he wrapped his free arm around her back to keep her from getting free. She grabbed his arm as if to pry it off. Her nails dug into his skin, causing him to wince.

“Listen, I know how that sounds, but please hear us out. There’s something important we have to tell you.”

Hou Jingshu went still. After another second, she lowered her arms to her side and she stared at him, demanding an explanation. With a sigh, Wu Jian let go of her and took several steps back. His arm stung and her fragrant scent still lingered, but he ignored both.

“Well? Tell me what was so important you two needed to sleep together for it?” Hou Jingshu demanded.

“Last night, Mei and I snuck out and overheard Father talking about what happened during our time in Zahn City…”

Wu Jian explained what they overheard last night, including the alliance between the Juishi and Ming Clans, the mercenary company that had been spotted along the city’s border, and the potential threat all of this posed to him, her, and Wu Meiying. Hou Jingshu looked pensive by the time he finished.

“That does sound bad,” she admitted. “If there really is a mercenary company just outside of Zahn City’s borders, it’s hard to believe they’re simply wandering around for no reason.”

Zahn City was about as far from civilization as a person could get. The closest city was Dahua City, which would take two week’s travel to reach for non-cultivators and even longer if you were part of a caravan. There was literally nothing out here for a mercenary company to want. Even the Twin Fang Mountains didn’t have enough bounty to be worth the attention of mercenaries.

“We’ve decided to be careful and not go into Zahn City for a while,” Wu Jian said. “We’ll train here and just relax together in the compound on our days off. It would be for the best if we could avoid a confrontation like yesterday.”

“I am sorry about that,” Hou Jingshu mumbled, her cheeks and ears turning red.

“Don’t worry. I don’t think there’s anything for you to be sorry about,” Wu Jian said.

Wu Meiying nodded. “I would have done the same thing if you hadn’t intervened first.”

Hou Jingshu smiled wryly at the two of them. They all knew Wu Meiying and Wu Jian had been about to head in the opposite direction when they saw what was happening. While they felt bad for the guy whose stall had been knocked over, both of them understood their presence would only make things worse. It was Hou Jingshu who had seen the injustice and couldn’t abide by it.

“I do have one question, though,” Hou Jingshu suddenly said as if she remembered something important.

“What is it?” asked Wu Jian.

Hou Jingshu’s wry smile became strained as something dark, ominous, and evil like a specter appeared behind her. Even though it was bright outside, dark shadows covered her eyes. It was like there was an eclipse, but it was only happening around her.

Wu Jian felt a chill run down his spine.

“You told me about what you overheard, and I agree it was serious, but that doesn’t explain why you two slept together.”

“Uh… well, it’s… like… you know?”

“No, I don’t know. Please tell me, Jian. Help me understand.”


Wu Jian looked over at Wu Meiying for help, but all she did was smile and give him a thumbs up, as if to say, “You’ve got this.”

Gee. Thanks a lot, Mei. Way to throw me under the carriage.

“W-well, would you look at how high the sun has climbed! It’s already gotten late. We should definitely get started on training!”

“Don’t you try and slip out of this conversation, you slimy toad! Tell me why you two were sleeping together!”

Wu Jian was eventually able to convince Hou Jingshu to drop it, but it was clear that she was not satisfied, and he knew she would likely bring it up again in the near future. He would have to prepare an adequate countermeasure for when that time came. It never occurred to him that he could have just told her the truth.

Angry women did that to a guy.

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