《Broken [A Dramione story] [COMPLETED]》Chapter 1


It was a sunny but rather cold day. September was almost gone and the colors were changing at a fast pace, from the green of the summer to the crimson and brown of the autumn. A light wind was blowing.

You could see people on the streets wearing long coats and scarves. Most of them were hurrying to the subway or to the bus stations.

At first glance nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but on a closer look, one woman stood out from the rest. She had long blond-white hair and was wearing a dark green coat, with a black scarf and matching black boots. She walked rather fast, hurrying towards a rather obscure building complex. There was no doubt it was inhabited by muggles. Loud noises could be heard from the people living there, their TVs and other home appliances. Also, at each window you could see either plants, cats or laundry.

The blond woman entered the first building on the left, heading for the top floor. There she stopped and looked around for a moment as if deciding which door she should go to. She looked so out of place there. Her clothes, her walk and posture, all indicated a high status person.

She eventually picked the door furthest away from the stairs and knocked twice, then waited. After a moment she heard a voice and the door opened, revealing a young man of around 22 years old. He had dark hair, green eyes and round glasses.

He gaped at the woman without uttering a single sound. After a few moments he seemed to recover his senses. His brow furrowed and his mouth closed in a very thin line.

,,What are you doing here, Mrs. Malfoy?", he asked through clenched teeth.

,,Mr. Potter" she said impatiently, ,,I have a matter of urgency to discuss with you".

,,What could you possibly have to discuss with me?!" he almost yelled.

,,Something that I would rather talk about indoors" she said without batting an eyelid at his tone.

He pondered for a moment, measuring her, feeling almost temped to shut the door in her face, but he finally decided against that. He slowly opened the door for her to enter.

The flat was small but very neat. Harry Potter apparently grew up to be a very organized man, who liked to tidy his place regularly.

,,What do you want?" Harry asked as soon as they were inside.


,,I see you're as polite as ever" Narcissa replied crunching up her nose, visibly displeased.

,,I'm as polite as your visit warrants, Mrs. Malfoy" he retaliated.

She took a sit on one of the armchairs without waiting to be invited. As far as she was concerned, two could play the ,being rude' game.

,,I'm here because I want to ask for your help" she said with forced calmness.

,,Help? You've come to ask ME for help?" he asked incredulously.

,,Yes. My son, Draco...well...he's been having certain problems" Narcissa started slowly but stopped. She closed her eyes for a moment before continuing.

,,Ever since the war and the trials have ended he's been unwell. At first he left home, then started working with suspicious people and eventually he got himself involved with drugs. In the beginning it was just from time to time, when it got harder to live with the memories. Yes, Mr. Potter, we do have memories and a soul, if I might add, regardless of what you may think." she said, seeing Harry's mocking expression.

,,After a while he started to consume more and more..." she trailed off.

,,So your son decided to renounce the wizarding world crimes and dedicate himself to muggle ones?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow.

,,No!" she replied sharply ,,he was never involved in any crimes. He was just...a user."

Narcissa stopped, closed her eyes again and leaned her head back. She looked like having to admit to Draco's drug problems gave her an almost physical pain.

After a few moments she slowly opened her eyes and looked Harry straight in the eyes.

,,I want to help him, Mr. Potter. I want to help my son."

Harry returned her gaze and took a moment before replying.

,,That's all very good and noble, Mrs. Malfoy, but unfortunately I cannot help you or Draco. I'm an Auror, not a counselor. I suggest you find one of those for Draco. If he had taken on muggle vices perhaps he won't refuse muggle methods of recovering."

He got up and started walking towards the door when Narcissa stopped him.

,,We tried to offer him similar type of help, but he refused" she said getting up as well. ,,We had him in a rehabilitation facility one year ago when he almost overdosed on some kind of substance. As soon as he got out, though, he immersed himself in the same practices."


Harry took a deep breath before returning to Narcissa. They were face to face now.

,,Mrs. Malfoy, you said Draco wasn't doing anything illegal. Then how, may I ask, was he affording to buy his precious drugs?"

,,We're not poor, yet, Mr. Potter. We gave him an allowance" Narcissa replied frowning at Harry.

,,That's perfect. Then all you have to do is stop providing him with funds and eventually he'll stop."

,,It's not that simple and besides, I'm not willing to take that chance. He's my son, Mr. Potter. There is nothing I am not willing to do for him" she finished, taking a small step towards Harry.

She looked at him intensely and Harry knew what she was referring to.

Years ago, before the end of the war, Narcissa Malfoy had lied to Voldermort in order to save Harry and find out if her son was alive. Harry always knew that her actions were guided more by selfish reasons than noble ones. Still, that choice of hers had saved his life. He was never able to forget that and however frustrating it was, he somehow owed her. Or at least that's how part of him felt. The other part wanted nothing to do with either of the Malfoys ever again.

After a short inner struggle he decided he didn't like having a debt to pay, regardless of how questionable the circumstances were. He threw himself onto the couch letting out a loud sigh, resembling more of a groan.

,,How can I help you, Mrs. Malfoy?" he finally asked rubbing his face tiredly.

,,Well now" she said, quite satisfied with the result of her persistence and taking a sit. ,,I would appreciate it if you could put me in touch with a counselor or someone who could help keep an eye on Draco."

,,Why don't you put one of your servants or a house elf to do that? I'm pretty sure you still have one of those" Harry said in a sarcastic tone.

Narcissa Malfoy was evidently not pleased with his tone and attitude. She frowned and looked away in a dignified manner.

,,I don't do that because I want someone who can stay beside him, someone who can actually help him get better, who can motivate him. Ultimately, he will need to connect with that person and for that he would have to consider her his equal, at the very least."

,,That's all great" Harry almost clapped in false excitement. ,,but where do you intend to find this person and also how...wait a minute"

Harry stopped, suddenly realizing something. His eyes narrowed slightly as he watched Narcissa carefully. She was still looking away from him.

,,You just said a her" he said slowly. ,,That means you already have someone in mind or, at least, have decided on a she."

,,Yes, I have" Narcissa admitted, slowly turning to face Harry. ,,It's not like I can leave my son in just anyone's hands, now can I? she has to be smart, strong, intelligent but also caring. She has to be someone who can contain his demons and deal with his temperament. Shortly, someone strong-willed with a temperament of her own."

There was a moment's pause while the two stared at each other, both trying to get past the other's mask. Harry was the one who eventually broke the silence.

,,You are very well aware that she will never agree to something like this, right? Not in a million years."

,,Not if the proposition were to come from you" Narcissa said stubbornly. ,,If you were to tell her..."

,,Nothing would change if I do" Harry said firmly, ,,She hates the lot of you and for good reason. The woman was tortured in your house, in front of your entire family and you expect her to just...save Draco from his own demons?"

Harry was downright upset at this point. He knew that Malfoys had nerve, but this just surpassed even his wildest dreams.

He knew who Narcissa was referring to. There was only one person who fitted that description. Only one who, he thought, would be able to withstand, outsmart and even control two Dracos, and that was Hermione Granger.

,,You may find that Miss Granger has outgrown her past trauma" Narcissa said, arousing Harry from his thoughts. "Nothing bad can come from presenting her with the situation. I can offer her a home, an income and the opportunity to do some good."

Narcissa stood and gave Harry another piercing look.

,,Talk to her and owl me the reply no later than next week. I will be waiting. Thank you for your time Mr. Potter."

And with that being said she left, leaving Harry dumbfounded and upset.

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