《System Supervillain》Chapter 8 - Supervillain's Guide to Travel


Of course, popping over to say hello to a sister who probably thinks you’re dead is not something you should do on a whim. Especially when she lives several states away. That only became more imperative when she had super powers, and you were a wanted supervillain. That was just a mess waiting to happen.

Still, I needed to make this happen, so I packed a bag with supplies (including my costume), and used the vents to mist myself up to the surface. I found a nice, deserted alleyway to solidify in, and stepped out where people could see me, as a ‘civilian’. A cab ride later, and I was at LaGuardia.

Fortunately for me, there were relatively frequent flights between New York and Atlanta. It was just a matter of getting on one of them. Naturally, going through the security checkpoints wasn’t going to be possible. They took a dim view of people bringing enchanted katanas or supervillain costumes on commercial flights, after all.

Thankfully, I had long ago figured out ways around that. Before I left the lair, I purchased a ticket for a Delta flight, heading to Atlanta. Check-in was outside the security checkpoint, so that wasn’t a problem. I only had the one carry-on bag, after all. Nothing suspicious.

Check-in, security, and departures were all on Level 2, along with the curb-side drop-off where the cab had let me out. However, there was an escalator outside of security, heading down to level 1, where arrivals came in. More importantly, there was a restroom right next to those escalators.

Iceblade’s Acting check, (8-): 3d6 = 5 (Success)

Fortunately, even at this time of night, there was a line at security. Or, rather, because it was this time of night, they only had one lane open at security, and anyone who needed to get through had to go there. No one suspected me when I did the ‘I gotta go’ dance, looking at the security line, and then made a beeline for the escalator.

Once inside the stall, and out of sight of any cameras, I simply turned into my mist form once again, and floated up, into the vents. I went to a restroom on Level 2, that was behind security, and solidified. No one paid attention to a man walking out of a restroom with a bag at an airport.

After that, it was a simple matter of getting to the proper gate. I had plenty of time, since my flight wasn’t due to start boarding for another hour. So, I made my way over to one of the airport bars, and started listening in on conversations.

Almost six hours into the entire world changing, and some people were starting to calm down from the initial panic. The bartender and the other people in the bar were just normal folk, after all. This weird System didn’t change the fact that they had a job to do. Might make some things easier, might not. But they were all focused on their business.

Only thing they were worried about, for the most part, was the fact that this was kicking up a fuss with the supers. When the supers started getting antsy about things, they started fighting. And when supers fought, it was the normal folk, like them, that got caught in the crossfire. These folk didn’t want to deal with the world changing. They just wanted to do their work, get paid, and maybe get laid.


I could respect that, honestly. They were looking out for themselves. They didn’t have powers, so they wanted all power-related stuff to stay far away from them, so they could do their jobs. Without people like them, the world would fall apart, literally.

I had just finished a simple meal when they announced that my flight was about to begin boarding. I settled the tab, grabbed my bag, and headed over to the gate. Nothing fancy, just another traveler, going from A to B. To anyone that looked, I was just a handsome stranger, walking through the airport, minding my own business.

The airport itself might have been busy, but my flight was less than half full, it seemed. And no annoying children. That was always a bonus. Even better, the flight attendant was a cute little thing. Perhaps I could convince her to give me a mid-flight snack?

Mirikon’s PRE attack: 10d6 = 33 (Success)

As I passed her, I looked the flight attendant in the eyes, and said, with a tone of command, “Meet me in the toilet after takeoff, beautiful.” A look of shock crossed her face, as she bit her lip, before she just nodded slightly. I smiled, and walked onto the plane.

I had an aisle seat, thankfully, and there was no one else on my row for this flight. Or, in fact, any of the other rows nearby. There was only one other first-class passenger, and that was a cute young woman first row who already had her seat back, and was trying to get to sleep, since it was pretty late. Perfect.

They dimmed the lights in the cabin as soon as the safety briefing was over. My target was working first class, thankfully, so I locked eyes with her again as she moved towards the back of the plane. The way she shuddered as I licked my lips let me know that she would be waiting.

The moment the seatbelt light turned off, I unbuckled, and made my way to the back. The flight attendant stepped into the toilet on the right as I approached. When I got there, I saw that the door was unlocked. I pushed it open, and saw the girl, who had to be barely out of high school, waiting there.

Mirikon’s Attack Roll: 3d6 = 12 (Hits ECV 6) (Success)

Mirikon’s Mind Control Check: 8d6 = 30

I said nothing as I closed and locked the door behind me. She stammered, tried to speak. I silenced her with a finger to the lips, and then pulled her in for a kiss. She was shocked at first, but then melted into it. I knew that, when this was over, she would remember everything, but it would feel completely natural. Like it was her own idea.

Of course, that was the last thing on my mind right now. The side effect of using my ring kicked in, as it always did. I needed her, and I needed her NOW!

There was a frenzy of motion as buttons were undone, zippers unzipped, clothes cast aside. Soon, I was standing there, with my pants around my ankles and my phone in my hand, recording as the pretty Latina, naked as the day she was born, knelt before me as she worshiped my cock, ensuring that I was at full staff. It did not take long, between the drive of the ring, and the display of flesh before me. I was ready.


Mirikon’s Attack Roll: 3d6 = 6 (Hits ECV 12) (Success)

Mirikon’s Mind Control Check: 8d6 = 30

I pulled her up to her feet, kissed her again, reinforcing the control. Every kiss putting her deeper and deeper in my power. Turned her to face the mirror as she bent over the little sink. Best that I could do in such close quarters. My eyes met hers as I thrust inside, all the way to the hilt, in one go. My hands reached around, one playing with her perky breasts, the other wrapped around her throat. And then the fun really began.

It wasn’t lovemaking, or courtship, or anything like that. This was just pure, primal, fucking. Two people, bodies intertwined, taking pleasure from each other. It felt good. It felt right. It felt like that damn incubus in the ring was manipulating me, but, at this point, I didn’t care. All that mattered was the pleasure.

I leaned forward and growled into her ear, “I’m close, pretty girl.”

“Ooh! No. No, I’m not on the pill!”

“Then you’ll make a wonderful mama, mamacita.” I said, as I began the final stretch. “Gonna fill you up.”

“Oh, oh god! But, I can’t!”

“You will.” That was all I said, before I began unloading inside of her. This was about me, after all, not her. I didn’t even know her name.

She moaned, half in defeat and half in pleasure, as she slumped against the sink and mirror, spent. White goo began seeping out of her, running down her thigh. It was a sight to behold, and I made sure to get a nice closeup of my handiwork.

With one hand, I grabbed the back of her neck like a kitten, and lowered her to the ground, putting her face to face with my cock once more. “Clean it.” At my command, the sex drunk girl opened her mouth, and began cleaning our mixed juices from my shaft, like a good girl should.

Finally, I pulled her off of me. I stroked her face, like I would with a pet. “What is your name, girl?”

“A-Angela. Angela Stephens.”

“Well, Angela,” I said, as I pulled my pants back up, and hid my cock away from her, “you’re going to get dressed, but you won’t put that underwear back on. I’m going back to my seat in first class. I want you to come and check on me, make sure I’m doing fine. Understand?”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Sir!”

I smiled at her, and stroked her face once more. “Good girl.” Then, I checked one last time to make sure I was presentable, and opened the toilet door, leaving behind a still-naked Angela, staring wistfully at me.

Honestly, taking advantage of pretty little girls like that was practically shooting fish in a barrel with a minigun. They didn’t have the defenses to keep me out, or throw off the control right away. It wasn’t like dealing with some of the superheroines, who had both formidable wills, and also defenses against mental intrusion. But I wouldn’t be a villain if I passed up on fun just because it was easy.

When I returned to first class, I sat in the middle seat, not the aisle seat on my ticket. The young woman in the first row was still sleeping, so it wasn’t like it mattered. I just sat down, and waited. I didn’t have to wait long.

“Ah, sir. Is everything all right?”

I looked over to see Angela standing there, leaning over from the aisle. With a smile, I said, “Yes, but I think there’s a problem with this seat belt. Perhaps you can adjust it for me?”

“Of course, sir.”

As she leaned further over, I guided her hands to my zipper, and she knew what to do automatically. As her mouth engulfed me once again, I smiled, and said, “Open your shirt, Angela. Let me see if you followed instructions.” Nervously, she did so, and my fingers confirmed she had no bra on as I tweaked her nipple. Even better, she didn’t stop with her mouth as I did so.

Once I was hard again, I pulled up her skirt so that she was fully exposed, and ordered her to straddle me. She did so without hesitation, though she was clearly embarrassed. Round two was going to be more public than the first time, but that was a problem for her, not me.

This time, the sex was furtive, restrained, each of us trying to keep from making too much noise, and waking the other passengers. Angela bounced in my lap like a pro, her tits pressed against my face like her life depended on it. She nearly let her voice out when I bit down on her nipple, but she kept control.

This time, she didn’t bother objecting when I whispered that I was about to fill her up again. She just bit her lip and nodded; her eyes locked with mine. Eyes filled with lust and love. She accepted everything I poured out into her, before meekly sinking to her knees to clean me up once again.

As she tucked me back inside my trousers and drew up the zipper, I saw a pair of eyes looking at me with a mix of longing and disgust. The young woman in the first row must have heard us, because she was looking straight at me. I smiled at her, before looking down at the lovestruck flight attendant.

“Go back to your duties now, Angela. You were an excellent stewardess, but you wouldn’t want your colleagues to miss you, right?”

She hurried off, and I turned my attention to the young woman. Now that I was paying attention, I could have sworn I’d seen her before. But where?

Mirikon’s KS (The Superhuman World) Check, (8-): 3d6 = 15 (Fail)

Eh, I’m sure it wasn’t important.

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