《Die, Dragon, Die!》38. Capital


Grand buildings spread before them. A huge road stretched straight ahead, neatly lined bricks marching in a perfect line ahead. Shops and houses marched in military fashion along either side of the road, shoulder to squared shoulder, not a one out of line. Carriages rolled along, pulled by orderly horses, following neat lines. Even the people were prim and proper, dressed to the nines.

“Whoa…” Kat said, her eyes wide. She stared around in open amazement.

Elly smiled. “I haven’t been in years. It’s still an impressive sight.”

Leo gazed around, eyes bigger than Kat’s. He hurried ahead, then realized he was too far ahead of the others and fell back. Another few steps, and he had to fall back again for everyone to catch up. He glanced around and walked a little faster, a half step in front of the others, too impatient to quite walk abreast.

“If you’re impressed by this, wait until I show you the good parts of town,” Angel snickered, wrapping an arm around Leo’s neck.

Elly gave her a disapproving look.

Jet chuckled. He stepped aside. “Elly, you’ve been here before. Why don’t you show everyone around while I stop by the garrison? We don’t all need to report in about the cult.”

“Right, you guys have fun, we’re busy,” Gideon replied, following Jet.

Jet looked at him. “You’re staying with Elly.”

“No, I’m not. I’ve got back-wages to discuss, not to mention, we’ve got to have a little conversation about this collar, and, of course, my eventual compensation for slaying the High Dragon. Besides, shouldn’t we bring Leo? A little bit of hard evidence can go a long way in convincing people,” Gideon pointed out, looking pointedly at Jet.

“You want Leo to transform in front of a dragon-slaying army?” Elly asked, horrified.


Leo flinched back. He looked at Gideon with sad puppy eyes.

“What? Do you have a better idea? Look, I’m in this collar because people think it’s that impossible for dragons to—”

Jet slapped a hand over Gideon’s mouth.

Gideon peeled it away. “—into humans. I’m a little invested here, you know?”

“If you bring Leo there, there’s a good chance he isn’t coming back,” Elly said, standing in front of Leo.

“Aren’t you from the Church of the High God? That same High God who declared that dragons are heresy before her?” Gideon replied mockingly.

“That… and this, are two different things. The High God preaches mercy in all things. ‘Given enough time and love, even a dragon can be saved,’ as she herself said.”

Gideon pursed his lips, unable to counter her.

Jet snorted. “Guess you really aren’t a religious guy, after all.”

“Yeah, well, dragons,” Gideon grumbled under his breath. “Anyways, religious nonsense aside, We should bring Leo as evidence. Jet, you know how hard it was for you to believe when I told you. Do you think it’ll be any different when you tell the garrison?”

“I… might not,” Jet admitted.

“Eh?” Gideon asked, eyes wide.

“It doesn’t matter if dragons can turn into humans or not. There’s a cult that needs to be taken down. Once they take the cult down, then I can start spouting nonsense about dragons and humans, but… if I open with that, they might discount everything else about my story. I can’t afford that. The cult has to be destroyed,” Jet said.

“It matters a lot!” Gideon replied, pointing at his collar.

“Compared to taking down a cult? The collar can wait, Gideon,” Jet replied firmly.

Gideon scowled. “Can’t you at least informally take it off me? I mean, now that you know I’m not a cold-blooded murderer anymore, there’s no need for this collar. It’s annoying, you know? It chafes.”


“You’re annoying. You chafe,” Jet muttered under his breath.

Gideon rolled his eyes. “Oh, real mature, Jet.”

Angel leaned toward Elly. “Are they always like this?”

Elly smiled. “Everyone has their own way of communicating.”

Leo glanced around them, then pointed down the road. A bakery sat beside an ice cream shop, exuding a warm, fresh-baked aroma.

“Good idea, Leo. Gideon, Jet, you two go ahead. We’ll get a little snack and meet up later,” Elly suggested, already walking away.

Gideon scowled. A second later, he paused and narrowed his eyes. “An… ice cream shop?”

Angel glanced backward one last time

“Yeah? There’s several of them in the capital. It’s a new fad,” Jet said. He looked down on Gideon. “I guess a backwater mage like yourself wouldn’t know.”

“Ice cream? In this weather? This far from the mountains? Where are they getting the ice? How are they keeping it cool? This… is suspicious,” Gideon said, putting a hand to his chin.

“People bring ice down the mountains, and store it in cellars. It’s not that strange. Besides, have you never heard about ice magic?” Jet said, rolling his eyes.

Gideon shook his head. “This is clearly a conspiracy. I’ve got to get to the bottom of this.” He marched off toward the ice cream shop.

Jet grabbed him by the back of the robes. “No. I’ve learned my lesson about letting you out of my line of sight. You’re coming with me.”

“I’m going with the others. Leave me alone,” Gideon said, twisting to escape his grip.

“I’m not stupid. I heard you. Besides, what about going to get your collar off?” Jet asked appeasingly.

Gideon scowled. “I heard you. You already said you aren’t going to tell them about dragons turning into humans. Why would they take off my collar?”

Jet held up the pendant. “I’ll take it off myself. Informally. No one else has to get involved.”

Gideon froze. He looked at Jet. “You’re lying.”

“Why would I? I know you aren’t a mad murderer, now. There’s no need for the collar. It’ll only get in the way. We might have to put it on for formal meetings, but otherwise…” Jet raised his eyebrows. He let the pendant dangle from his fingers enticingly.

Gideon licked his lips. He considered, then nodded. “Fine. If you’re going to back me into a corner like this… I suppose I’ll go.”

Jet nodded, turning to walk away. As he went, he furrowed his brows. I somehow feel like… I got duped? But why? I can’t let Gideon wander around alone… Oh well. It’s too late to worry about now. I’ll just have to hope he behaves himself at the garrison.

Gideon… at the garrison…

Shit! I didn’t want him to go! But now he’s… argh! Jet put his head in his hands and sighed.

Gideon looked at him. His brows furrowed. “What’s your problem?”

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