《Die, Dragon, Die!》34. Aftermath


Elly ran to Leo’s side, her staff already glowing. Still holding the cultist leader, Jet turned, raising a hand, but hesitated. He let his hand fall. Leo helped us. He’s a dragon, but… he’s not a bad person. If I let him die, I’d be the one in the wrong.

“Heal him. Heal our Deity!” the cultist shouted, desperate, the whites showing in his eyes. “Two… to lose two dieties in one day, we…”

Jet smacked the cultist in the temple with the butt of his sword, knocking him out. He dropped the cultist leader and stretched, tired.

All the other cultists laid on the floor, dying. Some still twitched with electricity. Others bled out, feebly suffering. Jet cast his eyes over them. Nothing I can do to help… nor anything I want to do. Dragon worship was outlawed for a reason. Kidnapping young girls and forcing them to ‘wed’ dragons, then feeding them to the dragons as sacrifices when they’re done with them… these cultists deserve to die.

He glanced at Gideon, but Gideon remained hunched over the red dragon. Gideon rubbed his shoulder and sniffed, covering the healed wound.

Does it still hurt him? Jet wondered. He stepped closer, concerned, as Gideon muttered to himself.

“Dammit, I’m going to need new robes again.”

Jet rolled his eyes. That’s what I get for worrying about Gideon. As if he’d be anything less than fine.

Angel sighed and stretched, grabbing her arm and leaning to the side. “Dancing after a plunge in cold water is a whole ordeal, dammit.”

“You can’t!”

Elly halted and looked back.

Kat ran forward a few paces. Her feet stumbled to a halt, and she stared at Leo with wide eyes, her body shaking. She shook her head hard, squeezing her eyes shut. “Don’t! He’s a dragon. You can’t!”

Elly smiled. Her staff glowed brighter, and she held it out over Leo. Light settled over his wound. Red flesh knit back together. Yellow scales pushed through the flesh, smoothly covering the scar. “The High God calls upon us to show mercy. Leo saved our lives, Kat. Even if he’s a dragon, he deserves to be saved.”


“I dunno about that,” Gideon muttered under his breath. He stood from the red dragon’s corpse and walked over to Elly’s side, watching as she healed Leo.

Elly ignored him. Her brows furrowed slightly. The light faded, but only half of Leo’s wound was sealed. Blood continued to seep out of the deep gash. Leo remained limp, unable to awaken. She sagged back, supporting herself on her staff.

“Angel,” Gideon said, nodding at Elly.

“Oh, like I’m not tired!” Even so, Angel took a deep breath and began to dance, redirecting mana toward Elly.

Elly straightened up. She took a deep breath and lifted her staff again. Light seeped into Leo’s wound, healing it. The dragon began to stir, his wings twitching and claws clenching subconsciously.

“You… don’t want Leo to die?” Jet asked.

Gideon shrugged. “I like Leo.”

“But he’s a dragon,” Jet pointed out.

Gideon gave Jet a look. “Jet, do you think every dragon should die just because they’re a dragon? Naturally, every dragon should be handled on an individual basis!”

Jet blinked. “Eh? Don’t you want to… kill all dragons?”

“Naturally, killing is the default. But I can be convinced otherwise, if circumstances align,” Gideon explained, nodding.

Jet took a deep breath. Ah. I understand now. He glanced at Gideon from the corner of his eye, then crossed his arms. “Why do you want to kill dragons?”

“Look at them. Don’t you also want to kill dragons?” Gideon asked, gesturing at Leo.

“Just… because of… how they look?” Jet asked, a bit confused.

Gideon looked at Jet, confused. “What? Don’t be ridiculous. Obviously, it’s because they’re a superior life form. A being that could crush a human under its claws and not even notice. When you face a force like that, isn’t it natural to want to kill them before they kill you? It’s a self-preservation instinct, like facing down a snarling wolf in the woods. Any human should feel that way.”


“Didn’t you say something about dragons daring to fly over you last time?” Jet asked.

“Well… that too. There’s many reasons to want to kill dragons,” Gideon said.

The light faded from Elly’s staff. Leo stirred, his claws kneading at the floor. He shook his head, then stretched like a dog and opened his eyes.

Kat ran away, hunkering behind the door.

Jet lowered a hand to his sword, wary. Gideon propped his hands on his hips, coincidentally putting his hand on his tome, as well. Angel edged toward the wall.

Elly smiled gently. “Welcome back. How do you feel?”

Leo grumbled deep in his throat, the sound choked and broken. He nodded.

“Um… can you… turn back?” Elly requested.

Leo looked down at himself and jumped, startled. His wings flared wide, beating the air. Everyone stumbled back, forced back by the force of the wind. He patted around desperately, startled, then shook himself vigorously like a dog shaking off water. His body diminished, taking the form of a young man in overalls with floppy blond hair once more. A scar marked his shoulder in the same place fresh scales had marred the dragon’s body.

He turned pleading eyes toward them, ducking his head apologetically.

Elly put her hand on his good shoulder and smiled. “It’s okay, Leo. We… understand.”

Leo looked at the red dragon and scowled. He pulled out a piece of chalk. He was…

The chalk stopped. Leo’s hand shook. He looked at the skeleton against the wall and bit his lip, his eyes shimmering with tears.

Elly followed his gaze. Her smile faltered subtly, and she sat down beside him. Looking at Leo, she asked, “Who was she?”

Leo lifted the chalk. Everything.

“Do you want to tell us?” Elly asked.

Leo hesitated, then nodded. The chalk began to move.

“Seriously, now? We’re in the middle of a cultist’s temple,” Gideon grumbled, eyeing the two doors that led deeper into the underground space.

Jet followed his gaze and sighed. He looked at Leo, who stared up at him, puppy dog eyes shining. He shook his head. “Gideon and I can barricade the doors. You tell Elly.”

Leo nodded. He began to write again.

“Oh, wow. How touching,” Angel sighed, wiping a tear dramatically from the corner of her eye.

“Hey! Angel! Come help,” Gideon called, slowly dragging a chair over to blockade the door.

Angel frowned. “I’m listening to Leo…”

“He’s writing. You can read it later! Come help.”

Shaking her head dramatically, Angel dragged herself to her feet and wandered over, casting a few longing looks over her shoulder at Elly and Leo.

“Elly, you too,” Gideon shouted.

“Leave her alone,” Jet replied, rolling his eyes.

“No, no, I can help. Leo, keep going. I’ll be right back,” Elly said. She climbed to her feet and lifted her skirts, crossing over to help Gideon and Angel.

“And the young boy’s going to sit there and do nothing?” Gideon asked indignantly.

Leo started to rise to his feet, but before he could, Jet pushed him back down. “Ignore him. Keep writing. The sooner you finish, the sooner we get out of here.”

“I’m just saying…” Gideon muttered.

Leo glanced from one to the other, then shrugged and knelt on the ground again.

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