《Mehrya My Version》Part 15
Next morning, Shaurya is up early. He adjusted Mehak to her pillow and kissed on her temple and gets ready for his morning sprint. After the morning sprint, he came back to the room and saw Mehak still sleeping. He opened the curtain and the morning sun rays hit on Mehak's face. She turned to the other side and cover herself with the blanket. Shaurya shakes his head and chuckled at her antics and went to the bed, he sat next to her. He try to roll down the blanket but Mehak hold on to it tightly. He called her gently Mehak, Mehak wakeup it's already morning. I have gone for my morning sprint and you are not still waked up yet. Mehak mumbles from under the blanket, let me sleep another 10 minutes Shaurya, please I am so sleepy. He didn't stop but kept disturbing her, then he decided to prank on her. He took his phone and mocked as if calling Kanta Chachi. He started to talk, Namaste chachi, how are you doing? How is everyone at home? You see this Mehak is sleeping till now and refuse to get up. Hearing this Mehak quickly jumped off from her bed. Her hair was in a mess and she looked at Shaurya and he laughed at her amusingly. Realizing that he have pranked, Mehak showed her angry pout and blow off her hair falling onto her face. She gets up and yelled at him is this how you wake up people from sleep? Why did you do such thing? Shaurya still laughing, Mehak gets annoyed and throw the pillow at him, it hits right on his head. Shaurya turned and see her. She continue to hit him with all the pillows Shaurya tried to avoid her. There no more pillow left. Mehak took the hourglass sand clock and aim at Shaurya, He asked her to put it back. She put that back and look for other things to throw at him. Shaurya start to take the pillows and aim at her, Mehak started to run around the room avoiding him. She climb on the bed and took the pillow and hit Shaurya who is standing on the floor. The pillow torn apart and the feathers start to fly all over the room. Shaurya manage to pull Mehak and she fell on the bed, he crawled on top of her and hold her both hands. He could feel the rise and fall of her breath and her luscious softness under his hard chest. The flying feathers drop slowly on them. She looked at him. She tried to push him away in mock anger but he responded by tightening his grips on her hands. He slowly bend down to her neck and planted kiss on her ear lobe, then slowly to her jawline then to her neck. Mehak melted with his touch she closes her eyes. He kissed hard at her neck her heart skipped a beat. He continue to kiss her till his mobile rings. Both came to conscious. He yelled who invented this mobile, I got something even important to do now. He cuts the call and Mehak blushed. He leaned towards Mehak again, she cupped his face and smiling at him. Again the mobile rings. He took the mobile with frustration. He wants to decline the call again but Mehak asked him to answer it maybe it's someone important, he told her no one is important than you. Mehak asked him please answer the call, he took her advice and answer it. It was from one of the investors. Mehak gets up from the bed and wants to go to the bathroom, Shaurya pulled her place her on his lap. Her eyes widened and ask what he put his index finger on her lips to be quite. He responded to the other party yes can be arranged etc. While Mehak being naughty purposely tickles him, he jumped and glared at her. She made a cute pout and obeyed him till he finishes his call.
He ends his call and shakes his head. Mehak asked what happened. He looked at her. It's from the investors. They want to organize New Year party and they want us to attend and want to discuss on business matters for upcoming year. So now I need to get ready and go to Noida for some meetings. While he was talking to her Mehak remove the feathers sticking on his hair and his beard. She took her phone and asked him to pose for selfie as both look messed in the feathers. He asked her are you uploading in social media or anything, Mehak says no, you told me not to post in Facebook , Instagram etc. so I don't post our pictures anywhere. He told her it because I don't want my personal life become public display, I hate that people postings on social media displaying all in public. Shaurya pulled her closer and kissed her cheek, now you are escaped from me Mrs Khanna. I need to get ready for meeting. She gets up from his lap and asked him to clean up the room because he is the one who cause this, Shaurya denied it was due to her. She argued you disturbed me while I was sleeping. Shaurya saw the clock and screeched Oh shit I am late baby. He runs to the bathroom while Mehak collects all the pillows and start to arrange them on the bed. She opens her room door to go and get the broom and pan to clean the feathers. But bump into Dolly maasi. She greeted Dolly maasi. Dolly maasi sees her condition with feather and said arey baapre where did you go for wrestling, you are in such condition. Mehak bits her lips and couldn't answer her. Dolly maasi understood and ask her to go and clean up. Mehak gets the broom and pan went back to room. She ties up her hair into a bun and start cleaning and mumbling, all he did and everyone thinks it's my fault. This world is never been fair to women. All men's mistake women has to bear the grunt. She finished sweep the room and tidy up all. Shaurya came out from the bathroom with towel seeing her cute antics and chuckled walked to the dressing table and wearing his deodorant and perfumes. He was checking the suits which to wear for the meeting. Mehak looks at him from back. Shaurya saw her she is waiting for his response but he continue to ignore while he gets dressed up. She puffed and walked to the bathroom. Shaurya grabs her wrist and pulls to his chest and wraps his arms around her waist. He search for her eyes but Mehak didn't want to look at him. He lift her chin gently and called her baby look at me, she gently lift her gaze from down and look at him. He tucked her hair behind her ears and say I am sorry it was because of me of this mess. He took out some of the feathers sticking on her hair. Mehak replied is not because of that, I bumped to Dolly maasi and she looks at me one kind, she must be thinking what type of daughter in law am I? He smirked and replied her, maasi is very straightforward she don't keep things in her heart that's something I like about her. Don't think of anything okay. Mehak nodded and asked him to leave her as his suit will get crumpled and spoiled because she is in a mess. He asked her with his childish voice so are you forgetting something? Mehak looked at him blankly she didn't get it but from his smile and excitement on his face she knows what exactly he wants. She cupped his face and lift her toes to kiss on his forehead then to his both cheeks. Then he planted her a kiss on her cheek and notice that he is running late and tell her I love you and rushed to the door.
Mehak went to shower and gets ready to White Chilies. She greeted Karuna maa and Dolly maasi. After the breakfast she went to White Chilies. At White Chilies she greeted everyone and sat with restaurant manager to discuss on some plans for upcoming New Year and other menus related matters. She told that will discuss with Shaurya and if all okay they can start with the preparations. Shaurya called Mehak and asking how is she and where is she now? She replied she have reached White Chilies and discussing about New Year plans and preparations and he assured her will discuss after he comes back home. He told he have reached Noida and will be going in for the meeting in short while so after finish meeting he will call back. She asked what time he will come back, he assured her once meeting over I will come as soon as possible okay. She smiled and before hang up she asked him to eat properly he said okay baba got to go now bye. Both hang up the calls. Mehak started to draft out her plans. Just then Sonal called Mehak. Both chit chatting and Sonal asked what their plan for New Year eve. Mehak replied I don't know if Shaurya has any plans he was saying that investors invited him for a party. Sonal said ohooohoo now Mehak is celebrity's wife so she is show off. Mehak annoyed with Sonal and said don't talk rubbish. I need to check with Shaurya if he has a plan or party to attend before I can promise you. Sonal continues sorry jaan I was just joking. After some chats Mehak hangs up the call. Vicky came in to White Chilies. He saw Mehak and walked to her. She greeted him and they start discussing on the plans and proposals. Mehak ask him to take care of today's schedule and left to home.
She reached home and looked for Karuna maa and Dolly maasi. She saw Awara and asked bhaiya where is maa and maasi he said they are at garden. She walked to the garden and join them. Maasi asked where is Shaurya is he back from Noida? Mehak replied not yet he is still having meeting and haven't called after his earlier call. They enjoyed tea time with some snacks. As its getting cold all moved back into house. Karuna maa asked Mehak to freshen up and come downstairs they can prepare dinner together. Mehak went upstairs to freshen up and came downstairs. She joined Karuna maa and Dolly maasi to prepare dinner together. They decide to cook kadai mushroom, lauki curry and a meat variety. Mehak still don't touch meat but she will help to seasoned them and ask Awara to taste once done. As the vegetable dishes done, the elder ladies of Khanna's left kitchen Mehak started to knead the dough for paranthas. A huge frame behind her captured her from back, she startled and turned to look it was Shaurya. He tuck her hair back to her ears and squeezed her hard my laddoo I missed you so much. Mehak asked you are lying, if you have missed me you should have at least called me once after meeting over but you didn't. He apologized to her and said meeting took time and by the time it finished I didn't even stay back to have dinner with them I rushed back to you to eat what you are cooking today. She replied its kadai mushroom and lauki curry and masala chicken with hot paranthas. She ask him to let her go how if anyone comes to kitchen and see us. Now go and fresh up and come downstairs quickly. He obeyed her and give her one hard wet kiss on her cheek and runs upstairs. All food has been set on the table, Shaurya came down and greeted Karuna maa and Dolly maasi. They sat and enjoyed the meals together.
After the meals both Mehak and Shaurya had a stroll in the garden holding each other's hand. Shaurya told her about the meetings and New Year party invites from his investors. Mehak also told about their plans for White Chilies New Year celebration party. He asked her whether she can handle because New Year party is kind of havoc sometimes. Mehak puts her hand on her waist and told him in her funny tone, hello Mr Khanna, I am Shaurya's biwi, if he can handle me than I can handle the event too. Besides that I am from Old Delhi we are hard core people. Don't mess with us with scrunching her nose. Shaurya holds her by her waist and pull her closer to his chest. I know you can handle all just that is New Year party is kind of heavy with alcohols and food etc. Mehak assured him she can work with Priya and the others and arrange all accordingly. He lightly knocks her head with his head. You know what Mehak, I know you have decided to do this and you want to do this so I let you to do this as you are the boss after all. Mehak pulls his cheeks and said thank you patidev. Now tell me where you getting all these ideas from this small brain, is it you are getting my intelligent because of my company? Mehak smacked lightly on his arms. Can you not to praise yourself all the time. She walked from him, he smirked at her and lift her from back by her waist and swing her in the air. Mehak giggled and Shaurya put her on the ground. She gasp for breath and hugged him. He kissed her on her hair. She hid her face on his neck and plant a kiss on his neck.
Both Shaurya and Mehak gets busy with the New Year party celebration at White Chilies. Shaurya assigned the task to Vicky and ask him to be responsible and head the event. Mehak guides him from time to time. She assured him that she also not from event and catering background but experience and she learnt a lot from Shaurya as he have organized numbers on events and it always in the top of news. Vicky promised her that he will focus on the event and bhaiya will be so proud of himself on the way he handle the event.
Nehal drop by to White Chilies. Shaurya teased her hi sister in law what's up? You are here at restaurant. Anything? Nehal replied, jiju I am your only sister in law can I come to see you without getting your appointment? Mehak walk out from kitchen hearing Nehal's voice. Both sisters hugged and asked about wellbeing of each other. Mehak asked what makes her comes to restaurant? Nehal excitedly reveal the news that famous singers concert will be held on 30th December. Di is all your favorite singers, why don't you and jiju go for the concert? You always wanted to go for his concert but our house elders never allowed. Since now you are married and you can go with jiju. Mehak declined the idea and said White Chilies will be organizing New Year party for customers and she will be busy the arrangements with Vicky. So is not a good idea. Shaurya came to join them and said Vicky will handle, and what time is the concert? Nehal said is at 7pm at Gurgram. Shaurya agreed and nodded to Mehak that they will go for the concert. Mehak's eyes twinkled in excitement. Nehal left after a while. Shaurya was on call he was standing outside of White Chilies. Mehak waiting for him to complete his call, once he hang up she cling her arms on his arm and said thank you so much patidev. Shaurya turn to look at her and said you are welcome I just want you to be smiling and happy like this all the time. So where my gift is queried Shaurya. Mehak showed her confused pouted look. He leaned to touch her lips and said you still don't know what I always want. Mehak hold his jaw and turn to her side, she turn to see is anyone watching them or not then she quickly pecked on his bearded cheek and dropped her head down in embarrassment. Shaurya chuckled and kissed her crown of the head.
At night Shaurya busy with some paper works and Mehak decided to do some dessert for everyone at home. She went to kitchen and start checking the cabinet what to prepare and she decided to do panjiri. She started to prepare the ingredients and turn on the stove with the kada. Once she finished the cooking the panjiri she served in bowls and give to Karuna maa, Dolly maasi, Vicky who was in garden chit chatting after dinner. They were elated as hot panjiri on the cold weather. Vicky took a spoonful and said bhabhi this is the best panjiri I have ever tasted in my life. Mehak went to her room with the panjiri. She saw Shaurya busy typing on his laptop. She called him Shaurya, he just hmm and continue with his work. She took a spoon of the panjiri and blow it slowly. She asked him to open his mouth he give a quick look and obeyed her. She feed him, Shaurya jumped as it's still hot. Mehak went near to him and blow to him. He look at her cuteness. She asked with her eyes what, he shakes his head and she continue to feed him. He finishes his work and shuts off the laptop. He make Mehak sit on his lap. She adjusted herself on him, he took the spoon from her and feed her too. Mehak tap off the some panjiri sticking on his moustache. He smiled at her and join his forehead on hers. He hugs her tightly and said I go crazy at your cuteness. She put the bowl away on the table and cupped his bearded cheeks and rubbed her nose against his nose. Both chit chatting and having their nok jhoks as usual. They moved to the bed and slept peacefully in each other's arms.
Both gets ready for the concert. Mehak wore a black anarkali suit with turquoise blue workings. She looked sweet. They took blessings from the elders at home and left to the venue. They reached the concert venue, it was crowded and fans are chanting their favorite singers name out. Shaurya holds Mehak's hand and lead her to the venue. They sat at the front row near to the stage. After a while the concert started. The singers one by one sang songs. Mehak's eyes danced in excitement. Her face glow in happiness as seeing her favorite singers at such a close distance and enjoy the concert live. She holds Shaurya's hand and he draws some circle with his thumb. Both enjoyed the concert and left as its coming to the end. They don't want to get stuck in the massive crowd. Both gets into the car and buckled up. Shaurya turn and look at Mehak so are you happy? Mehak replied so happy thank you so much. Shaurya said lets go and eat something I am so hungry. They reached a restaurant and both walked in and find a cozy place to sit. The waiter came to get their orders and left to place their orders. Both with their usual chats and Shaurya with his naughty talks. The waiter served them the food. Both enjoyed it together. As they complete the meals, the waiter came by to ask if they wanted to order any dessert. Mehak like a child answered yes and she ordered for Chocolate Lava cake with mousse and strawberries. Shaurya taunting her she is eating too much and dessert at this hour. She is not even exercising. When she fall on him or he sat on him he can feel she have grown fat. Mehak stick her tongue out and replied him with annoying tone, Mr Khanna you don't need to worry about my weight. I am good in how I look like. Anyway you know I am a foodie, I love food right? If you think I am fat why you marry me? She continue to enjoy her dessert and offered a spoon to Shaurya he declined. She was so happy because she can have all for herself. Shaurya controls his laughter looking at her childishness. She finishes her dessert and move the plate a side. Shaurya rub his thumb near to her lip whereby the chocolate sticking and he licks his finger. Mehak eyes widened. He look at her and said nothing can beat as this sweetness coming from your lips. Mehak's cheeks turned red and she quickly wipes her mouth with her napkin. She asked Shaurya can you please behave why are you doing like this at public places. He ask her to look around the restaurant and show how other couples behaving and look at us we are sitting like north pole and south pole so much distance and you are still blaming me for my behavior. I cannot be quite if I see you, I always do naughty things will be like this. Mehak lowered her gaze and said okay don't be angry sorry, come lets go. Shaurya gets up and hold Mehak's hand and walk out of the restaurant and gets into the car.
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