《Noble Assassin》Chapter 4 - My Skills, Leveling Up


After spending the night together at the hotel, Alis took me to the cafe on the first floor of her family's merchant guild to meet her younger brother the next morning. All the best merchant guilds had multi-floor buildings on this street with different shops on the ground floor to entice people to visit. Young kids out front trying to steal customers from one shop or another by promising better deals with gap-toothed smiles.

Alis's family cafe was bustling with chatter and the clinking of plates and silverware. Smelled like coffee and eggs. It was by far the most lively shop on the street, which only spoke of how useful this connection would be for me.

Her brother was already seated when we arrived. From what Alis had told me, he was two years older than me. He had the same black hair as Alis, green eyes, the thinnest lips I'd ever seen, and the slightly pointy ears of Elven blood.

"Gerard, this is my younger brother Rolf," Alis introduced us, "and Rolf, this is Gerard."

He stood and shook my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Gerard." He was awkwardly tall and smiled a whole lot more than me, too. His mouth was so wide that it seemed like he'd stretched it out being so happy.

"Likewise." I smiled. "So I heard you're thinking about opening a magic store?"

The idea that I'd had last night was pretty simple: I needed to make money. I'd never make enough to use as a shield from Father, but it'd be easier to hide from him if I had a small fortune of my own. It'd probably been a mistake in my past lives not to care about making my own money, so it was time I corrected that.

Which meant I didn't just need money, I needed a steady income.

"I've been thinking about it for a while now," Rolf said. "It was my dream when I was younger. Father has this whole guild, and Alis will be taking over, so I've always been trying to figure out how I can contribute to the family legacy, you know? You get that, yeah?"

Not at all. "Of course."

"Right, of course," Rolf continued easily without prompting. "So it's my last semester at Caemor, and there's no coursework so that those of us who need jobs can look for them. Some people still take classes because they don't need a job or already have one lined up. Or they're preparing for higher studies. Anyway, there are a ton of options for some people."


A waiter came to deliver coffee for all of us and some pastries to start, which distracted Rolf until he'd had a hearty sip and a big bite out of a croissant. I'd heard of Caemor before, but all I really knew was that it was a magical academy and that the Royal Family attended it.

With food in his mouth, Rolf kept explaining his situation. "So some want to go join an Adventurer's guild and become famous Adventurers. Others are wanting to get employed by one of the Mage towers in Broweathen or in their own home countries. I was thinking more along the lines of helping the family business, and a magic shop just seems like the right middle ground."

"Wow, and how do you want to go about it?" I asked. "What do your parents think?"

"Oh, they love the idea," Alis said. "Anything to make more money."

"They're willing to put up a nice investment, actually. They just want a partner to go in on with so they don't have to take as huge of a loss than if they were only sinking their own money into it."

"Quite practical," I said. "So they're looking for someone to help them fund the project?"

Rolf nodded. He looked nervous about what I'd say, which was funny given that this was all going according to my plan.

What I'd brought to pawn from the Viscoti estate would be enough to invest in something like a magic shop, which would bring in the steady income that I wanted. Magic shops were almost always profitable businesses because their goods were useful in everyday life like healing salves but also for those who actually cared about the System and did things like exploring dungeons and needed magic items to do it.

I sat back in my chair. "Well, my father is looking to fund such a project," I said. "But I haven't yet convinced him that Brugge is the right place for his investment. Or, really, anywhere in Broweathen."

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because he would want someone to remain here on his behalf to oversee the first year or so. I'm sure you understand. He can't be here in person because... well." I leaned in closer and lowered my voice. "...he hasn't been that well. Quite frankly, I think he's looking to fulfill this dream of his because he's afraid he'll die soon."


Rolf's eyes widened slightly. "You mean he's sick? That's terrible."

"I'm so sorry," Alis said, patting my back.

"Yes, he has a disease that's slowly killing him. He doesn't have much longer left in this world. So, if he dies before he finds a partner to run the store, then it'll all fall apart. I came here on my own to try to make his dream come true before he passes away. He's already passed up all his opportunities in Naedoven so that's why I'm here."

"I see, okay," Rolf said, nodding. He wore a very clear thinking expression. "So he wants a shop, but it can't be in Naedoven. But if it's not in Naedoven, he wants someone to basically act as a liaison for the first year? Well, if you're willing to take on that role for him, then we might be able to work something out."

"How so?" I asked. "I'm still a student back in Naedoven. I'm just here on a favor for my father."

"That's true," Rolf said. He cracked a grin so wide it looked like it'd hurt. "But if you're willing to help us, then I'm sure we can convince your father to let you stay here. Plus, you can be a student here as well. We have Caemor Academy right here in Brugge, one of the best magic academies on the continent."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, really," he said. "We have a lot of experience dealing with nobles, and I'm sure we can get your father to agree to that."

"Okay, I guess that makes sense," I said. Then, because I had to recognize that not learning magic up until now had been stupid on my part, I asked, "And what about Caemor Academy?"

Rolf's eyes widened and he looked so excited that he seemed to vibrate. "So you're interested in attending! I knew it! I can always tell! You asked the right person. The exam for this year was like a month ago, but I believe the Royal Family will be proctoring their annual scholarship exam next week. Basically for those who got in but can't afford it or for people who want a second shot at making it in. That's how I've been attending since my parents like free!" He laughed.

"I don't know if I can learn magic quickly enough to pass the test," I said, being honest because it'd be more likely that Rolf or Alis would offer to help me then.

Sure, I'd picked up a few basic spells in my past lives, but they weren't special. Almost everyone knew how to light a candle. Most commoners knew a basic hygiene spell, too. Knowing either didn't give me a foundation in magic.

"Well," Rolf said way too smugly, "you could always study hard."

I looked at him. I'd killed people for less than wanting to tear an expression off their face. And he was very expressive.

Rolf paled. "Why're you looking at me like that? You can borrow my books? Plus Alis is a great tutor. She graduated two years ago and she was offered a job with one of the best Mage towers in the country, but she turned it down because she's like that. Alis, help him."

"What?" she asked, blinking. "I haven't tutored anyone in a while though. I'm probably not any good, but I'm happy to help."

[Notice] Mastery of the [Silver Tongue] Skill has increased by .09%.

Here I was enjoy the relative silence of the System. No Quest notices. No reminding me that I hadn't taken a Quest. The timing of this one almost made me pause though.

"That'd be great," I said. So when I got my way, my mastery of Silver Tongue would increase? Which would mean I'd get better at talking people into doing what I wanted? Not bad.

Rolf waved his hand between us and pointed at me. Very tempting to cut his finger off. "You just need to promise me one thing, Gerard."

"What's that?"

"Don't hit on my sister."

I laughed. "Got it."

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