《Sovereign Cipher: Overpowered Evolution (LitRPG)》Prologue



“Trust me, Trinten. Give me permission to hunt,” Trint felt unknown fear. But there was hope in this offer.

“I give you permission,” Trint dreamily responded.

Two men turned and frantically ran towards the entrance in a panic, hoping they could still get out. A man’s body fell in a bloody heap on the ground as the sharp appendage retracted from his chest with a wet sucking sound. As the body fell, the shadowy monster took a swipe with its clawed right hand. Before the man on the right had time to scream, his chest was gone, spine exposed, ribs torn through; the contents of the scooped-out chest flew off to the side of the tumbling body.

With the creature’s left hand extending faster than anyone could see, large claws wrapped around the second man’s torso, pinning his left arm to his side. Instinctively the man attacked the monster gripping him. Every strike of his sword was rebuffed by a mud-like mist, which seemed to resist damage; each cut was swallowed by the beast's flowing, misty form. He looked up into the eyes of the beast. Shadows swirled around and through the eyes of his captor, and the man became entranced, his body locked up in terror by the eyes of a true predator.

Earth: United States of America, Midwest Region

January 10, 2022

“What!” Trint attempted to yell but choked. His hacking became a zombie-like moan, followed by wheezing and other indecipherable sounds as the tube going down his throat trumpeted with his attempt at an outburst. ‘What is going on?’ he thought. ‘Where am I?’ Barely able to turn his head, he looked around. His thoughts slowly picked up speed—the sound of a machine just out of his peripheral view, increasing beeps sounding out an alarm. Two people rushed into the room.

He was in a hospital, intubated, and his body hurt. But in a way, it felt numb and slightly removed from his awareness. His brain was processing like a toothache after the dentist numbed his mouth, but it was as if through a haze. ‘How did I get here?’ As his thoughts started to clear, he remembered with a sudden lurch.

“AhhAhh,” despite the plastic tubes, Trint’s attempt at yelling, “Cara!” He faintly recalled his wife and seeing her lifeless body. The emotional jolt caused his heart to race and his coughing to worsen.

Panic, denial, confusion, rage, and a sense of significant loss fell upon Trint, his vitals responding, sending the machines into a frenzy.

“Give him this dose to calm him,” the doctor firmly directed his nurse while handing over a syringe. “Then I want an IV drip to keep him sedated. He needs to heal, not make things worse.”


“It's ok,” the doctor kindly and slowly said, “Mister Henderson, you need to rest. I’ll be back to check on you soon.”

A few hours later, the doctors and his medical team began to reduce the sedation. With fewer tubes going into his body, Trint returned to consciousness.

“Cara,” a groggy Trint wheezed. His first thoughts and words were of his wife. He found a woman sitting on his right side and a nurse on his other side looking at the IV and a machine showing his vitals.

“Mister Henderson, please try not to speak. Please nod if you can hear and are understanding me.

Trint slowly nodded. He was groggy but was starting to think more clearly.

“My name is Candace. I’m on staff with the hospital. Do you remember anything from before now?” Candace asked. “Just nod or shake your head.”

Trint nodded in the affirmative. And scratched out a “Cara” attempt with his voice again. His throat hurt from the tubes.

“Trint, do you mind if I call you that?” Not waiting for a response, Candace continued. “You survived a terrible vehicle accident. Your body and mind will take a long time to recover fully.”

“Unfortunately, I was asked to tell you…your wife, Cara, and your children, Kayden and Emma… didn’t make it. You are the only one that survived in your vehicle.”

Iteration 1: Second Prime Planet: Great Plateau Wilderness – Western Border of White Dragon Kingdom

Alone on a moonless night stood a man in formal robes of rich green and trimmed with elaborate gold stitching forming detailed symbols and pictures. Looking serene but wrestling with his thoughts, he spoke towards the starry sky.

“Are you sure Trinten is the one you wish to choose? I would be happy to offer someone from my Kingdom. Others can be his benefactor. You know I don’t have access to the True Names.” “Besides the tragedy, I see his spirit is rather weak. He must have had opportunities, yet his weakness shows as a lack of ambition or drive,” he continued. “Likely due to too many comforts and advantages. His whole world is mostly soft. Going from that peaceful world to here.... You haven't added to your direct line in so long, are you sure?” the robed man displayed sincere concern, but slowly his speech had become less confident and his concern changed to a hint of fear.

“YES!” A booming voice sounded in his head as the plateau remained silent. The wind whipped around as the man’s robe cracked like a whip from the sudden gusts; the rest of his body was squeezed like a vise was pressing in on every inch of him, and the same heaviness pressing upon his spirit and soul caused the starry night to go dark for a moment as his vision narrowed and his body grew weak. Falling to his knees from the pressure, the man in green lowered himself willingly the rest of the way, face down in the grass.


“Forgive me, your excellence. At your word, I serve. Let me make amends and go guide your youngest….” The robed man, unable to finish, was cut off again.

“No,” the voice was kind this time, and the pressure relaxed, no longer oppressive. “I have already sent another, and they are taking Pneuma. Attend to your kingdom, and I will allow you to observe Trint’s walk through the darkness of the lower realms, but he is off-limits to all under your rule. Do not help or hinder his ascension.”

Like a passing breeze, the voice and pressure blew away, leaving no trace. In its absence, it left a hopeful yet concerned man in a green robe. He stood up from the grass and looked skyward again.

’I deserve such a treasure, and if not for my sworn loyalty, I would send the darkness to swallow them. With a gift of that magnitude, I could conquer our enemies then have True Ascension within my grasp.’ With a shiver of fear, he turned his mind from Trinten; not even greed or a longing for power could trump the fear he felt for his master. He stepped through space and appeared in his kingdom, in his private garden. He was still shivering, as it is only fitting to be afraid after that reminder of the power of those far more above oneself. ‘Even I am but an ant to my master. Forgive my weakness,’ he thought as he took a step forward and disappeared.

Earth: United States of America, Midwest Region

After a couple of weeks in the hospital, full of doctors, nurses, rehab, lots of medicine, and visits from friends, Trint was finally allowed to head home. Trint’s friend Garrett drove him and got him set up. It was clear to see that although his body was starting to recover and was growing stronger, he was in rough shape.

“So, are you sure you’re ok? I hate leaving you alone. And I’m more than happy to crash on your couch or in the other bedrooms. The doctor said I need to get you to physical therapy, so I can do that or come back tomorrow. Some of us got you some food and things in the fridge and the kitchen. When you’re ready, eat something. Also, I am supposed to tell you to call your work tomorrow. They sent you cards and some flowers while you were at the hospital, and they want to talk about the projects you were running.” Garrett explained in his best attempt to sound peppy.

“Yeah, thanks, Garrett. I always know you got my back. And before you say it, I promise to take the meds and not hurt myself. This all sucks, but I promise, I’m not about to off myself because of it.” Trint grumbled.

“Ok, cool. Just here to help. And I’m here if you want to talk. Gonna leave you to rest. Call if you need anything.” Dragging out the last word, Garrett closed the door behind himself.

Sitting in the wheelchair, Trint didn’t move. He fell asleep sitting where Garrett left him.

Trint woke from one of those dreams where you barely remember details but only the feeling of something. This one felt like being a kid on a summer night. His only image from the dream that persisted was of his grandpa Gerald. He had been sitting next to grandpa; they were fishing and talking. The last thing he remembered was being given a gift and accepting the box. As he opened it, the light bathed him in warmth, and there was a peace that overshadowed the heartache since waking from the accident. He felt like a young boy who enjoys being with his grandpa on a warm summer day. With no worries or pain. A warmth began radiating in his chest; then, he jolted awake. He was finding his reality harshly contrasting his dream, as he woke up hurting in a wheelchair and an even more painful reminder of his condition and the loss of his family.

After a round of pained stretching, Trint could get out of the loaned wheelchair and into a chair at his kitchen table. Looking out the window into the wooded area just 100 yards away, he thought he saw an animal or something moving through the trees. Then it was gone.

“Wow, these drugs are strong. I hope that was a deer. I don’t want to be seeing stuff that isn’t there.”

After eating, Trint popped some pain meds, and he went to drown the aches, the ones that medicine can’t begin to fix. His physical pain is a constant reminder of the loss of his family. He made it into bed and quickly succumbed to the drugs.

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