《The Uncertain Adventurer》Chapter 37 - The Message


Rowena’s breath caught. She had been anything but certain that she’d be able to figure out a way into the secret panel, but she’d managed it– and by thinking through the problem, not just relying on her Abilities. That felt like a special win, on some level.

Maybe she was cut out to be a Secretseeker after all, she thought with a little pride as she guided her little glowing orb closer to the desk and reached into the hidden panel. As she’d seen before using Detect Secret, there was only a single sheet of parchment stuffed inside– either Lorimer didn’t have many secrets, or he only used this particular hiding spot temporarily. The latter made more sense; proud as she was to have discovered it and how to open it, it wasn’t terribly secure.

It was a letter without a salutation, though of course Rowena presumed it was meant for Lorimer. Unless the Innkeeper himself (Rowena knew that the man’s primary Subclass couldn’t be Innkeeper as he was a MAGIC USER Class and had apparently worked at the University, but she hadn’t yet figured out what his main Subclass was) had stolen it from another source.

Tsk tsk, Cuth thought, but went on eagerly, Go on, give it a read!

Rowena read the letter through once and gasped– she was not prepared for its contents, or her suspicion of who had written them.

I need to read this again, she thought, but was finding it hard to remain standing. After all, despite her long sleep the day before, she was still uncomfortable from her rapid Level increases. Her mind was reeling.

Go sit on the couch, Cuth thought, alarmed. If you fall, you’ll make a loud thump.

Glad you’re so concerned for my well being, she thought, but she knew he was right..

Somehow, she made her way over to the couch and sat down on it, careful not to disturb the rug, which was still glowing from her Detect Secret Ability. Like everything else in this room, the overstuffed couch was more used and comfortable than any of the other furnishings in the inn that she had seen.

Taking a deep breath, she read the letter once more.

Unexpected development– three more of them. All now awake. All with properly assigned Classes and Subclasses. Only one other candidate in the village too scared to take the leap, but twin survived.

All four greatly affected by overpowered HS. Village unsettled.

Write immediately and explain what DC did. I don’t appreciate sending updates with no response. Was this your doing? I demand answers.


There was also a hastily scrawled post script.


PS– The four have left town. Suspect going after DC. You’re lucky I caught this letter in time to amend.

Rowena’s hands shook slightly and her stomach churned– there was no doubt that the letter referred to the four of them and the circumstances around their Selection week. What possible need would Lorimer have of knowing anything about them, or Tunehlan at all, for that matter? What interest did he have in the Heartstone and their powers?

She turned her attention to the initials, which were accompanied by a thick, black wax seal in the shape of a pyramid.

What was far worse than the contents was that Rowena could only think of a single person with the initials “MS” who could possibly have the kind of knowledge this letter held– Martha Stonemason.

Rowena tried to tell herself that it wasn’t true. Martha had always been a kindly woman, and probably would have been a surrogate mother to Rowena if she’d ever let her get close enough. She’d been their teacher for the last several months leading up to the Selection week, teaching them everything she knew about Classes and Subclasses, offering advice and suggestions.

Huh. Well, I guess this explains why a Stonemason had all of those books, Cuth observed.

Why shouldn’t a Stonemason have books? Rowena thought back irritably.

Just doesn’t really… align with the career? Cuth said incredulously. You seriously never questioned that?

Maybe I just don’t think you can pin someone down based on their Class, Rowena said with a touch of sensitivity. A Stonemason can be interested in reading.

Uh-huh. Cuth sounded skeptical.

She hated that he was sort of right, but they didn’t have time to argue the point. It doesn’t matter what I did or didn’t think back then. The point is… why is she writing to Lorimer? Who is he? What interest does he have in us?

I think you’re overreacting to this, Cuth replied. It doesn’t have to be anything malicious or intended to cause you harm. Arcania is a magical University. Lorimer used to work there– or still might, in some capacity. What happened to you is of magical interest. I know you don’t see it that way, but trust me… I used to live here. Something major like what happened to the four of you would obviously attract the notice of someone.

Rowena supposed that she’d been too caught up in her quest for vengeance– justice, she corrected herself quickly– for her brother Tommie and distracted by the changes within the four of them that she hadn’t considered that others might find their situation of interest– and not to help them, but rather to use or exploit them.


I didn’t say anyone was trying to exploit or use you! Cuth sighed with exasperation. You’re being paranoid!

She realized she was clenching the parchment paper tightly, wrinkling it and making it obvious that it had been tampered with.

“Oh no,” she whispered, and put it on the couch cushion next to her, trying to smooth it out as best she could.

As she frantically smoothed the piece of parchment, her eye was caught by the glowing rug near her feet. She’d presumed earlier that the rug was enchanted with some sort of alarm or trap, and that was why it was showing up as part of her Detect Secret Ability. From this angle, however, she could see that part of it was kicked up at the edge, and the glow was actually coming from something underneath it.

Her eyes widened. I think that there’s something underneath the rug!

Parchment forgotten on the couch for the moment, she took a breath and then a gamble, kicking the rug back the tiniest bit further. She paused– but nothing happened. There was no magical trap.

And sure enough, the glow remained where it was on the floor.

She took a deep breath and focused her energies on the active Detect Secret Ability. Surely she could be given more specific parameters than this vague glow? After all– she was a Level 7 now, and had used this Ability a few times at this point.

As she concentrated, she felt the energy stir and move within her, pouring from somewhere deep inside out into the world. As it moved, the glow began to sharpen and focus a little bit, creating a more definitive outline than it had before. Before, she’d thought it was just a general glow about the rug. Now, the diffuse glow became much sharper white lines, forming what looked like a square shape almost the full size of the rounded rug.

A trapdoor! She thought excitedly. Maybe now we’ll see what Lorimer is really hiding!

Well done, Cuth sniffed and tried to sound disdainful, but she could tell that he was just as excited as she was.

Who’s paranoid now? Rowena almost laughed triumphantly. I knew this guy was up to something.

I didn’t say he wasn’t up to something, Cuth grumbled.

Should we… should we go down? Rowena suddenly felt extremely nervous. It was one thing to have wandered into the library– she could always claim she’d been hungry and got lost. It would be a thin but reasonable excuse. Plus, she’d been in the library before and therefore was ostensibly welcome as a guest.

But breaking into a clearly private space felt like a much bigger step, even bigger than discovering the secret panel with Martha’s note hidden inside.

Don’t be dense, Cuth said archly. What did you get those new Abilities for, if not to use them?

Of course! In her excitement about discovering the missive from Martha and the trap door, she’d completely forgotten that just a little while earlier she’d selected Compel Honesty, and most importantly in this circumstance– Throw Consciousness.

Do you know anything about how it works? Rowena asked hesitantly.

Not really. But we know there’s got to be a basement or a room or something down there, so I think you just… put your mind down there? Cuth shrugged.

That… makes sense.

Rowena bit her lip, and then began to meditate, but Cuth interrupted her.

Wait! Cuth said hurriedly. Go return the parchment first!

Shouldn’t I keep it as… as evidence? Rowena said hesitantly.

Evidence of what? Look, I’ve been studying it. I’ll be able to recall the contents. Better not to arouse suspicion if we don’t have to, he pointed out.

That seemed reasonable, she had to admit. She quickly made her way back to the desk and slid the parchment into the false panel, then removed the wadded up parchment that had pressed against the secret catch and shut the drawer. With a click, she replaced the false panel with a satisfied grin.

What a hypocrite, she thought as she made her way back to the couch. He gives me grief over being a ROGUE but keeps secrets locked up in here! I know he’s up to something.

So let’s explore this trap door situation and find out more, Cuth said impatiently.

With a deep breath, she started to calm her mind, trying to reach that space where she could best access her Class and Subclass. The first time using any Ability was tricky, and without someone to guide her or prepare her, she wanted to go slowly and surely. Rowena had to admit that, in spite of all of the stress, pain, and drama of the last weeks, she was rather excited to be using a new Ability.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted her. “What are you doing here?” it said sharply, and Rowena snapped out of her reverie.

She looked up in horror to see Lorimer standing in the doorway, looking stern and curious. “I asked you a question.”

He must be apoplectic with rage, but his demeanor remained as calm and collected as ever. Rowena shivered– she found his coolness particularly unnerving.

“What are you doing in my library?”

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