《Severing Time & Space》The Vivacious Princess Part I


Wu Jian breathed in deeply as he pulled himself up a bar, then pushed himself until his torso was above the bar. The muscles in his arms strained. His triceps bulged as the muscle definition became more visibly defined. Veins popped out. He could feel a burning in his arms, back, and chest. After holding this position for eight seconds, he slowly lowered himself back to his starting position, then repeated the process all over again.

“Forty-five… forty-six… forty-seven… forty-eight…”

The key aspect of this particular exercise was control. He had seen a lot of his clansmen doing exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, and squats, but they always tried to do as many as they could within as little time as possible. This gave them bad form and didn’t work their muscles as well as they could have if their form was better. Wu Jian practiced controlling his motions so he could properly exercise every part of his body.

“Forty-nine… fifty!”

After completing fifty reps, Wu Jian lowered himself to the ground. He could feel the sweat drenching his back. His muscles were left with a pleasant afterburn as he stretched himself out. While he stretched, he glanced at his companion.

His breath left him.

Wu Meiying had become more beautiful as the years passed. Her glossy black hair was currently tied into a ponytail high on her head, and it whipped about her body as she moved smoothly through the forms of her martial art. She seemed to almost be shadow sparring, but he knew better. Her predictive fighting style was one that couldn’t be used against a shadow. She was merely going through forms as a means of limbering up and strengthening her body. It was a completely different form of training from his own.

Her face had grown more mature, though her vivid blue eyes maintained the same vivaciousness they possessed when the two of them were younger. Her pink lips stood out vividly against her snow white skin. Her elegant, swan-like neck tilted as she moved, drawing his attention to her clavicle bone as it peeked out of her training gi.

“So beautiful,” Wu Jian murmured to himself.

He didn’t think she heard him, but he must have spoken louder than he thought, because she turned around and grinned. Her eyes shone with mirth.

“Thank you for the compliment,” she said with a cheeky look.

“You’re welcome,” Wu Jian said, shrugging.

Wu Meiying pouted at him as though irritated that he wasn’t embarrassed, but then she relaxed and stopped going through her forms. She walked over to where they had hung up their towels, grabbed them both, and walked over to him. He thanked her as she handed him a towel and used it to wipe the sweat off his arms, legs, and chest. Meanwhile, Wu Meiying daintily dabbed the sweat from her face. He couldn’t help but notice how feminine the gesture was. She had truly become much more elegant in the past four years.

“I bet you're starving, huh?” Wu Meiying said. As if in response to her words, Wu Jian’s stomach rumbled. She giggled as he finally blushed. “Let’s wash up and head to the dining hall.”

“That is the best idea I’ve heard all morning,” Wu Jian said.

Wu Jian and Wu Meiying walked away from their training ground, which had been created just for them by Father three years ago when he won the annual Wu Clan Competition. It contained everything he could possibly need: a calisthenics facility where he could do all of his workouts and a sparring mat for himself and Wu Meiying. It was the proof that Wu Jian was growing stronger.


They parted ways to return to their respective domiciles, washed themselves off, and met back up at the dining hall.

Everyone stopped talking the moment they entered. Wu Jian paid no heed to the stares directed their way as he bade Wu Meiying to sit down beside him while a young serving girl came over bearing two trays, which had congee and steamed meat buns. The scent of the meat buns made his mouth water. The girl set the trays down as she gazed into his face with a pink blush that he summarily ignored.

“Thank you,” he said.

“Y-you’re welcome, young master,” the serving girl mumbled before scurrying away.

“You’ve become quite the lady killer,” Wu Meiying teased.

He glanced at her. “Jealous?”

“Should I be?” she fired back.

“I guess not,” he admitted, shrugging.

Ever since his strength test back when he was eight years old, he had become the rising star of the Wu Clan’s younger generation. Now at twelve years old, a lot of people were expecting great things from him.

Wu Jian tried not to think about that.

The only thing he cared about was getting strong enough to keep Wu Meiying by his side forever. Nothing else mattered to him.

“I wonder what we should do after breakfast,” Wu Meiying said before biting into her meat bun.

Wu Jian pondered that as he scooped some congee onto his spoon. Now that they were twelve and the strongest amongst their peers, they had been given a lot more freedom. They could freely leave the clan compound, and while they couldn’t travel to the Twin Fang Mountains, they were allowed into Zahn City. They had visited the city numerous times since they turned eleven, but they hadn’t gone there recently because Wu Jian had wanted to focus on increasing his strength.

“Maybe we should explore the forest?” Wu Jian suggested. “We might find some more rare medicinal ingredients. The last time we went out, we found some Awakening Spirit Vine. Maybe this time we’ll be able to find… uh… Mei?”

Wu Jian stopped talking when he saw the look on Wu Meiying’s face. Her expression was blank, eyes glazed over, as if she was looking at something in the distance. He grew silent and waited for her to come back. Finally, she blinked and turned to him with a smile.

“First, I would like to speak with Uncle. After that, I think we should travel into Zahn City.”

Wu Jian nodded. “Okay. Let’s do that.”

Once they finished breakfast, the two stood up and made their way toward Father’s complex. Many people looked at them as they passed. Most of them bowed in respect, but he did notice how a few looked at him with jealousy and even more looked at Wu Meiying with lust.

He wrinkled his nose.

Disgusting old men, but I suppose I cannot blame them. What toad does not want to eat the meat of a swan? I’m pretty sure the only reason no one has tried to flirt with Mei is because everyone knows she has no interest in them.

For the past two years, many young clansmen had attempted to court Wu Meiying, some at the behest of their parents and others to satisfy their own desires. Wu Meiying ignored them all. The few clansmen dumb enough to try and start something were summarily dealt with by either Wu Jian or Wu Meiying herself.

Many clansmen had found their hearts and bones broken by the pair.

As they made it to Father’s complex, loud voices emerged from inside, causing them to stop. Wu Meiying and Wu Jian looked at each other. Nodding, they moved off to the side, found a window, and peered into the reception room.


Father was standing there with Mother and Aunt Taohua. Standing on the opposite side of them was a buff man dressed in thick wool robes that looked blood stained. They were entirely crimson. His dark hair had streaks of gray, and he had a wrinkled face, but that only made his imposing stature more intimidating.

Wu Jian recognized the man called Ming Han. They’d had the displeasure of meeting this man once, and he never wanted to meet him again.

There were two other people with them. One of them was a young man several years older than Wu Jian and Wu Meiying. He looked a lot like Ming Han and wore the same arrogant expression. The other was a quiet adult man who wore armor and carried a sword at his hip—a bodyguard perhaps. Wu Jian didn’t recognize him.

The boy was Ming Shen, the eldest son of the Ming Family. Despite being only three years older than Wu Jian, he had already reached a strength that measured over five thousand, though Wu Jian did not know exactly how strong Ming Shen was. Wu Jian would not say they were rivals or anything of the sort, though some might see it differently due to the animosity they had for each other. If anything, he considered Ming Shen to be one of his most hated enemies.

Another foolish toad who seeks swan meat. I wish Ming Shen would give up. He has to realize by now that Father has no interest in marrying Mei off to someone outside of the clan. Why is he so stubborn?

“Why are you so against it?! A marriage between Wu Meiying and my Ming Shen would tie our two families together and make us even more powerful! We could rule Zahn City together!”

Wu Jian ground his teeth together as he listened in.

“It sounds like the Ming Clan still hasn’t given up on marrying you to their heir,” Wu Jian muttered.

Wu Meiying sighed. “How annoying. I wish these people would realize I’m not interested. Even if Uncle tried to force me to marry someone, I would run away before that happened.”

“And I’d run away with you,” Wu Jian declared.

“I know you would,” Wu Meiying said with a giggle.

“Ming Han,” Father said in a cold voice. “I have no interest in letting Wu Meiying marry into your family.”

“But she’s not even a real member of the Wu Clan!” Ming Han shouted. “Are you really so set on insulting my family over someone you adopted?! I warn you now, if you continue to dishonor me like this, I will retaliate!”

“You are free to do as you please, but I will not hand over Wu Meiying to you or your son,” Father said, his voice cold enough to freeze the heavens.

Ming Han looked like he might blow a blood vessel. His face was bright red and veins throbbed like angry serpents on his skin. It made his already intimidating facial features even more frightening. Even Wu Jian felt fearful of him despite how much stronger he had grown.

I’m really glad I’m not in there right now.

“Fine. If you wish to continue spurning my good graces, then don’t blame me if I am no longer polite to you in the future,” Ming Han ground out through clenched teeth.

“Don’t worry. I won’t.”

It seemed the meeting had reached its conclusion. Ming Han didn’t even bother paying Father any respect as he turned around and stomped toward the exit. The two people with him soon followed.

Wu Jian and Wu Meiying quickly scrambled around a corner so Ming Han and Ming Shen wouldn’t see them, though Ming Han did look their way as though sensing they had been there. He fortunately did not remain long and left, his son and bodyguard trailing behind him.

Once the three vanished, Wu Jian and Wu Meiying walked into the reception hall, where Father, Mother, and Aunt Taohua were still present. Father was sitting on his throne-like chair while Mother and Aunt Taohua stood by his side.

“I can’t believe that man had the nerve to ask for Little Mei’s hand in marriage again. How many times does this make now?” Mother was saying.

Father shrugged. “It is not so unusual considering his son’s infatuation with her, but I cannot in good conscience let her marry out of the clan, considering how special she is.”

“Hmph. So you’re only interested in her ability, dear? Does the fact that Wu Jian loves her have nothing to do with your decision?” asked Mother.

Father looked cross and opened his mouth to speak, but Aunt Taohua spotted Wu Jian and Wu Meiying before either of them and coughed into her hand.

“I believe we should save this discussion another time,” she said diplomatically.

Mother and Father finally noticed their presence. While Father’s brow remained furrowed, Mother huffed.

“Don’t think you’ve heard the end of this from me,” she said. Father just sighed like he was at his wits end.

Wu Jian and Wu Meiying ignored the byplay between Father and his wives. They knelt before the three, left fists clasped in the palms of their right hands, heads respectfully bowed.

“Father, Wu Meiying and I are planning to head into Zahn City today,” Wu Jian said.

“Is that so? Fine then. But don’t get into any trouble. You might also want to stick to districts controlled by the Wu Clan,” Father warned.

Zahn City was controlled by three clans: The Wu Clan, the Ming Clan, and the Juishi Clan. Of them, the Wu Clan was currently the most powerful, but that had not always been the case. Until recently, the Ming Clan had been more powerful than them. Perhaps that was one of the reasons Ming Han didn’t like how Father continued to refuse his offer.

“We will do as you say,” Wu Jian said.

“Also…” Wu Meiying suddenly interrupted, “You will be receiving an important visitor today. I recommend getting ready to receive them beforehand. Oh! And he’s going to be rather worried, so please do your best to calm him down and assure him that his daughter is fine.”

Had anyone else interrupted a talk between the head of a clan and his heir, they would have received harsh punishment, but this was Wu Meiying. Her special talent had been recognized two years ago when she made very accurate predictions that helped their clan. It was because of her unique power that the Wu Clan had been able to rise up and become the most powerful clan in Zahn City. Even Father had no choice but to heed her words.

“Very well. I shall task the elders with preparing to receive our important guest,” he said.

“Thank you, Uncle,” Wu Meiying replied with a bright smile.


Zahn City was much bigger than the Wu Clan compound. Wu Jian knew that, comparatively, there were many cities far larger than this one, but he had no frame of reference to let him know how much bigger. He had never been to another city. To him, this city was a massive and sprawling series of buildings and roads. Most of the roads were made of dirt, but the main street was paved with cobblestone.

Wu Jian and Wu Meiying were walking down the main street, which was where most of the street vendors and shops were located. All the other roads branched off from this one, creating a sprawling network of interconnected streets that twisted together. The main street was marked by the tallest building in the city: The Auction House.

The Auction House was owned by the Zhou Clan. They were not a clan from Zahn City. The Zhou Clan was one of the most powerful families within the Shang Kingdom. They owned and operated all of the auction houses within the kingdom, and Wu Jian had even heard a rumor that they owned auction houses in several other kingdoms. He couldn’t imagine how powerful a family like that was.

“Well, we’re here. What should we do, Mei? You wanna go shopping, or are you looking for something specific?”

Wu Jian glanced at Wu Meiying as they walked side by side, holding hands. He didn’t know if it was because they were wearing hanfu with the Wu Clan family symbol stitched into their clothing, or if it was just because Wu Meiying was a beautiful girl, but they attracted a lot of attention. People turned their heads to watch them walk by. Some leaned in to whisper in their friends’ ears. His companion didn’t seem to notice, however. She wore a smile as she picked up the pace and led him around.

“Let’s just walk around for now. I believe we’ll find something interesting if we take some detours we don’t normally use.”

Wu Jian didn’t know what Wu Meiying had seen this morning, but he suspected they would be meeting with someone very soon. He had determined this after they spoke with his father.

An important guest has arrived in Zhan City and is going to meet with Father. Mei mentioned something about this person’s daughter, which means she must be who we’re going to meet.

Since it seemed they would be meeting this person eventually no matter what, Wu Jian decided to just enjoy his time with Wu Meiying. They were often training or exploring the surrounding forests in search of medicinal ingredients that could boost their physical prowess. It was not often they took time off like this.

It was a rare chance that he wouldn’t let slip by.

They grabbed some Ci Faan from a street vendor and ate while they walked. The Ci Faan was made with sugar, sesame, and red bean paste. It was very sweet. Wu Jian preferred savory foods, so while he took a few bites, he ended up giving half of his to Wu Meiying, who devoured it within seconds. She had a sweet tooth like nobody’s business. Wu Jian had once watched in amusement as the girl at out an entire sweet shop during one of their visits into the city.

The poor store owner’s pale face as he watched his confectionaries get devoured had been priceless.

At some point, they traveled through a small alley, but then stopped several meters before the end. The reason was because of the shouting that echoed to them.

“What do you think you’re doing to this poor animal?! Stop that this instant!” a girlish voice echoed through the alley.

“Do you hear that?” asked Wu Jian.

“Yes. It sounds like something interesting is happening. Wouldn’t you say?”

“And I suppose the person shouting is the one we’re supposed to meet?” Wu Meiying just smiled at his question, causing him to heave a sigh. “Well, let’s go see what kind of trouble this person has gotten themselves into.”

Picking up the pace, they traveled through the alley and came out on the other side, which opened into a small clearing surrounded by trees.

Zahn City was built within the forest surrounding the Twin Fang Mountains. While many of the trees had been cut down to make way for buildings, quite a few had been left up to provide natural decorations to the city.

Six people were standing within the clearing, though five of them were confronting one person. Wu Jian didn’t know any of these people. The five standing on one side were all boys wearing the clothing of commoners. They looked young, about his age or maybe a little older, and their faces were covered in dirt, but none of them caught his interest.

It was the other person who captured Wu Jian’s attention.

If anyone ever asked him, he would have said that Wu Meiying was the most beautiful girl in the entire world, but even he could not deny that his heart skipped several beats as he looked at the pretty girl standing fiercely with her arms spread out. She wore an elaborate Tang Dynasty dress made from varying shades of pink and white. Her glossy brown hair descended like waves down her head, though he could tell it had been held in an elaborate bun at one point because of the hairpin she was currently brandishing as a weapon. She had small feet, pink lips, and wide eyes that were innocent but fierce as she glared at the group of boys.

Wu Jian wondered why she was glaring so, but then he noticed the small cat hiding behind her. The poor creature’s fur was matted with blood and it was shivering. He easily connected the dots after seeing that.

“We should help her,” Wu Meiying said.

So this is why we came into the city today.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get in there,” Wu Jian didn’t waste time as he stepped forward to help the girl.

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