《Mr. Bad Boy and I》Chapter 13


"Hey babe can I ask you something?" I ask grabbing his hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Of course baby." he asked sincerely, making me blush.

"Why do you dislike my brother?" I ask. He takes a moment before answering.

"I don't dislike him it just annoys me that he thinks I would do something to you to hurt you. I wouldn't even think of that, Haven." he says with a small bit of anger in his voice.

"I know you wouldn't." I respond.

We sit silent till we get to the beach. We get out and get our towels before walking to the beach hand in hand. There is only about 20-30 people at the party. Thank god, I didn't want a big party. I walk to the beach and a bunch of people come up to me saying happy birthday.

"You want to get in the water?" Jayden asked, standing behind me. I turn around to face him and wrap my arms around his waist as he does the same.

"I'd love too!" I say starting to strip to my bathing suit. Behind me someone whistles, Devan.

"You aren't allowed to do that unless you want a black eye." snaps Jayden making me blush and laugh, Devan just holds up is hands in innocence. Jayden kisses my light pink cheeks, taking my hand leading us to the water.

We walk in to the water letting the waves crash in to our legs. Both of us dive into the next big wave we see. Coming out of the water I bump into someone. I open my eyes expecting to see Jayden, but instead I see.. Carlos!

"Hello Haven" he says in a tone that makes the hair in the back of your neck stand straight up.

"Remember me?" he adds, grabbing my upper arm pulling me closer to him.

"Get the hell off of me!" I whimper.

"Oh but I can't." he sighs.

"You don't remember me do you?" He adds.

I shake my head. "You might when I say these names... Daniel and Kol." He says smirking.


"Oh my god you..... no" I cry.

"Get off of me!" I yelp, struggling to get out of his grip.

Jayden cuts in between us, making Carlos let go of my arm. "What the hell did I tell you!" Jayden growls.

"I might of not been clear the first time but I swear to god if you touch her again I will kill you," he threatens. "Now leave!" He adds.

I have never heard so much anger in Jayden's voice. He turns pulling me into his grasp walking is out of the water.

"Do you want to talk?" he whispered to me. I shake my head 'no', he nods 'okay'.

As the party continues I push Carlos to the back of my mind. Before the party starts to clear out, and everyone is still here Jayden whispers in to my ear

"I have one more present." he smirks. I give him a questioning look and he just smiles at me.

A few minutes later I realized that a bunch of people are bunched around a chair. The group and I push through people making our way to the front. I spot Jayden with a guitar in his hands. I smile at him as he smiles back. "Happy birthday Haven! I love you." he announces. I mouth back 'I love you', then he started singing:

Feeling like I'm breathing and my last breath, feeling like I'm walking my last steps, look at all of the tears I've wept, look at all of these promises I've kept.

I put my heart into your hands, Here'a my soul to keep, I let you in with all that I can, your not hard to reach. And you've blessed me with the best gift that I've ever known. You give me purpose, yeah, you give me purpose.

Thinking my journey's come to an end, sending a farewell to my friends, forever peace. Ask me to forgive you for my sins, oh would you please? I'm more then grateful for the time that we've spent, my spirt's at ease.

I put my heart into your hands, learn the lessons that you teach. No matter when, wherever I am, your not hard to reach. And you've given me the best gift that I've ever known. You give me purpose everyday, you give me purpose in every way.


Oh, you are my everything.

Oh, you are my everything.

So I put my heart into your hands, here's my soul to keep. I let you in with all that I can, you're not hat to reach. And you blessed me with the best gift, that I've ever known. You give me purpose, yeah you've given me purpose.

Oh oh oh you are my everything. Yeah, you are my everything.

Oh, oh, everything.

He finishes the song leaving me breathless. I love when he sings more than anything, he knows this. A huge grin appears on both of our faces. I run to him wrapping my arms around him, he does the same. I pull from our hug and smash my lips to his. I don't even really care if it brings attention.

Now it is late, about 1:30 in the morning at least. Everyone has left so it is only the group and I. We were sitting on a bunch of large boulders that are in the end of the beach. I am sitting on Jayden's lap as he his resting against a boulders, his hand around my waist.

After everyone is done getting seating Carly blurts out, "Let's play never have I ever!" she says excitedly. Everyone nods and Devan gets up and grabs a left over bottle of vodka and shot glasses.

"Okay I will go first," Carly says. "Okay an easy one first. Never have I ever done the dirty!" she adds with a laugh. Everyone but me takes a shot. Everyone looks at me surprised, except the girls and Jayden. I told him and he made fun of me for the whole day.

"Your going to have fun with her." Luke comments with a smirk. I glare at him, picking up a rock and chucking it at him as hard as I can.

"Ow! Shit! That fucking hurt!" He yelps holding the place on his arm where I hit him.

"Wimp." I mutter.

"That's my girl." Jayden whispers, kissing me on the side of the head as I cuddle closer to his chest.

"Okay now my turn!" says Jazz.

"Okay so another easy one, never have I ever been in love with someone." She says taking another shot. I take a shot, letting it burn my throat. Everyone else in the group takes a shot, except a few.

Oliver jokingly says, "No way, Jayden Hunter is actually in love, not just his normal fuckboy self." He jokes after he takes a shot. Jayden takes his shot while holding up is middle finger towards Oliver.

When he is done his shot he spats, "Fuck you!" at Oliver making us all laugh.

"Now I will go." says Connor.

"Never have I ever skinny dipped." He says. Only Connor, Jazz, Luke, Devan, Jayden, and I took shots. When I took the shot Jayden looked at me surprised.

"Maybe there is a little bit of bad in my good girl." he smirks.

"Shut up I was a little drunk. It's a long story!" I scoff. He laughs taking his shot.

After a while of playing, around an hour and a half we were all tired and wanted to go home and to bed. We didn't really drink at all for the last 45-50 mins so Jayden was sober to drive. We gathered our stuff and got in the car and headed to his house.

After about 20 minutes of driving we finally made it to Jayden's house. Once we got inside I pulled out my phone and told Mike that I was going to stay at Jayden's.

Once we did everything to get ready for bed we lied down, both very tired.

"Wanna talk about today?" questioned Jayden. I know he is talking about the thing with Carlos. He could tell that he said something that had shaken me up. I shake my head.

"No tomorrow." I say in response. He nods, kissing the tip of my nose before we both fell asleep.

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