《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》35. pizza rolls


Around a month passes and the Joker has continued bringing down chaos upon Gotham. Meanwhile, [Y/N] has been wondering when it will end so their relationship will progress. Even though the two of them were getting very much closer, it was as if they were running and ran straight into quicksand.

A little after midnight, Joker comes home to [Y/N]'s apartment. When he comes inside, he tosses his jacket onto the back of the couch and walks towards the bathroom to wash his face and get ready for bed.

Steam rises from the sink as the Joker soaks a washcloth with water. While he's not looking, [Y/N] comes up behind him and hugs his back. She breathes in and the heavy scent of gasoline and gunpowder fills her nose. Gasoline. Gunpowder. Too much of a frequent smell for [Y/N].

The Joker scrubs his face clean then gently dries his face with a towel. He turns around and looks down at [Y/N], whose eyes show that she wants attention. "Have you eaten?" He asks her, putting an arm around her.

She shakes her head, "I was waiting for you."

"You're too kind, girly. Want are you hungry for?" They walk to the kitchen together.

"Can you make pizza rolls?" She smiles while asking.

He nods and gets the bag of pizza rolls out of the freezer.


After the food is ready, they sit on the couch together, drinking [F/Soda], and watch Shrek. Who needs a fancy restaurant when you have this high-class dining with one of the best movies of all time?

[Y/N] pops a pizza roll into her mouth, not thinking about how they just came out of the oven. Out of her mouth comes gibberish and slight squealing as the heat hits her tongue. The Joker watches her fan her mouth in amusement. She finally chews it and swallows in relief. After she manages that, the Joker laughs and claps his hands together. She slowly turns her head to face him, giving him a death stare. "Don't laugh at me or else," she threatens.


Her threats just amuse him more so he plays with her, "or else what?"

"Or else I'll... I'll turn that smile of yours into a permanent frowny face!"

"I'll more than happily get the razor for you, girly, but do know that I'll give you a smile in return. Someone would have to be the next me. Not a Joker if you don't have a smile on your face."

She rolls her eyes and looks back at the tv. The Joker afterward eats a pizza roll and does not react whatsoever to the heat. She looks back at him and starts yelling, "how the fuck!"

He giggles, cracking up, and holds her, "watch the movie, girly."


After the movie, [Y/N] doesn't get up and doesn't let the Joker do so. She wraps her arms around his and rests her head on his shoulder. "Hey," she looks up at his face, "we should do this more often."

He looks down at her, "mhm, yeah."

"We'd be able to every night if you came home earlier, you know."

A few seconds after those words leave her mouth, he pulls away and stands. His hand runs through his hair then he takes a few steps away from the couch, towards the kitchen. He licks the corner of his lips then turns his head to the side then pauses then turns his whole body to face her. He squats down, head tilted, and looks up at her, "I thought we talked about this here.. uh.. predicament, girly."

The setting of the room shifts, obviously due to [Y/N]'s question. "We did but-" she begins to explain but is cut off.

"Shh, shh, shush. We talked about it. I told you what the situation was." In the end, he drags on the word 'was' slightly.


"But, I just want to spend time with you. Uninterrupted time. But I can't, we can't."

He stands and starts talking with his hands, "can you not just deal with it? What's the problem here?" His voice begins slowly becoming more nasally.

"Just deal with it?" [Y/N] scoffs, "I'm trying to tell you how much I want to spend time with you and you're telling me that you're basically too busy to do that. I like you and I thought you liked me as well, but you don't give a shit about what I'm saying. You're only focused on that persona of yours."

He rubs the side of his face, trying to keep any frustration inside because he understands how he tends to scare [Y/N] sometimes when he lets it out.

"That clown side of you, if it's not all you are now, will get you killed and I don't want to be there when that shit happens cause it's going to happen. That's why I so desperately want you to stop and just be. Just be with me." She continues.

He stands there, his eyes piercing hers. Before speaking or doing anything, he breaks down what [Y/N] said and focuses on the main idea in his eyes. "You want to leave?" He asks.

A smile spreads across his face as he steps closer to her and leans down to where his lips almost touch her ear, which sends slight chills down her back. The smile seems to audibly fade when he clears his throat. "You like me but want me out of your life? That's what you're saying, girly," his voice turns to a more growly tone of voice, "be more straightforward. You won't hurt my feelings; no need for extra words to distract me from what you're trying to say. I understand. It's crystal clear."

"That's not what I'm saying-" [Y/N] tries to speak.

Quickly, he covers her mouth and pushes her head back onto the couch. He looks into her eyes once more. The only thing his eyes show is frustration. Pure frustration. "Since all I am now is a clown persona, I'll show you a.. magic trick. In the morning, I'll be gone. Poof." Before saying 'poof', he moves his hand away from her and mimics a magician making something disappear.

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