《Arcane - A Progression LitRPG》25: Why Are You Here, Humanling?


Dhokaz led him through the doors. From the outside, the king’s hall had looked immense, but inside, perhaps because of Dhokaz’s words, the soaring, empty space struck Lindley differently. Lit by orbstones that barely reached the ceiling, the hall was a cold place, filled with shadows and lonely echoes.

At the far end of the room was a massive throne on a raised dais. It was flanked by a series of pillars engraved with Scavish runes. Lindley couldn’t be totally sure, but by the arrangement of the letters, he thought they could be names. Probably, names of previous kings or Scavish gods.

Several symbols repeated down the columns, perhaps indicating members of the same clan. More silvery-blue lichen draped the tops of the pillars, casting them and the throne in a cool silver glow that contrasted with the warm light orbs in the rest of the hall.

On the throne sat the oldest scaven Lindley had ever seen. Enhanced by the light of the lichen, his beard and hair were pure silver. His hands where they gripped the throne had a grayish tinge, and there were hollows carved out of his cheeks and dark shadows around his eyes. He stared straight ahead and did not react to Lindley’s presence until he had reached the dais of the throne.

Slowly, his sharpened gaze focused on him, his eyes flooding with shrewdness and power. Lindley's soul shook inside his body as he felt his knees buckle underneath him in apprehension. He swallowed hard, trying to avert the soul-gazing eyes. His body was like a statue, but his mind was alert and dangerous, Lindley thought.

“What have you brought me, Dhokaz?” asked the king. Lindley heard the note of challenge, almost anger, in his voice, but if Dhokaz noticed it, she didn’t react.

“King Baragh Abaethaggar, I bring you this humanling named Lindley Stormfire."

"Hm." The king’s expression did not change, but he inclined his head in acknowledgement of Dhokaz’s words. “But why bring him to me?”


"The wyrm hunters encountered him on the upper tunnels. Despite being a human, he put his life in danger, aiding them in defeating the wyrm.” Dhokaz explained. “He later they assisted my father and brother against the drows.”

"You could have rewarded him on your own. Why bring him to me?"

Dhokaz hesitated. “He seek the Portal Orbit."

Hearing that, the king’s countenance transformed. His eyes narrowed—the silver-blue irises burned, though Lindley was sure it must be a trick of the light. He stood up, towering over them from his place on the dais. Color flooded his cheeks, filling the hollows and suffusing his face with a vibrancy that bordered on frenzy.

“Child,” the king said, nodding at Lindley. His voice was soft, calm, and completely different from his expression. “You seek the arcane portal?”

Lindley glanced at the intimidating king and answered. "Yes, king Baragh Abaethaggar."

"Why do you seek the Orbit, humanling?"

"I want to return to my world safely.” Lindley said, his voice was soft and clear despite his apprehension. "There's no other way I can avoid the dangers of the tunnels on my own."

"Interesting." The king eyed him speculatively, but his gaze still burned with that same unsettling intensity. The Portal Orbit was a treasure of his scaven kingdom of Kulgagar. The ancient transportation treasure was truly under his command, but the Orbital Stone, required for it to function, was broken. Then, a faint smile creased the king’s face—brief it was and gone immediately—but it was enough to make Dhokaz blink in surprise. "Heavens smile on you, child. There's a replacement stone here in the Lowerment, but it was inside an item known as the Nebulae Arcana."

"Nebulae Arcana?"

"Yes. An artifact that could channel and unleash the power of any patron god through its divine sparks." The king narrowed his eyes to a slit. It wasn't about using but finding it. The item was located in the domain of the immortal carrion queen, a place where only he knew of. But he, himself, couldn't enter the carrion queen domain without alerting her. He wouldn't make it to the artifact before she would confront him. A confrontation he couldn't afford at this point in time.


The king raised his hand and made a beckoning gesture. Instantly, a pair of guards advanced from the shadowy corners of the hall. Lindley hadn’t even known they were there.

“Bring a table and food for our guest. I’ll speak with him further, once he's rested.” Baragh Abaethaggar commanded. He looked Lindley up and down without showing any signs of pity in his silver eyes. It was not impossible for the boy to find the item under his guidance. If he could lay his hands on the artifact, he would have more than a chance when facing the Carrion One. “You do seem as if you’re about to fall over.”

"I'm honoured, king Baragh Abaethaggar." Lindley replied, glancing at the scaven ruler. Lindley caught a glimpse of his silver eyes again, and shivers ran down his spine. The eyes were true silver. It wasn’t just a trick of the light.

In a few minutes, servant entered the hall carrying platters of food and drink, and two of the guards brought in a plain wooden table and chair for one, Dhokaz having excused herself to go find the royal weaponsmaster.

Staring at the table being arranged, Lindley knew it was no grand banquet of a scaven king, or any king at all, but it would do. As Lindley sank gratefully into the chair, he reflected that the whole city was not what he had expected. Where were the many servants and the guards who ran to meet a king’s commands? Had the drow really taken all that from these strong folk? Lindley couldn’t believe it. This strange king with the bright silver eyes surely wouldn’t let such a thing happen, would he?

"What are you thinking about, child?" Baragh Abaethaggar asked slowly, appearing dangerously friendly. He had been watching the human boy eat absent mindedly. The boy must be in deep thought, almost trancelike. What could possibly be occupying his little mind at this time? Was he really worried about getting back home?

"This place..." Lindley answered before trailing off.

"What about it?" The king asked. He stood up from his throne, and moved towards the food table.

Lindley swallowed hard, and replied apprehensively. "I think it' s already under attack."

“I see you have good observing eyes.” He stood up, moving restlessly around the table. “It’s true Kulgagar is under attack. Drow scouting warriors and small advance forces of carrion spiders target our outposts, each assault more aggressive than the last. They spread out the attacks in order to take advantage of our inferior numbers. We’re losing even small skirmishes, forced to seal off tunnels to prevent access to the city, letting them drive us back behind our stone doors."

"But why?"

"We’re as rats herded to one big hole. They’re just waiting for the right time to bring their wrath down on us.” The king slammed his fist on the tabletop, rattling the cups and bowls, spilling Lindley's wine cup.

“But why are they attacking you now?” Lindley asked. “From the look of it, this city appeared to have been built many centuries ago. What do the drows or the spiders gain by attacking it?”

“We captured one of their high-level drow watchers,” Baragh Abaethaggar said. “What little information we’ve been able to get from him tells us they’re after an artifact, a powerful item that channels arcane power. Sound familiar?”

“The Nebulae Arcana.” Lindley said, understanding at last.

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