《Broken [A Dramione story] [COMPLETED]》Chapter 11


Realizing Hermione wasn't going to go home any time soon, Draco decided to go along with it. It had been a far more interesting evening following her around than he would have had back at the flat, doing nothing. He, therefore, did the only sensible thing he could do: he ordered himself another firewiskey. Hermione eyed him quizzically but didn't say anything.

,,What are you doing, Granger?", Draco asked out of the blue, making Hermione's eyebrows rise.

,,Have you gone blind, Malfoy? Can't you see what I'm doing?" she said sarcastically, shaking her glass in front of his eyes.

,,I believe that would be obvious even for a blind person, Granger, judging by the way you talk and how your tongue rolls the words around" Draco said, rolling his eyes at her. ,,I meant what are you doing HERE? Why did you go out drinking, by yourself?"

Hermione regarded him for a moment. At first, she had thought about mocking him still more, but, for some reason, his curiosity seemed slightly more than just a motive to sneer at her. He looked as if he genuinely wanted to know the reason behind her actions. Though, she couldn't be sure about that, she was, after all, quite tipsy and her mind might be playing tricks on her.

All this time, Draco stared back at her, trying to figure out what might be going on underneath that bushy hair of hers. She looked as if she was thinking hard about something.

,,Why do you care, Malfoy?" she finally asked after a while.

,,I don't" Draco replied simply, his honesty striking her into an almost sober state of mind. ,,I was feeling bored back at the flat and, as you were proving to be a far better entertainment than an empty house, I decided to follow you out".

,,The great Draco Malfoy, bored out of his wits, enough to follow ... ME around?" she asked incredulously, forgetting all about her drink and turning on her chair to fully face Draco.

Draco almost flinched at the last. For a split second he thought she was about to say the word mudblood. When she didn't, he felt relieved, letting out a quiet breath. He knew that hearing the word from her mouth, addressed to herself no less, would make him feel worse about himself. He still regretted calling her that at the hospital and even during the years they've spent at Hogwarts. The slurs he threw at her weren't something to be proud of and, cowardly as it was, he was trying very hard not to think about it very often.


,,Well?" Hermione probed, jerking him out of his thoughts. Apparently, he was doing that often these days, losing himself in his thoughts.

,,Well, I was right, wasn't I?" he told her, ignoring her question, as well as her gaze. ,,You did offer a better spectacle than I would have had at home".

Hermione grimaced.

How silly of me, thinking I would get a serious answer out of this prat. She thought annoyedly.

,,Glad to be of service" she said aloud, sarcastically raising her glass to him and taking a sip. ,,Always glad to help", she finished quietly.

A few moments of silence followed Hermione's words. They both focused on their glasses, ignoring each other, then Draco spoke, startling Hermione slightly.

,,What was with the juice?"

,,You have awfully many questions tonight, Malfoy" Hermione grunted. ,,Did someone put you something in that drink?" she gestured towards his glass.

,,Yes, well, I am a very curious person. So, do both of us a favor and just answer my question".

,,Both of us?" Hermione faked surprise. ,,What favor would I be doing myself if I answered your stupid question?"

,,You would save me the tedious job of pestering you all night until I get an answer." Draco said, smirking and crossing his arms. ,,I can get pretty annoying, you know."

,,You already are, Malfoy. Can't imagine how much more annoying you can get" she retorted, grimacing.

Draco scowled at her words but remained silent. Eventually Hermione took a deep breath and let it out in a long, tired sigh.

,,When I got home in that state, you asked me if I was alright. So..."

Hermione stopped, as if unsure how to continue, searching for better wards to describe her reasoning. As they both stared at each other, a strange mood was forming between them.

This is... odd. Hermione was thinking.

I don't like this. Yep I don't like it one bit. Draco said to himself, urging himself into action.

,,So you decided to kill me?" he immediately said, finishing Hermione's sentence.

I was like a balloon had popped between them. The strange mood had vanished instantly, making Hermione frown and drop her glass onto the bar loudly. For some reason Draco felt relieved.

,,It was a glass of orange juice, Malfoy, not some bloody poison" Hermione snapped at him, eying him angrily.


,,Could have fooled me. That taste... that sourness... ugh" he said, trying to mask his amusement, while faking an expression of disgust.

,,Drama queen. Next time I'll be sure to use poison then. Thanks for the idea."

Her reactions never disappoint. Draco snorted inwardly.

Hermione finished her drink, paid the bartender and got up to leave. Draco followed suite. At first, he planned on walking behind her like he did when they came to the bar, but after seeing her sway dangerously and tripping every other step, he decided to walk alongside her. He steered her gently towards the apartment.

Draco took in a deep breath, absorbing the pleasant feeling of being outside. The rain had stopped a while back and the air felt fresh against his face. Draco looked up and could see small shining dots appearing on the ever-darkening sky. For a brief moment he felt free, his heart lightening. Even seeing Hermione's swaying shadowy form gave him a reassuring feeling, made him feel like he wasn't alone. He smiled into the shadows as a sudden surge of curiosity hit him.

,,What made you go out tonight, Granger? Honestly."

,,Honestly?" she echoed him, looking at him, eyes wide in surprise.

It was like she never expected to hear that word coming out of his mouth. Draco Malfoy, honestly asking her anything was as strange and impossible to her as failing an important exam. She gave a loud, rather unladylike snort at the idea. This time her reaction made Draco frown.

,,Something funny, Granger?" he asked irritably, grabbing her arm and pulling her slightly into the right direction.

,,Yes. You are" Hermione chuckled.

Draco was just about to give her an angry reply, but on perceiving the genuine smile she was giving him, he swallowed his words. He looked away, clutching her elbow a little tighter, steering her along the narrow street that took to their flat.

After a few moments, during which the only sounds they could hear were their footsteps on the pavement, Draco heard Hermione's voice resounding into the night, right beside his shoulder.

,,Haven't you ever felt so fed up with everything that you just want to run away from it, but you can't? Haven't you ever felt weak to the point of looking into the mirror and not recognizing the person staring back at you?"

She had stopped walking and was now looking up at him. In the dim light that came from the street ahead, he could see her eyes boring into his. His insides lurched and he felt the same uncomfortable feeling he had every time he had to deal with the ugly truth: he felt scared and he felt weak. Nevertheless, due to his upbringing and all the years of training his mind, he was capable of burying those feelings under a mask of indifference and coldness.

Draco looked at Hermione, as if bewitched, not able avert his eyes. Those eyes told a different story than his. Those round, brown eyes, told a story of bravery and sacrifice, of strength. She had transformed her weakness and fear into courage and perseverance.

This is the difference he thought bitterly. This is the big difference between us. While I run and hide my fears, she embraces hers and transforms them into powerful weapons. SHE is not afraid to admit that she's afraid, but you can be sure she'll never back down without a fight. Bloody Griffindor!

As he finished that thought, Draco shook his head slowly.

Misinterpreting his gesture, Hermione sighed and looked away from him. All that time she had been watching him, almost transfixed, waiting to hear his reply. For some reason she felt it was important to her to learn the truth about him, what he really felt. But upon seeing his reaction, a feeling of disappointment flushed over her.

I should know better than to expect honesty from him.

,,Then again," she said quietly into the night, ,,Draco Malfoy cannot possibly feel afraid and weak".

With that, Hermione started walking again, gaining a few steps in front of Draco, who remained still.

,,I am not what you think, Granger" he whispered with a small tinge of sadness, looking at her back, but Hermione didn't seem to hear him.

It was better that way. He couldn't admit to her the fact that he felt scared and lonely but that he always had to hide that, that he always had to look strong and composed. He could never show a weakness no matter what.

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