《my favorite star | sim jaeyun ✔️》1.1 | tea


"your track captain? that's so cool!" soovin complimented yuna, "i've always sucked at running"

school had ended but yuna stayed behind in her class so she could study some more and soovin happened to come and visit her in her class

"aren't you joining the volleyball team for this school?" yuna questioned, raising an eyebrow

"ironic isn't it? but i still don't like running" soovin laughed and yuna also laughed, "so" soovin leaned in causing yuna to raise an eyebrow, "do you like one your friends by any chance? and by friends i mean sunghoon and jake"

yuna choked on air not expecting what soovin just asked her. soovin chuckled, patting her back, "i'm going to take that as a yes"

"i do not like either of them" yuna finally caught her breath and responded, "all three of us have known each other for a long time. plus none of us really have the time for dating. sunghoon has ice skating practice, i have track, and jake has all of his activities as you know"

"okay..makes sense" soovin nodded, understanding her, "but that doesn't mean you can't like one of them still"

yuna laughed, "trust me if i'm going to like someone, it's not going to be one of them..especially sunghoon"

"that guy name sunghoon is standing right behind you" a voice spoke from behind the girl and yuna turned around in her seat, seeing sunghoon standing there while looking down at her

"oh" she spoke, "i love you?" she cheekily smiled and he just shook his head and pulled out the chair beside her, sitting down

"you know...you guys would look cute" soovin leaned back, observing the two who looked at each other weirdly then looked back at soovin, "the height difference isn't too off.." she looked at sunghoon, "what are you? like 5'9?"

"5'11!" sunghoon defended

"okay so your 5'10" she responded and sunghoon was going to respond but she quickly spoke instead, "guys tend to lie about their height" sunghoon rolled his eyes, knowing she was right, "yuna you're like 5'7..it would work out"

"if you think she likes me then you have it all wrong she lik-" yuna kicked his leg under the table and he let out a scream, holding onto his leg

"yah you bit-" yuna held up her hand in a fist, threatening to punch him and sunghoon immediately shut up, still holding onto his leg from the pain


"yup definitely would be cute together" soovin concluded and the two friends shook their head in disapproval

"soovin this is off topic but" sunghoon started, letting go of his leg, "are you fully korean?"

she laughed,"i'm actually half korean and half japanese"

"really?" yuna asked in shock and soovin nodded

"my mom is korean and my dad is japanese but they just use a full korean name for me" soovin explained

"so do you speak japanese?" sunghoon asked

"mhm" she nodded, "i only speak korean, japanese, and enough english to hold a conversation"

"great now i'm the only one who can't speak english in this damn group" sunghoon leaned in his chair, disappointed

soovin looked at yuna confused, "i lived in the states for a little bit so i picked up on english and jake grew up in austrialia from a young age to about the age of 8 when we met"

"ahh that's cool" soovin smiled

"soovin!" a boy called out and three turned to looked at the door of the classroom; it was jake

jake walked over to the three, greeting them, "hey yuna and sunghoon"

"hello" the two responded, waving at him while jake looked at soovin

soovin looked up at him, "what's up?"

"still want to sign up for student council? jungwon said he wouldn't mind having someone as secretary and or treasurer since he usually has to take care of their role despite being the vice president"

"really?" soovin stood up, her eyes lighting up

jake nodded, feeling his heart race up again, "we can go right now since class ended and we have a meeting anyways"

"that'd be great" soovin smiled and the two looked at the two sitting down

"i'll text you guys after my meeting" jake told the two and they nodded.

soovin and jake said goodbye to the two and then walked away from the two, leaving the classroom. sunghoon looked over at yuna and saw her fiddling with her star bracelet that jake had given her, a habit she has.

"you can see it too can't you?" sunghoon asked her, placing his hand over her's

she nodded and turned her hand around, clasping it with sunghoon's, "he's making it very obvious"

"you upset?"

"i mean..if he likes her that's great for him" yuna chuckled sadly, "wasn't like we were ever going to date anyways"


sunghoon sighed, removing his hand from her's and wrapping his arm around yuna, rubbing her shoulder to comfort her, "hey..want to go get coffee?"

she shot her head towards him immediately, "you paying?" sunghoon laughed and nodded

"then let's go" she spoke excitedly as she stood up, grabbing her bag. sunghoon followed and the two left the classroom

"tell me why a 15 year old has a job at a cafe and i can barely keep my grades up" yuna told sunghoon and he chuckled, shrugging his shoulders

"yah! that 15 year old can hear you!" a boy shouted from over the counter

yuna turned around and smiled sweetly at the boy, "and you're doing great!" she complimented him while he rolled his eyes, continuing to do his job

"so how do you know niki again?" sunghoon questioned, "i didn't even know you knew my friend"

yuna laughed, "i'm friends with his sister, sakura so whenever i go to her house i would see riki"

"you say riki?" yuna nodded, sipping on her drink, "interesting judging by the fact that everyone calls him niki"

"riki sounds cute plus he allows me too"

"no i don't!" the boy interjected as he placed down sunghoon's drink, "she just calls me it even though i told her multiple times to just say niki"

"and i'm still going to say riki" yuna cheekily smiled. niki just muttered incoherent words in japanese before walking away to go get other orders

sunghoon just laughed, taking a sip out of his drink before complementing on asking yuna something. yuna sensed it, "if you need to tell something then just tell me. i can tell you want to say something"

sunghoon just nodded, "just..don't tell jake okay?"

she nodded as well before letting out a light gasp, "do you like someone??" yuna asked and he gave her a 'really?' look, "sorry" she laughed, "but..what is it"

"i just" he sighed. he didn't want to speak ill but he really just wanted to get it off his chest, "i know jake is busy and he gives us a reason as too why he can't hang out and like..i know he apologizes and doesn't do it on purpose but it's kinda unfair how we can push our things..you know like how i push my ice skating practices and you miss your practices for him but..he never can do it for us"

yuna understood where he was coming from and she kinda felt the same, "saying it sounds so selfish.." yuna muttered and sunghoon agreed, feeling bad talking ill of him

"he means well" yuna spoke, defending the boy, "he does do that but he's just so invested in school and other things and usually doesn't have room to push things back so we can't get mad at him since he does apologize for it and has a reason"

"we're horrible for talking behind his backs aren't we?" yuna bit her lip and sunghoon slowly nodded. yuna shook her head and continued, "but anyways..while i'm upset that he does miss certain things, he still cares and tries his best to hang out with us"

sunghoon agreed with her nonetheless and asked another question, "are you scared he's going to miss your first track event?"

the girl bit her lip and looked down at her cup. she looked back up at sunghoon, "is it bad if i say yes?"

sunghoon shook his head, "he missed my competition because he forgot..so i don't blame you but let's have faith in him. i know he cares for you a lot..rat" yuna chuckled lightly, "so maybe he won't miss yours"

yuna was going to speak but her phone buzzed. she looked at the notification and saw it was a message from soovin

yuna looked at the time and gasped. she looked at sunghoon, "it's already 3:30. doesn't your practice start at 3:40?"

sunghoon choked on his drink, almost forgetting about it, "crap! you're right. i should go!" he quickly got up, sipping whatever was left in the drink, "i'll text you later yuyu!" he ruffled her hair quickly and ran off, leaving the cafe

yuna chuckled as she put her phone in her blazer pocket and got up from the seat with her drink in hand before walking over to the counter where niki was, "hey riki"

"please just call me niki" he pleaded her

"but riki is so cute!" yuna replied, a smile on her face and niki sighed and just let it pass, allowing, "anyways, can i get 1 jasmine milk tea?"

"sure" he pressed a few buttons on the tablet and looked back up at her, "anything else?"

"that's al-" yuna stopped as she took out her wallet and looked at him, "can you actually make it 1 jasmine milk tea and 10 brown sugar milk teas?"

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