《Mehrya My Version》Part 20
At Patiala Mehak serving all the Balusha she made and everyone loves it. The ladies in house gets together and ask the girls to dance around as the sing and play some music. Neelima's best friend Pooja also arrived. Usually Pooja will be center of attraction in that house as she always attract people with her talks but she felt bad. As now all looking at showering attention to Mehak. She asked Neelima discreetly who is this girl. Neelima replied she is Mehak. Sonal's best friend and sister in law. She is very sweet and nice girl. Just then one of the elderly lady said loudly beta Mehak this Balusha is mind blowing till date I have not had anything like this. Mehak said thank you maaji, it's my mom's recipe. Do you want to have more she offered more to her. Just then Harpreet mausi came and put the tray away and get Mehak to dance together with others. Mehak did some light dance. Sonal who is sitting with other snap some photos of Mehak dancing. Veer joined the ladies too. Mehak danced with him.
Shaurya finished his meeting on that day his driver opens the door for him to get into the car. Driver on the radio and RJ was discussing some topic. In love, or any relationship who should apologize. Please call to give your feedback. Shaurya listen to this attentively closing his eyes. One caller called said I am married so whenever we had arguments my wife is the one comes to apologies because she don't want to drag the argument longer. Shaurya smiled and shakes his head. Later another old man called and introduced himself. He said my wife is no longer in the world now, but when she was still alive is me the one who is always apologies even though is not my fault. Because wife is a gift from God after our mother she is the one will walk with us throughout our life is all circumstances, in good health or sickness, while rich or poor, rain or shine she will be with us, she left all her relationship from her maternal home and just came with us with a trust that we husband will be their life companion, and love them. They don't ask for expensive jewelry or saree but just our attention and love, so give them while they still around. RJ applauded to his suggestion and question by the way sir how long you have been married to your wife, he replied almost 50years. I am 75 years old now. My wife dies 7 years back. If any of you fought with your partner or friend just make up now, don't wait. He hang up. RJ continues, that was a very beneficial tips from one of our caller. At this era when some couple divorce for small petty issues but he has married for 50 years and now his wife is no longer alive but he still remembers her and loves her. Isn't that a beautiful about love? Let's play a favorite love song and he played O're Piya by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan. Shaurya listen to the radio and he thinks this message is right on time, it's for me actually. I want to live with my laddoo and create memories and love her a lot. Maybe she was angry and I can't explain by now she must be calm already he will call her later to check on her. He smiled and humming the song. Driver asked sir do you like this song. He smiled said yes, my wife loves this song a lot, and she sings this all the time. You love your wife a lot sir, Shaurya only smiles and drive looks and continue to drive him to the hotel. He reached hotel, and wished driver good night and walk to his room. He took out his coat and put it on the bed and took his mobile out. Saw still no calls and messages from her. He decided to call her. He waited excitingly to hear her voice but the voice mail said its switch off. He decided maybe tomorrow I will finish my work earlier and go home early and give her surprise, she will be fine. He freshen up, gets his dinner via room service and spent his evening just as the same as yesterday.
After all the dancing, having desserts and running around with Veer, Mehak came to her room and lie on the bed. Sonal looked at her and smiled. Nehal came out from bathroom after freshen up. Mehak gets up and get her kurta and went to bathroom. Sonal talks gently to Nehal, looks like she is getting better hopefully by the time we reach Delhi her problem will be sorted. They give high 5 just then Mehak opens the bathroom door and came out, she saw them giving high 5 she asked what are you two are doing? Nothing just we are high 5. But why? Nothing baby, don't ask so many questions let's get to bed early. They turn off the lights and tells some jokes and giggle under their blanket.
Next day morning the house was as busy as bee. All busy with preparations. Mehak went to kitchen to help the cook there. She helped him to add some spices and makes the dish tastier, he was amazed how talented she is at such a young age. Mehak humbly replied it's all my mom's blessings. He blessed her and Mehak learn a few kitchen tricks from him. Veer came to kitchen looking for Mehak, he asked her to do rasgullas. She said okay and started with her preparations. She did the rasgullas and bring in the bowl to serve all and offered one to Veer. He taste it and said its best one and he wants more, she offered one more, after finished that he pull Mehak closer and gives a kiss on her cheek. Mehak give him one in return.
That evening all busy doing something and Mohit was with them too. A masculine man with army suit enters the house and all went to invite him and hugged him. Sonal immediately recognized him, it's her cousin Jagjeet Singh he is serving in Indian Army at Indian border. Mohit looked at him and gets little surprised. He went to Sonal, and asked if he Jaggu. She replied yes Jaggu, he is back for wedding it seems only last minute he got his leave approval. All are excited to see him. Jagjeet as he passed by he hugged Sonal and asked how is she and all, he recognized Mohit and said Bhai Mohit is that you. How are you? He give him a firm hand shake and hugged him. Mohit stand still looking at Jagjeet. He went in and meet Neelima and others. Mohit pulled Sonal aside and tell her that he have something to say and bring her to the room and said something silently. Sonal looked at him and said we better tell Mehak now, but he stops her and said as it di is troubled with her problem on Shaurya why we want to add her problem again. Sonal thinks about it yes why we want to give her more problem. Okay let's play by ears.
Jagjeet after he freshen up comes to join the family, He saw Mehak serving dinner. He went near her and stand in front of her by folding his hand on his chest, she try to walk away but he blocks her and she looks up at him. Ji please move, he asked her do you recognize me. Mehak said sorry who are you Ji? He asked her to see properly, she looked at him and she can't recognize him she moved away and started to serve others. Sonal and Mohit looking at this from far and they hope nothing will happen. After a while Jagjeet came to Mehak who is with Nehal, Sonal and Mohit. Looks like someone having memory problem, they don't remember be or acting as if don't remember me. Mehak question Ji its better you introduce yourself who are you? He held his hand out and say his name Jagjeet Singh Jaggu. Mehak bring her hand to handshake with him then she remembered him. Omg Jaggu it's you, you look so different. How are you? Sorry I can't recall it was you. Jaggu sat beside Mehak and keep chit chatting, he asked how is she and she just replied she is okay good busy with work and all. He complimented her that she is very beautiful than how she used to look when she was young. Jaggu was in Delhi 7 years back. He is Sonal's cousin and his parents was also staying in Paranthe Wali Gali. He likes Mehak when they were young and also pulls prank on her all the time. He annoys her to the max and Mehak also always pay him back. 7years back his father got transfer to their village and they moved to Patiala. They sat and chit chatting about their school life, how they used to run around at PWG. Sonal was sitting with Mohit too watching them. They prayed nothing should happen. Another elderly lady came there and Jaggu introduced her to Mehak, he said maa look at Mehak our neighbor at Delhi ,look at her how she have grown up and became beautiful like butterfly, Mehak only stands and blushes. Jaggus's maa blesses her and asked how about everyone at home, Mehak replied all are fine they will come nearing to wedding time. She was checking Mehak on her neck and said I will need to talk to Kanta chachi and smiled and went in. Some male guests came and called for Jaggu and he followed them he turned and look at Mehak said we will talk later bye. She waved at him and look at Sonal. She asked Sonal why this aunty behave strange and she said want to talk to Kanta chachi, Sonal change the topic and said she is tired and ask her to do head massage. Mehak followed her back to the room.
Shaurya finish his meetings early and decided to fly back to Delhi earlier and to surprise Mehak. He reached home. He asked Awara where is Mehak, Awara replied bhabhi not in home sir. He nodded and went to the room upstairs. Awara came upstairs with his suitcase. He left the suitcase and wanted to say something then Karuna maa came in, he excused himself. Shaurya hugged Karuna maa, he asked where is Mehak did she went to Paranthe Wali Gali, let me go and bring her back. Karuna maa stopped him. He looked at her surprised. She is not there. By the way you said will come back after 1 week or so but why you came back in 3 days. What happen not enough of taunting my child is it? Shaurya shocked and he realized his mom also not trusting him. Maa let me explain to you and I will also explain to Mehak. She was angry that day and didn't let me to talk. He ask let me call her and bring her back, Karuna maa said that poor child cried a lot and I sent her away from Delhi so she can calm down herself. You stop calling her and disturb her. She will be back this weekend. Karuna maa said that left the room. Shaurya takes a deep breath and sat on the bed. He gets up and saw their photo frame. Just then Awara came to the room with a jug of water and glass. Shaurya gets up and remove his coat. Awara called him sir and Shaurya turned to look at him, he opens one of the drawer, and pass him Mehak's mangalsutra. Found this at the laundry basket, maybe bhabhi dropped at didn't realize it. I kept it there. Shaurya took it from him and stare at it and covers in his fist. He change his clothes and came to balcony and sat on the swing and close his eyes. He missing his Mehak a lot, he tried to call again. It went to voice mail again and mumbles where you went Mehak. Karuna maa came upstairs with dinner. She saw him sitting on the swing. She sat on the bamboo stool and ask him to eat. He refuse to eat. She said you must eat something or else you will get acidity, she manage to feed him some paratha. She put the plate aside and talk to him I don't know what happen between you both, it must be some huge misunderstandings. I only saw her crying and when I asked her what happen and she refuse to tell. She was very bad when you left and I sent her away for a change for few days so she can calm down herself. I know my Shaurya will not hurt or does anything bad to any women especially Mehak. You need to talk to her so she can understand and all the misunderstandings gets cleared. He nodded her and jokingly said your daughter gets angry above her nose nowadays and I am scared even, she smilingly pulled his ears from who else, must be from you. She controlled you and now she gets angry on you. We get angry only on our loved ones. Shaurya smiled and Karuna maa left the room and Shaurya came to the room. He sat on the bed and hug Mehak's favorite pillow, he can feel her scents, Mehak I miss you jaan, he mumbles under the pillow. He fell asleep.
At midnights Mehak will get up and sat at the balcony and cry alone, she don't want to show her sorrow to others and it will bother Sonal. After letting her heart out she will go back to bed. Nehal has seen it and feels so bad about it, she wants to go and console her but she knows Mehak is not so easy to change her mind. She decided she will talk to Shaurya herself and try to make things get better between them.
Next morning, Mehak with the other ladies sat together doing some work for the meals. Veer came to her and called her but she said will come once finished her work, he sat next to her observing her. She was busy and didn't see him looking at her attentively. He gets up and touch her earring and give a quick kiss and run away. Mehak turned in surprise, she realize that's how Shaurya will kiss her and run when she didn't pay attention. She started to miss him so much, from far away Veer called her and said di try to catch me, she gets up and saying badmaash kahinka. Started to run after him. As she was running she bump into Jagjeet. She stops and apologies to him saying that she was running after Veer and didn't see him coming, he smiled at her and look at her as Mehak almost caught Veer. As she caught Veer she tickles him and play with him.
Shaurya at Delhi wakes up, did his morning run with his headphone. After complete his run he pass by the kitchen, his imagination plays tricks on his eyes as if Mehak cooking there. He turns and see her giggling at him, he shakes head off and get his milk shake and went upstairs. He headed to the balcony and emptied his milk shake and started his punching bag workout. His head still plays how Mehak cried and accused him on the other side he also remembers how he proposed to her in front of Taj Mahal. He took his mobile and dialed PD's number. PD answered my handsome hero how are you? How's laddoo? Shaurya realized she didn't tell them anything and quickly responded said I am fine and laddoo also fine PD. Just I called to say hi and ask how everyone at home is. PD replied all are fine. Sonal, Nehal and Mohit went to Patiala for Sonal's cousin wedding, they will be there for 1 week so that's all. She asked Mehak didn't come by few days, Shaurya said she is quiet busy at restaurant and that's why I will ask her to call and talk to you all. He hangs up the call and scratching his chin. Nehal came to upstairs, she went to balcony and from far she can see Mehak busy with Veer and the other ladies. Some ladies asking for some suggestion for the decoration and Mehak assisting them. She quickly called Shaurya. He stopped his workout and rush to get his mobile, he was expecting it from Mehak but it was Nehal. He quickly picked it and slide to answer it. He asked hi Nehal how are you. Nehal responded jiju now listen carefully. She told him how they saw her at Khanna Mansion, then they bring her to Patiala on insistence of Karuna maa. How every night she sat alone at the balcony crying. Then she blurt out she fainted and have to bring her to see doctor. Shaurya's eyes bulged out in anger and disappointment. He told her that she didn't let me to explain and rushed in deciding everything. I need to talk to her Nehal he said. Then you come here jiju, talk to her and explain to her and clear this misunderstandings. He closed his eyes and inhaled deep breath and said okay I am coming, I will take the next flight and tell me how to get there. Nehal gets excited and texted him the details. He saw and notice it's a village in Patiala. He showered and start packing his clothes and he saw her mangalsutra on the dresser he took and kept it safely in his pocket
He took his luggage downstairs, he saw Vicky and asked him to manage White Chilies and house properly. He turned and look at Karuna maa, he told her maa I am going to get Mehak home, and she is not well. I will talk to her and convince her to come back home. In the meantime you do the preparations for Lohri. It's our first Lohri after marriage. We shall celebrate it with a bang. He kissed her on her cheek and hugged Dolly maasi as well. Dolly maasi told him lalla please bring back our daughter, house is very quiet without her. He nodded and left to airport. He took the next available flight to Chandigarh and took a cab to the village. It was a bumpy ride which took almost 3hrs to reach the village.
In the meantime Nehal during the meal with Mehak and Sonal asked di, just in case Shaurya showed up here in Patiala what will you be your reaction? Mehak turned to look at her and said don't talk nonsense just eat, answer it di or else I will keep asking this question. Mehak replied her all these kind of thing will only happen in movies, hero coming to see his heroine then running around the trees singing full of romantic drama. Well in real life there is no such thing and it's better that you start realizing it soon so it will be better for you too because you think whatever in film will happen in real life. In real life is all cheating and it hurts more to be in love. She finished her food and left both of them. Nehal tells herself di your hero is on the way and your love story will have a new chapter now, wait and see. She was smiling to herself as Sonal asked why are you smiling what is going in your mind? Nehal finished her meal and pull Sonal aside and told her that Shaurya is on the way. Sonal's jaw dropped wide, what? I thought he is away to Mumbai for 1 week but Nehal continue he get back to Delhi in 3 days because he missed Mehak di but our di is stubborn and I am very sure he have explanations and what happen actually. We should give a chance to him to explain. Just then Sonal realized that they lie to the people in the house that Mehak is not married so how to introduce Shaurya in house. Not enough of this Jagjeet is trailing Mehak like shadow. Only Mehak don't realize what is happening but I am watching him closely. Nehal asked what is with Jagjeet and she told about Jagjeet has feelings for Mehak. Nehal excitingly told it's going to super drama and action love chapter now. Sonal knock on Nehal's head stop talking rubbish start to think what to do with Shaurya, Mehak and Jagjeet.
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