《Ankahee Ansunee Bateein Meri Dil Ki (Untold unheard words of my heart)》Part 24


Next morning Mehak was still trying to avoid Shaurya and she didn't look at his face directly even during breakfast. Nehal is returning to Sharma's as well and Mehak felt bad that Sonal is with her staying away from Mohit too she asked Sonal to go home as well as she can manage. In case she needs her help she will call her. Sonal packed her stuffs too and excited to go home. Mehak asked Karuna maa permission to drop by to visit The Sharma's and maa asked her to go ahead and not to rush back as maasi will help her here. She was happy and Shaurya was behind her as the Sharma girls' takes blessings from maa and maasi. Maa asked them to come visit her frequently as their company made her feel young and happy. They promised her will drop by to see her often and take care of herself. Mehak adjusted her duppatta and throw at the back which landed on Shaurya's head. He didn't do anything but just stand to inhale her scent in it. She excitedly turned to lead them to the car when she collided on him and he manage to hold her. Her duppatta was still covering his face, her eyes bulged out as she slowly caressed his face over on her duppatta as she pull it out from his face. He felt bliss as her small fingers runs through his features. She felt embarrassed as everyone watching them and he is gawking at her and how he is holding her securely by her waist. She pushed him cover herself properly. Maa looked at these two and smiled. She said Shaurya why don't you drop Nehal and Sonal back home and spend some time with them. It's been quiet sometimes you didn't go to visit them right?

Shaurya became happy immediately at his mother's suggestion He quickly said I am busy a bit maa but since you asked and I couldn't say no so I shall go and drop them. Mehak walked quickly towards the house entrance as Shaurya bend to get maa's blessings she pulled his ear and said behave properly with Mehak don't create trouble okay. Shaurya kissed her forehead and said promise I will behave myself don't worry about anything okay.

He excitedly walked to his car and Awara already load Nehal and Sonal bags inside and Sonal signing Mehak to go and sit in front seat but Mehak was gritting her teeth warning her no. But Nehal loudly said di u sit in front Sonal and I will sit at the back okay, they both hop into the back seat and close the door as Mehak muttered in angry tone as she walked over to her seat. Shaurya was in the driver seat said thank you my saali sahiba. Without you two life will be so bored. They chuckled quietly as Mehak gets into the car. She turned to look at them and asked why they are laughing and Sonal said jiju said a joke and we are laughing. Mehak buckled up and fold her arm on her chest as Shaurya started the car and drive out of Khanna Mansion.

In the car Shaurya said, there is culture fest at IGNCA with many local flavorful dishes of India prepared right before the eyes, he is having some VIP passes and today is preview for VIPs so if they are okay to drop by or not. Nehal quickly said yes jiju lets go, and Sonal second that idea. Mehak turned to look at them and the two fold their hands in front of her asking her to agree too. Mehak turned to her side and said okay. Shaurya smiled and rolled his tongue inside his cheek in victory.


They reached the venue and all walked slowly inside. The girls walked in front as Shaurya followed them closely behind. As they are walking in few business proprietors sees Shaurya and came to greet him and Shaurya introduced Mehak and others. They stop by few stalls and tried few dishes. Mehak was excited seeing a gol gappas stall then they move on to gola stall. Shaurya just looked at her amusing expression when she sees food. He shakes his head and mentally saying she is a real foodie and her admiration towards food is greater than anything. Suddenly a thought strikes in him. Does she still have the same feelings she shared earlier before their marriage. The way how she reacts if he hurt himself and how she tame him when he is angry. Also how her body reacts when he touched her. He wonders how long still he needs to wait. He knows that he is the most stubborn human but little he knows that his other half has exceeded him in that quality. He has never been a patient with anyone or anything. He will hell bend to make things to dance in his rhythm but one thing changed him Mehak Sharma now Mehak Shaurya Khanna she rule him in every way he have imagined. She wear minimal makeups only just kajal and her lipcolour unlike those he have dated before, he have dated ample of models, rich business tycoon's daughters and etc. All of them watch what they eat and wear thick layers of makeups and heavily contoured cheekbones and micro mini short length clothing exposing most of their skin and showing off their modesty. He don't deny that he didn't sleep with them, he had his one night stand with them as they are dying to sleep with him and his last relationship with Shruti ended in most undesirable way. Shruti was Ms. Delhi then and Shaurya met her through some common business acquaintance. After some dates both decided to go steady and they were in limelight all the time as when they meet for lunch or dinner. Whenever Shruti travel for her modelling job, Shaurya does surprise her by dropping by at her location. He thought she is the one for him and proposed her unfortunately Shruti suggested for living in relationship instead and wants to focus on her modelling and career as she is joining Ms. Continental contestant and afraid if she settle down with marriage she will lose her fame and her identity. But she is willing to start with living in relationship and see their compatibility before taking their huge step and asking for 5 years' time for marriage. Then Shaurya realized she was never in love with him instead on his fortune and fame she was gaining for her benefit. He was entirely broken with her and cursed him that he is unlucky to have love, marriage and family in his fate. He concentrated building his empire and Shruti did came back after losing the Ms. Continental contest asking him for another chance but Shaurya didn't entertain her, to get back at him she married Vicky but Vicky is not as smart as Shaurya.

That is when fate played its game. He met Mehak the first time at Delhi Haat. Though he still hated girls at that time as most girls drool over him and they want to get cozy with him and being a celebrity many wants to splurge in his fortune and fame he misjudged Mehak as one of them too. But he was attracted to her in a way that unexplainable. He finds her super annoying at times and cute though. His heart and mind yearns to see her. Though he is hard on her during ISC moment he still have a soft corner for her inside him. He always thinks she is playing her innocent card to gain attention but little did he know at that time, that it is her one of the quality which attracted him to her. He realized that the attraction he had on her is not something normal and definitely not lust, she isn't like the gold diggers he has been with previously. She don't like to spend money unnecessarily and she loves everything, everyone immensely and showers respects regardless of who and their age. She was the one who change his thoughts about girls that not all are after gold and diamonds, and into 7 star treatment. It reminded him during their courtship he have given her a credit card even before marriage for her to do shopping and facial etc. she liked but she refused to take them saying they are not officially married yet so she can't take them now also she don't need credit card as she don't know how to handle them or how she accidentally lose them but after some talks she reluctantly take it so that he won't be upset. He was amazed at her behavior unlike his ex-flings demands for make jewelries, designer bags, and cosmetics but she demanded that once a week he should bring her out to eat her favorite food, gola, gol gappas, gulab jamun, jilebis, ice cream and all street food and also she told him that she won't be in diet etc. to take care of her physical appearance. She hinted him he can change his mind before the marriage before it's too late. Shaurya wants to be cheeky and said do you expect The Shaurya Khanna to accompany you to eat street food no way. Also I am health freak and take healthier smoothie you should start to take them instead of all these fattening food. Once married we go out together and I want to show off my beautiful sexy wife to all. Mehak understands he is simply telling all these so she will change his mind but she stealthily said it's okay then you can search for a suitable girl for you maybe I will call Sandy whtr he wants me or not. He seems to be genuinely wants me, she chuckled quietly watching Shaurya's face which change immediately. He quickly said its okay I will manage my diet on my own and will bring you out once a week, happy now don't take that Sandy name in front of me he warned her and she quickly leaned on his shoulder to calm him down and promise not to say that again. She is the one who filled him with all the love he yearned since young. His mother died and later he was adopted by Karuna maa and give him everything in the world but still there was an emptiness in him which he can't understand what it was till he realize it was love of that special one. Mehak was the one who brings out the hidden goodness in him, she was the one who showed him his humor side, and his existence filled with her laughter. He was in love with her head over heels, he loved her in every way he can, and he is obsessed about her, her love to her family to her siblings to her friend, and to others made him wants her more for himself. He wants to feel her love for him. She is a very important piece in his life which is irreplaceable, her love is the real one which he never believed before. He is waiting for her eyes to look at him with love once for that he will not think twice to turn the world upside down. Then the rest is something we all know from their first marriage to their second marriage and now the recent one third marriage. He mentally scoffed at him you said you are unlucky for love and marriage but see you are married 3 times to Mehak Sharma only, your bonding to her tied for all your lives like the vows they have taken during their 7 pheras. To live, and cheer, support and cherish each other for all the upcoming life. His self-talking was interrupted when Nehal called him to take selfie together. He smiled as he walked towards them and stand behind three of them with Mehak's body slightly brushes his chest. Nehal insist to come closer and Shaurya took this chance to stand very close to Mehak. After few rounds in the culture fest they headed to PWG.


At the Sharma's they were so happy to see Shaurya and Mehak coming together. PD tapped Shaurya's cheek as she said after your laddoo come back you totally forgot about us. The entire family teased him and agree with PD. Shaurya blushed and said it's not like that the new hotel project coming up and I have been very busy monitoring the opening event, liaising with some ministries for approvals and usual business matters too. Kanta chachi came to his defense and said he is our son and he will never forget us just because workload he didn't came to us but today he is here right so don't say anything. Seeing their entire conversation happening at the hall Mehak was surprised to see how he mingle easily with her family and Kanta chachi the one who is considered most tough and hard one in Sharma family is rescuing him while PD and Ravi chachu tease him. She looked on as Dadu asked something and he immediately do it for him. She envy on the attention he is gaining at her house. Sonal stands next to her and said it looks nice right Mehak to see our family all together like this. Just imagine a year back this same family at the same spot will be there without talking to each other, there is no laughter and no homely feeling. Since you are back things all are back to normal Mehak. Also see how Shaurya entertain all and he is one of them. When will you accept him as your better half too Mehak. Everyone does mistakes, everyone says something out of anger is just that when he came back to apologies you were not here anymore and you built a thick wall inside you for not letting him to mend the scar he caused you. Trust me he is your blessing in disguise and he is dying to be with you. Mansi chachi called Sonal to bring the snack and Sonal left to attend to her while Mehak start to think about it. Mehak's sight fell on him how he laughs heartily when Ravi chachu asked for his health tips for body building. Then he sat cuddling with PD as she shows him something in her mobile and both whispered something and laughing quietly. She notice something new in him. He is being very patience with everyone, very understanding too. Her mind went back how he used to taunt her in ISC then, she always gets panic seeing him but she realized that he will do anything to make her smile and capture her heart in the way she is. She knows she is not pretty like the models, she don't own curvaceous body nor intelligence like many but yet he loved her in every way she is. She don't have her parents but her family didn't fail to shower her with endless amount of love on her. She is very simple girl from PWG she wonders why he is adamantly wants her. She wonders what have she done for him. She only showed him what real love is and care all about. She made him to see how to find goodness instead like how he pick faults on everything. He have saved her live many times and the most scariest situation was when Ajay and Rohit abducted her to rape her, she wasn't able to think of anything like what will happen to her or will she be still alive if it's not for Shaurya who came to rescue her on time. She knows he will not compromise on anything involving her. She have embarrassed him in many occasions. She slapped him too but he never crossed his limit or misbehave with her in many situations. Even when he kept her in the cottage near Manali, she behaved very rude and he didn't once shows his anger side. Now even at Khanna mansion she ignores his existence in that house, both are staying in the same room but both don't see direct into each other's eyes. She knows the pain of ignorance but yet she chose to ignore him because she is afraid. Afraid that if she open up and give her heart back to him will he love her with all his heart or he will break her apart? She can't stand another heart break again.

Kanta chachi signed her to come and sit down with others and asked her what is she thinking standing alone just now Mehak shakes her head and said just as usual chachi. It was night when Shaurya and Mehak left to Khanna's. It was very hectic traffic and the car moved slowly. Shaurya turned on the radio and it played from Movie Criminal. He was peeking at Mehak as his fingers drum on the steering wheel.

They reached Khanna mansion and because it was late night they headed to bed immediately.

Movie : Criminal

Song : Tum Mile

Tu mile, dil khile

now that I have met you, my heart is blooming

Aur jeene ko kya chaahiye

what else do I need to survive

Na ho tu udaas, tere paas paas

Do not be sad, nearabouts you

Main rahoonga zindagi bhar

I will stay my whole life

Saare sansaar ka pyaar maine tujhi mein paaya

I have found the love of the whole world in you

Tu mile, dil khile

since meeting you, my heart's happy

Aur jeene ko kya chaahiye

what more do I need to survive

Haan tu mile, dil khile

yes, meeting you has made my heart glow

Aur jeene ko kya chaahiye

what more do I need to live

Chanda tujhe, oh dekhne ko nikla karta hai

the moon keeps coming out just to see you

Aaina bhi, oh deedaar ko tarsa karta hai

even the mirror longs to get a glimpse of you

Itni haseen koi nahin

no one else is this beautiful

Husn dono jahan ka ek tujh mein simatke aaya

the elegance of both worlds are enfolded just in you

Tu mile, dil khile

Aur jeene ko kya chaahiye


Darling, every breath you take

Every move you make, I will be there with you

What would I do without you?

I want to love you forever and ever and ever

Pyaar kabhi, ho marta nahin hum tum marte hain

love never, yes , never dies, we die

Hote hai voh, ho log amar pyaar jo karte hain

those who love have an eternal life

Jitni adaa, utni vafa

the more the beauty/grace, the more the love

Ek nazar pyaar se dekh lo phir se zinda kar do

look at me with love just once, bring life back into me

Tu mile, dil khile

Aur jeene ko kya chaahiye


Haan tu mile, dil khile

Aur jeene ko kya chaahiye


Na ho tu udaas, tere paas paas

don't you be sad, near you

Main rahoongi zindagi bhar

i will stay forever


Na ho tu udaas, tere paas paas

Main rahoonga zindagi bhar


Saare sansaar ka pyaar maine tujhi mein paaya

have found the whole world's love in you

Tu mile, dil khile

since meeting you my heart's so happy

Aur jeene ko kya chaahiye

what more do I need to survive

Dear readers ,

Do check out this video link on vimeo. my friend Shinu created this Mehrya VM with the above song and it was so beautiful and mesmerizing. So I wanted to share with you all. thank alot


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