《Mr. Bad Boy and I》Chapter 9


The girls and the guys have tried to come over many times but I don't let them. I don't want to see anyone right now except one person. There is only one person that I want right now and it is Jayden, I want to feel his warm hug and his soft lips and hear his husky voice.

It is now Monday and I am still not at school. All I did all weekend was stay inside. Slowly I've tried to build up the courage to talk to him but I can't.

According to Carly's text his is doing worse than me. She said that when the group tried to go over his apartment was trashed and there where broken alcohol bottles everywhere.

In the past 72 hours I've only slept 10.

I got up this morning with a little bit something extra, courage. I decided that I still wasn't going to school but that I should try to talk to Jayden about all of this shit.

I change into a pair of leggings and a graphic tee. I walk out of my front door and start toward Jayden's house. I thought as I walked.

Connor had texted me to see if I was okay. I of course said yeah. I though to myself 'why is Jayden like this'. I mean when we first met he was the normal Jayden the one that I know, the lovable one. Than when we where talking after my game he was different.

I quickly pull out my phone and ask Connor why he gets mad like that so easily. He texted back 'it is not my place to stand and tell'. Dick. I keep walking till I see Jayden's car. I take a deep breath before walking to the front door.

My hand shakes rapidly as I ring the doorbell. A few seconds later the door opens revealing a shirtless Jayden.


"Haven what are you doing here?" He asked.

I take a deep breath "We nee-" I start but am cut of my a well know voice. Not Jayden's but a female, Jessica's. I glare at her. My face turns sad.

"Sorry I didn't know someone was here." I manage to get out before walking away and breaking, Jayden yelling my name. Every extra piece if courage In my body left.

I run home as fast as I can. Why does this hurt this much, I ask myself. I cover my moth with my hand to muffle the crying sounds.

I craw into my bed and place my hand where Jayden would sleep. Slowly darkness takes me away.

I wake up at noon and text Jayden to ask a question I've been thinking about for a while.


Me-please tell me what happened

Jayden- what

Me- why your like this

Jayden- like what

Me- you know what I mean

Jayden- I can't at least not over text.

Me- than come over we need to talk

And we left it at that.



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