《Twilight A Different Kind Of Love》Superior


Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare.

Juliet: Come, gentle night. Come, loving black-browned night give me my Romeo. And when I should die, take him and cut him out into little stars and he will make the face of Heaven so fine that all the world will stare up at night and pay no worship to the garish sun.

Hearing the howling screech of tyres against the black, wet road alerted the frat boys who now had let go of me. I ran away from them, but first. "I told you not to fucking touch me!" And after I yelled this I kneed the one who grazed my hair in the balls. He groaned and buckled down into a bend, cupping his groin in pain.

Then I transferred my eyes to the car, which now stopped literally in front of the men, almost knocking one over. When the car door opened, as the car was a silver Volvo, it was Edward who emerged! I gasped under my breath, my eyes widening at the sight of Edward Cullen coming to my rescue. How did he find me though? I'd have to pester him about this later.

"Get in the car," Edward demanded with a voice riddled with astronomical authority. I nodded and ran, still shaking from the was-to-be rape and jumped into the Volvo, staring at the seen unfold through the raindrop splattered windshield.

"That was a very dangerous manoeuvre," Grumbled one of the drunken frats.

I couldn't see Edward's face, but could sense a demonic aura near him. The posse stepped back slowly before scattering into the dingy alleyways, like insects scurrying from a light.

When I saw Edward turn I saw, for the first time, Edward truly angry. His face was contorted into a dark scowl, his eyes blackened like ash and his hands shook as he walked to the car.

He opened the door and sped off down the road. We were driving down a slightly busy road at hyper sonic speed almost.

I kept staring at him, looking at his wrathful countenance as his extremities gripped tightly on the wheel. "Say something."

My eyebrows knitted together but couldn't muster up any words.

"Will you say something so I don't turn around?" It wasn't a question and his voice was tinged, almost tainted with fury.

"Um, you should put your seatbelt on," I nodded, my mouth closed tight after I muttered these words.

He chuckled with a demonic whine, "You should put your seatbelt on."

I scoffed, but carried on looking at the road, wondering how he knew where I was...

"Jessica and Angela are going to wonder where I am, Edward. Can you take me to them?" I asked, staring intently at his now more calm face. His eyes had melted melodiously into their usual honey scotch tint.

He paused for a minute, his eyes closed lightly. I wasn't worried of him crashing the car or killing someone as I knew he had some sort of sixth sense. "They're at the restaurant, worried sick about you!" He snapped, glaring at me. "What were you thinking, Esto?"


"I just went to go to a bookstore, not a death-trap riddled dungeon!"

He shook his head and turned to me, a sincere look on his face. "Don't every worry me like that again. I couldn't have you die, Esto," He still looked into my pale face, my medium length hair lying atop it like a broken crown.

The words he uttered harmoniously shocked me. "I couldn't have you die either, Edward."

"No, you don't understand, if you died, I..." He trailed off, looking like tears were about to come to his eyes.

"What?" We were still driving as I tried to dig deeper into his emotions.

"It doesn't matter."

I wanted to fish out an answer but my instinct told me to sit tight.

When we reached the restaurant Edward stayed in the car in his twine pea coat. I got out and said as he rolled down the window, "Are you coming in?"

"Go on." He pressed.

I nodded but shook my head at the same time. When I reached the stairs Angela and Jess came out with a concerned look on their countenances. When they saw me they looked as though they'd explode! "Oh, my God!" They both said in unison. "Esto!" They ran up to me and hugged my tight, like a bear. I chuckled under my breath. "Where've you been?" Asked Jessica.

When I went to answer an inevitable answer resulting in them shouting 'HOW CAN YOU BE SO RECKLESS?', Edward turned up behind me and ended up by my side looking like a tortured angel.

"Actually, Esto was walking back from the bookstore when he ran into me," Jess and Angela stared at Edward, utterly transfixed by his immaculate beauty. "We just sort of got carried away with conversation. I'm sorry for thieving him away from you." He was amazing at lying. I smiled up to him, and he turned to smile back at me, his beautiful grin caressing his face like Bach caressed the paper with his notes.

"No, that's totally fine. I mean, that happens, right?" Giggled Jessica flirtatiously. Angela smiled to me, her eyebrows raised in a suggesting way.

"Uh, I think Esto should get something to eat, if you'd like," I was now in the middle of A and J, who were smiling to me and Edward. "I'll drive you home myself."

I scratched my head as a frosty breeze descended upon Port Angeles. "Okay."

Edward's face lit up instantly. All remnants of him being angered and rage ridden were now driven down into the dust. I smiled back at him, and he looked like a little school boy when a girl (or boy) kisses him on the forehead. If he could go red (which for some reason never happens) he'd probably be like a tomato right now.

"Wow, Esto, isn't that thoughtful?" Asked Angela in a teasing tone. "It's really thoughtful," Agreed Jessica, gazing at Edward without fail as he gawked like a dog to a biscuit at me with such, what seems, devotion and affection and...love. I think I had to admit to myself that I was in love with Edward now, he was my true love. He was my knight in shining armour. But I had to agree that he couldn't love an ugly boy like me. I wasn't ugly but was way out of Edward's league.


Me and the snow white prince began to ascend the green painted stairs which was peeling and splintered direly. I heard A and J giggling behind my back whilst me and Edward glanced at each other quickly.

In the restaurant which was playing a slow, rhythmic piece in the background the waitress, who looked rather slutty with her tits hanging out and her lips seemed to be two red fingers, came up to us.

Examining the menu briefly I ordered mushroom ravioli and a nice; ice cold Fanta whereas Edward didn't order any food but an ice cold Fanta like me.

After me and Edward spoke about mythical legends like the loch ness monster the waitress returned with my food and our soft drinks.

"One mushroom ravioli," She said to me with a slightly monotonous tone. She then stared unwaveringly to Edward, evidently trying to make him like her sexually. "Now, are you sure there isn't anything I can get you?" The waitress's tone was aroused and slightly horny yet also insanely jealous.

"No, I'm all right, thank you," He glanced at her once but kept his gaze fixed on me who now was gawking at this 'food' in disappointment.

She walked off regretfully, "Let me know."

I gobbled down the food and gulped down my drink hastily as I was famished like crazy! Edward smirked as he saw my eating. "You've got some sauce on your lip," He then extended his wintry hand and swiped it off slowly and caringly. He scraped it onto his teeth and into his mouth. When he swallowed the sauce he smiled, baring his perfect teeth.

"What was that?" I scoffed yet laughed afterwards quite a lot.

"You had food on you..." He said it rather matter of factly.

I dropped my knife and fork onto my plate and stared up at his entranced and scorchingly beauteous eyes. "I need some answers."

"Like what?"

"How did you know where I was?" I enunciated the words very clearly for him.

"I didn't."

Was he for real? That's it, I'm out of here! I went to get up but he grabbed my arm softly, sending frozen chills around me. "Wait, don't leave..."

When I turned back to face him he shook his head.

"Did you follow me?"

"I had to keep a safe distance to see if you were safe and~"

I cut him off. "So you followed me?"

"When I heard what those low lives were thinking I had to come to sa~"

Again, I cut him off. "Wait, so you knew what was going to happen?"

He exhaled and stared deeply into my eyes, his face insatiably serious. "Esto. I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore."

I let out a brief gasp and opened my mouth. "Then don't."

His eyebrows were knitted and his face was unreadable, but his eyes beheld a different story.

The car ride home was very silent but far from awkward. Edward's face was still indecipherable but his eyes! His eyes were warm, like the thoughts of an excited child before Christmas Day. He looked, happy.

When we were driving past the police station in Forks, the book I got from the occult shop tucked sleepily in my bag we saw police cars and ambulances perched outside, some still with their sirens on.

"What's going on?" I asked Edward as we parked up.

"I don't know," We both got out into the chilly air.

When we were walking up the stone steps into the log building that is the police station Carlisle came out.

"What's the matter, dad?" Edward enquired. It was odd hearing him call someone dad, as though there was someone superior to him.

"Bear attack," He replied, looking more to me to seem to want to seep the answer into me. He then gave Edward a knowing look and he nodded while a sordid look crept upon his countenance.

"Esto, your father's in the office waiting for you. The person who died was his close friend," Said Carlisle.

"Okay, bye Edward, by Dr. Carlisle."

Edward grabbed my hand as I went to walk in and I turned around.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Esto," He came up to me and hugged me, his nose buried into my shoulder as he sniffed up. His embrace was heaven, like God was hugging me. Carlisle hemmed and Edward said his goodbyes and as did I.

I had a boner, I had to admit, and when I watched Edward walking away with Carlisle, I could see he had one too for he walking widely so his jeans were baggier.

I smirked.

Charlie sat under a dark lamp, looking into nothing on his desk with a saddened look on his face. I came up to him and he was clearly trying to not cry but the tears were leaking from the pockets. I hugged him caringly as I heard him let out a little weep. I frowned, as Charlie never cries, but wanted to be there for him.

"Let's go."

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