《Cascadia》Chapter 26: The Three Room Problem.
With their lodging secure for the next night the group was set to explore the woods. Corvayne lead them downstream, planning to see if the small river linked up with another stream he had been to before. As they walked past the mill they found a path along the stream that meandered back and forth along the banks. Talking with the group about yesterday, no objections were made to exploring at a more leisurely pace for chests. Corvayne recommended everyone move in pairs and to stay within vision of each other while exploring the brush.
Corvayne used some of the time the other party members spent canvasing the woods to help Mosh practice fighting, which he wasn't terrible at once he stopped screaming every time something came at him. Wick let the goblin use her spear instead of a knife. Mosh was more then happy to use the larger weapon as it meant he could try to keep a monster at bay before it started clawing him. It looked like the spear should be too big for him but Corvayne could see Mosh had slightly enhanced strength. When they had finished and were walking further along the sandy river bank, Corvayne asked Mosh what he remembered about practicing powers.
“It's been over ten years, and I took crafter courses but okay! What I remember from it is they'd make us run laps around the campus and use abilities until we were exhausted.”
Corvayne looked at him. “And they didn't encourage you to see if your gifts were useful?”
“I did exceptionally well making things Boss. I slacked off with regards to fighting because, well, the whole universe is a part of the HAF, even if you guys don't know it! Wasn't any wars left to fight, so you really went to training to meet people. Meet people. You know, like I met June all night-”
“Got it. Good job. You nailed that Mosh. Anyway... your abilities tire you out?” He looked from the goblin to the bank of the river and woods. Grunt was ahead of him, and the rest were a few steps behind.
Mosh was just looking at where he was walking and Corvayne. “Yeah, of course! You do all those fancy special attacks, don't you feel winded after a few? Same deal with using those powers.”
“So you should, in other words, use your abilities as we go so that you can start to develop them into useful ones?”
Mosh, with some foot dragging, agreed to practice his powers while Corvanye tried to get his shadow limb to do different tricks. What was odd was he didn't feel like it was tiring him the same way doing weapon skills did. Perhaps the limb was extremely efficient? Either way, the sound of glass cracking and swearing from Mosh punctuated the otherwise quiet birdsong and occasional raspy warble which they discovered was a furry slug noise.
A section of a trail that crossed the river path went higher into rocky hills. Grunt and Corvayne turned them to walk up into the more jagged terrain of blue and gray rock. With the trees pushed back from the packed dirt trail, monsters would more frequently seek them out. The majority of these were slug encounters that Corvayne used as practice for his shadow limbs, skewering the low to the ground monsters while following his usual spear footwork. The packs of the charging monsters tended to be clumps of six slug. Perfect numbers for everyone to try to kill one. Grunt and Corvayne dealt with any spares when Wick would miss or Mosh would break formation. Hari and Mister I proved very reliable with taking one down each time Corvayne called incoming.
Slugs were not the only creatures in the hills: Other monsters such as painted dogs would crop up in small groups moving through gaps in the underbrush when there were wooded portions of the trail. A small flock of tentacle birds also tried to attack at one point, providing them a variety of meat that no doubt would go into the stew at the inn that night.
The highlight for monsters was Mister I bagging a tiny griffon with his bow. Corvayne appreciated his methodical shooting: Mister I sighted the monster then drew and released in a smooth motion, hitting the creature in the neck as it took flight from a ledge above them. Recalling how much they had enjoyed the sausages, they roasted the monster for lunch with some bread from the cooler. It tasted like something between chicken and beef with a hint of some flavor that he felt was airy. Almost like how one felt breathing in after eating peppermint but not sharp and it actually tasted like it was clean.
A little after lunch was done they found two chests while exploring about an hour apart: One off the path on a ledge behind a huge light blue rock towering over the path, the other at the back of a den of furry slugs. Hari found a trap on the later, and between both the group found a few more healing potions, a quiver of arrows that were extra sharp they gave to Mister I, a knife that when held made it's user a little lighter they gave to Mosh, a trio of throwing hatchets that returned to the person throwing them Corvayne took for himself, a belt that made things stick to it, and a few handfuls of silver coins along with a statue that made an area around it smell like fresh pine needles, and a set of sewing needles that could mend paper, glass, and were extra effective at stitching. There were a few art items that had no special properties: a necklace of glass beads with tiny life-like fish in them, a wooden toy-sized rocking horse Pegasus, and two more paintings, small ones that also looked like Cascadia's coast: The paintings required grunt to make a special stack of delicate items.
The two more interesting common items were a scroll of 'Unfalling' and a book of beginners alchemy. Wick and Mister I both wanted it, with Corvayne arguing that it could be shared and they'd see if there was a tie-breaker item that one wanted the other didn't.
Hari held up the scroll of Unfalling as they walked out of the den into fresher air: Their lair had a swampy smell to it. “It's not flying really, you read it and anything that was nearby that fell reverses it's drop.”
When Corvayne repeated that, Wick mused “Maybe it restores something's potential energy?”
Corvayne shrugged. “Either way, if we can find some way to duplicate these, I'd prefer if we all had them for floors like the first.”
“Didn't take you for someone who worried about heights.” Wick teased while also giving Corvayne's arm a gentle squeeze. She was wearing the blue feathered robe in place of her olive coat over her white undershirt. A small tinge of envy came along with enjoying how she looked in it: It looked far warmer then his cloak.
The group came back to familiar ground at the stream Wick and he had bathed and started a fire at when it had just been the two of them. They went up over the hill to the next valley then searched the woods for about an hour and a half before taking a break when they found a large lake. The view was spectacular: A nearly still lake splaying out from the woods to lap against shores miles away. There was only the lightest of breezes and it reflected the woods and blue peaks and yellow sky like a huge mirror.
Grunt happily sat on a log and gave his feet a rest. Mosh more or less flopped on the ground, and Mister I eyed the lake and started putting his fishing pole together. Wick took out more of her little devices to get more readings, and Hari settled on a rock with the satchel holding the unidentified potion and Sun Dial. A few minutes into the break she suddenly stood up.
“I got it! Potion of Quintessence.” Hari handed it to Corvayne and beamed at him. “I feel like I just brute forced it with all those [Investigate] applications.”
“Is that the one where nobody is sure what it does?” He held up the bottle and saw it was just a little translucent.
“Yep.” The elf nodded.
“But it's good. And rare.” Corvayne considered it. A boost in power... and expensive. He was of the mind to give it to Wick, but he turned to adress the group, “So the potion is Quintessence. It's sort of a either 'does nothing' or 'does everything' deal. The book didn't clarify effects.”
Wick pointed at Corvayne. “I say we give it to him.”
Grunt nodded as he also pointed to Corvayne. He mimed drinking it then having a horrible transformation with horn fingers and wavy tentacle arms.
Mister I thought about it, not turning his attention to far from where his fishing line met the lakewater. “I will agree but if I see another chess-board mundane object I'd like more consideration.”
Hari stepped up to Corvayne and tugged his sleeve. “Are you debating who should drink it?”
Corvayne nodded at her. Hari looked at her feet a little bit, then looked Corvayne in the eye as she said, “I feel your choice boils down to either give it to your strongest member, yourself or Grunt, or your weakest member, Wick or Mosh.”
“You don't want it?” Corvayne watched Hari's face flush a little.
“I am already asking a lot. You rescued me and both the shadow hood and book are both extremely precious items. Also you've been patient with me while I'm been...” She got flustered and Corvayne nodded.
“It's okay Hari. You're doing a lot of work for us considering how stressful this all must be. We did what any decent person would do.” He turned to Mosh, who was on a rock looking out over the water.
“Mosh, what's your vote on the potion?”
“You said it was Quintessence right?” The craftsman turned back and hopped off the rock. He sauntered up to Corvayne, standing tall to peek at the bottle.
Corvayne blinked. “Do you know what it does?”
Mosh grinned. “Do I ever! It's the potion alchemist's brew for bragging rights.”
“What happens when you drink it?”
“Oh. No idea. It's expensive though. It's one of those things were people say it does nothing and some people put down tons of money for.”
Corvayne sighed. “Thanks for the information Mosh.”
“No problem Boss! Try it and tell me if you feel stronger.”
“It seems like you guys have voted I try it...” Corvanye looked at the bottle, then shrugged. “Ok, bottoms up.”
He took the stopper off and drank it. It tasted like thick chocolate milk actually, with an oily hint of perhaps something savory. As it flowed into him... he didn't feel any different. No glowing lights. He had his shadow limb come out and take the bottle, then place it back in his hand. He tried using [Flows-Like-Water]... no difference in the slight drain taking a few steps.
“Ok I'm stumped as to what it does too.” Corvayne looked for something dramatic, like scales to grow from his arms or something.
Mosh laughed. “See, that's what I told you. Probably only works for certain people. Hey, sometimes you gamble and lose!”
“Are we going to backtrack to the inn then?” Corvanye asked the rest of the group.
“How long a walk is it from here? Two hours? Two and a half?” Wick rubbed her ankles while asking.
“Two and a half I'd guess. But I wanted to stop at that house where we found the chest last time and see if the dungeon is refilling it.” Corvayne looked away from Wick to see if there was any other input.
Mister I shrugged without turning to face everyone. “I'm enjoying this pacing better then the goblins, I'll say that.”
Grunt motioned that he would like to drink some more.
Wick nodded. “Fine. But we need to hash out some RULES for rooms because last night was chaos.”
Mister I started reeling his line in. “I think me and Grunt being roommates was fine.”
Grunt turned and gave the monk's back a glare.
Mosh added “I was perfectly happy to share a room with June.”
“Oh yes! Meanwhile. I had to nurse a DRUNK elf last night.” Wick snapped over at the goblin.
“Corvayne I am sure was more then willing to help you Wick!” Mister I added cheerfully.
Grunt pointed at Corvayne, then Wick, then Hari and mimed pushing two things together.
Wick growled. “That's NOT a solution!”
Corvayne mused. “We could just camp outside of town and let them fight over inn rooms.”
“I LIKED sleeping on a BED.” Wick said with a strained smile. She turned and started to walk through the woods.
As he started to follow her Hari jogged a little to walk next to him and whisper, “I'm sorry Corvayne! I shouldn't have had that second mug.” Hari's ears drooped while she was speaking. OK. Corvayne had to admit that she was cute when she did that.
He looked ahead to Wick. “I can sleep in a tree if you two would-”
Wick turned her head and growled back, “No no no, you are not sleeping in a tree! Mosh, can you stay at June's house or something?”
“No way! Have you seen what the miller looks like?” Mosh folded his arms.
Corvayne wasn't going to press sleeping outside too hard: it was cold outside.
The goblin snapped his fingers. “Hey, just do the girls together, Grunt and the I doctor, and me and Corvayne! I don't mind an audience... or a competition. Eh? EH?” Mosh slid up to Corvayne, had to sidestep around a tree, then came back and elbowed him in the side. “Eh?”
He held a hand up. “Mosh I'm sure there's an audience somewhere that would think that's great. Sadly, it looks like you don't have any takers.”
Grunt tapped Mosh on the shoulder and mimed his ball-and-chain pose then a considering face. The goblin laughed.
“See? Grunt would be down!” The goblin lowered his voice “Anyway, your going to be sleeping in Wick's bed anyway right? Or maybe Hari's?”
Corvayne did look over at Wick, who was glaring at either him or Mosh. He startled as Hari appeared walking next to Mosh. The elf looked down at the goblin with a concerned look on her face. Her voice came out suprisingly cold. “I heard my name out of him.”
“He's suggesting sleeping arrangements for me. I am politely ignoring him as he seems to enjoy pushing me to conquests I'm not interested in.”
“You mean me?” Hari gently placed the end her staff on Moshes shoulder, stopping him.
“Boss she's giving me the evil eye! Why'd ya tell her what I said?”
“Please forgive Mosh. He has particular ideas about male bonding. I think.”
Hari withdrew her staff. “Of course.” The hint of ice in her voice meant that even though Mosh couldn't understand what was said, he was still sweating. She hurried up to walk beside Corvayne. Wick was glaring at him again. Why? He had shut the idea down.
He heard Hari sigh and looked over to see her watching her feet as she walked. “I'm sorry, an ugly elf like me is...”
“I would say your attractive. My reservations are related to your own circumstances as well as much as...” He lowered his voice to a loud stage whisper while leaning in and giving Wick the side eye “The girl I was with last night being exactly my type.”
Hari giggled while Wick went red. The elf gently pushed Corvayne's shoulder. “A shame! ...for me. You seem a... fine knight! Tell your lady it is I who envies her.”
“She would prefer I not express myself in a mushy manner. I'm sure she would appreciate your envy, however.”
Wick had slowed down to elbow him, much more gently then when she was really angry, and growled a little. “Don't flirt with the elf in front of me! Where's your tact?”
“Not flirting.” Corvayne saw that Mosh was ahead of him looking back with a raised eyebrow and a smile.
Mister I joined in. “A treasure on each hand! Corvayne did Mosh give you some sort of blessing? Has he been holding out on me?”
Corvayne suppressed a groan. Moshes smile became a full impish grin. At least Grunt was paying attention to the forest: Everyone else was focused on forming some non-existent love triangle with him and an elf he'd never see again after a few days. It perhaps made sense because he kept his sometimes bursting affection for Wick carefully under wraps. If they were holding hands or caught sneaking kisses then maybe they'd lay off him.
He pushed his pace a little harder and spent a while focusing on scouting rather then starting to think about both girls. There were people in the village who could make those sorts of relationships between multiple people work, but most of the time they were chaotic. Wick made him happy. Hari was a lot of work. Then again, so was Wick.
The trip back up to the stream was faster when they didn't beat around the bush, literally, for treasure. At the little stone house there was still signs that they had stayed there: the remains of a fire as well as sharpened stakes and the tree he had chopped down. The chest was closed and Hari obliged Corvayne by checking for traps and opening it. Inside were a few copper coins and a clay tea cup and saucer with no special properties. Corvayne decided to place it all back into the chest.
“I want to see if it changes or improves whenever we come back this way next time.”
Mister I looked longingly at the normal clay tea cup as they put it back into the chest.
The arrived back at the inn in the afternoon and paid for another night. Corvayne stowed his gear while Mister I and Mosh gave the innkeeper a spread of meat for stew then vanished, likely to 'take a bath down by the river'. Grunt took a fishing pole and winked at Corvayne.
Maybe everyone else thought he was after both girls but Corvayne's impure thoughts were secondary to how cold he was.
“It's a silver for a hot bath in the tub. If you want a cold bath you got a bucket, just draw the water yourself. It's free, just dump down the ditch once your done with it.”
He tossed out three silver, trying not to think about how many hours of security guard work he was paying in silver for a hot bath. The innkeeper looked at him and the two women flanking him. “All at once or...?”
“You two go ahead of me.” Hari stepped back. “I'm going to go shop for a good pack, belt, and some better boots.”
Wick nodded. “We'll double up.”
“All right. You can clean up now in the bathroom if you just want to soak, pumps out back by the drainage. I'll get the water boiling.”
He gestured to a door that lead to a small room with a large iron tub. There were two wood benches and buckets, as well as a screen for privacy. The wood walls had iron bars with fluffy looking gray wool towels and wash cloths. The floor was a step down and made from smooth stones, sloping to a drain that ran under the wall and outside. Wick picked up a bucket and handed another to Corvayne. He followed her out to a little courtyard holding the pump and a drainage ditch that lead down to the stream. Wick set her bucket down and rolled up the sleeves of her robe, then started the squeaky lever going up and down to pump water.
“You've gotten more endurance in the last week. And you put on muscle.” Corvanye said while watching her arms extend as the handle came back up.
“I'm still scrawny. And my feet hurt, I'm just not complaining.” Wick grunted a little as she pushed the lever down. “I should make you do this, what ever happened to being a gentleman?”
“I paid for our baths and I didn't want to be presumptuous that you needed help.” He put a hand on the lever and started pumping one handed. He flexed with his other, keeping his face neutral while looking at Wick.
Wick laughed. “Show off.”
He filled her bucket then his and grunted as he lifted them and put them inside by the benches. Wick pointed to another pair of wood buckets, which he filled while she went to get her soap and some shampoo. She came back and lit a candle in the bathing room then stepped out to help him carry the fourth bucket inside. Setting it down, Wick pulled the screen out to block part of the room off from the door and stripped. Corvayne did as well and accepted her bar of soap. She took her glasses off, placed them on a spare stool with her clothes, undid her braids, then started scrubing her hair. The water was, as expected, freezing. He did his best to not rush while scrubbing himself clean. Wick then washed his back, and he scrubbed hers. Finally the innkeeper walked in and dumped what looked like a barrel into the tub.
He couldn't see more then his arms around the screen, but he heard the man say. “One more on the way.”
After a minute he came back with a slightly smaller barrel and filled the tub with steaming hot water. “When it gets cold drain it and I'll bring the next barrels in. Just ring the little bell.”
He shut the door on the way out and Corvayne hopped in the tub and sighed, feeling his entire form unwind as he fell into the warm water. Wick dropped something that fizzed a little and made the water smell like flowers, then stepped in carefully with a little help from him, and settled into the water resting on him.
He could see Wick's shoulders go from tense to jelly. “Haaaa. It's been years since I had a good soak.”
“It would help my enjoyment of exploring this floor if the streams were this warm.” Corvayne put an arm around her and closed his eyes. “Or just the floor itself.”
“Well, if there's a cold floor, there's got to be a tropical floor as well, right?” He felt Wick wiggle a little.
“It might only take variations on the local climate, in which case we won't find one.”
“Well, it would kick ass if in winter we could just take a week on a beach.”
“How cold does it get in winter?” He asked, tension entering.
“Winter feels like this floor. Dress warm and you'll be fine. I might drop in to warm your bed. You might have to share it with Hari. You never know.”
“I'm guessing we get split up at the exit.” Corvayne still had his reservations, especially if she became dependent on him. He knew how it felt to be trapped in a bad living arrangement. Also, why bring her up now?
“If she sticks, your going to have to spend a lot of time with her.”
“If.” He kept his tone even.
Wick turned around in his arm and he felt her rubbing against him as she pushed her head against his chest. Her green hair looked almost black when it was wet. He closed his eyes. Life was good.
“She was looking at you a lot today.” Wick said.
“I was looking at you.” The irony that he had his eyes closed at the moment was not lost on him.
“Don't think I didn't notice you creeper!” She pushed herself up far enough to kiss him then sank back down to nestle comfortably at his side. The water sloshed a little. “Still... we need to find you a nice girl to get the dating thing out of your system.”
“I don't want to date other women.”
“You sure?” She dropped the scratchy voice.
“Yes. I love you.” He felt sure of it. Corvayne opened his eyes to look at her.
Wick laughed. That hurt a little. Then the laughter got quieter, devolving into little giggles.
“Don't... tell me that with that face.” there was pain in her voice. He put his arms around her to hug her, and suddenly she started trembling. Before he could even think the trembling turned into her flailing, water splashing all over as she went from docile to limbs flying. Before he could ask what was wrong Corvaye got a palm in the face that split his lip, and felt her trying to grab his hand and claw it away from her, nails digging in. He pulled himself out from under her, getting kicked as she started gasping and scrambling to pull herself out of the tub, water churning as she splashed, out of control. He got out and offered her a hand.
“I'm sorry! I didn't realize...”
She wasn't listening, slapping his hand away and balling up in the back of the tub, covering her face and taking gasping breaths, then kicking and reaching out, her eyes wide with terror.
“Easy! Wick! Calm down! You're ok!”
She lashed out at him again when he got close but he was too scared that whatever was happening would make her hit her head and drown in the tub. He took a solid punch in the jaw and a kick on his forarm as he took her back and legs and lifted her out. Even in his arms she kept battered him and the tub, cutting her own hand and hitting him in the nose. He didn't think she was aware of anything, her breathing and eyes betraying raw animal terror. He carried her over to her robe.
“Get away from me!” she wheezed out.
He put her down and put a hand up, then reached with his other hand to the clothes rack. Then handed her the robe. She took it and he stepped back to grab his shorts. She wrapped herself up in her robe and sat on the bench and started sobbing. Corvayne rubbed his nose: Bleeding. She hit him hard and the pain was coming back on top of the warm trickling feeling of a nosebleed. He put his shorts on then used some of the cold soapy water to clean his face and pinched his nose.
Hearing her quiet cries was a new type of agony for him. He felt lame as he spoke, “Sorry Wick. I... I'm sorry.”
Looking at her crying into her hands, shivering, he felt horror and shame and confusion filling him. Corvayne stood up, and grabbed his shirt. He had just ruined the only relationship he ever wanted. Why didn't he listen to what she had said? Or pull away faster? He dried himself off and walked out of the bath room, just striding up to the room and laying on his bed, a queasy feeling of total failure taking root.
A few moments or minutes later there was a knock, and Wick came in, glasses in hand, hair wet and drooping, looking miserable. He turned away to give her privacy, then heard her start to sniffle and looked back at her as she sat down on the other bed.
“Corvayne I tried to warn you. Now you went and said it... and I... I can't...” Corvayne could see Wick starting to cry again and felt his own tears gathering.
“I'm sorry. I won't... touch you again. I'll switch to Mosh's room and...”
“You idiot... I love you too Corvayne.” Her voice sounded frustrated.
He turned and she held a hand up to ward him from getting up.
“I hate it. I can't take it when you tell me that, or hold me... It scares me even if I want it. I trust you, and in my head I know you'd never try to hurt me, but I just hurt you because there's something wrong with me. I told you I was crazy, right? Something happened, or might have happened, it might really just be in my head, and it's bent me out of shape, and it ruined my life before I ran away and it's ruining it now.”
Corvayne sat quietly. His thoughts were in chaos however. He shook his head.
“If I tell you how I feel like that when were close... is that what caused it?”
She nodded.
“Do you need me to just be... cold to you?”
She shook her head.
“Do you need me to sleep somewhere else tonight? I mean in a different room.”
“Maybe. I... Just give me some time. I'll be okay.” She closed her eyes, and to Corvanye she never looked smaller. Wick took a shuddering deep breath. “Are you okay?”
“You nailed my nose.” He checked his hands. “And I got some good scratches bruises. I feel... like it's my fault anyway.”
“MY shit isn't YOUR fault. That's why I didn't want to be exclusive. I was trying to keep my own feelings out of it.” She huffed a little.
Corvayne laughed. “I can tell you from experience, now, pushing your feelings out doesn't work.”
Wick rolled her eyes and sniffled. The barest hint of a smile appeared under her red eyes. “You pick the weirdest shit to crack up at.”
“Can I say it?”
“Fuck you! I'm not going to let you make me cry again tonight!” Wick grabbed her pillow and threw it at him.
“Ok... I'm going to go down and finish the two baths I paid for. The water's still warm, probably.” Corvayne hopped off the bed.
“Wait! I want a hot bath still.”
“Well... you okay with taking turns?”
Wick sat with him during his bath and they talked about neutral things such as fencing goods, considering what they might bring next time they did an expedition, and what to do with Mosh after they got back. The last one they quickly agreed to dump him on Mister I. It would be an fitting response to the both of them using Corvayne to argue for a few hours yesterday. When the water got cold he rang the bell and grabbed a towel. Banner looked between them and shrugged, then refilled the water. Corvayne got up to leave so that Wick could bathe, but she demanded he at least sit with her so they could keep talking about what the plan for tomorrow was. She had him put his hand on the rim of the tub and placed hers next to it for a few moments before drawing it away.
“I want to try a different floor four.” Wick said as she sunk into the tub.
“Ok, we'll look for another exit. See if we can't get something aside from the river.”
He started cleaning his clothes, taking a cue from her, and then left as she got out. Hari was waiting for her turn, and smiled at him. He nodded at her, then sat at the bar and graciously accepted the first bowl of stew. The inn's bar room filled up as the crew came back, Grunt first with a fish, then Mister I, then Mosh with a pair of girls whom he was pretty sure were June and July. He really hoped that Wick didn't mind him sleeping on the floor if push came to shove.
She came out of the bath room and joined him at his table with a pair of mugs and her own bowl of stew.
She pushed a mug across to him, then raised hers. She looked more like herself. “Cheers, to our fucked up relationship.”
He tapped her mug. “As long as it exists.”
Wick then kept feeding ordering them drinks, and Hari joined them and they all toasted him and Wick. Hari was talking about her village and Wick kept playing with her ear which made her make annoyed noises that cracked Corvayne up. In reviewing the evening, he could remember thinking he had never gotten drunk before, that it was great, toasting Grunt, then flopping into bed with Wick and kissing her and telling her that he loved her as she was pulling his pants off then...
He woke with a headache, and struggled a moment with opening his eyes. He had an arm around Wick, who was sleeping with a leg wrapped over him. Well, everything would work out with her. He would learn from his mistakes and...
He then felt something warm and soft on the other side of the bed pressing up against him. It was very warm and very soft. He turned his head up the ceiling, eyes rimmed with pain that suddenly became pounding as he realized that he was in trouble. He turned, and saw a blond tuft of hair and a pointy ear half buried in his other arm.
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Alex was an ordinary person with the dream of one day being transmigrated to a magical world. But what he didn't expect is that he would be transmigrated to a world much more than that, a world he knew very well, but instead of being given a system that would empower him, he was given a system that allowed him to make games, and the more people played, the more powers he would get. Tony Stark: I hate this! I can do in real life everything this Watch Dogs guy does, but why can't I stop playing? Hulk: HULK HATES DARK SOULS!!! HULK SMASH DARK SOUS ARRRHHHHGGG!!! Nick Fury: If any agent can't complete the Hitman game by next week, that agent will be fired from the Shield! A world of superheroes, but who controls everything is "only" a game developer.
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The Fire Within Can Be Scary
In a fantasy world similar to ours, magic worked similarly to physics, with each elemental spirit magic being tied to a state of matter. Earth is solid.Water is liquidAir is gas.Fire is plasma. Four elements, four states of matter. However in the ancient world of Hitarea, "Plasma" hadn't been discovered yet. The people of this world believe that only three states of matter existed, and thus, only three elemental magic could exist. For years, Earth, Water, and Air stood alone as the three main elements from which all others originated. Advanced arts like metal from earth, or Ice from water were only extensions of their original element . . . so what does that make Fire? Fire is powerful as the earth with its mighty explosions, flexible like water as it writhes around in the air, and swift like the wind. All at the same time. Fire, in regards to combat, is the most powerful element by far. This fearsome power is Alden's to master, but this power is a double-edged sword. One shouldn't play around with fire if you don't want to be burned. The fire within can be scary, you know?
8 169 - In Serial17 Chapters
Good Guy Necromancer
Necromancers are murderous, repulsive, utterly ungodly creatures. And then there's Jerry. Jerry is a novice necromancer who treats his undead warmly, seeks to befriend people instead of harvest their bodies, and doesn't mind cracking a skull or two when needed. He genuinely is a good guy—too bad nobody believes him. Trying to discover his place in the world, Jerry will live great adventures. He will make friends, each unique in their own way, and together, they will travel through a variety of striking environments; from a tiny village, to the land of the dead, to a jolly archipelago, to a kingdom on a beanstalk. To save a world that shuns him, Jerry must stand against a large organization of arrogant, mighty wizards. He strives to become stronger while maintaining his kindness, only to realize that, maybe, gentle hearts make the greatest necromancers. This is the story of a delightful man in a harsh world—full of warmth, action, and wise-cracking bone puns. Chapters are usually 2-3k words, and updates are 3/week: Mon, Wed, Fri. If you're looking for another fun, action-packed adventure, check out Cultivator vs. System by yours truly, available on Kindle, KU, and Audible. But read Good Guy Necromancer first.
8 164 - In Serial11 Chapters
MrBeast x Reader
Yikes I'm sorry for doing this againAgain, please do not use my writing in any way. No video's, no pictures, no anything. I don't want to get ''famous'' on something for something I'm completely emberassed of.
8 172 - In Serial52 Chapters
The Bet || G. Gustin
{every day updates} @jackchanlor I bet you $100 that @laniegrey can land a role on The Flash@roxygean deal.A story in which a teenage fangirl makes a bet to see if she can get a role on the Flash.
8 90 - In Serial15 Chapters
Bleach : hollows on the loose (yoruichi x male reader
What happens when you let a hybrid between soul reaper/hollow loose on the soul society. well you get amazings fights explosie's and one of a badass fighter.Lets read About it
8 140