《Be My Wonder 8... || HanaNene》Chapter 19


"U-uh..." I thought about what I should wish for. I wanna see Amane. But how? If I go back and get reincarnated, its not guaranteed that I'll even be able to see apparitions at all...

"S-sure..." I stuttered, unsure of my decision. I could at least take the risk and try, right?

"Okay! But in return, I'll..." his voice faded, he put his fist on his chin as to show that he was in deep thought. "Ah, thats right! I wanted to take your memories! That's the minimum requirements for reincarnation, at least. Wouldn't it be funny to see a 6 year-old reciting the transcript of Romeo and Juliet?" He gave me a closed-eyed chuckle. "But if you find your true love, all your memories will be recovered."

Seeing how my face remained blank, he sighed, lifting himself from the couch. "Well, I guess you should get going. the best ones leave the fastest," he mumbled, guiding me to a glowing portal-like thing. It was a bright gold, almost blinding to look at. "See you, Nene-san." He waved, before I was pulled towards the glowing portal in front of me.

I wonder what my next life will be like...


Hi! I'm Akira Ono, and I'm a first year in Kamome Academy's High School Division! I had lead a pretty normal life, except when I was around the age of 6 when I had saw a disfigured shadow in the corner of my room one day.

That was paranormal.

But otherwise, I was pretty normal. My hair was a light brown, but my eyes were a blend of hot pink and a vibrant orange, which might be a bit exotic, but everyone has one interesting feature about themselves, right? Also (I don't really enjoy talking about this), I have pretty thick ankles, which make me get bullied a little, but not many people mind. I'm still a tiny bit self-conscious of them.


When I walked into school, the school had exploded in gossip. It had never been like this before, it was usually decently quiet in the halls.

"It was said that the 8th Wonder had a close relationship to the 7th, but something happened and she disappeared, sending Number 7 into a spiralling dispair, so he uncontrollably went on a rampage and killes many lesser spirits."

"Oh poor Number 7! Where could the 8th one have gone??"

I kept a straight face, not wanting to be enticed by the entailing gossips and rumors that were being spread like wildfire, I had to get to class! I walked as quick as I could, I should've woken up earlier today! I was close to the brink of running, not wanting to waste even a second of time, until I (finally) reached the entrance to my classroom.

I heard a barrage of gossips, which I simply ignored, although I had already reached my destination. It was my top priority to stay out of anything spirit-related, that ghost I saw when I was 6 really did scar me. I took out my phone to pass the time; my teacher hadn't arrived yet. I shoved it into my bag as soon as I heard the sound of footsteps. I shot my head up, expecting the lesson to start, until I noticed that we had a different teacher today.

"Hello class, your regular teacher is unwell, so I have come to relief this class," he explained briefly, before setting his items down on the teacher's table. "You will not be doing anything this period, unless you have any incomplete homework." He then proceeded to take out a notebook and started scribbling on the paper. I didn't make much of it and just continued the homework we were assigned yesterday and looked up for a split second when the teacher announced that he was taking a trip to the bathroom.


His hair was white on one side, that hung over his face while the other eas black. His glasses had beaded strings hung to them and he sported a white coat. He looked pretty average, just an outgoing hairstyle (which didn't match his personality). He had glanced at me for a moment, before looking back and heading out the door....

Towards the girl's toilet?!?

I definitely had to investigate, for the safety of my seniors or juniors in that toilet. I stayed in the old building, so I didn't have the luxury of having clean toilets and sparkling walls. In fact, it was a bit dilapidated.

I tapped my nearest classmate's table, informing them that I'd be going to the toilet, before leaving briskly, determined to investigate. I brisk-walked to the female toilet and peered inside to get a view of things.

He was looking into the third stall?!

"Hey! What're you doing?" I asked, frowning slightly. Yes, I know he's a teacher and all... but it's still a HUGE violation of privacy.

"My student lost her wallet, so I took the initiative of helping her find it," he slammed the door of the stall swiftly, while keeping a composed state. I heard a muffled, "Yashiro??" from the stall, but I didn't make much from it. It was probably my imagination going haywire.

"Okay..." I mumbled, proceeding to head back to class. Reminder: stop assuming the worst out of everyone!


"Hey! Akira-chan!" My friend rushed over, tapping my shoulder eagerly. "Have you heard the rumour??"

"Oh boy, have I," I gave her a sarcastic look. "It's impossible to go through the halls without hearing the whole thing. Wonders and stuff, right?" I gave her an uninterested glance.

"Okay but," she leaned closer (which didn't help or matter), "did you know that to summon the 7th Wonder, you have to knock on the door of the girl's toilet near our classroom and say 'Hanako-San, Hanako-San, are you there?' and if you succeed, you earn a wish!"

Hanako-San... Amane? A voice much like mine mumbled at the back of my mind.

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