《Broken [A Dramione story] [COMPLETED]》Chapter 23


,,You" she breathed out, feeling anger choking her. ,,How could you? How could you do this to him?" she hissed at Lucius, as the last piece of the mask fell on the grass between them.

Lucius Malfoy straightened up, every bit as arrogant and intimidating as she remembered him. The difference was that she wasn't the same fifteen-year old girl that fought against him in the Department of Mysteries so many years ago.

Hermione got a grip on herself, taking sharp breaths of air, trying to calm her nerves. It was a difficult task, though. Seeing him looking at her in that condescending manner made her whole-body seethe with anger.

,,How could you betray him like that? Your own son." She said in strangled fury.

,,I never betrayed Draco." Lucius finally spoke, his tone just as disdainful as his expression.

,,Indeed, you've done something worse. You've broken him. You've manipulated him until he ended up being just like you." Hermione spit with venom in her voice.

,,I taught him how to be a man. I have given him everything he needs in order to survive in this world. Isn't that what fathers are supposed to do, Miss Granger?" Lucius asked her in a glacial tone.

Hermione let out a disgusted sound, all the while edging away from Lucius, her wand pointing at his chest.

,,I believe, Miss Granger, that you are under the impression that you know best." Lucius said, his low drawl reminding her so much of Draco's. ,,Generations upon generations of Malfoy fathers have passed down their knowledge to their sons, thus insuring the survival of family honor and principles. That has been the tradition in our family for hundreds of years and yet, you state it's wrong." A small smirk was starting to form on Lucius's face as he approached Hermione slowly, carefully eying her.

,,I believe some traditions need to change." Hermione said, clenching her fingers on her wand, gripping it so tightly that she felt her fingers going numb.

,,You think so? Then, may I ask what do you find lacking in Draco's education? He had everything he could possibly want: blood status, money, fame, the promise of a glorious future."

At Lucius's words, Hermione's chest raised in anger.

,,He needed to be protected from that evil monster, he needed to be cared for, he needed ..." but she caught her words just in time.

Hermione's eyes went wide in shock. She was just about to say 'love' and even though she felt the truth in her words, she still felt very uncomfortable talking to Lucius Malfoy about that particular subject. As if he had guessed her thoughts, Lucius narrowed his eyes and a pleased expression flashed across his face.

,,Love, Miss Granger? Were you about to say that he needed love?" he said slowly.

Hermione frowned in response, keeping her mouth shut. She glared at the man in front of her, shaking with suppressed fury.

,,And could you Miss Granger, love him? Could you ever forget what he's done and give him the so-called love you believe he needs?"

Hermione stopped her retreat and simply stared at Lucius, baffled by his words.

What in Merlin's name is he going on about? Why is he asking me that?

Taking advantage of her bewilderment, Lucius closed the distance between them in a single leap. Before she could react, he was in front of her, rendering her wand useless.

,,Do you think yourself so above the rest of us, that you would be able to love a man you hated your whole life, a man who has hated you and who harmed you in more ways than one? Would you be able to forget the past and give that man the love you think he needs?"


,,I don't hate him." Hermione stated simply, boring her eyes into Lucius's grey ones. They reminded her so much of Draco that it pained her to look at them.

Lucius flinched, visibly taken aback by her statement. He searched her face, returning her stare. Hermione wasn't sure why, but she felt an uncomfortable presence in her mind, a disturbing feeling coursing through her brain, as flashes of memories came back to light. Draco at Hogwarts just called her a mudblood; she was slapping Draco across the face; he sent a jinx that hit her teeth and they didn't stop growing; then at the Malfoy Manor Draco was refusing to identify Harry; she vividly saw his eyes when she was being tortured, those empty, broken eyes. Then, the flashes of memories became more recent. Draco was facing her, worry laced in his voice, cleaning up her wound and making her drink potions; he was grabbing her, shaking her out of her nightmare. Finally, she saw her house, Draco gently pulling her closer.

Something was squirming in the back of her mind, feeling as if it was trying to escape, to come to light. Frightened, Hermione closed her eyes, looking away from Lucius. She realized all too late what he was doing.

,,STOP!" she shouted, ,,You stay away from my memories." she bit out, panting slightly.

It was the first time someone had used Legilimency on her. Harry had told her just how extenuating it was, but after experiencing the feeling herself, she realized that was an understatement. She felt exposed, naked, her mind violated, but what was most disturbing was that nagging feeling that something was trying desperately to surface in her mind.

,,You..." Lucius said, his eyes fixed on Hermione's face. There was no shadow of arrogance on his features, no trace of mockery in his voice. He looked as though he had seen something in Hermione's mind that rendered him speechless.

A loud cracking noise cut off Lucius next words. A group of people just Apparated near them. Lucius turned around to face them, covering Hermione slightly from view.

,,Well, well, well. You've kept your word I see." A man said with an evident smirk in his voice. Three others followed him closely. They were all wearing the same outfit as Lucius, except for the fact that their masks were intact.

,,Get behind me and keep quiet." Lucius whispered under his breath to Hermione.

Hearing the urgency in his voice, she ignored her initial shock and retreated slightly more behind Lucius, instinctively clutching her wand tighter in her hand.

,,Though, I do believe we were supposed to meet someplace else? And she" the man said gesturing with his head at Hermione's hiding form, ,,was supposed to be unarmed and subdued. Don't tell me a little girl managed to best the great Lucius Malfoy. Just think of what a shame that would be." the masked man finished cruelly.

,,Rest assured, McKinley, she poses no danger. I merely wanted to have a little chat with her before I brought her to the other place." Lucius drawled, apparently bored, but Hermione noticed his back tensing up.

She made a slight move, trying to step back from them, but in an instant felt her entire body freezing up. She was now unable to move or speak. With a look of horror, she noticed Lucius's wand-hand move ever so slightly. No one else saw anything. Lucius's wordless spellcasting went unnoticed by anyone else except for Hermione.

Body-binding spell. She thought desperately. And now he's going to hand me over to these guys. What the bloody hell am I going to do if they take me somewhere else and Harry and the others won't be able to find me?


,,What should we do about this one?" one of the three men said in a gruffy voice, pointing at Caleb's sobbing form.

,,We don't need him anymore." said the man Lucius called McKinley, waving a hand dismissively. ,,He has served his purpose."

Hermione looked horrified as the Death Eater raised his wand, preparing to cast the curse. She fought desperately against Lucius binding spell, but in vain. All she could do was stare hopelessly at the scene unfolding before her eyes.

Just then, a loud crack made everybody turn, everybody except Hermione of course. Someone else just Apparated not far from the small group. A shiver went through Hermione's body as she recognized the voice.

,,Nice party you're all having here." he drawled, casually raising his wand. Hermione could feel his smirk through his icy cold voice.

,,Well, well. Look who it is. The young Mr. Malfoy decided to join us." McKinley said mockingly.

,,I would have been here earlier if you'd had the grace to send me an invitation. Isn't that right, father?" Draco said icily, emphasizing on the last word.

He walked around the group, slowly entering Hermione's view range. He glanced at her and for an instant their eyes met. Before Hermione could silently communicate with him, he looked away. She saw him positioning himself between his father and the group of masked men.

Draco was glaring at his father, but apart from his stormy eyes nothing betrayed what he was feeling. In all appearances his features looked perfectly composed and his body was like a bowstring, relaxed but tensed in the same time. A silent exchange occurred between the two and Hermione noticed Lucius shift slightly in his spot, his back tensing up even more than before.

,,Draco I suggest you leave and let me handle this." Lucius said calmly, a tinge of iciness in his voice as well.

,,I don't think so, father. As I am already here, I might as well enjoy myself." Draco replied with a cold smile.

,,Draco, you don't..." Lucius started, his voice slightly nervous.

,,As much as I enjoy this little reunion, the pleasantries must wait. We have a job to do." McKinley said. ,,Grab the girl and let's go!" he barked at the three men, who were standing behind him.

Draco swirled around and pointed his wand at them.

,,I don't think so." he said in a low, dangerous voice. ,,One step closer and you'll meet Voldemort in the afterlife."

,,Draco..." his father hissed under his breath.

,,How very brave of you, young Malfoy, to speak the Dark Lord's name like that." McKinley taunted him. ,,You're lucky he is not here to punish you. But then again, I am and therefore I will serve the punishment in his place." McKinley said menacingly.

,,I'm not afraid of him, or of you." Draco bit out, tightening his grasp on his wand. ,,I don't belong to your lot anymore."

,,That's where you're wrong, young Draco Malfoy." McKinley said, a cruel smile plastered on his face. ,,You can never escape the Dark Lord. He is always with you. And to prove it, what do you think of this?"

McKinley raised his left arm and pulled up his sleeve, revealing the Dark Mark branded on his skin.

,,As long as you have this, you will always be one of us, a Death Eater."

Draco looked as if hypnotized, his eyes fixed on the black snake swirling around the skull. He felt sick to his stomach, sensing his own mark tingling under the sleeve. A firm touch on his shoulder made him flinch. Lucius had quietly closed in on him.

,,I think this requires a bigger audience." McKinley said eagerly, his words snapping Draco back to reality.

With a sudden jolt he felt his forearm heating, his own Dark Mark burning like hot iron had been placed on it. He grasped his arm in pain and staggered backwards slightly. Looking up he saw McKinley holding his wand on top of his forearm, his Dark Mark glowing with a black light.

Draco mustered all his power and swished his wand into the air, a silvery creature slowly appearing into view. It was a big feline creature, resembling a mountain lion.

It's beautiful. Hermione thought, forgetting for a moment where she was. I never knew he was able to cast one. But then again, he was an exceptionally good wizard even in school.

Draco's Patronus disappeared gracefully, carrying a message to Harry and the other Aurors.

,,Just what we wanted, Harry Potter and the rest of them. Now we'll have a real party." McKinley said with a maniacal laugh, touching the Dark Mark with his wand. The gesture sent electric shivers to Draco, who stumbled forward and almost fell to his knees, grabbing onto his arm tightly. It felt like it did in the past, when Voldemort called his followers.

How in Salazar's name can he do that? Wasn't Voldemort the only one who could do it? Draco thought as pain surged through his arm. He heard his father let out a small wince and when he turned, he saw Lucius holding his arm in the same manner.

Moments later, dark figures appeared all around them, surrounding them from all sides.

Fuck. Draco cursed inwardly. This is not good, not good at all. Potter I hope you're ready for this.

Draco's internal ramble got interrupted when the Death Eaters started to close in on them. McKinley let out another laugh, raising his own wand, prepared to strike Draco. He raised his own, just as ready.

It all happened in a second. Flashes of white light appeared from all around them, Harry and two dozen of Aurors pouring in from everywhere. Curses started flying in all directions, some bouncing off of protective shields, others hitting their targets and knocking down wizards.

Draco missed McKinley, the Death Eater managing to deflect his curse but instead stunned another Death Eater right behind McKinley.

,,Took you long enough." Draco heard Harry's voice from his left.

,,Yeah, I had a situation here." he replied, gesturing towards his father.

Harry's eyes narrowed and he nodded at Draco's unspoken words.

At the arrival of the Aurors, Lucius placed a spell around him and Hermione and was now being attacked by McKinley's men. Either they were acting on their own or their boss declared Lucius a traitor, Draco didn't know. And if he were honest with himself, he didn't care much. All he cared about was taking Hermione out of there. As soon as he arrived there and saw her, he figured out she was under a binding spell and he was now worried that she'll get hit by a curse, unable to protect herself.

From her spot, Hermione could only see Lucius's back and flashes of light as both Aurors and Death Eaters were shooting curses at each other. She couldn't see Harry's and Draco's desperate attempts to reach her, as they took down enemy after enemy. The sounds reached her ears muffled by the shield charm she suspected Draco's father had placed around her. Unable to move or speak, she was just a witness of a battle that was nearing its end.

Suddenly, she felt her body twitch and realized with a jolt of excitement that feeling was coming back to her muscles. As soon as her body was under her control again, she raised her wand and turned to look around. The cries and shouts of men battling hit her ears like a hammer. Trembling all over, she walked between Aurors and Death Eaters engaged in deadly fights, shooting curses as she went along, trying to reach the central point of the battlefield. That's where she saw Draco as he crumbled on the ground, a dark figure in front of him and she realized why the binding spell had been lifted.

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