《Mr. Bad Boy and I》Chapter 25


"He baby time to wake up." I hear a soft whisper say. I groan and roll to my back. I cover my eyes with my arm to repeal the sunlight that is shining in the room. Jayden pushed my arm away kissing me making me smile.

"Now will you get up?" He laughs.

"One more." I say with a cheeky smile. He gives me one long hard kiss that trails down to my neck. He slightly sucks of a place on my neck, surely there is going to be a bruise there later. He than moves back to my lips and gives me one more kiss.

"Now I'm good." I giggle once our lips disconnect.

He get up and quickly got ready. We have to stop by Carly's house and my house before we leave. Carly is going to watch the cats for the week. And than I have to go to my house because that is where my suitcase is and my mother wanted to see me before we left. Christmas Day is toward the end of the break so I will be home Christmas Day.

"You ready?!" Jayden yells from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm coming babe!" I yell back from the bedroom.

Because it is such a long trip, I am wearing a legging, sports bra, band tee. Yep very stylish, I know. (Note the sarcasm) I quickly through the hair up in a ponytail than ran down the stairs.

"Ready?" Jayden asked. I nod and grab my bag and the cat carrier with all the cat's stuff as we walk out of the door. Jayden puts his suitcase in the trunk and I got in the passenger seat. He got in and started the car, we than drove off to Carly's house.

After a few minutes of driving we get to Carly's house. We get out and grab the cats and their stuff. I pull out my keys and unlock the door, yes I have a key to Carly's house.

"Do you have a key to everyone's house?!" Jayden question. I scoff.

"No I only have a keys to my house, Carly's, Jazz's, your's, and non of the guys... well nope that's a lie I have one to Connor's and Devan's." I say and he just rolls his eyes and laugh. I unlock the door and run up the stairs to Carly's room, knowing that she is not awake at 7 in the morning on break.

I knock on the door and don't get an answer. I knock again and finally get and answer.

"What?!" I laugh at her tone.

"It's Haven I wanted to say the cats are here!" I yell through the door. In second she is at the door. We both walk down stairs to where Jayden is. He is on the ground with the cats playing with each other. Carly runs over and picks up Aria.

"Okay well we have to go. Thank you so much again." I say towards Carly giving her one last hug.

"Have fun!! See ya later!!" He says excitedly. We walk out of the house and get back into the car. We start to my house.

After another 20 minute ride we make it to my house. We get out and interlock fingers.

"How was I lucky enough to get the best girlfriend in the world. How did I get the most beautiful girl ever to fall for me?" Jayden smiles at me.

"I ask myself that everyday." I joke laughing. We walk up to the door as I pull out my keys to open the door. I walk inside and upstairs to grab my thing and say bye to my mom.


I walk into her room.

"Hey mama!" I say in a upbeat tone.

"Hey honey I am in the bathroom!" She yelled from the bathroom. I walk over to the bathroom and see my mom in a her work attire.

"I wanted to say bye before we leave." I say picking my head into the bathroom. She nods as me walk downstairs together. I give my bag to Jayden and ask if he can take it to the car.

"What time do you two have to get on the road?" My mom asked.

"Eight the latest." I sigh because I am so tired.

"I hope you have fun!" She says excited for me.

"Okay well I think have to start to get in the road." I frown. She nods and opened her arms for me to hug her, and I did.

"Bye mama love you!" I say.

"Bye have fun call me when you get there so I know that you got there safe. Love you." she say in her sweet voice. Jayden gives her a hug and we leave.

"Okay do we have everything?" I question once we are both in the car. He nods and starts the car.

"Suitcase. Check. Phones. Check. Beautiful girlfriend. Check." Jayden smirks making me blush.

"Your dad wanted us to call him to tell him when we leave. Can I have your phone to call him?" I ask holding my hand out. He takes the phone out of his pocket giving it to me. I turn on the phone and smile at the wallpaper, which is of me and the cats back when they were kittens cuddling asleep in bed.

"You still have this as your screen saver." I laugh.

"Of course, it's my three favorite things." He smirks making me turn a light shade of pink. I call Jayden's dad and tell them we are leaving now.

I plugged my phone into car so that I could play my music. "When your legs don't work like they used to before. And I can't sweep you off of your feet," I start sing along with the song playing.

"Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love. Will your eyes still smile from your cheek," I continue with Jayden starting to sing with me.

"And darling I will be loving you 'til we're 70. And baby my heart could still fall as hard at 23." we sing in harmony. I smile at the lightness of his voice alone continue alone, I stopped singing because I wanted to here his voice.

"Maybe I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways, Maybe just a touch of a hand." I smile at him as he sings, intertwining hands.

We start to sing the chorus. "So honey now, take me into your loving arms, Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars." We sing and sing, as the songs on my playlist goes by.

"We need to stop for gas and food." Jayden says pulling into a gas station.

"But I'm not hungry I just need caffeine." I sigh.

"You are never hungry." he laughs. I roll my eyes.

"Can we just stop the Starbucks up the street?" I ask. He nods and gets out of the car to pump the gas.

A few minutes later he gets back in the car and we start down the road to a Starbucks. We are now only about an hour away from Disney world. We live in North Carolina so to get to Florida takes about 11 hours. We drive up to the drive thru.


"What do you want?" Jayden asked.

"Um.. A Caramel Frappe." I smile as he order what he wants too.

Another hour and a half pass before we finally get to the hotel. The traffic was horrible in Georgia.

"Finally!" I say excitedly stepping out of the car, stretching. Jayden's dad's car drives up and parks right next to Jayden's car. I walk to the back of the car and pop the trunk, Jayden follows me. He grab both of our bags out of the trunk.

"We are going to go get the keys to our rooms, do you mind watching Hailey?" Mrs. Hunter asked polity. I nod and give her a smile as Jayden's father, step-mother, and step-brother walk into the hotel. I crouch down so I am eye level Hailey.

"So are you excited!" I ask.

She nods her head rapidly and asked, "Why do you have a bruise on you shoulder, Haven?" she asked in a cute, squeaky voice.

I just go red. I can feel Jayden's smirk behind me.

"Umm. I-I fell before we left the house this morning." I lie.

I hate lying but was I supposed to say, "Your brother was sucking my neck." ,yeah that would go over great(note the sarcasm).

"Mmm." Jayden laughs as I turn and glare at him.

"That look like it was really unpleasant to get, you know when you 'fell'." Jayden smirks. I get up from my position so I'm now standing.

"I hate you!" I growl.

"No you don't you love me." he smiles.

The three walk back out from the hotel with keys. "Okay so how the room are set up so that there are 3 rooms all with two twin beds. One is for me and Rose(his wife) one for Mason and Jayden and last one for Hailey and Haven." He smiles. Jayden clutches his fist so that they are white. If Jayden and Mason are in the same room for 2 minutes without anyone watching one of them with end up dead, probably Mason. I grab Jayden's hand to try and calm him down.

We all walk up to our rooms. I have no clue how that sleeping arrangement is going to work out. We walk into Jayden's room first and there is not two twin beds but one queen sized bed.

"No fucking way. Haven is going to be my roommate." Jayden says once he sees his room.

After a few minutes of arguing between Jayden and his dad, taking about how Hailey and I could share that room since we are small and could fit in the one bed and the boys could have ours, which didn't work, now the new set up is Mason and Hailey in the twin sizes beds and Jayden and I in the queen sized.

"Ugg.. fine. But no funny business young man." His father says sternly.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Jayden mumbles as we walk into the room. I put all of my stuff in the corner of the room, same with Jayden.

I jumped on the bed and closed my eyes.

"I'm going to sleep early tonight." I sigh to myself. I feel a warmth hovering over top of me. I smile and open my eyes.

"I think I deserve a kiss for driving almost 12 hours." Jayden smirks. I laugh at him and peck his lips, I go to pull back but Jayden follows my lips never unconnecting them.

I try my best not smile in the middle of the kiss but fail horribly. We swiftly shift so that I am on his lap, straddling him. We continue to kiss when someone knocks on the door. I pull back as Jayden groans in annoyance. I climb of his lap and walk to the door. I open the door to see little Hailey standing there waiting.

"Hey pumpkin, what's up?" I smile crouching down to eye level.

"Do you want to go to the beach?!" she squeals, happily just like always.

"Of course. How bout y'all head down and we will meet you guys when we are done getting ready." I say and she nods running off to her parents.

I smile and close the door. I walk back to the bed and tell Jayden.

"Hey babe want to go to the beach." I say wiggling my eyebrows. He smirks at me and nods.

"If I get to see you in a bikini than hell yeah." He laughs as I roll my eyes also laughing. I get up and walk over to my bag and grab the aqua colored bikini I brought.

I walk to the bathroom and change. When I come out Jayden is already dressed in swim trunks and a muscle tee. I put a sundress over my bathing suit.

We walk out of the room. "Do you have the key?" I ask Jayden before closing the door fully.

"Oh, no." I laugh, I know he was going to say that. I walk back into the room and get the key.

"And that is one reason I love you." Jayden smiles and I just let out I small laugh. We walk to the beach, which is right out back of the hotel, holding hands.

We spot the others and walk over to where they are. I lied down my stuff, Jayden but his stuff next to mine.

"Wanna get in?" I ask tugging on the end of his shirt.

"I'd love to." he smirks. I start to take my clothes off so I'm in my bathing suit, Jayden does the same. I feel eyes on my back. I turn around to see Mason staring me up. Luckily for him, Jayden didn't see him looking at me. Mason smirks at me and I just roll my eyes.

I run up to where Jayden is and wrap my arms around him. We walk to the turquoise water. The warm water hits my legs. Jayden grabs around my waist pulling me off the ground.

"Ahh" I screech, laughing.

"I love that fucking laugh so much." he grins making me blush.

We are now deep in the ocean, about chest level for me. I jump into Jayden's arms wrapping my legs around his waist. He holds me like I weigh nothing. I pecked his lip and pecked them again. Laughing between each kiss.

We were out in the water for about 45 mins before getting out. We were on the sand now laying out.

"Hey baby want anything to eat?" Jayden asked as I lay on my stomach tanning my back.

"My regular if they have it." I say resting on my elbows looking at him.

"Okay I'll be back in a few minutes." He smiles giving me a kiss before getting up and heading to the food shack for the beach.

Mason sits next to me in the sand and says, "You know he is just a fuckboy, fuckboys don't care about people's." he says, his voice just annoys my ears.

"Shut up you don't know Jayden." I spat at him rolling my eyes.

"I know him good enough to know he doesn't care about shit." He say making anger grow in me.

"Fuck you. Jayden isn't like that anymore, he changed. Okay so leave us the hell alone, we are both happy and care about each other." I spat towards him. God I hate him. I get up and walk away from where he was to my bag. I grab my phone than go back once he has moved. Soon after Jayden came back with our food.

Finally after a while at the beach we are finally back at the hotel. Jayden and I are in bed watching the show supernatural on Jayden computer. There is a knock on the door.

"I got it." Jayden says kissing my forehead getting up. He walks to the door and opens it. I hear annoyance in his voice when he spoke.

"What the fuck do you want?!" He spoke. I got and walked over the door.

"Dad wanted me to tell you that we are going to the water park tomorrow at 11." Mason says in a bored tone.

"He isn't your fu-" Jayden start but I cut him off.

"Jayden." I say sternly wrapping my arms around his arm. He looks at me and sees me expression and just takes a deep breath, calming down a little bit.

I see Mason looking at my legs. Shit, I am only in one of Jayden big shirt, luckily it was big enough to cover my underwear.

"It would be fun if we switched roommates." smirks Mason, bad move Mason bad move.

"Shut the fuck up." I roll my eyes. I only curse when I am really mad.

"Yeah funny, like I would let you even be in the same room with her for 2 minutes." Jayden says stiffening.

"Chill dude it called a joke" he says a little bit imitated my Jayden. I know that wasn't a joke.

"Shut the fuck up and leave!" Jayden snaps. Mason rolls his eyes and walks away.

"God I fucking can't stand him!" Jayden says angrily after he he closes the door. I laugh.

"Tell me about i.t" I mumble. I walk out to the balcony that this room has. I always loved house or apartments with balconies.

Jayden follows me out wrapping his arms around my waist nestling his head into my neck making me giggle.

"Jayden?" I ask after a few minutes of us like in this position.

"Mmm?" he answers not moving his head.

"Would I ever be known as one of your things?" I ask looking over the water. Why I am asking this I don't know.

"Of course not. Why would you ask that?" he say moving his head and arching his eyebrows. He answer very quickly like it was a no brainier. I shrug.

"I don't know, sorry." I say looking down at my hands.

Jayden sits down in the lawn chair on the balcony. He puts his arms out gesturing for me to come over to him, which I do. I sit in his lap as we intertwined our legs/feet. I nested my head in his neck and close my eyes. He wrapped his arms around me also nestling his head into me. We layer the every comfy for a while.

"I love you Haven, goodnight." Jayden whispered into my hair, while playing with it.

I smile and whisper back, "I will always love you Jayden," I smile adding, "Goodnight."

I feel his smile grow on my head. He kisses my nose making me giggle than my forehead. Soon after that I felt very tired and fell asleep.

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