《Mr. Bad Boy and I》Chapter 16


I wake up with a weight on my foot, that right I have a boot on. I sigh at the thought. I hate not being able to go to softball for a while. I hop out of my bed and head to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and my hair, than throw my hair in a ponytail.

I walk back out to my bedroom to check my phone. I got a few text from the group and Jayden.


Carly: hey. How you feeling? Be there in 20.

Jazz: how is your ankle babez??

Devan: hope you feel better!

Oliver: how is your ankle doing??

Jayden: morning baby. How is your ankle doing??


I quickly text everyone back. After I am done texting everyone. I change in a pair of jean shorts and a plain black tee.

I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yell.

My brother pokes his head into the room asking, "How is you ankle? Do you want to take anything for the pain." I shake my head telling him 'no'. He nods walking out my room.

I grab my phone to text Jayden because I really miss him.

H: hey babe I miss you.

J: hello beautiful. I miss you too. Only 3 more days.

H: I know by that is too long.

J: I know

I hear Mike yell, "Car's hear!" from downstairs.

"Okay," I yell back "Be down in a minute!"

H: I have to go to school. Talk to you later. Love you bye.

J: okay bye baby. Love you!

I exit my room and wobble down the stairs. "Bye bro see you after school." I yell to him before leaving the house. I see Carly and Jazz in the car waiting for me.


"Hey babez!" says Carly as I walk tot he car.

"How is you ankle?" Jazz ask.

"It only hurts a little, now." She nods as I hop into the back of the car.

Once we arrived at school we all got out and split up to go to our different classes. I walk into the school and all eyes are in me. I am guessing that everyone heard about what happened at the game last night. I roll my eyes at everyone heading down the hall to my locker.

I quickly open my locker and grab my books for 1st period. I turn around and start to walk to class but run into someone. "Sorry!" we both say at the same time. I look to see who it is, Mason. Right I am helping him around school.

"What happened to your foot?" He asked pointing to my boot.

"Oh I hurt my ankle at the game last night." I responded. He nods and I do too.

"Anyways do you remember where your first class is?" I ask him and he shakes his head 'no'.

"Do you want me to walk you?" He nods 'yes' and we start to the class. I look at the clock in the hallway and see that I still have 7 minutes till I have to be to class.

I drop him off at his class and walk back across the school to where my class is.

Now it is lunch time and the group and I and Mason are walking to the lunch room. We all go through the line getting our food. I just got a water and a orange. I wasn't that hungry. We all sit down at our table and Mason sits in the seat that Jayden sits in normally. He is really clingy and to be 100% honest it is really annoying.


About half way through lunch Mason asked me to talk, alone. Oh god. We walk out to the hallway and I stand there weirdly. "So what did you want to talk about?" I ask looking at the ground.

He scratches the back of his neck and says, "I wanted to say thanks for you know showing me around. And I was wondering if you would like to maybe go get something to eat or something like that." He asked nervously.

"Like a date?" He add with a questioning tone. I stand there stunned for a little before I answer, I didn't think he was going to ask that.

"Um I am really flattered but I can't, sorry." I say now looking at him. He gives me a sad look.

"Why?" he questions.

I sigh, "l have a boyfriend," I say, "Sorry I really am." I add.

He nods, "It's fine I get it." He says. He has the look on his face that makes me feel like he doesn't believe me, I don't blame him, he hasn't met Jayden yet. I plan on not telling Jayden about his because if me find out his will be furious. The bell saved me from anything else. I quickly walked to class and away from Mason.

Finally after a few more classes the day is over. I take my phone out and text Mike to make sure he is here to pick me up because the girls have practice after school and can't take me home. He responded with yes. I keep walking by Mason and he keeps giving me a weird feeling.

I walk out of the school and spot Mike's car. I wobble over to his car and get in the passenger side. "How was school?" He asked.

"Normal." I say very simply but it wasn't normal and not just because Jayden wasn't there. He nods pulling out of the school parking lot.

When we got home I was so tired so I just went into my room. I changed into some sport shorts and a sports bra with one of Jayden's sweatshirt over top. I went over to my computer and tried to FaceTime Jayden. He didn't answer the first time so I tried again and he picked up.

FaceTime conversations

H: Hey babe!

J: Hey baby!

H: How is Ohio ?

J: Good, I guess but I would be better if you were here.

H: I know I miss you so much I can't wait to see you Sunday.

J: I know I miss you like crazy!

H: I wish you came home earlier.

J: What's wrong?


He can tell that something is bothering me, shit!


H: Nothing.

J: Haven I can tell that there is something wrong.

H: Nothing is wrong I just miss you and I am stressed.

J: I don't believe that. Tell me what is wrong.

H: Nothing is wrong! Now I have to go do homework.

J: I'll talk to you later. And you will tell me what is wrong.

H- Okay I have to go love you bye!

J- Love you bye!


I end the FaceTime and get up from my computer. I walk over to my bed and start to do my homework.

After about 3 hours I finally finish my homework. I check my phone and see that Jayden texted me-

J: goodnight baby love you

I smile at his text and text back

H: love you too night

After that I fell right asleep.

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