《To Burn a Kingdom》7. A Feast For Wolves



"What do you think, your Highness?" A dark-skinned woman, Lady Liwet of House Douma asks Vasilis as she dabs the corner of her red-painted lips. I blink and snap my attention to the table. Aromas of savoury meats, bread and wine waft through my nose. I play with a piece of roasted carrot on my plate.

"Barbarians, the lot of them." Vasilis chuckles and leans back against his seat, gulping down his wine with fervour.

Since news of the victory against the Khronish pirates, Vasilis has been smug. Celebrations have been held all throughout the port cities of the south and Vasilis has made sure that House Virtris plays a crucial part in rebuilding what was lost or pillaged by the Khronish. Ensuring the people of Illya know where to point the blame.

Vasilis sits lazily on the right-hand side of our father, king Elkin, at the head of a long oak table. I sit at my father's left. The sun had barely set but the room is bright and commanding, the sconces on the walls and the crystal chandelier that hangs from the ceiling cast golden rays so blinding, that I feel all of my flaws are on display. Father drinks his wine as though a war never happened. I have not uttered a single word since the feast began.

The grand hall has been decorated for this momentous occasion. All eight of Illya's great Houses gather tonight to toast and drink and discuss matters of politics, this does not happen often for these great Houses seldom share mutual feelings on the same subjects. However, it seems, that the desire to defeat the pirates has brought them all to this table. At the walls of the dining hall, fifty of our House's Imperial guards stand in full ceremonial armour. Excessive.

Exotic flowers from eastern Nessaz sit daintily in porcelain vases by the wall, filling the room with a faint scent of sweetness. At the corner, women adorned in lace and silk play violins and harps with smiles plastered across their faces. It is suffocating. I feel as though I am a rabbit in a room full of wolves.

"It took them long enough," A burly pale man from Angel's Path speaks as he chews. He is not from Illya, but he is famous. The King of Trade, they call him. He is the Mayor of Angel's Path, a city-state that acts as a border and separates Illya from Khronir. It seems that he has taken our side in this war. But, Mayor Lawrence only goes where gold gleams brightest.


He continues, "With the amount of gold we gave them, you'd expect an infamous guild like The Black Company to accomplish a menial task in under four months! Don't they know how valuable this war is?" He shakes his head in disappointment. I down the rest of my wine. A servant swiftly fills my goblet the moment I put it down. I nod in thanks, but the man's eyes widen in horror as if I had slapped him. No one else notices our brief interaction.

"That heathen is in possession of a rare Gem! Where he got it is beyond me," Mayor Lawrence clears his throat. "A Gem that harbours the power of over two hundred men! Imagine the amount of gold we'd be saving. Don't get me started on the growing price of rations-"

"We must not devalue their efforts, Mayor. Do remember that Illya's southern archipelagos consist of over a hundred islands and Captain Ghükar is a seasoned veteran." Lady Catherine of House Gádel interrupts. She speaks with an assertive lilt to her voice. Being the head of her House with no husband or children, she commands the utmost respect. She is the most fearsome person in this room.

She continues, "We have won this battle and now the Gem is in Illya's hands and not Khronir. Do remember that we currently possess a remarkable number of Gems, more than our enemies."

"O-of course, my Lady. I am merely passionate as I have invested a lot of funds into this war." Mayor Lawrence sputters.

"Yes you have, Mayor, and the Imperium is grateful. Without the gold from your filthy little whorehouses and trading guilds down in Angel's Path, it may have taken us significantly longer to end this war." Vasilis taps his goblet of wine and waits for a servant to refill his cup.

"It was an honour, your Highness." Despite Vasilis' false deference, Mayor Lawrence scrapes back his chair and bows deeply.

"The war was won by one soldier! Now that is a story for the masses. I heard he wielded only one blade! Against a Gem!" Lady Liwet chuckles lightly.

"This barbarian you speak of must be quite an extraordinary man to have slain such a gruesome beast," Lady Catherine puts down her knife, her deep brown eyes flicker to mine. I avert my gaze, blushing from the attention. "Dillon Azshker was it? I also hear he is only twenty and six." She brings a goblet of wine to her lips. I see her smirk before she takes a sip.


"Your Highness, are you not most excited to meet the man who has defeated our common enemy? And for him to be so young! I hope he is at least handsome." Lady Liwet giggles and leans toward me, her large bosom visible from the low-neck silk dress she wears. I clear my throat.

"I will abstain from any comments of his character for I have yet to meet him, Lady Liwet," I say, hoping my voice sounds as clear and confident as it did in my mind. Lady Liwet rolls her eyes and looks away as if my answer bores her.

"Very wise, princess." Mayor Lawrence nods out of politeness. Vasilis lets out a loud, obnoxious yawn. I squeeze my eyes shut. It begins.

"You babbling women bore me," He throws his fork across the marbled floor. A servant rushes to replace it. "Nobody cares if he is handsome, blind, tall or utterly grotesque!"

"Oh my, your Highness, our apologies for the drab topic of conversation, but we were merely jesting. We only wanted Her Highness' opinion on the matter, after all, she has been so quiet." I feel the stares of everyone in the room, but it is not their gaze I am afraid of. From the corner of my eyes, I see Vasilis clench his fist so tight that his knuckles are white.

I clear my throat, "Y-yes. I certainly am very happy that sir Azshker has defeated such a fearsome enemy. My brother Vasilis has chosen the guild well." I turn their attention back to Vasilis. I hope it appeases him. I wish dearly for him to make a fool of himself, but in front of all these great Houses, we would merely look weak.

"You flatter me, dear sister. But that brute Aszhker is not yet a knight. Or are you so eager to marry him that you are already calling him by a title he has not even earned?" He narrows his eyes and forces a tight smile. A shiver runs down my spine.

"Vasilis, enough." My father's voice rings throughout the hall. Everyone at the table stills. Despite wearing drab cotton garments and no crown, my father is still a fearsome presence. I see everyone fidget, perhaps feeling guilty for overlooking the sovereign.

"The boy has earned it. He killed the pirate. He is to be knighted. The only discussion is when." My father goes back to eating the food off his plate. His hands are steady and swift. Tonight, he is a king.

"Of course, we must thank the guild properly. Perhaps we can throw a ball for the leaders of the company?" Lady Liwet suggests.

"A ball? For those heathens?" Murmurs erupt from around the room.

Vasilis slams his hand on the table, and his patience thins. But he refrains from speaking. I flinch as the wine in my goblet spills over my sleeve. My handmaid, Enka, shuffles toward me and dabs at my dress with a handkerchief.

"His Highness did an incredible job picking out the best guild to fight on our behalf! So many mercenary guilds these days lack decorum and loyalty. We must repay them, and if it is in a form of a ball, then so be it!" Lord Basset of House Mihr shouts. Everyone looks at each other, unsure of what to say.

"The boy must be knighted before he is to wed my daughter," My father says. "Throw them the damn ball, we'll do the knighting ceremony then too." He waves his wrinkled hand as if the matter is over.

"When do you plan on throwing such an exquisite affair, your Majesty?" Asks Lady Catherine, her eyes lighting up. I watch Vasilis share a look with her, but it happens so fast, perhaps I imagined it.

"We should give them time to clean up, your Majesty, we do not want our hero to come covered in bandages, it would hardly be proper for him to stand before the Imperial House in such a manner." Lady Catherine pushes her plate of half-eaten roasted rabbit and vegetables to the side, implying that she too, is finished with this matter.

"Then it is decided," Vasilis stands with his goblet in hand.

"In the name of House Virtris of Illya, the royal ball will commence in approximately three weeks' time. The day of Summer Solstice." My brother nods and the great Houses all stand from their chairs, toasting with their goblets of wine.

I stand clumsily, pushing forward a shaking hand to toast. I do not look at them for I am nervous and afraid now that my reality is set in stone. I cannot run from this. I feel tears brim my eyes. Breathing deeply, I try my best to present a brave front. Vasilis looks at me and grins.

My father does not stand and he does not toast. He merely takes his goblet and chugs down the rest of his wine.

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