《Broken [A Dramione story] [COMPLETED]》Chapter 7


,,Well, I'm here" Hermione whispered to herself.

She appeared into the flat, carrying only a small trunk and a cat carrier. Crookshanks was meowing loudly as he kept fidgeting, wanting to be released.

,,In a moment Crookshanks" Hermione said softly, putting the carrier and trunk down. She then stared around, taking in the part of the flat that was visible to her from that spot. She noticed the common room, with the couch and the black square thing in front of the couch, which she recognized as being a TV. She noticed the kitchen and smiled slightly. Hermione wasn't extremely fond of cooking, always preferring to read a book than to spent hours preparing food. Nevertheless, she had indulged herself in the kitchen from time to time, so she was very impressed seeing how completely equipped it seemed at first glance. It had all the electronics a kitchen needs to be comfortable and easy to use.

Moving her eyes further than the kitchen, she saw the door to the balcony and her slight smile transformed into a full one. That place looked perfect to her, even from afar. Sitting on one of those chairs, a cup of hot tea resting on the table, a book in her hand and a pleasant breeze blowing over her hair. That was the image of perfection to her.

,,Now that place I'd want to exploit to its fullest" she said nodding inwardly. ,,I bet it would be great sitting there and simply enjoying the air and view in the evening, while the sun is setting. Yes, I'll be sure to try it out sometimes."

After this conclusion and being satisfied with finding something she really liked in a place she hadn't expected to find anything pleasant to herself, Hermione continued the survey. She turned to the left, noticing a small hallway. Taking a few steps towards it, she soon saw the door at the end of it. That made her stopped immediately. At first it was the color of the door which made her stop, but then something else made her feel tingling down her spine. The place was rather quiet, but after years of warfare, her hearing got better at picking up sounds. Hermione heard a sound as if a door had been snapped shut, then nothing. Everything fell quiet again. She frowned, stepping back from the hallway.

,,Malfoy. He's here early as well."

The fact that she wasn't alone and the realization of who else was there, just a few feet away from her, made Hermione feel uncomfortable. She wanted to find her room quickly and shut herself up there. The reason why she came so early was to avoid something like this to happen, to minimize the risk of them having to bump into each other sooner than they had to. Apparently, her precaution was for nothing, as Draco, probably wanting the same thing, came early as well.


Hermione let out an annoyed sound, before levitating the trunk and Crookshanks carrier into the right-side hallway. She thought her room might be in that part of the flat, and sure enough, after taking a few steps into the hallway she saw the reddish door.

,,Really? First the TV now this. What's she playing at?" Hermione said, mockingly.

Thinking about Narcissa and her reasons to go to such lengths to ensure her comforts there, made Hermione's brow furrow. Nothing good could come out of a Malfoy who tried too hard to please. They were all Slytherins after all.

With these thoughts playing in her head, Hermione reached her room, opened the door and peered inside carefully. Finding that it looked safe enough, she let Crookshanks carrier down and opened its door with a flick of her wand, then levitated the trunk to the large bed. Hermione twirled around for a moment, taking in all the details of the room.

The space was large enough to be split into three sections. On the left, Hermione saw a normal-sized bedroom, with a large double bed, half masked by crimson hanging curtains, and two nightstands. To the right there was a living room, containing a fireplace that occupied almost the entire wall, two armchairs and a small, cozy looking couch, all facing the fireplace. On the floor, beneath the couch and armchairs laid a thick, fluffy red carpet. Looking further back into the room, Hermione's gaze was met by a row of large windows, with golden-colored drapes. In front of the windows, facing the door, was a small but elegant desk. It seemed to be made from the same wood Hermione's door was, cherry wood.

,,Narcissa Malfoy sure is something. She's so detail-oriented." Hermione shook her head with a half-smile.

She couldn't help but be impressed with all of this. The space she was about to live in was actually very comfortable and nice. It was nothing like what she had expected. But, then again, what had she expected? A dungeon looking room? Or perhaps a real dungeon?

Hermione shook her head, smiling at her own imagination.

Crookshanks on the other hand, didn't seem impressed at all. He led the way into the room, swaying his bushy tail and looking around with a critical eye. After going around the room once, he stopped in front of Hermione and gave a loud meow, that sounded like a complaint.

,,I know, I know, it's not to your majesty's liking" Hermione teased him, giving him an amused smile.

She bent down and ruffled his fur playfully.

,,But it will have to do for now" she finished, getting up and heading for the desk. She heard Crookshanks meow again, displeasure even more evident this time, as he started to scratch at the base of the couch.


Hermione ignored him. Something attracted her attention. Further from the bed there was a door she hadn't noticed before. She went and opened it curiously and saw what she had missed. Behind the door a large bathroom opened in front of her, big bathtub in the middle and a shower cabin in the back. A sink and mirror on the left wall finished the picture. The tiles and decorations were a mixture of gold and red, while the bathtub was of the purest white.

,,Nice finishing touch. What can I say?! The woman knows how to please. Isn't that right, Crookshanks?" Hermione asked, as Crookshanks came along to see the bathroom as well.

After the tour ended, Hermione made sure the door was closed and placed warding and protective charms around the room, as well as a silencing charm.

,,Better safe than sorry" she muttered to herself, as the last spell was placed around the space.

After that, she headed for the desk and took a sit, pulling out a piece of parchment, a quill and ink from one of the drawers. Half an hour later, a chestnut colored owl flew from Hermione's window, carrying a letter. It glided gracefully for a few moments before soaring up into the sky and disappearing from sight.

The letter was addressed to Harry. Hermione had promised Harry she would write him as soon as she arrived at the flat. She smiled now, remembering the scene and how overprotective both Harry and Ron had been.

,,You make sure to write me a letter as soon as you reach that place" Harry had said, slightly nervously, but keeping an appearance of calmness.

Ron on the other hand didn't have a problem showing his feelings.

,,Yeah, you just be careful when you Apparate there. Keep your wand ready and..." he was saying ardently, but Hermione cut him short with a laugh.

,,Stop it Ron. It's not like he'll attack me as soon as I set foot into the room" she had said, shaking her head amused by her friend's ideas.

,,Yeah, well, I wouldn't put it past him" Ron had scoffed, crossing his arms stubbornly.

,,Ron's right, Hermione" Harry had told her with a nod. ,,After all, It's Draco Malfoy we're talking about" he had finished, a slight frown forming on his forehead.

Hermione remembered staring at them for a moment before replying.

,,He's not the scariest person alive" she had said, rolling her eyes at them, but with a slight more serious tone.

,,But he's the sneakiest" Ron had interjected, passionately raising his fists as if what he had said won him the whole argument.

,,As far as I remember, you two weren't above being sneaky yourselves, while at Hogwarts" Hermione had retorted, narrowing her eyes at Ron.

Ron's ears went red and he had looked away, coughing nervously, while Harry had simply looked at her sheepishly, his bright green eyes twinkling amused. He was clearly remembering all those times the three of them either sneaked out of Griffindor tower or did something that could have warranted expulsion from Hogwarts, or even worse, doing something dangerous that would have ensured their deaths. Harry had shaken his head, thus shaking the memories off.

,,Nonetheless, Hermione please be careful around him" he had said finally, a calm seriousness in his voice, ,,And promise me you'll write to let me know you are safe".

She promised and she complied. Her owl was now carrying out her letter, containing assurances that she was safe. Besides this, she had also enclosed in the letter a note, mentioning the address of the flat. Harry hadn't asked for it, but she knew that having it would put his mind at ease.

After finishing with the letter, she went to the bed where Crookshanks was already curled up, sleeping.

,,So you decided to enjoy the comforts, after all" she addressed the sleeping cat, teasingly pinching one of his ears.

Then she stroke the soft ginger fur, slowly tracing her fingers on the cat's back. That made Crookshanks purr contently, stretching slightly to give Hermione's hand more room for petting him. Hermione's soft smile soon transformed into a yawn. She felt tired. She couldn't sleep the night before because of nerves, not knowing what to expect the next day. Now, sitting on the soft bed, petting Crookshanks, hearing his calming purrs, made her realize just how tired she was. Therefore, without another moment's thought, she laid down and closed her eyes, letting out a long breath. She immediately felt relaxing, sinking slightly into the mattress. The bed was indeed softer than any other bed she'd slept in.

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