Story & written
'''Aysher Abbakar ChuChu (Meerah)'''
® *Real Pure Moment of Life Writers* *P.M.L*💭💭💭
_ɯɛ ɖơŋŧ ʝųŞŧ ɛŋŧɛřŧąıŋ ŋɖ ɛɖųĆąŧɛ, ცųŧ ɯɛ ąٳŞơ ŧơųĆɧ ɖ ɧɛąřŧ ơʄ řɛąɖɛřŞ_
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Jin muryar baby na ihu ya Sanya su mummy fitowa da sauri, ganin baby sukayi tana kuka, "lafiya? Meye yafaru? "
"Haseenah ce"
Da gudu suka nufa d'akin ba tare da sun sake tanbayan ta ba.
Su umaimah da su saratu ke tsaye suna jijjigata ta, tsawa mummy ta daka musu ganin duk cikinsu babu me hankali a jikinshi Sannan tace" ku tashi ku bata waje ta sha iska"
Mik'ewa sukayi suka matsa, mummy ta d'auko robar ruwa ta watsa mata.
Wata salati haseenah ta sake lokaci d'aya ta saka kuka.
Kama hanunta mummy tayi tana matsawa.
Rungume mummy tayi tacigaba da kuka.
Shuru duka sukayi suna sauraron kukan ta. Mummy ko kasa janyeta tayi a jikinta, shafa bayan ta kawai take alamar rarrashi.
ba Wanda yayi yunk'urin bata hak'uri, saboda ita kad'ai tasan abunda take ji, shiyasa suka barta Tayi kukanta ko zataji sanyi a ranta.
Ganin its almost 11 gashi 12 akace za'a wuce ya Sanya mummy janyeta a hankali, sai faman ajiyan zuciya take.
Kama hanunta Tayi suka fita a dakin, kai tsaye dakinta ta wuce da ita, suka shiga toilet ta wanke fuskarta.
Tana fitowa suka shige bedroom ta kulle k'ofar, zaunar da ita Tayi a Bakin gado sanann itama ta zauna a gefen ta.
Rarrashin ta ta fara yi Sannan ta fara mata nasiha, wani kukan haseenah ta farayi mummy ma na tayata.
Mutuwar ummah ya dawo musu sabo.
Kasa cigaba da magana mummy Tayi sai kuka da dukan su sukeyi.
Mummy ce kawai ke furta " Allah ya isa mana, Allah ka saka mana ka bi wa er uwata hakkinta, ka gwada wa matar nan ishara ya Allah ka mayar mata da nufin ta, kayi maganinta ka Nuna mata ikonka ya Allah "
K'arar wayarta ne ya katseta Daga sambatun da take, ganin daddy ne ke kiranta ya Sanya ta d'agawa.
ji Tayi na fad'in" ki shirya su motoci suna hanya"
Kafin ta amsa ya kashe wayar.
Kallon haseenah Tayi tace" tashi ki shiga toilet ki sake wanka Kiyi sauri Karki bata lokaci ina jiranki"
Ba musu ta mik'e ta shige toilet.
Waya mummy ta d'auka ta kira sister ta wato mummy hajara ta sanar mata su shirya su umaimah da baby ynxu mota na hanya.
Cikin k'ank'anin lokaci aka fara shiryasu.
Mummy da kanta ta shirya haseenah Cikin voil lace orange colour da touches d'in bak'i a jiki.
Fesheta Tayi da turaruka masu kamshi.
Kallonta Tayi duk se tausayinta ya Kama ta.
Ganin tana shirin kuka ya sanya ta Kama hanunta suka fita.
Sanye take da flat d'in takalmi da mayafi black colour.
Side d'in daddy suka wuce nan tace a taho da su umaimah ma.
Yana zaune dama su yake jira.
Ba wani dogon jawabi ya musu ba, fad'a kawai yayi musu Sannan ya kira abban haseenah ma.
Jikin shi a sanyaye ya kasa magana ma, shuru yayi na tsawon wani lokaci Sannan ya daure yace" kuyi hak'uri Sannan ku kasance masu biyayya"
D'agowa yayi Sannan ya ce" kowacce ta tura mun da account number d'inta, Allah bada zaman lafiya"
Da haka bai sake cewa komai ba.
Sheshshekar kukan su kawai kakeji.
Lokacin masu d'aukan amare suka ISO.
Ciki kuwa Harda su haseen. Sunsha manyan kaya da alama Daga wajan d'aurin aure suka wuco shida abokan shi.
Nan mummy ta sa aka fara fitowa da akwatunan amare kowacce aka saka Cikin motar da za a dauketa.
Haseen se ware ido yake yaga ta inda haseenah zata fito.
Suna zaune palour haseenah na rik'e da Aaman.
Bayan an kammala Saka komai ne aka Sanya su fito da amare.
Hanun Aaman mummy ta Kama haseenah tak'i sake shi.
Duban ta mummy Tayi, ganin hawaye cike a idonta ne ya Sanya mummy fad'in" ki sakeshi ai shima ze rakaku"
Sake hanun shi Tayi Sannan suka mik'e.
Mummy tana tsakiyar su duka sun rik'eta, zuciyar mummy zafi yake, da akwai yanda zatayi to da itama kukan zata sanya.
Abun fa its not easy lokaci daya an raba ka da yara uku.
Suna kuka suna tafiya har suka isa Bakin motar.
Ganin zasu 6ata lokaci yq sanya daddy fitowa ya daka musu tsawa.
Ba shiri suka shige Cikin motar.
Daga musu hannu mummy Keyi lokaci d'aya hawaye ya zubo mata.
Ganin haka ya Sanya su fashewa da wani kukan.
Daddy ya dubi drivers yace" dan Allah ku shiga ku tafi"
Haka suna gani suka fice a gidan.
Da yake duka motor d'aya suka shiga sai aka rasa me lallasin wani, aunty Hajara dake gefensu ne ta fara basu baki.
Haka aka shiga abuja lokacin ana kiran magrib dan sun 6ata lokaci.
Gidan su Sameer aka wuce gaba d'aya.
Nan mummy da en uwa suka fara hidima da bak'i.
Amare ko d'akin da haseenah ta zauna aka wuce dasu.
Nan haseenah ta fara bin d'akin da kallo, ba abunda aka cnja sai share d'akin da akayi,
Sallah suka fara yi Sannan aka kawo musu abinci.
Su saratu se santin Abuja ake dan bata ta6a zuwa ba, haka friends d'inta ma.
Wanka sukayi suka sauya kaya.
Ammi ce ta lek'o tana musu Sannu da hanya.
Sannan tace" yakamata su kwanta su huta"
Tana fita wata mata ta shigo da alama er aiki ce.
D'auke take da babban Tray, sallama Tayi ta gaishe su sannan ta ajiye a gaban su.
Tana fita wata budurwa ta shigo da basket itama a hanunta ta ajiye ta fita.
Saratu ce ta tashi ta rufe k'ofar Sannan ta dawo ta zauna.
Itace ta bud'e warmers d'in, pepper soup d'in kaji ne a ciki, d'ayan kuma fried rice ne a ciki, se kuma salad bowl guda biyu, d'aya coslaw ne dayan kuma mixed fruits salad da aka jejjefa ice cubes yayi sanyi sossai.
Basket d'in kuma flask ne guda biyu d'aya Lipton d'aya kunun gyad'a, se plates da kuma mugs da spoons a ciki.
Ba 6ata lokaci suka fara ci, dukda basu dad'e da cin abinci ba Amma ba laifi sun d'an ci da yawa.
Suna gamawa kuma aka fara hira.
Haseen ne ya kira wayar haseenah harta katse bata picking ba.
Ya sake kira bata picking ba.
Text ya mata, da sauri ta bud'e.
"Nasan bakiyi bacci ba Cox I can feel it deep inside my heart, zamu had'u gobe u will explain in details"
Dariya kawai Tayi ta ajiye wayar.
Basu kwanta ba sai wajan 1.
Nan kowa bacci ya d'auketa.
Da sassafe suka tashi mummy Hajara ta kawo musu kayan su, bayan sunyi wanka aka shiryasu.
Dan kowacce gidanta za a wuce da ita kuma ranan yan kano zasu juya.
Bayan sunyi breakfast ne akace duka su fito.
Shiga motor sukayi wannan karon kowa motarta daban.
A jere suka fice a gidan.
Tafiya suke kan titi, dukansu gidajen su a maitama ne sedai akwai d'an tafiya sossai tsakanin su.
Gidan baby ne a farko sannan Umaimah, then haseenah at last.
Kowacce an wuce da ita, su saratu suna tare da haseenah.
Sai santin gidanta suke, dayake gidan duplex ne, kai tsaye sama suka wuce da ita.
Tsayawa maganar tsaruwar gidan 6ata lokaci, u guyx should just predict nd guess.
Basu wani jima ba seda suka bi gidan kowa suka gani suka mata sallama, gidan haseenah ne last, nan ma suka had'u suka mata sallama suka fito suka barta ita kad'ai kamar mayya.
Kowa ya watse so quit se kukan tsuntsaye kawai dake tashi.
Tsoro ne ya kama haseenah ganin ba kowa Gashi gidan ya mata girma.
Ringing d'in da wayarta taji ba k'aramar Razana ta yayi ba, dubawa tayi taga mummy ce.
Da sauri tayi picking tace" mummy na"
Se kuma tasa kuka" shshshshhhhhh" abunda mummy ta furta krnan sannan tace "meyafaru? "
"Mummy tsoro nakeji wlhy gidan yamun babba kuma am alone"
" be strong my girl, kefa ynxu babba ce, Karki damu u will b used to it soon, kuma ma ai haseen Yana zuwa so keep calm"
A hankali tace "to mummy"
Nan takashe wayar ta ajiye.
Sallama da motsi taji alamar bud'e k'ofa.
Duban agogo tayi its almost 5pm..
Da sauri ta tashi ta shiga toilet.
Alwala ta fara yi, jin k'arar ruwa a toilet ya Sanya haseen ajiye kayan hanunshi ya fita.
Tunanin shi wanka take.
Yana fita ta fito da sauri ta fara sallah.
Dawowa yayi yazauna bakin gado ya zuba mata ido Yana kallonta.
Jira yake ta idar amma tana yin sallama zata tashi ta cigaba.
Abun ya fara bashi dariya, aranshi yace to wannan sallan kwana nawa take biya oho...
Ganin its almost 6 ya Sanya shi shiga toilet ya watsa ruwa. Fitowa yayi d'aure da towel har lokacin sallah take.
Fita yayi ya Je ya sauya wasu kayan.
Yana dawowa aka kirashi a waya.
Yana dubawa yaga numban d'aya daga cikin friends din shine da suka yi school tare.
Picking yayi yace" Ahmad kun iso? Ok ganinan fitowa"
Duban haseenah yayi dake faman sallah yace" ki shirya my friends are here, kisamemu a palour kasa"
Yana gama fad'in haka ya fita dan shigowa dasu.
Am tired wlhy...
For comment 08144932303..
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