《Die, Dragon, Die!》44. Laura's Frozen Treats


“What? Aww, come on. You know you want to. It’s just a little coup…” Gideon said, still grinning.

Jet rolled his eyes. “Come on. Let’s rejoin the others.”

“Oh, fine, fine. Where did they wander off to, anyways?” Gideon asked, following after Jet.

Jet left the garrison and paused for a moment, taking in the streets and orienting himself before he set off again. A few of the trainers paused and waved to Jet. Jet waved back somewhat regretfully. Wish I could chat with everyone, but with a coup on Gideon’s mind, it’s better to leave before he starts talking to them. If they get the wrong idea and decide I’m the one who wants to depose Commander Jergen, my neck could end up on the line.

“Oh, hey… who are those guys?” Gideon asked with interest, peering at the people waving at Jet.

Jet lowered his hand. “No one.”

“Eh? We should go chat with them. They’re your old friends, right, Jet? You should go say hello."

"No, no. We’re busy,” Jet insisted.

“Not too busy to say hello. When was the last time you saw them, Jet? Can you really walk away like that?” Gideon wheedled.

“Yep,” Jet said. If it’s my head or walk away, you bet I can walk away. We aren’t all like you.

Gideon looked at the trainers who’d waved at Jet one last time, then nodded to himself. “Okay.”

“Okay?” Jet asked, flabbergasted. That’s it? Just an ‘okay’ and we’re done?

Tilting his head, Gideon looked up at him. “Hmm? If you insist, we can go talk to them, Jet. I’m in no rush.”

“No, no. Let’s keep moving,” Jet said, afraid Gideon might return to his cajoling ways at any moment.

Gideon sighed deeply. “So indecisive, Jet. You’ve been indecisive all day. First with bringing me here, now with talking to your friends… You need to stand firm. A real man faces the world with firmness and certainty.”

Jet stared at Gideon, his eyes dead. Say nothing. Don’t give in.


Taking a deep breath, Jet looked around as he walked, searching for the others. Elly’s been here before. She was guiding them around. I should check the tourist spots first, then the taverns and cafes, see if they’re taking a break or…

“Jet, over here!”

A small hand waved from outdoor seating across the street. A neat little café with a red-checked veranda declared itself Laura’s Frozen Treats. In the wicker furniture outside the café, Angel, Elly, Leo, and Kat sat, enjoying some ice cream. Kat beamed and waved harder at Jet, happy to see him.

Elly stood as they approached, smoothing her dress and stole. “Did you two conclude your business with the garrison?”

“Not by half. But we’re good enough for now, isn’t that right, Jet?” Gideon asked, casting a sly grin at Jet.

“I have no idea what he’s referencing, but my business is done,” Jet replied, ignoring Gideon’s look. No one is committing any coups under my watch.

Gideon waggled his eyebrows, but ultimately said nothing. He glanced up at the veranda. “Laura’s, huh?”

Elly nodded. “Kat pointed it out. We were all a bit tired and hungry, so we decided to stop for refreshments. If you’d like, we can wait for the two of you to try some.”

“I’ve already had some,” Gideon said, at the same time Jet shook his head and said, “No thank you.”

Angel chuckled. “The two of you are perfectly synced.”

Jet pulled a face. “Don’t say that.”

“It’s so true. Jet and I are practically twins,” Gideon replied, thumping Jet on the back. “We say the same things, think the same, want the same things…”

“None of that is true,” Jet countered deadpan.

Gideon looked over their table, then smiled. “Looks like you guys still have a ways to go. Let me go ahead and peek inside the shop. I’m curious what this one is like.”

“Didn’t you already have ice cream?” Jet muttered. Or… is he still on about that conspiracy?


“I’m not going to get ice cream, I’m just a bit curious about the shop,” Gideon said, waving a hand. He pushed off and headed toward the door.

“Wait,” Jet said, following after him.

“Hmm? What? Jet, did you decide to finally take the collar off me?” Gideon asked, tipping his head innocently.

“Even if I did, now is not the time. If Commander Jergen sees you… anyways. I’m going in there with you,” Jet said forcibly.

“I only got ice cream last time, though?” Gideon said, confused.

“So why are you going into another shop, if not to get ice cream?” Jet asked, scowling.

“To check out the competition, obviously,” Gideon replied. He pushed open the door.

A bell jingled. The red door opened to a cheery interior, one noticeably chillier compared to outside. The same sweet-dairy scent wafted on the air. A cheery young lady stood behind the counter, her hair done up in short twin braids, and she gave them a smile as they stepped inside. She wore a fluffy, pale-pink dress and a frilly white apron. Mirrors reflected the sunlight and helped brighten the depths of the place. A table or two sat in the small but clean place, each one attended by a few chairs. Though the furniture was motley and mismatched, it had a certain charm to it. A family sat in the corner, enjoying some ice cream and chattering happily.

Gideon snorted. “Much nicer service than the other place. It was all scarred-up, muscular old men over there.”

“Eh,” Jet said, looking at Gideon. Scarred-up muscular men? What kind of ice cream shop did he go to?

“Sirs, can I help you?” the girl asked, tucking her hands behind her back.

“Oh, sure. Just wondering about your after-hours services,” Gideon said, leaning against the counter.

The family’s father looked over, frowning in disapproval.

“Excuse me?” the girl asked, taken aback.

Jet grabbed Gideon by the shoulder. What the hell is Gideon thinking, harassing this random working girl? She’s out here doing her best, and he’s causing trouble for no reason. “Thanks for your time, but we’ve really got to go.”

“How about the nighttime special? Come on. Some of the old keywords must still work,” Gideon said, twisting free of Jet’s grip.

The girl frowned and backed away. “Sir, I really don’t know what you’re talking about…”

“This is where all the dancers and singers and whores ended up, right?” Gideon asked.

The girl backed away. At the table, the mother and father stood abruptly and grabbed their children, dragging them out of the store.

“I’m so sorry, ma’am, please forgive my idiot…” …friend isn’t the right word. Travel companion? No, still too close. Er… Jet paused for a moment, then shrugged. “Please forgive my idiot.”

“Oh, hey,” Gideon muttered under his breath.

“You’re the one who just called this poor woman a whore out of the blue,” Jet growled back. He grabbed at Gideon again.

Gideon rolled his eyes. He leaned forward, dodging Jet’s grab. “In the battle of succession, you fools split down the middle again, right? Thugs on one side, whores on the other. How you all ended up on ice cream, I don’t know, but I do know that there’s a bunch of nighttime fellows who need to come kiss the ring.”

Jet paused. Kiss the ring…? Who? To who, Gideon? Is this some kind of joke?

After a second, a tremor ran through him. He looked askance at Gideon. It had better be a joke…

The girl shook her head, backing away. “I really don’t know…”

“What is it, Mabel? I heard a ruckus,” a woman asked, striding out of the back room. An older lady, face caked in makeup, she pulled from a pipe and frowned at Gideon disapprovingly.

Gideon’s eyes lit up. “Laura, I presume?”

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