《Be My Wonder 8... || HanaNene》Chapter 14


'Hanako-san, Hanako-san, are you there?'

'You don't need him, you have me'

'I'm sorry, Yashiro, I didn't mean to make you cry...'

'I wish to see Nene-oneesan again...'

'maybe memory lane's real,'

You saw Amane, not dressed as he used to be, in his ghostly uniform, but in an old school uniform. It was a plain white blouse with stains and marks, most of which were brown. His arms were wrapped in bandages, with a familiar knife in his hand. The setting was in the exact same bathroom you both met in at first.

You looked below him to see an almost identical boy. The same looks and height and eye colour. Only that his pupils were different and he didn't have the bandages.

You looked back at your hand and saw that you were partially translucent. 'This must be a flashback then,' you spoke to yourself. You heard the faint splashing of tears on the ground and the splattering of blood on the white floor.

Just like the sound of your blood when you died...

But nevermind that! Its all over now anyways. You looked from your hand and saw a knife in Tsukasa's heart. Your eyes widened. Though you couldn't stand the ghost, you still tried to scream to stop Amane but to no avail.

The light flickered away, and a pair of familiar amber eyes looked at you vaguely from the endless darkness.

Not Amane's, but someone else's...

'Yashiro! YASHIRO!' you heard your beloved's worried face shaking you awake from your dream, or rather nightmare.

'I was scared you died, again,' he elbowed you, shocked you weren't reacting like you used to. 'something on your mind?'

'T-tsukasa.... He-,' you choked on your own voice. He could barely hear your words, but he read the fear on your lips and horror in your eyes. He opened his mouth in shock, before regaining his cheerful joking smile.


'Haha, Yashiro, you tell the best jokes!' he elbows you, laughing. You knew the laugh was half hearted. He knew it wasn't a lie. This wasn't a joke. You knew this meant something. Something bad, nightmare inducing.

'A-amane, I'm not fooling around. I won't say his name if it weren't serious,' you glared at him, making his ecstatic expression fall into a sad one.

No, no no! I've already banished him, defeated him. How could he come back to the surface of the near shore?!, I thought frantically, my palms sweaty.

'D-do you have a plan then?' Yashiro wrapped me in a tight embrace, giving me shots of warmth throughout my "body".

'i... I don't know,' a tear threatening to dribble down your cheek. You could hear Yashiro gasp under her breath before releasing the hug.

It's been close to month. No signs of your murderer anywhere near, so you assumed the coast was clear. You stopped being suspicious and continued granting wishes to the students at the Academy. You and Amane became more laid back and learnt to enjoy the afterlife.

One ordinary day, you two were gazing at the sky, feet dangling over the edge of the rooftop. The same roof you met his brother on, making you despise it. But when you're with Amane, nothing in life could hurt you.

Except when you died...

You pushed away the thought from your mind and admired the beautiful late afternoon sky with your beloved.

Nothing could ruin this spectacular and picture perfect day, right? The safety and warm feeling every second that you rested your head on his shoulder, when you lean just close enough to hear both your breaths sync in harmony. You two completely forgot about what happened a few weeks ago, all the pain and stress faded away gradually as the soft breeze hit you and your loved one's face gently.


Nothing could ruin this perfect afterlife...

Or could there be something watching right now?

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 760

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