《Infinitium, Book 1》Chapter 38, Hospitality


(Day 167) Aprilis 11th, 12th year of the Dragon, Age of Enlightenment

The Holy Knight stopped praying and met my gaze.

I looked at the Holy Knight. “I am Adamantadine, this is Adamantadine’s Tower. Why were you attacking my home? Better yet, I am also a Cleric of Serena, I’m not evil and if the stories I’ve heard are true, Holy Knights can sense evil, so my next more important question. Why did you, a Holy Knight of Zeltar, whose cleric assisted me early today in the Dungeon of Divine Elements, in Full Armor on Horseback raise your crossbow and shoot at an unarmed, obviously NOT evil being who asked you to stop?“ I with a calm steady anger in my voice.

A look of shocked realization crossed the Holy Knight’s face.

“Yeah, there it is. Now, let’s get one thing straight, I asked you to stop nicely twice. Now, where I come from that is all you can do so my actions were justified. After that, I took steps to ensure I didn’t have to kill anyone and neutralized a threat to one of my guests to whom I have a vow and to whom I’d granted hospitality. A vow that the Gods themselves witnessed. If she is in my residence I will protect her from harm as is proper when hospitality is given. Anyone who attacks anyone under my hospitality will be killed by me. If you find her out and about that is not my concern. It is your nature to kill evil. It is her nature to be evil. I cannot and will not try to alter either of your natures.

If you or anyone brings that good versus evil fight concerning her to my doorstep, I will not be so understanding next time. If you’d like to stop by after a week has passed, to let me calm down, I shall grant you hospitality and we can chat. Understand this though, If any of you attack me I am going to throw you off this mountain. If you can fly or have magics that let you fall safely you may be able to survive. My Goddess probably won’t be happy with me for destroying champions of good but I will not lose any sleep over defending myself. Besides can anyone, even a divine, fault someone for defending their home?” I paused for a moment while I ordered my nanites to recreate all of the normal gear, armor, and weapons they’d destroyed off the five men over by the portcullis as well as copies of all the non-magical armors I’d destroyed.

“Okay, I think we’re done here. Everything I destroyed is over by the portcullis. It is identical to what was destroyed. Feel free to take your time making sure you're fully equipped before you depart” I said.

Kor lowered his eyes then walked to his horse, grabbed the reins gently, and walked over to the pile of equipment. He removed his magical armor, replaced all the undergarments and normal weapons, put on his magical armor, and stepped through the portcullis. The Knights hesitantly walked past me, then did the same as their Holy Knight. All five exited the courtyard and headed east towards the path down the cliff face.

I ordered the nanites to help repair and replace the marble walls. The walls themselves weren’t magical so the nanites were able to augment the magic and my home was in tip-top condition within 15 minutes. As I repaired the outer structures I kept track of my ‘guests’ as they started making their way down the mountain. Once they had descended below my nanites range I turned and walked to my door and went inside. I made my way upstairs to Adaline’s room and knelt next to her. Up until now, I hadn’t performed Analyze on her, I did so,


Analyze: Success! Adaline Level 4569 Black Dragon, 6596 of 328,569 hit point

The girl had some hit points and it was going to take 322,000 mana to heal her fully. Kneeling beside her I started my Prayer of Healing. 54 minutes later I was done. Luckily my mana regeneration was higher than my usage, but 54 minutes was taxing. Adaline hadn’t woken up, so I made sure she was covered by blankets and closed and locked the door behind me as I made my way downstairs to the small dining area where I summoned a glass of wine and drank deeply. Thinking towards my Goddess “I am not an overly cruel person, but I would have killed that Holy Knight had he continued to attack me. I will try to do more good than evil but know that I am flawed, and I will do whatever I think is right, whether that fits into the definition of Good or Evil that this Universe adheres to. Those that hurt my friends and family will only be given so much latitude before I snuff them out of existence.”

I felt a gentler sensation of warmth than the one that I had been gifted before. I didn’t feel it was a resounding endorsement or admonishment, more an acknowledgment of my statement. “Thank you,” I thought to my Goddess.

“Abi, you're awfully quiet? What did you find?” I asked

“You might want to check your Personal Interface and go over your new abilities and skills. None have been leveled, I wanted you to take a look at them first.” The first thing I did was look at the one warning I’d received

Warning: You are multi-classed as both a Cleric and Mage. The Spell Slot bonuses for Cleric and Mage are Cumulative. The intelligence bonus is not. There is only one-spell slot pool. When praying for, or memorizing spells, all spells are stored in that pool. Once all spell slots are utilized a spell must be cast to pray for, or memorize, a new spell.

Good information to know. I’d look at spell slots later, first thing I needed to do was review my stats. I opened my personal Interface:

Name: Adamantadine (Adam)

Classes Character Level 5,000

Monk 5,000

Cleric 5,000

Mage 5,000

Fighter 5,000

Rogue 5,000

Attributes were all 10,909 except for Luck which was 10,910. I checked my secondary traits and noticed a few new ones

Stamina 109,090

Hit Points 84,364

Spell Slots 25,015,909

Mana 109,090

Natural Defense 2,232

Armored Defense 159 (No Armor worn)

Damage Resistance 110,

Running Speed 87,272 MPH

What in the actual…. I could run Mach 120 or 24.2 miles per second. That wasn’t possible I started to think then caught myself. Magic made it possible. Then I considered If I hit something going that fast, I might survive it but other things were definitely not going to feel very well.

Jumping 3,490.88 inches or 290 feet

Carry Capacity 9,272,650 lbs.

Hit Point Regeneration 153 per second

Stamina Regeneration 184 per second

Mana Regeneration 367 per second

Then I came to my abilities. At the top of the page were my two inherent abilities, the abilities I received from being an Ascendent Human. Next came the abilities I received from my Place of Power. Finally, all the abilities that I received from my classes. I looked them over quickly noting the basic descriptions.

I looked at the Monk's abilities first. It looked like I’d gained the ability to punch through up to 50 points of damage resistance. At level 500 I’d gained “Heightened Reflexes” which stated I could never be surprised. At level 1,000 I could call, or set, the damage done on a successful strike, even accounting for critical strikes. That would come in handy when I didn’t want to kill someone. At level 2,000 I gained “Water Skipping” which allowed me to run across water. Level 3,000 I gained “Wall Running”, so basically Trinity from the Matrix. Level 4,000 “Purity of Mind” prevented me from being Charmed, Possessed, or Dominated. At Level 5,000 I gained “Cloud Running” which basically looked like I could run on air for 100 stamina per second, which with my stamina regeneration rate meant I could run on air without a break. No skills though, I’d look at that tab later.


Next, I looked over my Cleric Abilities. 4 attributes per class level, and 4 hit points per class level. 1% bonus to hit with a Staff every 10 levels, not too shabby. Slight bonus to armored defense at the same rate as light armor. 1 Spell slot per level cumulative. Investigation and Purify Water, I’d seen those before. The new abilities I received though were interesting. At level 100 I could “Commune with Divine” once per week or while at a Place of Power. At level 500 I gained an ability called “Gift of Knowledge” that let me gift a level 1 skill to anyone if I paid the 1,000 XP. At level 1,000 I could create water at a cost of 100 mana per gallon per ability level. Level 2,000 I gained the ability “Sanctify” which allowed me to bless a gallon of water per 1,000 mana up to a maximum of my ability level. At Level 3,000 was an Ability called “Divine Heal” which could be used once per week but would put me in a mana debt but healed everyone within 1 mile per ability level. That could come in handy. Level 4,000 was “Resurrection.” Not just any Resurrection the ability to bring back the dead once per week. It didn’t list a mana cost, but I was sure it would be hefty. Level 5,000 was anticlimactic. Once per month I could call on a “Divine Favor” the ability simply stated, “The Divine Favor can take any form your Deity wishes.” That wasn’t ominous at all.

The third set of abilities were my Mage abilities. The first couple made sense; 4 attributes per class level, 1 hit point per class level, and Read Magic. Which it looked like you couldn’t get unless you were a Mage. At level 1,000 I gained the ability “Recognize Magic” which allowed me to have a chance to recognize any spell cast in my presence. The chance was equal to my casting skill in that sphere of magic and if I had the spell, or had seen it used, recognizing the spell. That made sense, If I didn’t cast spells how would I know what I was looking at. Of course, with my 500% cast skill in all eight prime spheres, there wasn’t a spell I should have problems figuring out. At level 2,000 I gained an ability called “Return to Sender.” For every ability level, any spell specifically targeting me had a chance to go back to the caster if the spell level was lower than my casting level in the sphere of magic and my mage class level was higher than the caster. The first was an If-then-else. If my casting level was higher it could reflect else it could not. The second aspect was a little more complicated. The chance that the spell would reflect was equal to my mage level minus the casters class level. A lot of spells would be reflected when cast against me. That was pretty ingenious. Level 3,000 gave me another ability that could increase my mana regeneration, “Mana Restoration.” Level 4,000 gave me an ability that would allow me to increase the effective level of all spells I cast for every level I placed in the ability. Level 5,000 was weird though. “Incarnate” allowed me to become pure magic for a number of seconds equal to the ability level. While incarnate I would be immune to Physical damage and all eight primal spheres of Magic. The cooldown wasn’t too bad either. Just double however long I remained incarnate.

The fourth set of abilities was my Fighter abilities. Again, I gained 4 attributes and 5 hit points per class level. A bonus to hit with a weapon of choice and a bonus when wearing light, medium, or Heavy armor. Finally, there was an ability called “Natural Armor” that increased Natural Defense by 1/10th of my Endurance attribute. At level 100 I received a limited ability which could only be leveled to level 200. “Unencumbered” allowed me to remove the movement penalty for wearing Armor by 1% per two levels of the ability. At level 1,000 I received the ability “Critical Strikes” which increased my Critical multiplier by 1 per 1000 levels. The next two abilities were definitely useful. “Stamina Fountain” at level 2,000 and “Quick Recovery” at level 3,000 both allowed me to increase my Stamina and Health Regeneration per minute by 1 for every level in the specific ability. At level 4,000 the ability “Weapon Master” reduced all stamina costs with weapons by half. Level 5,000 the ability Impervious allowed me to gain 1 point of damage resistance per level in the ability.

The last class abilities I reviewed were my Rogue abilities. Again, I received 4 attributes and 3 Health per class level. Additionally, Rogues had an Ability called “Stealth Affinity” that made their Stealth skill twice as effective and another skill “Stealthy Movement” that let them move 25% faster while stealthed. I didn’t see where the next two skills would benefit me much, but should I ever have a dagger, dirk, or knife my critical multiplier would increase by 1 for every 10 skill levels, and my chance to hit when backstabbing from Stealth would increase by 1% for every four levels. At level 1,000 I gained an Ability called “Blur” which made it harder to hit me by 1% per class level. Level 2,000 gave me a skill called “Trap Master” which gave me a 1% bonus to set or disarm traps, including magical ones for every level I had in the ability. Level 3,000 allowed me to ignore 1 point of Damage Resistance for every level of Ability I had with handheld weapons. Level 4,000 I earned “Master of Stealth” which allowed me to disappear from view from anyone, requiring a normal stealth skill check. So if my Stealth skill bonuses were at least 100 points above theirs they had a snowball's chance in hell of seeing me. Level 5,000 was a skill called “You still can’t see me” which allowed me to whisper or attack without breaking stealth if my stealth skill was high enough without needing to make a stealth check to remain stealthed.

I read the prompts and quickly leveled the abilities. Most of the abilities were Fixed which meant that they could not be leveled but a few needed to be leveled so I could get the full benefit. Starting from my first Class in this world and working my way down I leveled the following abilities to level 100: Create Water, Sanctify, Divine Heal, Return to Sender, Incarnate, Unencumbered, Trap Master, and Penetrating Strike. Then I leveled Mana Restoration, Amplify, Stamina Fountain, Quick Recovery, and Imperious to level 500.

“Interesting abilities but no skills. Guess that warning I received when I was gifted Prayer of Healing by my Goddess was correct. Simply leveling a class doesn’t give you the skills you need to be proficient in that class. I’ll definitely have to work on that. Abi, anything you notice?”

“Well, you’re still getting experience at the same rate so nothing’s changed there. Word of warning though. You have to be a little pickier when leveling any new classes, specialties, professions, abilities, skills, or spheres of power for the tower. Your experience has dropped down to 97.5,” Abi said.

“Good to know, Think I was going to go another route right now anyway. I think I need to expand my spell list so I’m going to go through the spell books and add a few to my spell slots permanently.

I made my way into the library and sat down and noted that Eric wasn’t about. I checked my map and saw that he was down in the Secret library in the small office I’d added. I had no reason to bother him right now, so let him be.

Now that I could Read Magic I pulled out the books and quickly went through them looking for spells that looked like they’d be useful and double-checking to make sure that the spell actually did what the title stated in common said.

As I went through the 22 Spell Books Arch-Mage Findal had been carrying when he’d challenged me, I was amazed at the versatility of the spells. The mage had also been meticulous and separated his spells by spell level. There were a lot of the spell duplicates but they were each of a different spell level. The first spell I was looking for was one that would create Soulstones.

Spell: Create Common Soulstone

Level: 2 Cooldown: None

Mana: 10 Range: Touch

Required Component: Common Gemstone, no minimum value, or higher.

Duration: Permanent

When cast this spell will create an empty soulstone that can hold a common soul.

Spell: Create Common Soulstone Batch

Level 7 Cooldown: None

Mana: 50 Range: 10’x10’

Required Component: Common Gemstone, no minimum value, for each soulstone to be created.

Duration: Permanent

When cast this spell will create up to a number of empty common soulstones equal to the skill Casting Earth Magic that can hold common souls

Spell: Create Advanced Soulstone

Level 14 Cooldown: None

Mana: 100 Range: Touch

Required Component: Common Gemstone, Minimum value 100 GP or higher.

Duration: Permanent

When cast this spell will create an empty advanced soulstone that can hold up to advanced souls.

Spell: Create Advanced Soulstone Batch

Level 21 Cooldown: None

Mana: 150 Range: 10’x10’

Required Component: Common Gemstone, Minimum value 100 GP, or higher, for each soulstone to be created.

Duration: Permanent

When cast this spell will create up to a number of empty advanced soulstones equal to the skill Casting Earth Magic.

Spell: Create Epic Soulstone

Level 28 Cooldown: None

Mana: 200 Range: Touch

Required Component: Advanced Gemstone, Minimum value 250 GP or higher.

Duration: Permanent

When cast this spell will create an empty epic soulstone that can hold epic Souls.

Spell: Create Epic Soulstone Batch

Level 35 Cooldown: None

Mana: 250 Range: 10’x10’

Required Component: Advanced Gemstone, Minimum value 250 GP. Or higher for each soulstone to be created.

Duration: Permanent

When cast this spell will create up to a number of empty epic soulstones equal to the skill Casting Earth Magic.

Spell: Create Mythical Soulstone

Level 42 Cooldown: None

Mana: 301 Range: Touch

Required Component: Epic Gemstone, Minimum value 500 GP or higher.

Duration: Permanent

When cast this spell will create an empty Mythical soulstone that can hold Mythical Souls.

Spell: Create Mythical Soulstone Batch

Level 49 Cooldown: None

Mana: 350 Range: 10’x10’

Required Component: Epic Gemstone, Minimum value 500 GP. Or higher. for each soulstone to be created.

Duration: Permanent

When cast this spell will create up to a number of empty epic soulstones equal to the skill Casting Earth Magic.

Spell: Create Legendary Soulstone

Level 56 Cooldown: None

Mana: 400 Range: Touch

Required Component: Mythical Gemstone, Minimum value 1000 GP or higher.

Duration: Permanent

When cast this spell will create an empty Legendary soulstone that can hold Legendary Souls.

Spell: Create Legendary Soulstone Batch

Level 63 Cooldown: None

Mana: 500 Range: 10’x10’

Required Component: Mythical Gemstone, Minimum value 1000 GP. Or higher. for each soulstone to be created.

Duration: Permanent

When cast this spell will create up to a number of empty Legendary soulstones equal to the skill Casting Earth Magic.

Spell: Create Divine Soulstone

Level 70 Cooldown: None

Mana: 1000 Range: Touch

Required Component: Legendary Gemstone, Minimum value 5000 GP or higher.

Duration: Permanent

When cast this spell will create an empty Divine soulstone that can hold Divine Souls.

Each one of those eleven spells was necessary for my plans. Then I started looking for spells to catch souls. There was one spell for each Sphere of Power, but the sphere life had the two strongest.

Spell: Soul Trap

Level: 10 Cooldown: None

Mana: 10 Range: 1000’ Required Component: None

Duration 10 Minutes

When cast, the target must make a resistance check against Life. Failure indicates that upon death the target's soul is drawn to the caster and will enter the first empty soulstone that can hold it. The soul rank of the target does not matter. If there is no soulstone of sufficient power to hold the soul, the soul is not captured.

Spell: Area of Soul Trap 100’x100’

Level: 20 Cooldown: None

Mana: 20 Range: 1000’ Required Component: None

Duration: 20 Minutes

When cast, an area of 100’ x 100’ is targeted. Upon death, souls that enter this area are drawn to the caster and will enter the first empty soulstone that can hold it. The soul rank of the target does not matter. If there is no soulstone of sufficient power to hold the soul, the soul is not captured.

I thought about it and then went into my personal Interface. Looking through my spell slot interface I wanted to see if I had to memorize every new spell or if my first class would still allow me to lock certain spells in place for repeated use. It looked like I could do both, how to check.

Looking at the lowest level spell which was level 10 I started putting a into a memory slot when a prompt appeared.

You have found the Spell: Create Common Soulstone. Because you are both an innate caster and a mage you can choose what to do with this spell. It will take a minimum number of minutes to memorize this spell equal to its spell level minus your skill level of Cast Earth Magic. Minimum 1 minute.

Or you can choose to read the spell and permanently add it to spells that you can cast without memorizing for 10 spell slots which will permanently remove the spell from the scroll or book you are reading it from.

Would you like to Memorize or Permanently Add this spell to your Spell Slots.?

I chose Permanently Add. Immediately after I did my eyes were drawn to the spellbook and remained locked on it as I felt energy flow from the book up into myself through my eyes. As my eyes went over the words they faded from the book and etched themselves into my mind. The process took one minute and 10 spell slots were filled. I did the same for all 14 spells. When I was done 15 minutes later I had 2853 Spell slots tied up for my 21 permanent spells. There would be other spells I would add to my permanent list I was sure. I still had a lot of books to go through.

I checked my map; Adaline was still in the guest room. It was only 8 p.m.

While I’d been memorizing the spells Abi had drifted away from my immediate thoughts, “Hey Abi, you around?” I sent into my mind

“Always around, just been binge-watching shows like I told you I was going to. The last couple of days I’ve been watching Game of Thrones.”

“Sounds like you’re having fun. Did you see my encounters earlier today?”

“Yep, I was wondering, when you’d finally realized that except for monsters, you have a hideously unfair advantage against anyone here. Think about it. Everyone that actually gets to a class level of 5,001 gets the choice to become Divine. As you’ve found out from your multiclassing, they’re only getting 4 attributes per level so at most, unless it’s a god or a monster above level 5,000 which are rare, the most they will have is 20,000 attributes. And those will be distributed. You might run into someone with a 10,000 in one of their attributes if they’re stupid. Because you and I both know that will make them weak elsewhere and the odds are you’re going smear them. So yeah, I was wondering when you’d start to realize how powerful you are. The biggest thing you’d probably need to worry about are specialized magical items, except that the Place of Power your growing has made you resistant to a lot.” Abi said

“I admit it, I was bored and wanted to strut my stuff. Anyway, the reason I wanted to talk to you is that I’m looking through these spellbooks. I found the various create soulstone spells and capture soul spells and added them permanently to spells I can use so I don’t have to study them all the time. I was wondering if there were any spells you knew of that I should be looking for that I need to be able to cast without needing to study them?”

“I don’t know, that wasn’t something I looked at before I came here?” she said

“Well, I do seem to recall, big brain on Adam, a certain somebody telling me she’d help me figure magic out once we got here?” I said.

“Yes, I did. Okay! I’ll pay attention to what you’re looking at while you go through the books. If I see anything that strikes a chord, I’ll let you know.”

“Good enough”

I started going over the spellbooks. I was looking through the names quickly and focused on spells that sounded useful. As I went through the books I saw a lot of spells that had names that had little reference to me but acted like spells I’d seen in RPGs back home. For instance, a spell that did almost exactly what a “Light” spell would do was called Nadar’s Illumination. I found quite a few spells like that; Nighty Night (Sleep), Heralds Hot Hands (Burning Hands), Listen to Me (Charm Person), Fall like a Feather (Feather Fall), Identify was just Identify, Archer’s Agony (Arrow Shield), Darkness the same, Mage Vision (Darkvision), Magical Stealth (Invisibility, though there was a version that was also called Invisibility), Make Safe (Remove Traps), Open Locked Door (Knock), Pierce Magical Stealth (See Invisible), Spider’s Curse (Web), Powerless (Dispel Magic), Zap (Lightning Bolt), Fishes Breath (Water Breathing), Go Home (Banishment), A shield spell for each of the eight primary elements, Change Form (Polymorph), Blizzard (Cone of Cold), Mage Hands (Telekinesis.) Telekinesis? Why hadn’t I thought to ask about Psionics?

“Abi, are there creatures with purely mental powers here?” I asked.

“Well of course Adam, it is one of the higher powers.” She said.

“Wait, higher powers?”

“You were listing to “Freya when she explained to you about the creation of everything right?”

“Of course,” I said testily

“Well, The Primal Powers, Elements, Spheres those are your Air, Life, Water, Dark, Earth, Death, Fire, and Light. The primary term there is Primal as they are at the center. Depending on where you are the words; Powers, Elements, and Spheres are interchangeable. Higher Powers, Elements, or Spheres would be from top to bottom: Divine, Soul, Spirit, Mental, Putrescent, Anti, Proper, Absolute, Space, Time, Gravity, and Order. The last which is considered the foundational Power and is never referred to as a sphere or element is Chaos.” Get it?”

“Yeah, I get it and no, Freya didn’t mention that. My next question is this, is there anything like Psionics here. Look at this, I brought memories forward of an RPG with the psionicist in it.

She went through the memory of the book and then said, “Not exactly, and they don’t call it psionics. It’s just Mental Magic. But there is definitely something similar.” She said.

“K, thanks, something to look for in the libraries when I get the chance,” I said.

What other spells do you have in those books?” she asked

I started flipping through the books again; Just in Case (Contingency), Eradicate (Disintegrate), God’s Sight (True Sight), Teleport was Teleport, Body Double (Clone), You are Mine (Dominate Monster), My Mind is My Own (Mind Shield), Mind Speak though it was commonly referred to as Telepathy as well (Telepathy), Monster Shape (Shape Change), and Wish which was just like a normal wish spell and had all of the warnings,” I said. While the names were different the spells each worked a lot like some of the descriptions given in the RPGs I’d played.

“I didn’t see anything that stuck out Adam, sorry”

“Don’t sweat it, I have a few to review “

The first spells I wanted to look at were the Shield spells. I opened a book to Fire Shield

Spell: Fire Shield

Level: 5 Cooldown: None

Mana: Variable

Range: 0

Area of Effect: 10’ Radius around Caster

Required Component: None

Duration: Sustained.

When cast, This spell creates an immovable sphere around the caster that will withstand damages so long as there is mana to sustain it. The Shield can be maintained at a cost of 1 mana per second.

Fire passes through the shield. Water does double damage to the shield. While the shield is active the cost is paid automatically and can be stopped while preventing damage. The caster can release the shield at any time or touch it to dispel it.

I quickly read the other seven Primary element shield spells and each was exactly the same. I decided that they needed to be part of my permanent spell arsenal. Eight minutes later I was done and had permanently filled 5652 spell slots. The next spell I looked for was Mage Bolt.

Spell: Mage bolt

Level: 100 Cooldown: None

Mana: 5 per Bolt, 1 bolt per 100 levels in a school of magic, all cumulative.

Range: 1’ per skill level in Cast Light Magic.

Area of Effect: 1 target.

Required Component: 1 Second

Duration Instantaneous

Damage: 1d4 per bolt.

When cast this spell shoots bolts of light at the target that will not miss. Each bolt is considered one of the Primal Elements

The Mage Bolt does 4 points of damage per category in Cast Air Magic:

4 points of damage per 100 levels (Roundup) in Cast Life Magic.

4 points of damage per 100 levels (Roundup) in Cast Water Magic.

4 points of damage per 100 levels (Roundup) in Cast Dark Magic.

4 points of damage per 100 levels (Roundup) in Cast Earth Magic.

4 points of damage per 100 levels (Roundup) in Cast Death Magic.

4 points of damage per 100 levels (Roundup) in Cast Fire Magic.

4 points of damage per 100 levels (Roundup) in Cast Light Magic.

Example: A caster with at least level 1 in their cast skill for each sphere of magic would shoot 8 bolts of light for a total of 32 points of damage.

This spells always hits therefore does not roll to hit and cannot perform Critical hit damage though Attribute, skill, and abilities modifiers do allow a very powerful spell. Also, note that at least one bolt will go through any magical shield made from the 8 prime schools of magic unless all 8 schools of magic are in the shield.

“Oh yes please,” I thought as I quickly read the spell and permanently added it to my Arsenal. The next spell I looked at was this universe’s version of See Invisible.

Spell: Pierce Magical Stealth

Levels: 40 Cooldown: 1 Hour

Mana: 1 per cast light spell level

Range: 1’ per cast light level

Area of Effect: 1 touched target or self.

Required Component: None

Duration: 1 minute per skill level in Cast Light Magic.

This spell will allow the caster to pierce through magical stealth or invisibility cast by anyone of lower cast light spell rank.

“Another one to add,” I thought as I quickly read the spell and permanently added it to my Arsenal. I looked at the clock on my personal interface and realized that It was close to Midnight. I was coming to a point of full-body exhaustion. Meditation wasn’t going to be enough this time. I’d need to sleep soon. I thought I might need some more permanent spells but wasn’t absolutely sure which ones to take. I sat and thought about things for a minute then decided that the best thing for me to do was just place some spells in my spell slots in the Mage fashion. This would give me a chance to see what they did and if I liked them I’d sit back down later and see what they did. I spent the next 30 minutes and memorized as many spells as I could.

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