《Mehrya My Version》Part 4
Mehak sat with Karuna maa and Dolly maasi chit chatting. Dolly maasi asked her not to do any work or else Shaurya lalla will scold them for over working his wife. Karuna maa laughing and asked since everything is fine now why don't they both go for honeymoon. Dolly will take care of her, Vicky will handle White chilies. They should go and enjoy themselves. Not sitting here and take care of her. Mehak blushed and said they can go later now she is important and her health. Karuna maa said everything should be done at time or else it will be late and no time to worry too. Mehak said she don't understand. Dolly maasi explain their first night also not happen. Mehak stuck in between them and said she is too shy and scared to do all these. Both laughing at her innocents. Just then Shaurya came in and joined them. He asked what they are laughing happily so he can join too. Mehak gets up quickly and about to leave. Dolly maasi don't let her go and said she will tell in front of Shaurya. Mehak pulls Dolly maasi to go kitchen to cook dinner and she will help her.
Shaurya freshen himself and came down joined all for dinner. All are having dinner together and whatSapp came for Shaurya from Nikita. He saw the message and ignored. He continue his dinner and went to garden to walk around and relaxed himself near the pool. Mehak came and hugged him by his neck from his back. Asked him how his day was and is he alright. He smiled at her and make her sit on his lap. He changed the topic and asked what she was doing at home. She senses something not right. Cupped his face and asked him if he alright or anything happen at White chilies. Shaurya hold her close to his chest and said don't talk just be like this. I feel better and calm. After a long day at work coming to a beautiful wife and sitting like this makes me forget all the hardship and wants me to enjoy the rest of the day like this. Mehak don't want to ask more she just let him to calm himself and lie on his chest. Then he asked what did maa, maasi and she was talking at laughing when he came home. She said nothing just some girls' talks. Shaurya looked at her so you don't want tell your husband anything Mehak said no. Ok fine so now you have secrets from me. Mehak replied not all I can tell you, this is between maa and me. He tickled her to say about it
Next day morning, Nikita came to Khanna Mansion she was looking for Shaurya and asked Awara where is he. Awara replied he will be coming down soon for breakfast. Just then Shaurya and Mehak came down from upstairs. Both giggling and laughing. Nikita saw and fumes in anger. She hides her anger and greeted both. Shaurya asked so early she is here. Nikita replied I messaged you last night but you didn't reply so I came to discuss about some matters for White chilies. Mehak ask them to discuss and she will be right back. Shaurya pulled her hands and ask her to join together because she is the boss. Mehak sat reluctantly Shaurya hold Mehak's hand .Nikita keep watching both of them, Nikita continues that Shaurya needs to fly to Singapore for a week for an exhibition related to hotel and tourism industry. But Shaurya refuse to go as he can't leave you alone. This will be good exposure as can get lots of ideas and business dealings. This opportunity also helps widen White chilies into next level. Not all will get invitation from an international organization. Shaurya refuse to go and ask Mehak to convince him to go. Mehak ask her to don't worry she will talk to her. She ask Nikita to join for breakfast but she said she is late for some errands she left.
Mehak and Shaurya walking in the lawn, Mehak slowly asked why he doesn't want to go Singapore for the exhibition. He turned to her and say don't want to talk about it. Mehak replied ok you keep throw tantrums I am going inside, he pulled her and hugged her from back and said I never left you for a day. How to go for a week. So I refuse to go. Mehak turned and look at him. She cling around his neck. Is just a week she will be here waiting for him and take care of all things here. He should just go for the exhibition which sounds promising for White chilies future. Isn't that also his dreams? At such young age not all men will be thinking about this but they all don't have direction in their life but he was building his business empire. Shaurya asked I can't stay from you. If you don't work how to achieve your dream replied Mehak. He ask her to join him to go so they can be together Mehak said I don't have passport and visa etc. how to go. Shaurya shows his puppy face , Mehak rolled her eyes and say I am giving you instruction as a boss you must go don't give lots of excuses. Or else the kisses you are getting will be reduced. Shaurya cutely replied ok boss I will follow all your instructions. Both laughed and had breakfast and left to White chilies.
At White chilies, Shaurya informed Nikita and Vicky he will go for the exhibition and Mehak will oversee the work here and ask them to help her. Nikita smiled as her Shaurya will be going for 1 week and she can execute her plan on Mehak. She have plan to separate Mehak and Shaurya.
At evening Shaurya told Karuna maa on his trip. She asked when he is flying he replied the next day evening flight. Karuna maa asked him to bring Mehak along, Shaurya informed that since she don't have passport and visa so that's why Shaurya has to go alone this time. At night Mehak and Shaurya packing his luggage. Shaurya saw Mehak's face and asked don't you feel a little bit sad that your hot dashing handsome hubby will be going away from you for a week . You don't have feelings just folding and putting my things and planning to pack and send me away. Just then Mehak came closer to him and ask him why he talks like small kid. You keep talking like naughty child then I will give one and gently tap on his cheek. He hold her waist and press closer to him. Ask him why she is rushing is it got boyfriend for her. She naughtily replied yes. He asked tell me where is he I will break his bones. Mehak asked will he punish her. He comes by her neck and says yes, I will kiss you and do all the naughty things till you can't stop me. Mehak giggled happily.
Next day morning, Mehak looks at sleeping Shaurya and thinks in her heart how cute he look when sleeping. I will be with him and fulfill all his wishes and will not let any sadness comes to him. She about to move him gently and get up but Shaurya hold Mehak tightly and asking her to sleep longer. Mehak said since married you are becoming lazy, not exercising and sleeping like this. Then all the gym muscle will melt away. She manage to trick him and run to bathroom to freshen up herself.
In the evening Shaurya leaving to airport after gets blessing from Karuna Maa and Dolly maasi. He hugged Mehak asked her to take care of herself. Eat on time and come back from restaurant early don't work too long till night. He ask Vicky to take care of the family. He assured he will handle all in order and not to worry. On the way to airport Shaurya called Mehak and informed he forgot some files and ask her where is she, she replied she is at kitchen, he ask her to go to room and open the wardrobe. Mehak went to upstairs and went to the wardrobe. He ask did you see a gift bag. She said yes but you said file is it inside the gift bag. He ask her to open the gift bag he will wait online. Mehak took out the gift bag and unwrap the box and she open the box and saw an I-Pad. She becomes happy and asked Shaurya in the phone. What is this for now? He said I will do video call every day at night and she can talk to him. Mehak smiled sweetly and ask him to finish the work and come back soon, Shaurya said I love you my baby, Mehak replied I love you Shaurya.
Next morning Shaurya called Mehak and informed he reached safely, he didn't call her as it will be midnight and don't want to disturb her sleep. She pass the phone to Karuna maa. All asked Shaurya to take care of himself. Mehak left to White chilies with Vicky. She busy at kitchen with chef and others. Nikita sees her and called someone. Later Mehak sits with Vicky and discuss further ideas like daily value lunch meals combo, some other ideas and Vicky agrees the ideas sounds well and should propose to Shaurya once he is back. Shaurya called Mehak and asked what is she doing and he already missing her a lot. Mehak smiled and ask him to focus on his work first, he asked do you miss me, she replied not really maybe yes maybe no. Shaurya is smiling so you don't miss me but maybe.
Mehak hang up the call. Just then Samrath walk in the White chilies. She saw him and feel irritated. He walked to the table she was sitting with Vicky. Vicky received a call and gets up to answer the call. Samrath asked how she is long time didn't see her. She didn't reply and fumes in anger. He rubbed his cheeks said something he can't forget. Vicky comes back and asked Mehak whtr she wants to go for movie in the evening, he can ask Nehal. Sonal to join too. Mehak refuse to go but Vicky manage to convince her and ask Nehal and Sonal to join too.
They reached the cinema and Mehak sent her selfie with Vicky, Nehal and Sonal to Shaurya he sent her flying kiss. They enjoyed the movie and Mehak received a sms from unknown number saying she is very beautiful. She got annoyed and ignored the message and continue with the movie. During the movie she gets up and go for the washroom and returning from washroom she received sms from the same number again. She ignored and just walk back to cinema and Samrath walked in front of her. She stunned and asked him what he is doing here is he stalking her. He keep blocking her way and say he is interested to know more about her. She asked why are you behaving like this, Shaurya already give a slap and she also give what he deserve if he keep continue to behave like this she will inform to Shaurya he cannot think what will happen to him.
Samrath hold her shoulder and say I know Shaurya is out of country for business trip and you are alone. Don't act as if so good girl, at these century no girl is like that. Mehak pushed him away and asked what he means like that, maybe he would have only met like that type of girl but she is not like that. He asked her to enjoy a night with him and he won't disturb her, Mehak felt disgusted by his words and try to walk away but he kept following her. Sonal and Nehal realized Mehak is not back from washroom they came out looking for her, they called her and she joined them Samrath hides. Mehak becomes restless and can't concentrate on the movie. Shortly all returned home. She went to shower and Samrath's word keep buzzing in her head. She came out from bathroom and Shaurya called her in video call. She quickly answered the call and hugging her pillow asked him how is he and had dinner or not.
Shaurya asked how was the movie and she said ok nice, he asked if she is alright because her tone doesn't sound happy she assured she is fine and happy and little bit missing him that's why. He asked her to wait few more days he will be back. After sometimes Mehak fell asleep.
Next day morning Karuna maa asked Mehak if Shaurya called or not how is he. She replied he is fine. She asked you are you ok, Mehak said she is fine too. At restaurant she feel demotivated and quite upset about the incident at the cinema. Vicky ask her to go home and rest if she is not well. She decided to go Sharma's for a while.
She reached Sharma's house and all welcomed her. She lie down on PD's lap. PD asked is everything alright she said she is fine just want to lie down. Kanta chachi and Mansi chachi saw and said no matter she is grown up and married but she is still like a small child. Ravi chachu ask them to prepare something for her to eat. She spent the rest of the day and about the leave, Nehal asked her to stay with them as Shaurya not in town. Kanta chachi said that's not right she has to go home as Karuna is at home and she must return home.
She reached home in auto and feel kind of lost. She greeted Karuna maa and Dolly maasi both teased her that she become dull after Shaurya left for 3 days but she is missing him terribly. She smiled at them and start to chit chat with them. Dolly ask her to rest and chit chat with Karuna maa and she will do dinner today. Shaurya called at night and asked why today no message did she forgotten about him or what she smiled and asked how is he, is he so busy today that didn't call her at all? He was saying how busy he was and how is everything there. Mehak tell him that she went to Sharma house to visit everyone. He ask her to sleep because sounds very tired. He hang up the call and Mehak put the mobile aside and ready to sleep but her mobile rings again. She gets up and answer the call it was none other than Samrath. She asked how he get her number. He asked her whtr she is decided on his request, she gets angry and said if my husband knows about this you are finished. He asked that means you haven't told him yet so you are still thinking about it I am very sure you will come to me before your husband return from his trip. Mehak gets angry and cut the call and put the phone away. She became restless and can't sleep. She hugged Shaurya's t-shirt and sat at the balcony.
Next day she prepared breakfast for all. All were happy and enjoying the meal. Karuna maa asked Mehak to join her to go shopping together. They haven't go shopping for a long time. Vicky ask her to follow them and he will take care of the restaurant. All 3 ladies left for shopping. Dolly maasi asking Mehak to try some modern dress as nowadays all girls becoming modern and not much wearing traditional wears. Mehak shyly said she is only comfortable with traditional wears and modern wears is not for her. Karuna maa laughed at both and picked some saris and ask to pack them. They went for lunch and spa for relaxation.
Dolly maasi asked to take selfie and send to Shaurya, Mehak took a selfie and send to Shaurya. He replied her to have fun will call back at night. Evening all reached home. Mehak received sms from Samrath asking how her day at shopping and spa was. Mehak stunned and look around and shocked. She text him back stop messaging her and taunting her or else it will be very bad for him.
Mehak decided once Shaurya is back better to tell him about this Samrath he is doing no good and bothering her too much. The next day morning Shaurya called Mehak, Mehak asked if he returning today he said work haven't finish yet so he has to extend another 1 day so will return on the next day. Mehak makes a puppy face and said ok. Finish all your work and come home soon. He give her a kiss and ask her to take care. She smiled and hang up.
Mehak followed Vicky to White chilies and working there with the others. Nikita came to her and asked how she is as she doesn't look good. Mehak replied she is fine just nothing much. It was a busy day at White chilies and Mehak was quite occupied with customers and the staff at the kitchen. Some customers complimented on the new menu and the food taste and they will return soon for more good food. Mehak felt good to hear some positive words from the customers and discuss with Vicky that they should keep alternate their menus in order to get more new customers and retain the existing customers. Vicky agrees and ask her to go home to rest as she has been busy since whole day. She left to home. Just then Karuna maa called and told her that she and Dolly maasi going for a get together at their friend's place and ask her to take care of herself . She said will do and reached home.
Awara saw her and ask her whtr she wants her chai, she answered its ok bhaiya. She went to her room saw Shaurya's photo and smiled and lie down on the bed for a while checked her phone and no message from Shaurya. She gets up tie up her hair and went to shower. She comes out and went to the balcony and standing and watching and looking at her mobile. She takes a deep breath and turns to go back to room she was surprised to see Shaurya standing behind her. She quickly hugged him. He hugged her tightly and said he missed her so much and planted a kiss on her cheek, she lift her head but you said you are coming back tomorrow, he smiled mischievously and asked how the surprise is. He said he already at the airport when he called her in the morning, he purposely wants to surprise her that's why didn't say anything and didn't call since then. He take out the clip from her hair and let her hair loose. She smiled in happiness and hug him back dearly. Shaurya makes her to sit at the balcony sofa and they had their tea together. Mehak ask him to freshen up and come she will prepare something to eat for dinner. He ask her to get ready to go for dinner. Mehak asked aren't you tired, rest for a while. He replied he is fine just get ready lets go out. Mehak smiled and went to get ready for dinner. He gave her a gift bag and ask her to open, she open it and saw a sleeveless long dinner dress. He ask her to wear that, Mehak smiled and went to change and gets ready for the dinner.
They went out for dinner and Shaurya and Mehak enjoying their meals. Mehak received a text from Samrath. Her face become pale and Shaurya notice ask who is it from she said nothing just some forward message. He asked then why your face pale as if seen a ghost. She smiled and said is nothing. Deep in her heart she don't want to tell Shaurya and spoil his mood he is so happy. She will handle Samrath on her own. Once reached home Shaurya shows all the gifts he got from Singapore for Mehak. He shows what he bought for the rest of the family members and said will pass it to them the next day. He makes her to sit on the bed and he lie on her lap. She pull his nose and kiss his forehead. He was telling all about his trip and notice that Mehak's is not ok and he tell himself will find out what happen. He ask her to sleep and Mehak place her head on his chest and fell asleep.
The next day all sit for breakfast, Shaurya pass their gifts for each and every one. Vicky praising about Mehak and mention about her ideas on the daily menus and combo menus for value for money so they can attract more customers. Shaurya smiled at Mehak. Dolly maasi said since the day you went Mehak was sad and didn't talk much like how she used to be, Mehak blushed. Karuna maa asked both should rest and go somewhere outing and don't run after business. Shaurya said yes he will bring her go out somewhere but he have some business to settle.
Samrath called her Mehak replied where to meet you tell me I am coming now. She left in the auto. She reached his house. He opened the door and welcomed her in. He said he knows she will agree to his terms as she have no choice. He ask whtr she wants any drinks she refused, he put his hands on her shoulder , Mehak slapped him hard in anger asked him don't you have any sense you are coming after a married woman and disturbing others family life. Is this what you were thought by a mom, she is also a woman? I agree to come her because I want to teach you a lesson and put a full stop on this matter. If my husband know about this you won't be alive at this moment and nothing can stop him from killing you. The entire world knows how madly he is in love with me and he cares for me. He can't tolerate a single sadness in me. Learn to respect all women and don't take opportunity , go and look for real love and marry someone who loves you and you can go with your life. Doing all these disgusting things doesn't make sense and doesn't give happiness.
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