《Die, Dragon, Die!》61. Dancing


They stepped through the entrance into the grand ballroom. Glistening crystal chandeliers dangled from the ceiling, mounted with both candles and enchanted lights. Draperies in royal purple hung from the wall, laced with gold silk ribbons. A plush red carpet quieted Jet’s steps, while ahead, couples glided around a marble ballroom.

Ravenna glanced at Gideon and smiled gently, She released his hand and gave him a little shove toward the ballroom. “Go on, find yourself a nice mate. Give your momma some grandbabies.”

Jet swallowed. Gideon… reproducing? I absolutely cannot allow this!

Gideon groaned. He scowled at Ravenna and wandered off, his shoulders hunched, kicking the floor in front of him. A few steps away from Ravenna, he straightened up, and a brilliant, familiar smile appeared on his lips. He glanced around, shooting sleezy glances at the single ladies around the ballroom’s edge. A few of them tittered back, turning coyly away or ducking behind fans.

Don’t titter at Gideon. You don’t want that, Jet thought. He stomped over to Gideon’s side and glared around. The ladies flinched away, dropping their gazes. Relieved, Jet drew a sigh.

“Eh, Jet, is that okay?” Gideon asked, peeking at him from the corner of his eyes.

“Is what okay,” Jet deadpanned.

“I mean, glaring so fiercely at the ladies, standing next to me protectively… they might get the wrong idea,” he suggested, leaning up against Jet.

Jet flinched away, then glanced around. All the ladies were grinning again, but now they had a sly look in their eyes, as if they’d seen something they shouldn’t have seen. He blushed. Weakly, he stuttered, “It’s not like that! It’s not…” Me? With Gideon? Fuck! Don’t joke! I’d rather die!

“Aww, honey, but you protected me so fiercely,” Gideon said, grabbing Jet’s arm and fluttering his eyelashes.

Jet flinched out of his grip and stomped off. Still blushing, he hissed, “Stop teasing!”


Gideon let his grip on Jet’s arm slip. He drew himself back to his somewhat pitiful height and glanced aside at Jet, an evil smile on his lips. “But Jet… are you okay with me meeting a pretty lady? What if I take her home? What if we sneak out and make… a baby Gideon?”

Jet froze. On one hand, this is a royal ball. All the eligible bachelorettes are here, especially if you’re a noble like me. If I get a… strange… reputation, how will I ever find a wife?

But… on the other hand… can I consign the entire world to the fate of having two Gideons, all over my petty desire for love?

He grit his teeth and stomped back over to Gideon’s side. Dammit! Fine! I’m not the inheriting son, anyways. So what if I end up scaring off all the eligible bachelorettes? So what if I end up having to marry a peasant, or something equally shameful? It’s better than having two quasi-immortal Gideons!

“Aww, honey, I knew you couldn’t abandon me,” Gideon said, smirking.

“Shut up! Who’s abandoning you?” Jet grumbled under his breath. This is all for preventing baby Gideons. For that, I'd give up on anything! My dignity as a man, my future wife… before the possibility of preventing the birth of a second demon lord—ahem, Gideon, it’s all nothing! Even if I can only delay it by my lifetime, that’s enough!

Gideon chuckled. He pointed across the room. “I’m hungry. Let’s check out the food.”

Jet nodded. He kept his head on a swivel as they walked, searching for any sign of the dragon assassins. Still nothing. Will they hide until the moment they strike?

“Jet, you just came over to my side and your eyes are already wandering? What a terrible escort,” Gideon said, tutting.

“I’m not your escort. I’m a bodyguard,” Jet said.


“Bodyguard, escort, what’s the difference?” Gideon asked flippantly.

Jet glanced at him. “Not your bodyguard. Everyone else’s. To keep you away from them.”

“So jealous,” Gideon teased.

Jet rolled his eyes and turned to scan the crowd again. Dragons age slowly. The assassins are likely amongst the youngest members of the crowd. Are any of the attendees oddly young? Unusually small?

“Ooh! There!” Gideon called, eyes wide.

Jet whirled. An assassin?

Gideon rushed to the buffet table. “They have squab! Whole roast squab with pearl onions. Want one?”

“I’m good,” Jet said, raising a hand.

Gideon glanced at the tiny roast bird, then shrugged. He picked one up and stuffed it in his mouth, crunching the bones. “Your loss. Hey, baby roast pigeon isn’t easy to get your hands on, nowadays.”

Jet frowned at him. “I don’t think you’re supposed to eat the bones.”

“You’re not supposed to let dragons into the king’s grand hall, but here we are,” Gideon replied, gesturing at himself and Leo as he swallowed. “Actually, if you think about it, Jet, you’re the greatest failure of a knight that has ever failed.”

“Is that so,” Jet asked dryly.

Gideon nodded. “You knowingly allowed three dragons, including one ex-dragon king, to waltz into the king’s palace. Can you think of a bigger failure than that? Inviting your archenemies to waltz right in.” He tutted, shaking his head.

Jet rolled his eyes. “You’re not a threat to the king.”

“You don’t know that,” Gideon retorted.

“And Ravenna could come here any time she wanted. Do you think I qualify to stop her?” Jet paused for a moment, then looked at Gideon. “Do you qualify to stop her?”

Gideon shivered. He twisted his lips, then smiled. “Fair enough.”

He reached out to grab another squab, but his hand collided with a pale, delicate set of fingers. The delicate hand retracted, and a beautiful noblelady cried out gently, startled. Long blonde hair shimmered in the light, and behind a feathered swan mask, intelligent blue eyes regarded them coldly.

Jet narrowed his eyes. Where have I seen her before?

Gideon snatched the squab she’d been reaching for and munched it loudly. He grinned at the noblewoman with his mouth full. “Good stuff, ain’t it?”

She stepped back, cute nose wrinkled in disgust. “You… how did you get in here, you uncultured…”

Jet stepped in front of Gideon and dropped to a knee, gently taking her hand into his and kissing the air an inch above the back of her hand. “Milady! To have the attention of one as illustrious as yourself, us country nobles are honored.”

From the corner of his eye, he glared at Gideon. Would it kill you to show a little manners?

Gideon took a big bite of squab and grinned back, chewing with his mouth open. Yes.

Harrumphing, the noblelady nonetheless accepted Jet’s greeting. “I’m the White Swan, and you?”

Jet hesitated. Er, were we supposed to come up with names for our costumes?

“I’m the Savior of Humanity, the Great Dragon-Slaying Mage. Nice to meet you!” Gideon said, extending a greasy hand.

The lady regarded his hand with disgust and drew back, fearful for her white, feathered costume.

Jet straightened and stood between Gideon and the lady. “I’m… the Crimson Knight. Honored, I’m sure.”

“You should be,” the lady muttered under her breath.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, the coldness in her gaze… come on, I know who she—Jet jolted suddenly. Wait. Could she be?

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