《Firebrand》40. On the Threshold


On the Threshold

For another three days, they followed the wide road north until at last, Master Fenrick diverted their course west. Travelling on dirt roads, the land grew wild. As their teacher explained, this was no coincidence; people usually did not dare to dwell near Archean ruins, for good reason.

It took another day before they saw the first signs of civilisation. A broken stone ward, perhaps once used to offer directions to travellers; lying shattered in pieces, the reading could not be deciphered.

The sun had nearly set when at last, they reached their destination. From the outside, it did not look impressive. Short walls stood scattered around the area, missing the roof. The rooms appeared small and simple, unlike the tall, imposing structure of the Lyceum. Furthermore, everything was overgrown by vines, moss, and other sorts of green. All in all, it seemed tranquil. It took Martel one moment to understand why; other than their own movements, the place lay completely quiet. Not a single bird let its song be heard; not even the smallest squirrel ran across in search of nuts.

"Master Fenrick? What was this place?" asked one of the girls.

"We have a reasonable guess. While the Lyceum served as the primary facility for magical studies, the wizards of Archen used this outpost for a few specific purposes. Primarily, the very purpose for which I have brought you along. To reveal with certainty the star under which you were born."

Eleanor asked the question on everyone's mind. "How exactly will that happen?"

"I could explain, of course." Master Fenrick wore a little smile. "But it will be much simpler to show you once we begin."


They spent a brief while setting up camp and tending to the mules. Once done, Master Fenrick led them into the complex. As they walked, he pointed out the different features of the place. One room that might have served as a small library with an adjoining scriptorium. Living quarters, kitchens, a tiny dining hall, and so forth. All in all, it seemed like a miniature version of the Lyceum.


It only became interesting once they reached the far end of the complex, furthest from the road. A small staircase led several steps into the ground, reaching a doorway that went into some kind of cellar. Unlike the rest, this door appeared in perfect condition, as did the surrounding frame. Numerous symbols had been inscribed into the stonework.

It gave Martel a foreboding sense as if trespassing. As Master Fenrick approached the door, Martel half expected his teacher to be repelled by some unseen force. Yet all that happened as he pushed the door handle down was a creaking sound, and the door slowly pushed open.

A flame hovering over Master Fenrick's head provided illumination as they descended into the darkness. After a few steps, the corridor widened to become a circular room, twenty feet across. In the middle rose an obelisk made from a dark, glass-like material. It stood nearly ten feet tall; as Martel's gaze followed it up to its point, he noticed a small hole in the roof.

"The star chamber, as we call it." Master Fenrick placed one hand against the obelisk. "This is the famous Stone of Archen. Once the Triumvirate of the Heavens shines in the sky, the light will be captured here. Before you ask, I have absolutely no idea how the stone works. But you will see the effect tomorrow night once the stars converge in the night sky."

Martel looked at the walls. They were covered in symbols that, to his own surprise, he recognised. Carved into the stone, he found an elaborate star chart much like the one he had made for astronomy class, just far more complex. With his only light source being the flickering flame above Master Fenrick's head, Martel could not make out much, but he did understand the principle.


"Let us continue." Crossing the room, their teacher led them one step deeper into the complex.


Adjoining the star chamber lay another room of exactly the same proportions. Likewise, it also had two doorways; one that led back to the previous chamber and one that led forward. The latter was made of solid stone and completely closed, barring their way. This room also had inscriptions on the walls and the floor, which otherwise was bare. No stone or obelisk took up space here.

Martel glanced over the many symbols but could not make heads or tails of them. The poor lighting did not help either.

"The moon chamber. It requires the light of the full moon to work. We are too early, but if we waited here long enough, the moon would reach the right position and fill this chamber with light," Master Fenrick explained.

"What happens then?" asked Clarissa, one of Eleanor's friends.

"Nothing." The Master of Lore smiled at their disappointed looks before he continued. "Unless three mages stand at the exact right spot that corresponds to their star sign. We are fortunate that the convergence of the Triumvirate coincides with a full moon." He gestured towards the ground, which held three large sigils. From above, moonlight slowly crept into the space, illuminating the floor. It allowed Martel to recognise the three symbols carved on the tiles. One showed a warrior in armour, the second depicted a rogue wearing a hood and cloak, and the last showed a sage wielding a staff.

"But what happens after that? If three mages stand at the right place?" the girl asked.

"That door opens." Master Fenrick's finger pointed across the room at the stone door.


Their teacher refused to indulge in further explanations, and they returned to their camp. The mageknights did their weapon practice, and Martel tried his hand at yet another exercise given to him by Master Alastair. Holding his hand a few inches above ground, he willed the earth to rise up until it touched his fingers. It happened slowly and rather unsteadily, the small tower of dirt wobbling as only Martel's magic kept it standing. As his concentration broke, the mound of earth fell apart, scattering across the ground. Around their camp, Master Fenrick burned his wards into the ground.

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