《Beyond Knowledge [A Fantasy Minimalistic LitRPG]》Chapter 5 - On the Surface II
Before they could approach further, I used [Identify Soul] on the 4 creatures.
[Evil Myconid]
[Evil Myconid]
[Evil Myconid]
[Evil Myconid]
The information appeared the same as when I used it this morning, almost useless. Needed to use it more if I wanted anything useful. Regardless, the 4 were approaching. Is that too much to handle? Safety is my top priority, but I’ll need a way past. My main saving grace is how sluggish they moved, quicker than the one this morning, but not by too much.
Guess they haven’t been infected as much by the purple or black infection. Can’t really tell, but it’s definitely not normal.
Ok, shoot once, then retreat, repeat. Leaning against the mountain, I waited. The accuracy of my ability wasn’t the best, but it should give me enough time, unlike the sudden encounter this morning. I exhaled, preparing myself.
Activating [Mana Bolt], I moved around the bend and fired the first shot at the nearest one. It left at great speed, faster than even my practice shot a few minutes ago.
It shined, not quite blinding, but something you shouldn’t miss as the group of four looked up. The wind made a constant drum as it whistled against the carved path, but the whoosh of air following the mana bolt was something else. Making it something you couldn’t miss.
Right before contact, the mana bolt scattered in every direction, leaving sparkling particles as it could no longer hold itself together. The particles sprayed against the target’s face as it looked right towards me. The [Mana Bolt] did nothing but annoy it.
The 4 Evil Myconids all paused and looked with their lifeless eyes staring right through me. One leads and the others follow, moving at a slow jog. Their fists transition to the all so familiar spiked knuckles. I took a hesitant step backwards, but prepared for another shot. They crossed the limit of where the previous [Mana Bolt] failed, and I shot again.
It flew all the same, but this time a sound rang out as a purple gush splashed out from its arm, but the creature remained steadfast as they increased their pace.
I looked with wide eyes. “Uhh uhhu huuhu uhh, gotta run, gotta run.” My feet slip as I push backwards, attempting to grow the gap to the range of my ability, but I fall right to the ground, tasting the dirt once more. I pushed up and stumbled onto my feet. It all turned into a blur as I ran away.
What’s up with these guys! It didn’t even slow them down! I found myself back at the rockslide from earlier this morning and I turned around. And saw nothing.
“Haa, haa, haa, haa.” I let out pent up breaths as I came to. “Ya, I’m not sure if I'm cut out for this.” My mind went into full panic. Not a fun thing to be sure. Once again, the wind brushed against my face, all but forgotten in the panic.
Just as I got my bearings back to reality, I heard the patter of footsteps approaching from behind. With a calming breath, I took a second to compose myself. Act calm and do it Ayla.
Only move when I have just enough time to cross the rockslide, but attack until they get that close. I took another breath and steel myself. It didn’t work last time, but it was all about accuracy, so I needed to make things count. Facing back towards them, I use [Mana Bolt], focusing more on the accuracy for this time.
It flew, striking into the cheek of the one already injured. Its jaw hung open as some roots stuck out, and this time pausing at the hit. Falling down a second later.
As they saw their comrade fall over, they came to a stop, staring at me with their lifeless eyes. I prepared another shot, but before I could fire it, they retreated, leaving the collapsed Evil Myconid behind.
“Uuuuuuuuhhhhh, what are they doing?” A moment later, I took in a breath of air, realizing what's happening. “Yark, whoever's controlling them pulled them back!”
With the bigger problem ahead of me, I looked to my mana core. “Oh Boy, I wouldn’t have had enough mana, anyway.” The shots used little compared to before, but I was already half full when I got the ability. I could’ve taken down two if I was lucky, but I’d be running for my life either way.
With them leaving, I approached the collapsed creature spazzing on the ground. Its whirly movements were uncoordinated, looking unnatural at best. I aimed and ended its suffering a moment later.
[Evil Myconid. One who was controlled]
“Definitely not a fun day, but it’s not over.”
I took the chance to shove another ration down my throat, before continuing after the creatures. I needed a way past, and if all else fails, I’ll just take the other direction. With that, I made my way back to where I first met the four.
Without imminent danger, I looked around, and something stood out from the barren mountain path. A small cave laid next to the path, with wooden planks jutting out from the entrance.
“Rule number 3, assume the worst-case scenario.” That would mean a base of some sort, or at least an outpost of some sort. Since I’ve blown my cover, using [Mana gathering] shouldn’t make things worse.
I also can’t wait a few days to fully regenerate mana naturally, so I don’t really have a choice, anyway. Sitting on the path and facing towards the cave entrance, I let the mana gather with [Mana Gathering] as it pulled from the surroundings.
I felt the density increased, and it wasn’t stopping soon. It was refreshing and, if I dare say, rejuvenating. Comforting, as if cradling my soul. Something I wouldn’t trade anything for.
It eventually reached the limit of the ability, achieving the same density as the one I could create in the bunker. “Awesome, so much better! It took longer than before, but still the same density.” I think I’m understanding the power of this ability.
If mana regeneration took days, using abilities would cost a premium for other mana users. Imagine only being able to launch 3 [Mana Bolts] per day. Being limited by regeneration rates could mean the difference between life and death.
Rule 4: take every precaution. If the ability wasn’t common or at least known, then it could get me killed or captured quickly if others find out. So, only when I’m sure or my life calls for it.
With that in mind, I looked down at the black ring of two crescent moons on my finger. “Better do this now. Didn’t really use [Identify Soul] on something normal, but oh well. And considering I have no clue what I’m up against, something is better than nothing.”
The ring could hide who and what I was, but there was more to its tricks. Back in the bunker, when I first put it on, it became tied to my soul. Meaning that it would always stay with me, no matter what happened. A method to prevent stealing, but meant that I would be forever stuck with it. A fair trade for its abilities, but one with a hint of worry about the future.
A message took over my mind a second later.
Chose class, name, race, and age
I can probably choose one of my other starting classes for now, but I’ll need to find a better one in the future. One that could match skills for an overall better disguise, but isn’t so unique. “Uggghh, it’s unfortunate I can’t get more information.”
[Human Villager]
[Age: 20]
That should be good enough for now, and I’ll set my cloak to the same thing.
With that taken care of, I sat and watched the mountainside cave. The sun approached its final few hours as my regeneration toped off my mana core, but the cave remained silent. The last light warmed my skin as a serene feeling washed over me. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but here I am.
Regardless, I had a crucial decision to make. Go into the cave and deal with this potential problem or just run past it and hope they don’t catch up to me. “Hmmmmm. Well, I can approach the cave and at least look. I could outrun them once, so what could go wrong?”
I took careful steps towards the target, ready to fire at a moment’s notice.
Now that I really think about it, the one controlling them could be a good guy, depending on how the whole… controlling thing works. They could be mindless drones doing their tasks, and I could just be encroaching on his, her, or its territory. If I crossed from the less traveled path, then I could be a threat from their perspective.
As my steps took me close enough, I saw the half-rotting planks embedded within the dirt walls. Spanning an entrance wide enough for 4 people walking side by side and about one and a half times my height. The sunlight faded away as it disappeared into the cave, obscuring my view further in.
The darkness sucked my concentration within. The unknown of the cave before me. Wouldn’t really have the best escape depending on how it’s structured on the inside. I should probably just leave, but is it worth the risk if they come after me?
Unless I make enough ground, I’ll need to frequently look over my shoulder to see if they’re chasing me. Worst case, they could attack in the dead of night. After all, the easiest prey was one without consciousness.
I stared through the entrance, trying to pick something out in the darkness.
“Chu chu... chuc chu...”
I heard a foot compressing gravel, like someone slowly transferring their full weight onto each foot, attempting to keep quiet. Besides the footsteps, a disturbing feeling washed over my mana.
I don’t see it, but I FELT it!
A turbulent circus of mana hits me uncomfortably, brushing up against my mana core. It’s twisted in nature, giving off the hibbie-jibbies.
I backed off a couple steps and.. the footsteps stopped a second later. My heartbeat almost explodes as I realize someone was there. Something much more sentient than the creatures I fought earlier in the day.
I don’t know how, but I got this feeling from the mana. It’s pushing me away, almost telling me to run away with its repulsive nature.
I shivered at the feeling, distancing myself further. What the Yark am I thinking?! I need to get away quickly! Something intelligent is in there, and I have no clue how powerful it is! The turbulent mana was definitely not a sign of friendship.
I turned around and ran, following my mana instincts. I had only one thing on my mind: RUN! The muscle soreness from the earlier debacle, forgotten, replaced by an overwhelming sense of panic.
For the second time today, my mind went blank as I pushed one foot in front of the other. But I could think of one thing: what an idiot I was. The world was crazy, and just because I outran an earlier group of creatures meant nothing if I didn’t know what or who I was facing.
The cold air dried my mouth long ago, but I didn’t care. I didn’t know how far I ran, but it must’ve been more than double the first day. And some time later, my legs felt weak, the rocks loosened beneath my feet as I came crashing down.
I skidded along my side and completed thoughts returned, no longer a rushed panic. With a tilted head, I looked back, no monster or enemy in sight.
Ok, ok, ok, ok, it doesn't look like it’s chasing me or it just can’t catch me, so I… I just need to keep making progress. My legs wobbled as I stood back up, using one hand against the carved mountain wall for help.
Never, ever am I going to think about entering a creepy cave, especially with that turbulent mana. “I’m not messing with that. What the yark was I thinking!”
With the imminent danger gone, I continued along, this time only at a quick walk and with heavy breaths. The path quickly descended into the valley, telling me just how far I ran. The light faded away as the night sky took over. Just before I entered the forest, the path intersected my saving grace.
A proper dirt road, one with horseshoes and straight lines marked along. Indicative of carriages and the animals that drove them. It was a sign of hope and one that would end my eventful day.
I plopped onto the ground, tired after a long day. “Ha. ha. ha. ha. ha. ha. Remember when I get somewhere safe, get into shape. This is almost killing me.”
I looked back the way I came. “This should be enough distance, at least for now. And man, this path continued on forever. I’ve probably covered twice the distance I did yesterday. Who knew that all you needed was someone chasing you to make you run faster.” I chortled at the comment. “What a day, what a day it has been.”
I should see something resembling civilization soon. Well, something that doesn’t involve me running for my life and hopefully, with people who can help.
“One step at a time and I’ll eventually get there. Something has traveled recently, so my future is looking better, but for now, I need somewhere safe to sleep.” I had two options then, trying to sleep in an unknown forest or a few steps back up the path.
The forest could be dangerous, but the path seemed like a poorer option. “Hmmmm. I could possibly hide behind a large tree or something.”
Making my way over, the trees were made of intertwining roots, spirling all the way up and out to the branches. “Ya, these ‘trees’ are definitely not normal.”
Considering how much of a problem Hollow made monsters out to be, I don’t really want to sleep out in the open, but I wasn’t going back up the path. Danger is up there and down here, I’ll at least have a chance.
I took a few steps into the forest and found a suitably clean space, comfortable to lean my back against. “Not the best, but it’ll have to do.” Sitting down, I rethink the long day.
Woke up, killed an Evil Myconid, almost convinced myself that walking into an unknown dark cave was a good idea, and ran away from whatever was in there. Whatever it was, it’s the last thing I wanted to deal with. “Especially with that turbulent mana, any more of that I’ll throw up” I shivered a bit, rethinking the feeling.
Ahhhhhhh. I let out another sigh. This is the start, the start of my life. Well, at least the one I know of. Not looking the best if I’m honest, but I could think of worse options.
I haven’t thought about it yet, but what should I do with my life? Hollow used his knowledge to give me a better life with a class. One he hoped to be powerful or unique enough to do something. But why did he do this in the first place? Am I just some experiment or a last hurrah before he met his end? Did he have some underlying goal with the whole ‘sleep for ten thousand year’s thing?’ Out of spite, considering his colleagues’ lack of recognition towards the idea?
He didn’t seem evil in the letter he wrote and this whole situation just seems so simple, yet so confusing. I needed to focus on surviving for now, but hopefully, some answers can come to light.
I’ll need to get some sleep and find somewhere safe long term. A small town or a village would work, at least until I learn more about the world. “A quick sleep, then I’ll need to get going again. I should’ve made enough time for at least that.”
Laying on the ground, I positioned myself like the night before, using my cloak like a blanket as it covered up my curled form. With my eyes shut, I listened to the wind rolling down the mountainside, accompanied by my steady breathing. It felt oddly relaxing as I let the night take me away.
The moonlight shined upon the mountainside, and a figure walked down the carved path. It winded down into a valley of twisted trees, known for their resilient nature. At the edge of human civilization, a suitable place for those avoiding the world.
The figure adorned in a black cloak hobbled, swaying back and forth. “This little one ran quite far.” It said with an almost growling undertone as it caught sight of the little one, curled up and laying in between a set of trees.
[Human Villager]
Pausing for a minute, its eyes narrowed as it recalled the broken memories from the morning. The parts and pieces were a mess, as they’ve always been, but he recalled the transferred memories from his minions.
After a second of recollection, he chanted, too quiet to hear anything but a mumble. Raising his hand, a subtle transparent darkness reached out and crossed the far gap to the little one on the ground. The darkness clouds pushed and pulled on each other, creating a chaotic mess of intertwined puffs. It enveloped the figure as it received a message.
[Human Villager]
“He.. he… ha… Now this is quite interesting, he he he ah ach ach ach.” A bit more excitement as it shivered a little laugh, ending in a coughing fit. Raising its hand again, a fast white mist shoots out, covering the little one in much the same way. After a few minutes of waiting, the figure approached the little one and knelt down. It reached out with a hand covered in scalped wrinkles and grabbed the cloak covering the little one.
It took a second and felt the fabric between its fingers, pulling back after a moment, seemingly satisfied. A snort of disgust came out when he reached underneath the little one, lifting her up, but struggling a bit as he repositioned his hands and got a better grip.
His heavy breathing resounded as he took a few heavy steps, but paused a moment later, setting the little one back down with a less than elegant transition. “Hahha ahaha ahahah”
After a short moment, he chanted again, And just a few minutes later, [Evil Myconid]s approached the scene, grabbing either side of the figure and lifting her up with ease.
And soon disappearing back up and around the mountain's edge.
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Rogun: Companion One in the Orak'Thune Series
Under the White Palace, lies the Dark. For thousands of years, Darkness awaited its chance. Long enough for the world to forget. Coltair, Emperor of Rogun, had only to wait for his father to die. Uniquely gifted to hear the dead, it has taken his lifetime to enact the plan he gleaned from the ancestors. Now, immortality is within his grasp, a prize so irresistible to a man born to fear his successor, he will stop at nothing–not even dark magic and serial murder–to be emperor forever. But when he entraps the necromancer to enact his diabolical plans, not even the ancestors could have predicted the outcome. It is the dawn of horror, ambition and pain. Coltair will stop at nothing, ruining families and hope, one life at a time. Rogun is the first of nine companion novellas to the larger epic fantasy series: Orak’Thune. It is companion to the origin three novels, set as prequel to books one and two. Divik is the second companion and out now for a limited time IN ITS ENTIRETY on Royal Roads right now, but only for a limited time. But did you know you can have the ebook version for free? Check out the website to find it as the current promo! Get it while it lasts! Rogun is now up on Kindle Unlimited (which limits how much I can give free access) If you would like to finish the book, please follow the link: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B09V3B7LN1 Please feel free to check out the website for more details about what's going on, the reading lists and what's to come. Sign up to my newsletter for news on release dates, freebies and promos. https://www.genevieveginn.com Or visit us on Facebook page or join the Fan Group: https://www.facebook.com/GenevieveGinnAuthor/ Instagram.https://www.instagram.com/genevieveginnauthor/ Thank you readers!
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