《System Supervillain》Chapter 9 - Scuffle


A flight from New York to Atlanta is only about two and a half hours. I reckoned that about half of that time had gone, now, between getting up to cruising altitude, two rounds of fun, and all the little things that came with that, like foreplay and cleaning up after. So, little more than an hour to decide whether to make a move on the woman glaring at me, or to just ignore her.

I decided to ignore her. The fun with the flight attendant had been an impulse thing, and I didn’t regret it, but I wasn’t the kind of person that went after every piece of tail I saw. Not worth the risk.

However, my decision didn’t really mean anything, since, just before the light telling everyone to fasten their seatbelts came back on, the woman got up, and walked over to sit in the aisle seat that I’d left open. This gave me the chance to really get a look at her. She was cute, as I’d noticed before, with curly red hair and freckles. Her body wasn’t bad either, what I could see of it with her tight jeans and blouse look. Probably in her early twenties, was my guess.

“So…” she began.

I smiled at her, and said, with full confidence, “You saw what I was doing with the delicious little flight attendant, yes? Part of you looked at me, and saw nothing but a pig, but another part of you wondered what it would feel like, yes? To feel the thrill of doing something so naughty in public? Part of you wanted to be the one in my lap, instead of the flight attendant.”

“N-no! That’s not what I wanted to talk about at all!”

Mirikon’s COM Check (23-): 3d6 = 5 (Success)

Mirikon’s Modified Seduction Check (24-): 3d6 = 17 (Success)

Woman’s Modified EGO Roll (6-): 3d6 =16 (Fail)

Interesting. My Comeliness (or COM) acted to boost my Seduction skill, which, in turn, modified the roll the woman made to try and resist me. But it wasn’t a straight-line modification, which suggested that there were other factors at play. Also, the System showed me the blue box with the rolls, but only identified her as ‘Woman’, since we weren’t introduced. And I could see from her eyes that her own blue box had appeared.

“You’re trying to seduce me!” she hissed, cheeks flushed.

I smiled at her as I slid one arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. She only put up a token resistance. “Of course, I am. You’re a lovely young lady that went out of her way to come and sit beside me. And I think we both know that it is working.”

I leaned in to whisper in her ear, as the hand not holding her close dropped down, to rub along her inner thigh. “You spent so much time watching me and the flight attendant. You have to be a bit… hot right now, yes? Do you have a place to stay in Atlanta?”

She nodded slowly, her breath catching as I began rubbing her crotch through her jeans. “I, mm, I live there. I’m just coming back from a business trip. Going to surprise my husband, since I came back early.” Her hand tried to push me away, weakly, but there was no real force behind it.


“But that isn’t why I came over here! I wanted to know what you did to that flight attendant! You aren’t normal, are you? I can feel it!”

“Oh, that is interesting,” I said, as I leaned in to whisper in her ear. “And why would you want to know about that?”

She gasped at the breath in her ear, and the way I was rubbing her. “Because I can sense the magic around you. Dark magic. Dangerous. Very dangerous. Need to make sure you’re not possessed.”

Well, that explained a couple things. She must have used some kind of mystic sense to notice the effects of my ring. I’d had similar issues in the past, where mystic types could sense the ring’s presence, even if they couldn’t tell what it did.

“Ah, well, in that case, we should probably go someplace quiet, and out of the way. Where you can examine me fully, no? I have a room at the hotel just outside the airport. Why don’t you join me, and we can explore what these dangerous powers might be?”

“N-no. Dangerous to be alone. I’m a happily married woman!”

Mirikon’s Attack Roll: 3d6 = 9 (Hits ECV 9)

Mirikon’s Mind Control Check: 8d6 = 29 (Mental Defense 10)

The woman struggled as I kissed her. I could feel my will begin to influence hers, but her mind was defended. It did not take full effect. And now her eyes were locked on me.


Turn Order:

Segment 4: Woman, Mirikon

Segment 8: Woman, Mirikon

Segment 12: Woman, Mirikon

Woman’s Attack Roll: 3d6 = 15 (Hits OCV 3) (Miss)

The woman growled and an aura of light surrounded her fist, as she tried to hit me. I was slower, and less defended, without my costume, but this woman, whoever she was, clearly didn’t have all her normal gear on, either, because I was able to keep her from hitting me. Just my luck to try it on a super without knowing.

Mirikon’s Attack Roll: 3d6 = 10 (Hits ECV 8)

Mirikon’s Mind Control Check: 8d6 = 32 (Mental Defense 10)

I quickly stole another kiss, trying to increase the effect of the incubus’s power. I could feel it working, slipping past her defenses, but it wasn’t strong enough, not yet. I needed her to not remember anything that was about to happen, after all, or at least think it was her own idea.

Woman’s Attack Roll: 3d6 = 5 (Hits OCV 13) (Hit)

HTH Attack Damage: 6d6 = [1,1,1,2,3,4]

Result: 12 STUN, 3 BODY (ED 10; 2 STUN, 0 BODY)

The fist hit this time, and definitely was going to leave a bruise. No doubt, whoever this super was, she was also used to having more equipment at her disposal. Or perhaps her real attacks would have put holes in the plane, like mine would. It felt like we were both fighting with one hand tied behind our backs.

Mirikon’s Attack Roll: 3d6 = 10 (Hits ECV 8)

Mirikon’s Mind Control Check: 8d6 = 30 (Mental Defense 10)

For succeeding in combat, you gain 1 XP.


I kissed her again, and, this time, her resistance faded. She melted into my arms. Just in time, too. If she’d been able to put more force behind that punch, I could have been in trouble.

Mirikon’s Attack Roll: 3d6 = 11 (Hits ECV 7)

Mirikon’s Mind Control Check: 8d6 = 23 (Mental Defense 10)

Mirikon’s Attack Roll: 3d6 = 11 (Hits ECV 7)

Mirikon’s Mind Control Check: 8d6 = 24 (Mental Defense 10)

But I was distracted, now, by the needs of the ring, especially after applying two more kisses to reinforce the control. The whole fight had taken just seconds, so we still had about fifteen minutes until we landed. I pushed the woman’s head down, into my lap, as I unzipped. Even though she had been resisting before, now, the woman’s lust-filled mind told her what to do. I came just before the plane touched down, and made the woman swallow it all.

Mirikon’s EGO Roll (13-): 3d6 = 9 (Success)

That was not enough to sate me, not after having to use the ring’s power three times in succession, but it took the edge off enough that I was only slightly tempted to drag the girl into restroom at the airport. Instead, I was able to contain myself with only groping her mercilessly as we made our way through the airport picked up her bag, and checked into the nearby hotel. It was still a close thing, and required all my self-control.

As soon as we got in the room, however? I literally ripped the clothes off her body, and threw her on the bed. More kisses further reinforced the control, delaying the point where she would inevitably shake off my control. I still didn’t even know her name. Didn’t much care, either. Neither did she, right at the moment.

Finally, as we lay panting, her breasts pressed against my chest, she looked at me, and said, in a sex drunk voice, “This is crazy. I don’t even know your name. I’ve never done something like this before! I’m a good Christian girl!”

“Well, what is your name, little miss Christian girl? And how did you throw that punch?”

“Oh, uh, you can call me Clarissa Jones, I guess. And I’m a sorceress. But most of my spells would have broken the plane, one way or another, so I had to be careful.”

Mirikon’s Persuasion Check (20-): 3d6 = 17 (Success)

Clarissa’s Modified EGO Check (10-): 3d6 = 11 (Fail)

I nodded, “Well, Clarissa, you can call me Jack Frost. And I’m glad things wound up this way, if you don’t mind me saying. I much prefer you in bed instead of trying to hit me.”

Clarissa blushed again, before looking down at me. “Frost, huh? Is that why your skin is so cold?” I raised an eyebrow at her, and she said, “I noticed it before, but your body is cold. Not room temperature, but definitely cool enough that I can feel it on my skin.”

“Ah, that’s easy enough to explain. You could say that, because of my nature, I just ‘run cold’. But hey, at least you know who to cuddle up to when it is all hot and humid, no?”

Clarissa blushed, and, and looked like she was going to say something, but I silenced her with a kiss (not using the ring’s power this time). “No, no. Enough talk. It is late, and I’d like to get some sleep.”

She looked reluctant, but I just kissed her again, and held her close. Every time she tried to object, another kiss silenced her. Eventually, she relaxed in my arms, and fell asleep.

Once I was sure she was asleep, I pulled up my System access, and ran a search for Clarissa Jones. Surprisingly, that turned out to be her real name. Less surprising was the fact that she was, in fact, a super.

Basic Info




Clarissa Jones




75.7 kg





Base Points


Total Spent


Max Disadvantages


Disadv. Used


XP Earned


XP Used


Starsinger, as her costumed persona was known, was a superheroine with the Primordials, a mystic-focused team of heroes that dealt with supernatural threats. She was a combat-focused sorceress, who was able to use a bunch of star- and starlight-themed magic with the aid of her staff. That explained why she had mental defenses, as well as a strong mind to begin with, but wasn’t able to put up much of a fight. She was hampered by the conditions, and wasn’t much of a melee fighter, anyways.

Regardless, she could be a real threat, if we fought for real, and the rest of her team were not going to be so easy to take down. Especially Phoenix Lord, a flame-type magic-user who also happened to have regenerative powers, like the legendary bird. He would be a pain in the ass to take on.

Of course, there was also the fact that all six of the Primordials were magic-users. Even if they were elemental-focused, they could still pool their powers for ritual magics, like those used to find people they didn’t like. Or, at least they could before the System activated. I didn’t know how much of their powers had changed or been restricted by that.

Actually, if their powers had been restricted in some way, then that might explain why Starsinger, who was supposed to be able to teleport, or similar, by moving at the speed of starlight, was on a commercial flight, instead of just zapping herself over. Just like the situation with power negators, nothing from before the System could be taken as gospel for how things would work now. If the System focused mainly on her primary powers, then she could have the rest of her pre-System abilities locked out until she gained more XP.

Either way, it would probably be best if I wasn’t here when she woke up.

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