《Rise of the Last Star - A LitRPG Adventure》Warfare and Improvement (4)


“That is all. You may call me if you have any questions or the like. It was my mistake to get impatient last time. Recording over.”

The pyramid stopped glowing with its soft light as Liam put it back on the rack. Closing his eyes, he summarized the information he had been given. First, the bottles would provide him with a variety of benefits for training when poured into the pond. Second, the mat would help him recover and think, also helping him with Skill Proficiency. Third, the pond was the most critical feature of the room; it would help him develop his Aura pathing, clear his body, and strengthen his Aura.

Opening his eyes, Liam took off his armor. It rippled like water, falling off his body and condensing into the black cube it originally was. Liam took a deep breath, rejoicing in the ability to breathe. While he didn’t need oxygen to live anymore, it felt weird not to breathe for such an extended period. Thankfully, the room was filled with ordinary air. Putting on the black clothes in the armor’s inventory, he grabbed the first bottle he saw and inspected it. A System window appeared in his vision.


Elite Drakkhan Solution of Reflexes

* Standard training solution given to high-class officers in the Drakkhan army. Carefully crafted by the Drakkhan Empire’s scientists, it can stimulate the brain beyond its limits with minimal strain.

* Drastically improves the user’s reflexes for 6 hours.

* Drastically decreases the user’s reaction time for 6 hours.

* Increases Skill Proficiency acquisition rate when training Skills affected by the solution’s effects.


He put the bottle back on the stand, picking up another one. It had a similar description, except this one was called “Elite Drakkhan Solution of Strength” and affected the Strength stat specifically, also buffing the Skill Proficiency acquisition rate of certain Skills.

‘These seem pretty useful.’

He wanted to try out the mat next. Putting the bottle back, he crossed his legs and lay his hands on top of his knees, palms facing upwards. Closing his eyes, he injected his Aura into the mat. Immediately, he felt a rush of calmness wash over him. Compared to what he had felt from the pond with his Aura Sight, this was different but more intense. His mind got sharper, thoughts that previously eluded him becoming clear as day. He opened his eyes, grabbing the black cube that his armor had turned into and taking the Communicator out of its inventory. He immediately opened the First Level of the Library, browsing through the Skills it offered him.

‘I need more Passive and Active Skills.’

In this state of heightened concentration, he understood that he would need to rely on his Skills to bridge the gap between him and his enemies with higher stats. Even at level 20, he would only have 311 Intelligence, while the other stats would only reach the value of 3,890. Except for Aura, everything else would remain incomparable to One’s stats. It meant that he still wouldn’t be strong enough. To close that distance, he needed Skills.


First, he opened the category labeled Passive Skills. They would be the cornerstone of his development. The more of them he managed to stack, the better his stat effectiveness would be and the more he would be able to achieve while his stats were still low. Browsing the Skills, he realized most of them were inferior to Grand Flow and Undying, but he managed to find a few that looked like they would synergize with Aura Condensation and others that would work with Divided Thinking.

‘It’s worth a shot.’

Out of the ones that looked useful, most could be practiced within his quarters, as well as while he did other things. For instance, he would be able to practice his Spear technique at the same time as he tried to obtain a few of the more basic Strength and Dexterity Passive Skills. He was betting on his ability to combine them and make them more useful.

‘I’ve been slacking off on my daily practice because of everything that’s happened.’

It was time to get back to it.

‘A month for Skills, a month in the pond. Go out, fight, repeat.’

It was a simple schedule, effective immediately. Before that, however, he should do something. Liam focused on his level, hearing the consecutive messages ring out in his mind. The last one was naturally the only one he needed to care about.

[You have reached level 20! All your stats have increased by 10%. Your state of existence has risen. Skills will be acquired more easily.]

This was why he had leveled up. Now, the Skills he aimed for would be acquired with less effort, optimizing the process.

[You have reached level 20 with the maximum stats you could have achieved! The second Small Revolution has begun.]

His body was racked by the same pain as before, when he reached level 10. He could feel his muscles and bones shifting and changing, every cell in his body crying out as his very genetic makeup was altered. He couldn’t keep himself from frowning. After an unknown amount of time, the pain suddenly stopped. Liam took off his shirt and looked down at his body. Compared to before, he was taller once more, his body now more proportional and his muscles more defined. It was as if he were going in the direction of some biological golden ratio.

‘I’m afraid that I’ll become unrecognizable in the future.’

He didn’t like that idea. While he was a different person compared to who he was back on Earth, deep down he still felt similar in a few ways. His history hadn’t been erased and it could not be ignored. The experiences he went through were all part of him. This included the appearance he was used to.

‘Even if my appearance changes, I’ll still be the same person.’

As he thought of this, his worries calmed down. That’s right. His personality wouldn’t change just because he had improved his looks, nor would his beliefs. Once his thoughts reached this point, he couldn’t help but think of Cassandra and Arthur, as well as the others. His worry and anxiety came back in full force, now for a different reason. He needed to know if they were safe.


‘Would Arimiar tell me of what’s going on with them? Or would it be better to call Varlian?’

Both were worth a shot. Varlian was more likely to know about them but wouldn’t give up the information for free, while the Commander was more likely to answer, but could not know who he was talking about or straight-up refuse to speak about it due to the prince’s orders. Thinking for a while and making up his mind, Liam stood up and left the mat, immediately feeling the difference. His concentration abruptly decreased, as did the feeling of clarity. Spending a few seconds getting used to it, he touched his Communicator and called the Commander, who answered after a few seconds.

“Liam Allister. I apologize if last time we talked I sounded impatient. Are you calling because of questions regarding your training room?”

His voice was calm and controlled, as deep as it was stern.

“Greetings, Commander. No, I am not. I’m calling regarding my friends.”

“Oh? Do you mean the other leaders of humanity? I should be able to help.”

Heaving a mental sigh of relief, Liam continued to speak.

“Yes, but there are others who weren’t leaders. Would you know about them?”

“I might. Ask away.”

“First, two people called Arthur and Cassandra. I’d be very grateful if you could inform me of their current condition.”

“Hmmm… I believe Arthur to be the one with the Isolation Personal Attribute?”

Liam’s eyes narrowed. Why hadn’t he asked about Cassandra’s Attribute as well? Did he not need help identifying her?

“Yes, precisely.”

“I remember him, yes. He caused quite a commotion in the assessment room after activating his Personal Attribute. He was almost executed. Nevertheless, everything got sorted out and he went into one of the army Squads. He’s still alive and well.”

Liam’s heart almost leaped out of his mouth over the course of the Commander’s words but calmed down once they reached the end. He was glad to know that everything had worked out, though the prospect of Arthur fighting against enemies comparable to the ones he had been up against was worrying. Yet, there was nothing he could do. It was better to keep it out of his mind for the time being.

“What about Cassandra?”


Liam’s heart sped up. He felt like it was about to burst. Why wasn’t Arimiar answering? What had happened to her? Had she died? When? How? If so, who or what had killed her? He would kill them. Tear them apart limb from limb. As Liam’s emotions went through a veritable rollercoaster in seconds, Arimiar’s voice was still calm.

“…She is rather special, you see. Her presence was requested by His Majesty. She is currently alive and safe in the capital of the Empire.”

The Drakkhan Empire’s King had summoned her? Why? What for? Liam thought of the worst possibilities before taking a deep breath. The Commander had made a point to ensure him that she was safe. He had to believe him. He would go insane otherwise.

“Do you know what His Majesty wanted with her?”

Arimiar’s response was delayed. It was as if the Commander was teetering on the edge of the information he was allowed to share, cautiously choosing his words.

“…His Majesty has been looking for someone able to see through fate for a long time now. That is all.”

Liam knew there would be no way to push this issue any further. He wouldn’t be able to obtain anything else. If he wanted to know more, he would have to go to Varlian or the King himself. Naturally, his mind contemplated all that he could think of about the subject. Why would the King want someone with Cassandra’s ability?

‘Does he want to know whether he will win or lose the war?’

Fate was absolute. The Creator had made sure of it. It could not be changed by anyone other than the Fateless and unless the King was Fateless himself, that would also apply to him. Liam’s Fateless Title description did mention him being possibly the last one, therefore it was unlikely. It meant that the knowledge Cassandra would offer the King would be accurate and unquestionable unless Liam himself stepped in to change it.

Liam was worried. He was so worried he felt like he would throw up. Cassandra was in the heart of the Empire, which would eventually become an enemy of humanity, despite their current alliance. She was a hostage. He needed to rescue her, but to do so he would first need to become more powerful than the King, and currently, he couldn’t even match up to the members of an Elite Squad. Liam took several deep breaths, going back and sitting on the mat to forcefully clear his mind. In spite of the item’s effects, his imagination still ran wild. Only after a long while did he manage to stabilize his mental state. In the meantime, Arimiar patiently and silently waited.

“…What about the others?”

“Alexander Jern, Olivia Rodin, and Mikhail Kyrianov were all designated to the same squad in the army. This was decided in order to maximize their fighting potential and improvement over time, especially given how powerful their Personal Attributes are. They’re all alive, though it is hard to say whether they are unharmed. War is merciless.”

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