《On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor》Chapter Three


“There is one last thing before we can continue.” The cloaked one said, raising one arm outwards. “This extra assistance I can provide, a tool to more easily understand your own latent power and place within this world. Knowledge is power, and this will aid you onto the path towards understanding yourself and your abilities, which comes before understanding all else.”

As I watched, it brought its other hidden arm forwards. In a swift movement it struck, sending several dozen droplets of what looked like molten silver into the air. Aether flared white, and suddenly the droplets started circling each other, arraying themselves into a ring. Metal spread, and suddenly they had formed a bracelet made of a series of silvery balls, held together by glittering metallic twine. It floated over to me and the guide spoke again.

“Take it and place it around your dominant wrist. It will enable you to leverage your innate and awakened strengths into a form that is easy to understand, unique to you.“

I nodded and picked up the bracelet from where it was hanging in the air. It was cold to the touch, almost as cold as ice. As I slipped it over my wrist the fiery energy rushing through my body surged, focussing on my wrist. I jolted in shock as the silver droplets melted, seeping into my wrist, ice meeting fire. “This is safe right?” I asked nervously.

“Of course, no harm will come to you by this bracelet. It merely uses aether to augment your perception, allowing you to internalise your information in a form that is easy for you to understand. The exact mechanism is complicated, and it would serve no purpose to explain it, nor could you comprehend it yet.”

Charming. Though I guess this is all new to me so I can’t really complain. As the feeling in my wrist melted away, I spoke. “So, just what do I do now?”

“Concentrate on your wrist and then when the feeling arises, direct your senses inwards, to feel your very essence. When you do this, information will be rendered into a format that you can understand.”

That seems difficult. Still, I guess it’s similar to when I started to absorb aether, so it should be possible. Oh well, here goes…

I let my mind dwell in my wrist, trying to recapture the feeling, but for several minutes nothing happened, except I felt a vague prickling itch throughout my body. “This is still pretty hard.”

“If I had forced the more damaging path upon you, you would be able to do this instinctively, without effort. Yet your heights would be mere shadows of those that growth can bring. Persevere, and feel the flow of energy within you. Guide it to your wrist and pool it there. Your conscious mind should direct this flow. Only when you can command it as easily as breathing will you have reached the stage where you can start to exceed those who have taken the easier path.”

Yep, still talkative. I let out a long sigh and tried again. The heat within me trembled, and I was not sure whether I was imagining it or not, but it seemed like the warmth was diminishing, just a tiny, almost unnoticeable fraction. As I continued to will my mind into my wrist, I was sure. The heat was slowly fading away. In contrast, my wrist was itching, cold prickles forming.


Nearly got it… I think. After what seemed like an hour of struggle my wrist flared cold, a ring of silver threads encircling it. Momentary pain flashed at various points in my body, from my lower body, heart and through to my head, but it quickly diminished, leaving only phantom echoes behind.

“Now, move your mind and will inwards. Feel your nature and express it.” The figure said.

As I did so my mind was filled with silvery words, forming the above image. It was amazing how clearly I could see it, almost as if it was really there.

[Material Statistics]

Might 38

Fortitude 35

Intellect 67

Resilience 63

Alacrity 43

Precision 64

Aether 85

[Intangible Statistics]








[Material Skills]

[Aetheric skills]

White Cord - Rank 1

First Node - Rank 1

[intangible skills]

[Perceptive Skills]

Self-Examination- Rank 3

[Level] 0

As I looked at the silver letters, I couldn’t help but laugh excitedly. “Man, this is just like a game. I suppose that makes sense as you did say it will be a form easy for me to understand. After all, I’ve played loads of games, and even worked on a few.”

I concentrated on the word ‘Might’ and as I expected further information was displayed, just like a tool-tip menu, if it was made from glowing mercury that was hanging in the air in front of me.

Might – An expression of physical power and force, muscle strength and so forth, as expressed as a percentage of the maximum human possibility when considering a human who has not mastered aether.

“Yeah, that’s pretty easy to understand too. I didn’t think I’d be so below average physically though. I mean, I know I’m a bit out of shape…” I couldn’t help but feel just a bit down at the harsh judgement of my physical skills. Still, this was very cool. My thoughts that this was just a dream were fading, as how could I have such a long and detailed dream while somehow being aware of it?

Forgetting about my lowly physical evaluation I looked at the other information in turn.

Fortitude – An expression of stamina, durability and the body to resist disease and so forth.

Intellect – An expression of intelligence, thought-processing ability, insight, memory and so forth.

Resilience- An expression of willpower, resistance to mental stress, internal balance and so forth.

Alacrity- An expression of thought-processing speed, mental reaction times, speed of grasping external stimulus and so forth.

Precision- An expression of dexterity, nerve-reaction speed, fine motor control and so forth.

Aether- An expression of aether capacity, ether-draw speed, aether conversion rate and efficiency and so forth.

Well, at least I’m above average in intelligence and dexterity, although I guess I’m not as smart as I thought I was. Still, I’d have been really depressed if my scores there were low… so I guess my weaknesses are in my physical abilities. If I’d have known they would be this important I might have done more sport, like my sister. Oh well, got to work with what we have. There’s still more information to look at…


However, when I tried to look at the Intangible Statistics, all I got was ???. Turning back to the cloaked guide I asked it what was going on.

“It is simple. Intangible Statistics are non-physical and are thus only something that can be uncovered when you gain enough ability. Everyone starts from a state of nothing, only when you have accrued enough power to leave this zero behind will you unlock your intangible abilities. However, it is not unusual to only have a small amount of these attributes. Some even have none. Do not be disappointed if you have but little.”

“Okay, that makes sense… I guess.” I replied. “So in the way my abilities are described, I guess that means when I reach level one? Oh well, time to check the last few bits on my … I guess it would be my character sheet?”

White Cord- An incomplete silver cord, with poor aether efficiency. As distance from the physical body increases more aether is consumed. Travelling distances of more than a few miles from the physical form is not recommended as it may damage the body.

First Node- The aether centre of the body connected to the silver cord. This has only recently been opened and has poor efficiency.

Self-Examination- The ability to assess skills and abilities one possesses in comparison to a standardised level. Since the skill has increased in level it can provide additional information about the nature of skills or statistics possessed, yet due to its current low level, many abilities and statistics will defy measurement and knowledge.

“I guess Self-Examination is like appraisal, which is a standard fantasy skill that gets overpowered quickly. But it seems it only works on me. What’s up with that?”

“While the Astral plane is a realm of information, and thus finding out the many secrets of the universe is possible, one must have a firm grasp of knowledge to access this. I imparted to you a fraction of knowledge I had gathered and placed it within the bracelet you have absorbed. This enables you to examine yourself and understand the knowledge. You should always seek out further knowledge and understanding wherever you can, as this will be both your power and your comprehension of the wider universe.”

Okay then. “I think I get that. I suppose I should thank you then, for your gift. But I can’t help but wonder what you might be getting out of this generosity?” Just look at my 67% intellect go!

“A fair question. My master has no desire to see this world fall to ruin, and though he is prevented from acting directly, he believes that doing nothing would be foolish, only strengthening his enemies and letting countless innocents die. He sends us to find promising candidates to impart brief wisdom to, which if limited in scope, can be permitted. Others of course also do this, though perhaps for different ends. Besides, should you excel and save your world, when the time comes you will no doubt remember this boon, and be prepared to join my master’s faction.”

“I guess that makes a lot of sense…” I agreed. Though just what limits their master so, preventing other helping hands? Suspicious, if you ask me. I’d like an answer. “So, if Earth is newly connected and weak, then what is stopping other more experienced people such as you from coming down and taking over or wiping us out before any of us get a chance to grow our power and defences?”

“There is a consensus between the great lords of the warring factions, that other than some small guidance at the beginning, these worlds are not to be touched until certain conditions are met, or enough time has passed. Of course, there are always those who would try and break such rules unnoticed, but by and large you will have a period of grace to acclimatise yourself to the Boundary world, and above it, the Astral.”

So it’s kind of like noob protection in those online games eh? One that isn’t absolute as well. I guess I’ll need to be careful about getting ganked or scammed… oh mighty 67% intellect, please defend me!

“We must hurry.” The cloaked figure interrupted my thoughts. “For under the agreement we have but this one time to guide you. You have already depleted some of your aether, and we have two tasks to ideally accomplish before your aether runs dry.”

I could feel that there was less heat in my body than before. It hadn’t dropped by a lot, but it was definitely noticeable. “All right then. So what are these tasks then? Quests already, I’m getting hyped up.”

“The first task is to establish your Territory, setting up an Anchor in the Boundary that allows you to gather ether and exert your control. Without such Territory you will not progress, instead merely stagnating as a helpless bystander. The second task is to gather enough strength to leave your zero state behind and unlock your potential.”

“A Territory?” Man, that sounds bad-ass. After all, all I own in reality is a tiny apartment. Hell, I don’t even own that, I’m only renting. Although I suppose I shouldn’t say reality, if this is also real… what was it they called it… ah, that’s right, the Material world. “How does that work?”

“You must gather a significant quantity of ether to create an Anchor. Once this is in place, as much as you found your own abilities to be in a form you can comprehend, so too will your Territory be represented in such terms. So, shall we begin? Your time is decreasing.”

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