《Die, Dragon, Die!》57. Fairy Dragon-Mother


“A small matter? Out with it,” Gideon grumbled, displeased. He scowled at Ravenna, but sat obstinately in his chair, refusing to emerge from the depths of the plush.

Ravenna nodded delicately. “You heard me speaking with George of the ball tonight?”

“What of it?” Gideon grunted.

“The True Dragon has deluded himself into thinking that you care about this kingdom, and its general political fate,” Ravenna began.

Gideon’s brows furrowed. “Huh? How on earth did he get that idea?”

Really… how on earth did the True Dragon end up there? Gideon’s cut a swathe of ruin across the countryside, and he founded the country’s mafia besides. What part of that indicates that Gideon cares about the country? I’m sure he likes it well enough, but, well, I had to put him in a collar and literally drag him along to get him to help defend the country against that same True Dragon! How could he think Gideon cares? Jet pondered. He shook his head at the True Dragon. I guess that poor Dragon King knows nothing about Gideon, after all.

“I don’t know, darling, but he has absolutely deluded himself into it. He’s sent assassins like this one…” she stepped downward slightly, causing Kat to squeak, “…to the first prince’s ball tonight. I was hoping you’d help out your dear mother with her hobby and step up to defend the first prince.”

“Isn’t that playing into his expectations?” Gideon asked, scowling.

“And assisting yourself,” Ravenna replied.

“How,” Gideon asked deadpan.

Ravenna gestured. “You see, darling, if you convince the Dragon King that you do, in fact, care about this country and its king and nobility… won’t he directly attack the king? Then not only will you not have to continue this senseless jaunt across the country, but also, you can act directly to defend the king and set yourself up with a noble house of your own, and lounge in this country as nobility in perpetuity. Two birds, one stone.”


Gideon raised a hand to his chin thoughtfully. After a moment, a smile spread over his lips, a smile as smug as a fat cat stealing a big fish. “Hmm… yes, yes, I see it. Keep talking. How much gold, exactly? How large an estate…? You know, Jet told me the king wouldn’t compensate me even if I killed the True Dragon, but… well, how could he refuse if I save him in front of the country and everyone?”

Jet jumped forward. “This—putting the king in danger—I’ll never allow it!” The True Dragon attacking the king… how? Wouldn’t that mean… that he completely crushed the army and flew unopposed over the land to destroy our kingdom? Our king, in the horrid True Dragon’s claws? I won’t stand for it!

Gideon waved his hand dismissively. “Jet, Jet, shhh, the grown-ups are talking.” He turned to Ravenna. “How are you so sure he’ll directly attack the king?”

“I won’t allow it,” Jet interrupted them again.

Ignoring Jet, Ravenna waved her hand. “Gideon, dear. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. Dragon politics are such boring, straightforward things. The Dragon King thinks like a dragon, not like a human, as I trained you to. He understands might and little else. If he wanted to take this country, he would have already taken the king… if you signal that you care about the king, naturally, he’ll have the king in his palm within the hour. Then it’s simply a matter of you striking him down and taking your natural place as… ahem, earning enough merit with the human king to lounge away in riches for the rest of your life.”

Jet drew his sword. “Speak another traitorous word about the king, and die.”

Gideon sighed. “Jet, come on. When has the king ever done anything for you?”


“The king doesn’t do things for me. I do service for the king!”

“Exactly. You pay him taxes, work for him, and what does he do in return? Sit his fine ass on his fine throne and eat fine foods. It’s a waste, a total waste,” Gideon said.

“You… another word—”

Angel coughed. “I think he’s got a point, Jet. I mean, think about it. If the king had his way, there’d be no exotic… no dancers like me. A world without dancers… what a sad place that would be! And besides, I’ve never seen a moment’s good from all those taxes I pay. They just go to funding more guards to crack down on my workplaces.”

Jet stared, flabbergasted. “You can’t be serious.”

“Er, he isn’t much of a patron of the High God. He’s cut donations to our services, which leaves us severely underfunded when it comes to our charitable actions such as our orphanages and alms for the poor. It’s… well, I can’t say the church is very pleased with the current king,” Elly said, nodding as well.

Jet looked around the room. His eyes landed on Leo. He stepped forward, almost pleading.

Leo pressed his lips together and shrugged in a way that conveyed, I’m a dragon who has to live in hiding thanks to you humans. Do you think I’m happy with the king?

Jet grit his teeth and shook his head. A room full of damn traitors!

“He’s an old man. What the castle needs is a bit of young blood, really,” Ravenna said, nodding.

“Do you want the king dead? That’s treason!” Jet snapped.

Ravenna gave him a slow, poisonous smile. “I want a great many people dead, and I have the power to make it so. Yet, a great many people continue to live. Do not be so quick to use that word, dear.”

Jet swallowed. He backed away subconsciously.

“In any case, if you would like to keep your precious king alive… perhaps you should act on the hint I gave you, rather than calling me names?” Ravenna suggested.

Jet frowned. A second later, his eyes widened. “The assassins!”

He went to run off, but Ravenna tutted. “Dressed like that, darling? I think not. George!”

The man stepped out of the hallway in front of Jet, cutting off his escape route. “Milady.”

“Show these adorable friends to their rooms. I believe I have clothes prepared for all of them? The ball is tonight. Hurry on upstairs, and you just might make it in time,” Ravenna said, eyes twinkling.

Jet lifted his lip, unwilling. “What do you have planned?”

“Nothing, nothing that would harm you, anyways,” Ravenna said lightly. She stood and tossed her hair, giving them all an enigmatic smile. Elegantly, she bent and picked up a chain leading to a thick iron collar around Kat's neck.

When did that get there? Jet wondered, then shook his head. Don't get distracted!

“That’s not nothing!” he rebutted.

Ravenna winked, sweeping off into the depths of her manor. She dragged Kat in one hand as easily as one might drag a small dog. Kat dug her claws in, resisting with her whole body the whole way, but like the proverbial small dog, her full strength was nothing against Ravenna.

At the verge of the light from the parlor's lamp, Ravenna turned back and smiled. “I’ll see you at the ball.”

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