《Be My Wonder 8... || HanaNene》Chapter 12


I rubbed my forehead, pushing away the painful memories once again. It had been 12 years since that happened, the dreadful day still engraved deeply in my mind. Since then I had used every bit of my energy to beat Tsukasa once and for all, so my wound wouldn't have salt rubbed over it (aka not Tsukishima).

"Ugh.. Let's see... uhmm..." My amber eyes scanning the list of names. These few supernaturals 'signed up' to be the school's new Wonder 8, although the same rank as me. I felt like I saw a familar name, but i ignored it and continued with working.

"Mm," I droned on, before turing on the info-comm. "Yashi-" my eyes widened, eyes watery...

I rubbed away the tears from my eyes, focusing on the paper. "Y-yashiro-san, p-please come up," I muttered almost silently, trying to keep my voice from wavering. A beautiful girl in my eyes with cream coloured hair tinted with turquoise stepped up, donning an elegant kimono with the designs of red flowers imprinted on it.

"It's been a while, Amane."

I saw Amane's face, grief-stricken and covered with tears. "You're finally b-back," he muttered, unable to believe his eyes. I walked up to him, keeping my composure, but inside i truly wanted to break out and run up to embrace him. It had been so long since i saw him, my memory of his complexion blurred.

"I missed you," Tears involuntarily streamed down my cheeks, like the waterfall of memories coming back into my mind.


Okay I'm procrastinating on writing and my mind is just blank and i have no idea what to write so far. For the past few days there've been exams crammed back to back so I had no free time to myself to write. I'll definitely write a part 2 to this because its just way too short and- yeah. Tysm for 1.1k reads and this has definitely encouraged me to write a new fanfiction. You guys can comment on this to recommend to me what to write next! (depending if i watch it because I'm still a minor weeb here).

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