《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》27. Why Do I Care?



The ringing of a freshly fired gun echoes through Y/N's skull.


Terry's, now lifeless body, falls to the ground. A pool of blood starts to form around his head, spilling out of a small hole in his head. Y/N stares at the body, in shock at what she's done.

Joker comes out from behind the counter and laughs, "I didn't think you'd actually shoot him! This is fantastic." He jumps up and down a little and skips over to the body and kicks it a few times in the side.

"You... you set this up... you fucking sick bastard!" Y/N puts the pieces together to determine the fact that Joker purposely set her up to kill this man.

He goes to her and cups her face in his hands, then shushes her. "Now, now, doll, don't get your panties in a wad. Think of the bright side! You can shoot properly thanks to your good old pal Joker."

"Don't touch me." Her tone of voice deepens, as she becomes more upset.

"Girly, you did a good thing so don't be upset. You put this man, uh- mm..., Terry! You put Terry down. What you did was best for him, trust me." He tries to calm her down but doesn't succeed at all.

"How is killing a man best for him?" She asks, becoming more frustrated and angry than upset.

"Well you see, I gave him a little bit of what people call the 'Devil's Drug' or 'five-dollar insanity.' It's called Flakka. It's cheap and it really has a kick to it. the kick is more of a kick to the jugular with cleats on though. Still a kick though, " he makes Y/N sit down on the couch, "he was hallucinating when you shot him. You helped him." He pats her on the back.


"You're fucking crazy."

He licks the corner of his mouth due to the irritation from his scars and runs his hand through his hair. He stands in front of her and looks down at her. To get more on eye level, he squats down a little then grabs her by her jaw and pulls her face close. "Don't ever call me that again. I was seeing if you could apply what I taught you, appreciate that," He says with anger behind it. Joker looks her dead in the eyes then slowly, without thinking, looks at Y/N's lips. She remains quiet as she watches his eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, he zones in and tells her again, "don't call me crazy," then lets go of her. He stands back up then walks over to the body. "I'll get some people to come back and get rid of ol' Johnny here." He walks to the kitchen while dialing a number on his flip phone.

Y/N looks at the body and mumbles, "didn't he say Terry earlier...," she questions but moves on quickly. She gets up and goes to her room, shutting and locking the door behind her.

Joker calls a few goons to come and clean up the mess made by Terry slash Johnny's blood. Once they leave, he goes into the bathroom and showers. He stands underneath the water, head tilted back. A mix of white, green, red, and black paint flows down his body to the drain. Earlier, he truly thought what he was doing with seeing how Y/N would react in a survival situation was considerate and a good thing. As he runs his hands through his hair, a rush of green water falls onto the shower floor. His heart rate begins to increase, his breath speeding up, then the side of his fist makes an impact with the wall beside him. "Crazy, eh? I'm not crazy. I'm not," He mumbles, "I was just trying to help."


Y/N lays, curled up in her bed, the memory of her shooting the man with two names replaying over and over again, in her mind. She brings her legs up to her chest and cradles them. A small tear rolls down her cheek as she thinks about how she murdered a man not too long ago.

Joker dries his hair and puts on casual, around the house clothes. He goes to the kitchen and looks through all the cabinets and the pantry. He grabs Y/N's favorite snack then goes to the door of her room. Gently, he knocks on her door. No response. He knocks a bit louder, but still, no response. "Open the door." He demands.

"Go away," she replies.

Her reply causes anger to run through his body. He runs his hand through his hair while backing up. He suddenly kicks the door open, causing there to be a slight dent in the door. Y/N flinches and sits up straight. Joker walks in slowly, "I knocked," he tosses the snack she likes at her.

She slowly grabs it and pulls it under the covers, keeping her eyes on him. "Thank you. You may leave now."

He wants to say it wasn't his intention to make her scared or angered, but he can't bring himself to it. "I wasn't going to take the snack, girly." He instead just talks about the way she awkwardly took the snack.

Y/N watches him speak then leave the room, closing the door behind him. After a minute, she begins to eat her snack.

Joker goes to the couch and turns on the news. He zones out, wondering what to do about Y/N and what to do next to incite chaos in Gotham. His mind wanders from his main goal to what to do about Y/N. He rubs the side of his face and thinks, 'why do I care? I'm an agent of chaos, why do I care if I hurt her feelings?'

'Why do I care?'

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