《Mark of the Fated》Chapter 37 - The Ignoble Captain


As we approached what I deemed to be the boss cave, another quest popped into my log.

Quest – Save the Children (Optional)

Description – The victims of the deserter soldiers have been through enough. Save their lives as well as their womanly innocence and earn the adulation of the Pitchhollow Garrison

Reward - + 40 Reputation with Dawnstar Alliance

10 Realm points

The frenzy from within the chamber ahead was reaching a peak. Sadistic, guttural voices teased the terrified, wailing children.

“I’ve got a new quest,” I explained to Sun. “One that means we have to go in hard and fast.”

“I’m right behind you,” she replied. I could hear the creak of tightly gripped leather hilts as she readied her weapons.

“Fuck it. You only live once.”

Staying low, I charged forward, screaming Leroy Jenkins in my head. The passage opened up into the massive cave and I noted the spread of the soldiers and the girls immediately. Five were warming themselves by a fire to my right, five more were tearing the clothes from the girls, and their commander was sat in a thronelike rock formation. As their leader gaped at me bug eyed, I summoned one of the pots of oil and pelted it at the fangs of rock hanging from the ceiling above the fire. The ceramic shattered, spraying the whole area in flammable liquid that ignited the moment it hit the flames. Four of the men screamed as they blazed to life like roman candles. The fifth managed to launch himself away from the heat, but not before it singed most of his hair away.

All but one of their life signatures were now a deep crimson, blinking out one by one.

“The girls!” I snapped, making a beeline for the thrashing bodies as the whole cavern lit up like a summer’s day from my attack.

The men were so intent on their rape that I was on them before they even noticed they were in a fight. The fattest soldier who was already nearing penetration got the full measure of my wrath as I lashed out with the flail. My blow was so devastating it took his head clean off, sending the decapitated body tumbling into two of the onlookers. Sun flashed past me, hacking at the knocked over soldiers. Every blow made my vision flash with crit as their heads came apart. The remaining rapists were backing away, the innocent girls clutched firmly around the neck.

The element of surprise was gone. It was now going to be a straight up hack fest, four against two. Well, three and a half when I took into account the steaming, burned face of the soldier who’d escaped my torching. Sun was helping the third girl to stand and get behind us. I desperately wanted to use my summons, but I didn’t know how they would react with the enemies being so close to the non-combatants.

The leader stood up from his seat and collected his weapons; a large shield and a spear. His shocked expression was gone and he now regarded us with amusement.

Name – Captain Eadred Payne (Lvl 7) (Boss)

Description – Once the chief trainer of the Dawnstar Spear Infantry, Eadred has fallen to the level of a common brigand. Bring back his head to show what happens to traitors!

Weakness – Poison Elemental

Immunities - None

Another quest appeared and I checked it for a split second.

Quest – Take a Deserter Captive (Optional)

Description – By taking a prisoner, the information that could be extracted would be invaluable to the war effort. Another plus is that it won’t be you having your toes mashed this time! Yay!


Reward - + 20 Reputation with Dawnstar Alliance

Fog of war reveal (Orc encampments/Movements)

I wasn’t sure if we’d even have the opportunity to take a prisoner considering we’d just killed their whole group. How keen would they be to avenge their fallen as opposed to saving their own skin? Time would tell. The promise of uncovering the location of the approaching orcs was such a tempting boon I vowed to at least try.

“I must commend you for your bravery, strangers. The marshal sent a whole regiment against me and all they received were corpses in return,” said Eadred. “Your skill is a welcome change.”

I completely ignored him and turned my attention to the three soldiers. Their eyes kept shifting to the bloodied skull hanging at my side. The aura was working perfectly if their nervous shuffling was anything to go by. “I’ll give you men one chance to let the girls go. If you do that, I’ll promise you a fair trial back at the garrison. Your captain will die here today, but you may yet live on.”

Eadred roared with laughter. “A fair trial? Under Marshal Balchester? They would do better to feed themselves to the flames.”

I refused to meet the man’s eyes. “Make your choice now. I’ve been given assurances from the marshal. Wouldn’t you like to see your family, if only for one last time? Your wives? Your children?”

The two captors broke. “T’was the capn’s idea. We was just followin’ orders.”

They had already shuffled sideways, putting distance between themselves and the superior, but it wasn’t enough. With a growl of rage, Eadred lunged with his spear, catching the nearest soldier in the throat with a precise thrust. “Bloody traitors!” He yanked the weapon free and blood gushed from the twin puncture wounds, soaking the terror stricken child in his dying grip.

Sun moved like quicksilver, grabbing the two girls in the split second of shock that followed. Throwing the remaining soldier behind us, she ignored his rambling efforts to excuse his behaviour.

“Watch him,” I said over my shoulder. “I’ve got these two.”

“Got us?” Eadred snarled. “You arrogant upstart. I’ll show you what you’ve got!”

He darted forward and jabbed at me with the spear. I just managed to duck out of the way, feeling the steel brush my hair as it passed over my head. Pulling it back, Eadred turned the motion into a full sweep. I dropped into a push up position as the shaft thrummed through the air above me. Tucking my legs, I jumped back to my feet and scurried backwards a few paces.

“Not bad,” said Eadred.

His blister faced companion turned to the captain and grunted agreement. I rewarded his momentary distraction with a torch to the head. The blazing wick slammed into the already burned face, dropping his health into the final slivers of red. Screaming in pain, he retreated towards the back of the cavern. Sun moved to join the fray but I stilled her with a nod to the girls. I didn’t want any surprises from the surrendered soldier if he saw the tide of battle change and opted for another change of heart. Reluctantly, she backed away and maintained a close eye on him.

“Looks like it’s just the two of us,” I said, swinging my flail playfully.

Eadred circled me. “That was an interesting trick with the torch. Are you a sorcerer? One of Dawnstar’s mages that I haven’t seen before?”

“I’m no one’s man. I’m just here to help crush the greenskins and restore peace to the land.”


Eadred laughed again. “Is that all? Well by the look of you you’ll have the measure of anything Gutrender can send at you. Trolls, wargs, everything.”

“I’ve already killed two orc raiding parties and a warg scout pack. I’ll get to their bosses soon enough.”

Eadred’s self-assuredness faltered for a moment. “Impossible. A whelp like you?”

“Want to meet one of them?” I gave a command and the bare skull hanging at my side changed to Snaglak’s fearsome head. The purple aura lent the ghastly visage an even more terrifying aspect.

“Parlour tricks to fool the weak-minded,” Eadred grumbled. Hefting the huge shield across his chest, he positioned the spear on the curved, golden crown.

Sun wanted to attack his rear, but I held her off again. This was a fight I needed to fight on my own, and that included not using my rodent minions. They were a crutch I was beginning to rely on too heavily. With the cooldown being as long as it was, there would come a time an enemy would yank away that crutch and beat me over the head with it.

Eadred shuffled forward, glaring at me from the safety of his defences. I knew what was coming as soon as he got within range. His eyes widened a fraction of a second before he thrust at me. As I dodged the attack, I realised it was a tell I could use. He matched me pace for pace while I moved around the room. The burned soldier was cradling his face behind the rocky throne. I pelted him with a few more torches to ward off any thoughts of a return to battle. In his already debilitated state, the impacts were enough to finish him off completely and he collapsed to the ground, dead. I tossed a few at Eadred, but the shield was an impenetrable barrier.

“It’s a shame you weren’t for hire,” he said, kicking aside the ineffectual brands at his feet. “We could’ve been quite the team.”

“Selling my soul to Gutrender?” I sneered. “I’m not a coward like you and your men.”

He glowered pure poison at me. “You weren’t there, boy. You didn’t see their army as it crushed us. Nothing can stand in the way of what’s coming, least of all a foreigner and his barbarian whore.”

Eadred’s eyes flashed again and I sidestepped the telegraphed blow. Charging forward, I slammed my shoulder into the shield, knocking him off balance. I chanced a swing at his lower legs which was the only available target. The vertebrae tangled around the iron boots and I pulled with everything I had. Eadred crashed to the ground and kicked his legs free of my weapon. Even though one arm was trapped by the shield, his spear was free and it whipped out. The wooden shaft cracked into my temple, sending me reeling backwards with its own red crit. Shaking my ringing head to clear the stars flickering in my vision, I knew I needed to get a proper helmet at the earliest opportunity.

Eadred tossed the shield aside and jumped to his feet. Unencumbered by the thick plate of metal, he was far more deadly. The spear became a blur as he whirled it kung-fu fashion. “I’m going to enjoy gutting you, boy.”

The urge to summon my rat swarm was almost overwhelming. I was facing a man who was born in combat. The lengthy weapon seemed to be an extension of his body, rather than an accessory. My own flail was still felt unwieldly in my hands as I swung it around and around.

“You can do it,” I heard Sun whisper behind me.

Eadred sensed my fear and lunged at me. As impressive as his acrobatic display was, he still needed the brief pause before jabbing and I dodged once again. We danced that way for a minute while I tried to figure out a way inside his whirling spear. If I hadn’t been blessed with the increased agility of my skills, there was no doubt in my mind I’d have already fallen.

Sun was lounging against the wall, the soldier hogtied at her feet. My cheeks started to burn with embarrassment at my weak display. Eadred was right. How could I hope to win against an army if I couldn’t even best one man with a spear? My prowess with side-scrolling hack-‘em-ups was a skill that didn’t transfer to the real world. I was a soft-as-shit civilian for fuck’s sake.

“Hold still, boy, and I’ll make it quick,” Eadred goaded, slashing at my face.

I reacted to the insult, and in so doing wasn’t quick enough to move. The tip of the weapon cut a deep furrow in my cheek and nose. I quaffed a potion before I’d even staggered backwards from the strike. The burning pain radiated through my skull, reigniting my fury. I was used to the agony. It was a companion on my journey. Why did I fear it?

“What?” Eadred gasped as my skin reformed.

I wasn’t about to explain that it was the only healing I could use for the next five minutes, choosing instead to use his lapse in concentration. Darting forward, I held up my arm and blocked the shaft mid-swing. The wood thwapped against my skin and I grabbed it with my free hand. Pocketing my flail, I used my other hand to grasp it tightly and bring it down across my knee. The weapon snapped, leaving the tip in my hand and Eadred wielding little more than a ragged ended branch. I tossed my end into the flames and withdrew my flail again.

“You’re quick, boy, I’ll give you that,” grunted the warrior, slipping a vicious looking dirk from his armour.

Our fortunes had flipped and I now had the range advantage. Eadred made a move for the shield until I cut him off with an overhand blow that hammered it back to the ground. He hissed in pain, nursing the injured fingers as he backed away. I kicked the end up with the toe of my boot and caught the strap, hoisting it aloft. Looping my arm through, the shield felt perfect to my unaccustomed hand.

Sun was smiling in the corner. She favoured me with a subtle nod that said you’ve got this.

I started to stalk the captain around the chamber. His earlier confidence was faltering as he stared at the bodies of his men.

“You’ve won this battle, boy, but you won’t win the war!” he yelled, dashing towards the exit. Before I could react and give chase, Eadred smashed into nothing and fell back into the room. Nose gushing blood, he climbed to his feet groggily and reached out. Like a mime, his palm flattened against the invisible barrier which sealed the boss room. “What?”

“You’re trapped in here, captain,” I explained. Against every fibre of my being that ached for vengeance, I said, “You can still leave here alive and face a trial.” Deep down I think the killings had had a far greater effect on me than I dared to admit.

Eadred ignored my offer and glanced around, trying to find his dagger. Wherever it had landed it was now gone from sight. With all the cracks and fissures in the rock, the cave system was likely now its owner until it crumbled to rust.

“Last chance, Eadred,” I warned.

He spat a mouthful of teeth and blood into the dirt. “Never!”

Running straight at me, Eadred jumped and extended both feet like a wrestler attempting a drop kick. I was already braced when he hit. Combined with my heightened strength, the attack was futile. Eadred’s legs buckled and he crashed to the ground at my feet. My forgiveness was all used up as I rained blows onto his body. Snaglak’s horns cut the captain to ribbons. The bleed effect started to eat away at his dwindling health and I backed away. Casting my fated spell, I gratefully absorbed his life essence as the skill pinged up a level. Eadred was nearing death, less than ten percent of his bar remaining.

It was done.

Thinking of all the innocent blood already shed by this band of fuckwits, I summoned my rats. The dying figure became nothing more than a thrashing blanket of black fur in his final, agonising moments.

I suddenly felt very weak and staggered to the throne. My mind wasn’t to be told these men were constructs of the game. All I could feel was the weight of their deaths and the stain it left on my soul. It would be called justice. To me, it felt anything but.

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