《Mr. Bad Boy and I》Chapter 7


I feel warm kisses on my forehead than slowly moving down to my lips. My eyes flutter open and connect with grey-blue ones. I am startled but than realized it was Jayden and not someone else.

"Oh god you scared me!" I breath out. He laughs than our lips connect.

When he pulls back I sit up and and ask, "Wait how the hell did you get into my room?" I ask confused.

"Your mom let me in." he says and sits on the end of my bed.

I nod and look at the clock "I need to start getting ready." I say getting up but than get pulled back down onto Jayden.

"It would be more fun to just stay home and not go." He says with a mischievous smile. I chuckle.

"I'm not skipping." I tell him.

"Why?" he whined.

"Because I need to show off my new boyfriend of course." I say causing us both to smile. I peck his check before getting ready.

I take a shower quickly than get out and wrap my self in a towel. I throw on a pair of high waisted shorts and a blink 182 shirt. I brush my hair and put it in a braid. When I walk out of my bathroom, which is connected to my bedroom, I see that Jayden fell back asleep. I smile and chuckle. I then grab my converse and pull them on. I turn around and see him still asleep. I walk over and shake him awake. He sleepily wakes up and sits up.

Once he is fully awake we go down stairs and I see my mother getting ready for work.

"Hey mama!" I say pecking her cheek.

"Hey honey! I am about to leave for work." She says.

I nod and say, "Okay love ya see us when I get home from softball." I say, waving bye.

She walks past me and stops at Jayden and says, "Remember what I said earlier." he nods. What does she mean, oh whatever.

Jayden walked up to haven's house. He knocked on the door and Haven's mom answered.

"Hello Jayden!" she said sweetly.

"Hi um I am here for Haven." Jayden say also sweetly.

"She is upstairs, you can go up if you would like." Melissa said waving at Jayden to come on in. He walked in and started towards the stairs.

"Hold on Jayden can I talk to you for a second." She asked Jayden before he went upstairs, he nodded and she started to talk.

"Thank you for coming into her life. A few years ago something happened and Haven wasn't really ever the same. Some people she really cared about left and she wasn't normal. She finally started to be back to normal when you two started talking. So thank you and please don't leave her. She is my baby and don't want her to go back to her old self." She say with a lot of emotion.

He nodded and went upstairs to Haven.

"Hey babe you ready to leave?" Asked Jayden.

"Yeah let me just get me phone." I say back running up the stairs to my room getting my phone than running back downstairs.

"Okay now I am ready." I say walking over to Jayden who is standing by the front door. I grab my bag an walk out of the house with Jayden.


He gives me a kiss on the forehead before we split to go to opposite sides of the car. I put all of my softball stuff in the car because I have a practice today. We get in the car and start driving to the hell called school. He laces his fingers with mine as we drive to school.

Once he parks the car before we get out I murmur, "Today will be interesting." Jayden laughs at me and roll my eyes. We get out and get my stuff including my softball stuff.

"Do you have practice again?" he whines I laugh.

"Yes of course what is the problem don't you have football practice?" I ask.

"Yes I do but sometimes I hate having a athletic girlfriend. I just want to spend time with you." He say grasping both of my hands.

I blush and giggle "What?" He asked.

"Nothing it just that is the first time you called me that. Girlfriend." I smile causing him to smirk.

"Let's go I don't want to be late." I say getting my stuff together.

He groans and responds with, "Such a good girl." He laughs.

I mouth drops, "How dare you!" I joke giving him a light punch.

After dropping my softball stuff off at the sports supply closet I go and find Jayden since we still have 10 mins till we need to be in first period.

I walk out the back if the school and see my group of friends which is also where Jayden is. When I get to them Jazz and Car pull me out if the group and to the side a few pard from the guys.

"Everything now." Carly demanded.

"What?" I ask confused.

"You and Jayden! Talk now!" Jazz says. I laugh at how excited they are about this.

"Oh okay now chill first of all. Okay so he asked me out last night after the game." I blush, they grin at me and each other.

We walk back over to the group. "Hey we have a game after school at 6 wanna come?" Connor asked all of us girls.

"Yeah we would love to." Jazz answered for all of us. I walk over to Jayden and he hooks his arm around my waist pulling me closer.

Finally after school is over I can do something I love, softball. All through out school I was getting glares from all the girls in the school. Especially Jessica. We didn't kiss at all during school because we didn't want to get to much attention, which we already had.

I am currently throwing with Jazz and we are talking.

"Okay girls come into the dugout and get you gloves and bats." The coach says. The whole team jogs into the dug out. I get my glove and a ball as that me and Jazz can warm up pitching. We walk out to the practice pitching area and start my warm ups.

I see the football team jogging to the field. I smile and wave when I see the guys and they do the same. I turn back around and throw a pitch.

"Your whipped." Jazz jokes as we walk over to the dug out.

"Oh shut the hell up!" I say punching her in the arm, making her laugh.

After a long practice which ran till it was 5:50. I was so tired. I got all of my stuff and got Jayden's keys and put my stuff in the car. After I got all of my stuff in the car I went to give him back the keys.


"Hey, Jayden, here are your keys." I say going them to him over the fence.

"Sorry that I am still in my softball outfit. I didn't have anytime to change." I add on.

He grabs the keys and says, "Thanks. And you look cute in you uniform. I am totally okay with everyone knowing that my girlfriend is the best softball player in the County." He smiles as I did too.

I laugh "Good luck babe!" I say leaning in to kiss him but he slips his helmet on before our lips touch.

My mouth drops, "I hate you!" I giggle.

"No you don't." He smirks and walk over to the bench.

I walked over to where the girls where sitting in the bleacher watching the guys. The game was about to start.

"You two are so cute!" Carly speaks and I roll my eyes.

It is now the 4th quarter so the game is almost over. The score is 28-21 so a really close game. I've never been the biggest football fan but I realized actually how interesting it is.

"Nooo!" the whole group of people cry as the other team tied the game. There is only a few more minutes left of the game, 3. The cheerleaders are cheering for the game and yes the queen bitch is leading.

I look at the clock and there is only 45 seconds left. Jazz, Car, an I are all holding hands squeezing each other's in anticipation. With 28 seconds left our quarterback, which is Devan, throws the ball to Jayden as he runs to the touchdown line. The clock ticking 5,4,3... His foot passes the line and the whole group of people jump up excitedly. The girls and I jump up cheering.

All of the player run over to Jayden congratulating him. The girls and I run down the bleachers to the field. People crowed onto the field whooping and hollering. We weave through the people till we get to the football players. They all have their helmets off.

I run up to Jayden and jump into his arms. "You did it!" I yell over all of the cheering and talking. He picks me up of of the ground so that my feet are hovering the ground and I am eye level with him. I smile at him and smash my lips against his, blocking all the sound. My arms are wrapped around his neck. He smiles when we pull away and he sits me back in the ground. Tons of people come over and say good job and all that.

"Hey baby can you go get he my extra water out of the car?" Jayden asked me giving me the keys and a kiss. I nod and run of to the car. I open the car door and reach in to get the water bottle. When I get out I feel arms around my waist.

At first I thought it was Jayden but these are not Jayden's. The person spins me around and crashed me against the car with his hand around my neck. I try fighting but they are to strong. Finally I pull away from the person. I look and see that is a guy that was in the bleachers that was looking at me. I've seen him around town, I think.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want?" I spat. He walk closer to me as I back up.

"You don't remember me, I'm Carlos." He grins. "What do you want?" I spat again. "You really can't remember me at all." He said coming closer to me. "Get away from me!" I snap. I wiggle away from his and run many feet from him. He still walks to me now pinning me against a wall.

His face gets closer to mine. "Please don't hurt me!" I whimpered. His face gets closer to mine as I quickly close my eyes. Than the weight of him is gone, I open my eyes and see than Jayden has him pinned to the wall.

In a very dark, husky, and terrifying voice Jayden speaks, "You will never touch her again do you understand me. If I see even glance at her It will be painful. Now leave!" he snaps. Carlos scurries of to who knows where.

I have tears in my eyes that are threatening to fall. He jogs over to me and wraps his arms around me and I do the same, burying my face into him.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. I nod as he kisses my head.

With Jayden I feel that when I am in his arms I am truly happy no matter what just happened.

The group decided that they wanted to come over to my house and have a huge sleepover, which is how Carly put it. My mom is not going to be home till morning because of work. Carly and Jazz and I drive to my house and then the guys went to get their bathing suits.

Once we got back we went upstairs and I let them borrow bathing suits. When we are done we go downstairs and see the guys already in the living room. "How did you get in?" I ask.

"I know where your extra key is." Jayden says smirking.

I roll my eyes and laugh, "Of course you do."

We all go out back on the dock. We strip to our bathing suits and walk to the edge of the dock. Luke, Connor, and Devan all dive in the water. Everyone else jumps in besides me and Jayden. He arms his arms me picking me up as he jumps in to the water.

When we hit he water he releases me. We both come out of the water.

"And that was for pushing me into the water at the beach." he say wrapping his arms arms around my waist, I put my hands on his cheeks, cupping them. We lean in lightly brush our lips together.

"Hey you to stop sucking each other's face and come here." yelled Connor. We laugh against each other's lips than part swimming over to where they are.

I'm on Jayden's shoulder, Carly is on Connor's, Jasmine is on Oliver's, and last Devan is on Luke's. We were wrestling each other and of course Jayden and I won almost every time. It was now at least 11 o'clock.

We finally got out of the water using the ladder and drying off. I through my hair up in a messy bun. The guys changed into the their change of clothes they brought and the girl borrowed some of my clothes.

We all run down stairs to see that the guys are setting up the living room. Jayden and I are laying in the couch. Connor and Carly are on the love seat. And last the other 4 are on blankets that are spread on the floor. I went to the kitchen and got a bunch of snacks. When I walk out from the kitchen I sit all of the snacks in the middle of then floor. We all sit down and Luke starts the movie, a scary movie. I cuddle into Jayden's chest and start to watch the movie.

We are on the 3rd movie now and all of the girls are terrified. I cuddle into Jayden hiding my face. He just chuckle and tries to calm me down which doesn't work.

Soon everyone is tired and falling asleep. Jayden and I take my mom's bedroom and then Carly and Connor get my room. Devan and Luke get the couch and love seat. And last Jasmine and Oliver get the guess room which has 2 twin beds.

We all go into our room and lay down. Jayden and I go in to my mother's room and lay down.

"Today was fun." I say once we are under the covers. He nods and just looks at me.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Nothing it just you are so cute and beautiful." He smirks making me grin and blush. We lay facing each other with his arm wrapped around my waist and hands feeling up and down his shirtless top. I smile and give him on last kiss before we wonder of into dreamland.



Hey so this was a really long chapter for me at least for me. Please tell me how many pages this is I would love to know. This is an 2600 word chapter!!!

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