《Sovereign Cipher: Overpowered Evolution (LitRPG)》Chapter 3: Family Friend


Chapter 3: Friend of the Family

After being so embarrassingly weak, he needed help in his first fight and then passed out; Trint was not sure he could survive this new world. Filled with frustration, lacking willpower, and any newfound hope he had gained upon arrival here in this game-like reality. Trint crashed deep into sleep shortly after getting to his starting location.

Trint woke up as the sun began to cast light into his room. Sleep, to his surprise, was uninterrupted, and he was feeling a bit optimistic.

“Wow, I feel great.” Trint yawned. ‘I haven’t slept that good in…ever, I guess.’ Trint thought.

Just as he was about to consider eating some of his trail mix for breakfast, a knock sounded at the front door.

“Knock knock.” Announced the voice with an abundance of cheerfulness.

“Who is it?” Trint got up and was apprehensive about opening the door.

“Just a friend, stopping to say hello. I bring a welcome present.” Offered the singsong voice.

‘What do I have to lose? This is considered a safe zone.’ Trint, being optimistic yet cautious, decided to open the door a crack.

“Oh, good morning. Won’t you invite me in?” said the middle-aged man in a 3-piece suit.

“What do you want?” Trint said firmly.

Quickly the guest pushed passed and stepped in. He proceeded to walk to the living room and sit on the couch. Setting a box down on the seat next to himself and sitting with perfect posture, he crossed his legs. Looking pleased and comfortable, the guest began speaking.

“So, I see you have adjusted well for one day in the system. Shut the door and come have a seat.” The unwelcome guest instructed.

“You didn’t die to the system’s idea of a welcome. Some wolves are outside, and some people haven’t even left their homes.” The guest spoke as much to himself as to Trint.

“Most of your neighbors are still sleeping, and many are now level one. Some are too afraid to leave the front door, though. And, sadly, a few died in the row of houses behind you.”

“But how rude and distracted of me. My name…hmm. Please, just call me Jack. Consider me a “friend of the family.” Jack said with raised eyebrows. Trint was still guarded, but Jack was disarming in his three-piece suit and tie. A sharp contrast to his new world and a reminder of life before.

“I know you are confused already by the look on your face, but just sit down and let’s talk. I have coffee. Would you like some?” Jack offered, pulling out two mugs and a pot from an unseen storage device.

“Yeah, I’d like some coffee. And yes, I’m confused. You don’t seem like you just arrived in the system. Isn’t recruitment still a month away? And my system says your information and level are not available. I would like you to leave the coffee and go if you don’t mind.” Trint remained firm.

“You are right and wrong, but I will explain.” Jack chuckled at a joke only he seemed to know. “In answer to the right part. Let’s just say I know enough about what’s going on and have sufficient power to allow our conversation to be private and uninterrupted. But why I won’t leave is entirely beyond my control.”


“Trinten, you are different from all the other 11 billion people in i11 and almost all the people I believe in all tiers, even i1. I’m here in your living room today, offering you more than just a cup of coffee.” Jack’s excitement bled as his volume decreased, ending in a whisper.

Jack continued, “Check your system access now.”

Trint tried, and nothing happened.

“You are now temporarily blocked from your system access. “Jack said. By surprise on Trint’s face, he was getting concerned and took a more solid stance, raising his hands in front of himself.

“Well, don’t get nervous. That is my doing, and I assure you I mean no harm. I meant it when I said this is temporary. I’m really excited to be here and looking forward to seeing what you will do with these gifts.” Jack was giddy and was beginning to sound like a little kid before presents were opened at Christmas.

“Ok, why should I trust you?” Trint offered.

“You don’t have to trust me, but do you want to take a swing at someone with an un-viewable level who can shut down your access to the system?’ Jack challenged.

“Good points. Ok, please tell me what you think it is that makes me special and why you are here?” Trint asked.

Trint was hesitant to get sucked into whatever Jack was selling, but he exuded a strength far more significant than he'd felt. Jack had unknown powers and was clearly beyond Trint’s understanding. As Jack lifted his hand towards Trint, he felt pressure wash over him. Trint felt heavy and weak.

“Well, how about you have a seat,” Jack instructed, clearly not a suggestion. Trint decided it was an excellent time to see where this was going. He slowly took steps to sit down. Keeping his eyes on Jack, he took a seat. Once seated, Jack unclenched his fist, and Trint felt his strength return and the weight on him lifted.

“Trinten, you have the chance to receive a benefactor. Benefactors can be anyone with power, but when people speak of a benefactor, they usually mean a mighty being that wishes to adopt someone and add their power to the child. As an adopted child, you would inherit certain benefits that others will not have access to if left to your strength and opportunities.” Jack announced.

“Why would I want to be adopted…by a benefactor? And what is this benefactor?” Trint was reluctant to receive help. Surely there would be strings attached.

“Yes, you definitely should accept this gift. The benefactor wishes to remain anonymous but is much higher up and more powerful than you can understand. I have spent some time thinking about how to explain this most effectively; I determined that it is best, to be honest about as much as possible and share all I am allowed. So, pay attention. You won’t find this information in the system, and you won’t get this chance again,” Jack said, getting more serious.

“A little history. All worlds, even ones without system access, are part of a vast, nearly infinite group of universes and infinitely connected and grouped according to tiers of highest available power. Suppose a universe is capable of sustaining life. Due to system manipulation, Mana and Spirit concentration is increased, and the entire universe is integrated into the system. In that case, it is eventually added to the appropriate iteration, and its people are sent through the iteration system. The worlds and iterations are connected and grouped accordingly to power from iterations 10 through 1. You currently exist in part of an i10 universe for your i11 tutorial, which is made up of your world and about 100 others stitched together for your introduction to the system and the Eternities.”


“For you, yesterday was the start of your Earth’s system integration and opened the door, so to speak, to the connection to all known integrated universes. There are checks and balances, and high-powered individuals can’t just hop down to your tiers and destroy everyone. The system limits that sort of thing. Each iteration you progress to opens larger portions of the integrated universe systems. And Iteration 1 is much bigger than you can comprehend. Other than the official recruiters and merchants, not just anyone can drop from a higher iteration down to a lower one. This leads to some unsavory types taking up the recruitment or merchant profession. Greed and power are quite dangerous for everyone when power can be corrupted, and the difference in power is vast. When one person can defeat planets of the iterations below them without any effort.”

“In summary, you are now a part of the integrated systems. Magic is real, and you can now access the system. You can now grow beyond what humans could before system access.” Jack took a moment and paused.

“But what makes you special has to do with the connection to your benefactor, should you accept this offer and gift,” Jack said.

“I can’t go into a lot of detail about your…let’s simply say your new family,” Jack said while using air quotes as he said, family. “Suffice it to say they are important and are sharing their good name and power with you.”

“Which reminds me,” Uncrossing his legs and sitting forward at the edge of the couch, Jack set down his coffee.

“The most important thing about you, Trinten, is interesting. First, I will tell you, but you should never mention it to anyone in any tier, system message, or pillow talk. To. No. One.” Jack emphasized the gravity of caution he expected.

“Most people don’t mention their benefactor, and you should never say you have one. Speak about ‘connections’ in higher iterations if you must. Most will assume you know others through their merchants and recruiters. But many are cautious of strangers and will keep their secrets. Or try to steal others.”

“Do I have your understanding of the need for discretion?” Jack paused to ask.

“Well, I get that you think it is important. But honestly, you haven’t said much about how this affects me yet. And how do I know that what you are saying is true?” Questioned Trint.

“Ok, good question, and thank you for at least acknowledging this is important,” Jack said.

“In short, Lineage,” Jack whispered, then paused for dramatic effect. “Lineage and inheritance,” He spoke at an average volume. “by the way, no one can hear us. I want you to understand how important this is. How important YOU will be.”

“Lineage is something that you don’t wake up with. Even those born an heir must receive adoption. It is the passing of power through Spiritual and Soul connection. This typically occurs with someone from a higher tier giving birth to children, and a descendent is granted a portion of power through the system based on the parent. This is a common occurrence that many benefit from when you reach the higher iterations.”

“Trint, you are not a descendant but an adopted heir. You come from a world outside of the system. Yet have been chosen as heir to a great dynasty, and I was sent to greet and prepare you. Yours is a unique family and a scarce connection that will link you to your benefactor—not just making you a son to them that will inherit the rule of the family’s realms. It is much more. Therefore, you will become very powerful if you progress. And we have plans to ensure you do.

As far as your question of trust. Know that I only speak on behalf of your family, and I promise they are worthy of admiration. This is not a trifling matter, and I typically don’t visit tiers below i8. So, consider this a special occasion. And trust that I am important and influential, and you will become essential, and those who sent me are some of the most important in the system. There are several powerful factions. Your new family is one of the greatest but not only power. They have enemies, and you must avoid them until you reach your family’s kingdoms. Even there, you will find many who envy you for being chosen.”

“As much as I’d love to tell you more, I don’t have time for everything. Knowing that you are about to become special and worthy of this visit, the knowledge I can share and the gifts I have for you are sufficient. I have a special skill that allows me to travel between iterations outside the normal limitations. My skill is also scarce and expensive to operate with low mana density. Therefore my services are not cheap. Don’t worry, this trip and our meeting were prepaid.”

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