《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》36. city hall


The Joker backs off and takes a few steps away. "You should go to your room." He tells her, meaning to get out of the room.

[Y/N] nods and walks at a paced speed to her room. Before entering, she stops in the doorway but continues to face the inside of her room. "I don't want you gone forever. Come back when you leave your life of being the Joker behind." Once spoken, she goes into her room and shuts the door behind her.

He stands there, hating the situation but not doing anything about it. He hates leaving her, but in reality, he realizes that for now, it's best. When he's done, if he's done, he will come back. Logically, who knows when that will be. Even if he leaves it behind, it'll always linger inside of him.


By the morning, any evidence he ever lived with her is gone. [Y/N], in the morning, calls into work sick and texts Stacey, asking if she can come over. Stacey ends up coming over with gifts.

Stacey places a small bucket full of different candy and a few bags of popcorn. "You seemed upset over text so I got you some somethin' somethin'," She smiles.

[Y/N] hugs her, "I love you. Thank you."

"So what's wrong?" Stacey leads [Y/N] to the couch and holds her.


The Joker, along with goons, grab guns and packs of ammunition. A few goons grab assault rifles and one of them hands a rifle to the Joker. The Joker rests it over his shoulder and stuffs a grenade or two in his pockets.

Soon, an 18-wheeler pulls into the warehouse, and Joker yells, "lets go boys! Time to go tell ol'e mayor hello."

The Joker hops into the cargo space of the 18-wheeler along with a bunch of goons. After everyone is in, a goon slams the back gate down and the semi-truck speeds off out of the warehouse.

The 18-wheeler then blends into the city of Gotham's traffic and heads to the destination, City Hall.


[Y/N] explains the entire situation, being fully honest since the Joker left.


"Oh shit," Stacey continues getting more surprised as [Y/N] continues, "you slept with the clown? The Clown Prince of Crime? The Joker? Damn."

"Shut up, Stace," [Y/N] whines, "I don't want to think about that right now."

"My bad, sorry. Anyway, I think it's best that he left. He could've gotten you into trouble and you ending up hurt, physically and more hurt mentally. I think it's best to not ever pursue him romantically or any way again. This 'love' you have for could all be a way to cope with everything he put you through and all he does."

[Y/N] nods in response, knowing that could definitely be true.

"Plus, it's a lot of stress on you to deal with the thought of him getting hurt or killed at any time and I care about you, not him, so if cutting him out of your life means you'd be happier, I'm fine with that." Stacey pulls [Y/N] closer and squeezes her in a loving hug.

Even though she's upset, [Y/N] smiles due to Stacey. "You're the best, you know that?"

"Yeah, I do," Stacey laughs.


City Hall is soon in sight, the building standing tall, down the street. Seeing it makes the Joker wonder if he could ever bring it down, literally. Though, that'd be a mission for another time.

The 18-wheeler drives towards City Hall, soon accompanied by vans on both sides of it. The Joker grabs a shotgun and watches as they quickly approach the building.

Before they reach the steps of City Hall, the 18-wheeler presses down on the brakes and turns to where the side of it blocks most of the steps. The Joker hops out of the cargo space and starts walking up the steps, along with many goons of his.

The vans that were following alongside the semi-truck park in the same way as the truck and goons step out to follow the Joker. Police, guarding the entrance of City Hall, spot the Joker and his goons but before they could react, they're gunned down by SMGs. Nearby civilians begin to scream in fear as the blood of City Hall security drips down the steps of the home of the Mayor's office. The Joker does a little jump over the bodies to avoid getting any blood on his shoes.


As Joker and some goons go inside, about half stay outside and guard the entrance to City Hall. They stand backs straight, guns ready to fire.

"Duck," the Joker says right before he shoots a security guard with his shotgun. He laughs afterward and goes to the front desk. "I'd like to see the Mayor, please. I have a meeting scheduled," he tells the nervous man.

The man sits there frozen, possibly literally pissing his pants. Joker stares blankly at him, waiting for the man to do something. "I'm not the smartest cookie in the jar but I do know you're supposed to direct me to my destination." The Joker states.

The desk clerk tries to speak but shutters the entire time. The Joker cracks up in laughter, "I'm kidding." He grabs the clerk's shirt and reads his name tag, "Jordan... Jordan no need to be so scared. I'm not going to hurt you. And what? You'd think I'd come here to kill the Mayor and not know the layout. I'm not crazy."

The Joker begins to walk off but stops, "do you mind holding something for me, dear Jordan?" He grabs Jordan's hands and places a grenade into them, pin removed. "Make sure not to let go," he pats Jordan's cheek, "you're a doll."

The Joker heads to the stairs and whistles at goons to split up, half with him and half up the other flight of stairs.

Soon, GCPD is alerted and doing the smart thing, they call in backup and a hell of a lot of it. "Mr. Mayor," Commissioner Gordon raises his phone to his ear, "I need you to listen to me carefully. The gunshots you're hearing are from the Joker. I need you to lock your office door and push as much furniture, anything, as you can in front of it. Once you're done, walk over to the window. Stay on the line."

"Alright," Mayor Garcia does as he's asked and remains on the line while doing so, "Gordon, you better get me out of this."

"I will, sir."

A GCPD helicopter soon flies over City Hall, the noise causing Joker to stop. He goes to a window and sees the helicopter and barks orders at goons to go shoot it down. "Always got to do something to get in my way... but it's alright... I love a good game," The Joker mumbles.

He continues walking up the stairs with his goons. The goons, who were ordered to go shoot the helicopter down, run outside to a place where they can spot the helicopter. Gordon and his men, along with the many officers and SWAT, watch them come out and decide to use that to their advantage.

While the goons are distracted, SWAT moves in from behind Joker's semi-truck. The helicopter pilot is given orders to fly somewhere to where the goons would have to come out more to reach. As the goons try to get to a spot where they have a clear shot, SWAT sneaks behind the goons and begins shooting the goons that are guarding the entrance and goons that are aiming for the helicopter. The goons try to get behind a column but most are shot.

After a shootout, a few officers are injured, some killed, but the goons outside are dealt with. SWAT, Gordon, and Gordon's men head inside and begin to shoot any goons in the way. Gordon barks orders once they clear out the lobby of city hall, "a few of you check for any alive officers! Get them out and to the medics! Get any civilians out as well. The rest of you are with me and we are going to find that damn clown! Do not kill him! He'd love nothing more than for you to do that. We want that bastard to rot in prison for the rest of his life. Let's go!"

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