《Mr. Bad Boy and I》Chapter 27


I wake up startled by my dream. I sit straight up, breathing heavy. It is only 3 in the morning according to the clock across the room. Jayden tussled awake.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" he asked obviously seeing my discomfort.

I shake my head out of my daze and respond with, "Just a dream, nothing." I say still a little shaken. I don't even really remember what happened except my mother and Jayden were dead.

I take a deep breath and lay bad down on the bed. He pulls me closer to him so nestled my head in the crook of his neck.

"Your safe right here, don't worry beautiful." He reassured me. I nod a little bit and slowly go back into a dream, luckily a different one.

Hours later I awoke with warm kisses on my lips.

"Morning baby girl." Jayden says sweetly, making me smile.

"Morning to you too." I smile. I reach for his lips that are only inches away from my. He fills the gap in between, kissing me. I don't hesitate to kiss back. I love how he wakes me up.


"Ugg, I hate being a girl sometimes." I sigh, loudly, sitting infringed of the full length mirror with my flat iron. Jayden walk over, giving me small laugh at my expression.

"What's wrong?" he laughs and I just glare at him.

"My hair!" I exclaim with a frustrated growl, making him laugh even more.

He sits down next to me and pulls me in between his legs, wrapping his arm securely around my waist.

"Your cute when you're mad." he smirks with an added laugh.

"No stop laughing at me, it isn't funny!" I whine making him laugh at me even more.

"It a little funny." he smiles adding a very small laugh, trying not to burst out laughing at my expression.

I cross my arms over my chest and lean back with the support of Jayden, acting as if I was mad at him. My hair was still crazy since I couldn't get to the back of my hair well with the flat iron.


"Really, your mad?" He pouts. I try my best to not smile or just kiss him, since he has a really cute expression. He pops out his lower lip with puppy eyes that are irresistible.

"Ugg you are to cute to be mad at." I say with a sigh. God this boy have such a dramatic effect on me.

"I know I am irresistibly cute." he smirks, pecking my frre head. I laugh at him sit back up, not leaning on him anymore for support.

I grab my flat iron again and start to straighten my hair again. And once again when I get to the back I start to struggle. I sigh again, giving up again.

"Oh my god, just my me the fucking flat iron." Jayden said, humorously. I cock an eyebrow at him.

"You know how to straighten hair?" I question, turning my head to look at him.

He gives me a lame look and responds with, "I'm not stupid Hav." I shrug and hand him the flat iron.

"But I swear if you burn me..." I trail of, making him laugh at me.

After 5 minutes he finished my hair, he did really well surprisingly.

"Thanks you!" I squeak when he finished. I turned so that I was now facing him. I wrap my arms around his neck and look into his beautiful eyes. I lean him and connect my lips with his.

We pull back I smile, so does Jayden.

"I love you." he says making me blush a bit.

"I love you too, more than you can imagine." I smile. I peck is lips one more time.

"We should probably get going." I say. He shakes his head and keeps his arms around my waist still holding me close.

"In a minute." he says laying his head in he crook of my neck. I nod and buried my head in to his neck.

About 5 minutes later a knock came to the front door.


"Fuck off!" Jayden says not bothering to move. I shake my head and smack his arm getting up. Jayden keeps a good grip on my wrist. I glare at him to let go, but he doesn't. Instead he gets up and walks over to the door with me. I open the door and see Jayden's father.

"You need stop that language young man." Jayden's father says sternly making eye contact with Jayden. I gulp and glance up at Jayden who is standing behind me holding my hand.

"Whatever." Jayden mutters and walks away. I roll my eyes and look back at him

"Sorry about him he isn't exactly a morning person" I say loud enough so that Jayden can hear me. I can feel him just rolling my eyes.

His father nods and says, "Anyways, we will be leaving in an hour to head to the park." he say in a now very different tone. I nod and smile as he does the same and walks away. I close the door once he is out of sight. I walk back over tot he bed, where Jayden is.

"You do know that you will have to start being nicer to your dad eventually, in the future." I say putting my hands on my waist. He swiftly grabs me by the waist and pulls me down so that I am now laying on top of him.

"I don't like to think about the future. There is only one thing a care about, in my future, and that is if you are in it." He says, keeping his hands on my waist. I smile and lean down to fill in the gap between our lips.

"How did this even happen?" I ask tracing my finger across Jayden's chest, watching my stokes.

"What?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Us. If someone told me I would fall in love with Jayden Hunter, the bad boy, 6 months ago, I would had laughed my ass off." I say giving a small laugh at the end. He smirk with a look in his eyes that tells me he is thinking.

"I have no clue. If someone said that I would actually be in love with someone, and actually last and want to stay with, I would have thought they were crazy. Especially that I would love the nerd softball player" he smirks. I mouth drops a little and I scoff.

"I am not a nerd!" I exclaim and smacked his chest.

"Oh don't lie to yourself, you are a nerd. But your my nerd and always will be." He smirks. I try not to smile but fail. I go to say something but nothing comes out.

"What cat got your tongue?" he smirks with a small laugh.

"Shut up!" I pout.

He gives out a small chuckle and says, "Your so cute. Come here." he says, moving his hand from my waist to the back of my neck, pulling me closer. I lay my lips on his softly. Slowly the kiss deepens as he nibbles on my bottom lip. I play with him and don't give him entrance. Once he realized I wouldn't give him entrance he bites my lip a little bit harder in a sensitive place. I end up opening my mouth for not even a full 2 seconds, but he takes that two seconds to slip his tongue into my mouth, he explores my mouth. After a long make-out session we both pull away breathing heavy. I lay my head on his chest. He rubs the top of my head and kisses it.

After a good ten minutes of laying there Jayden says something.

"Are you hungry. Wait, let me guest, no." he say. I smile and nod.

"Are you ever hungry?" He says raising an eyebrow. I laugh and shrug.

"We can just get something in the way and leave a little earlier than the rest." I suggest and he nods.

"Okay princess." he says kissing my forehead. We both get up and finished getting completely done getting ready.

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