《fantasy Au Mha x reader》❤ Merman!Denki x reader


Requested by @The_Blade_Bolt

It's not easy being a merman with the power of electricity. You know the two elements that don't mix well together. So you can imagine the worried looks people give me were ever I go. So most of the time I spend it near the surface. There I was away from everyone, and not being feared. One day I was near the shore and I heard this muffled booming noise, I went over to investigate. It turned out a large group of humans were just partying. I always wondered what it would be like to be human, maybe they wouldn't fear me. As I scanned the horizon to see a lone girl sitting on the pier.


Denki slowly swam closer to the pier as he investigated the girl. She was quietly humming to herself as she was reading a book. Denki quietly pulled himself onto the pier and looked over the girls shoulder, curious to see what this human was looking at.

"Sooo what are you doing?" he asked suddenly.

The girl helped as she jumped a few feet away from Denki. She would have fell into the water if Denki didn't grab her hand in time. He pulled her back onto the pier as she slowly calmed down.

"W-who are you and what are you?" She asked in curiosity.

"I'm Denki a merman," He introduced.

"Well hello. I'm Y/n a human, nice to meet you," Y/n chuckled. "Thank you for saving me,"

"Your welcome," he said with a bright smile.

The too soon started talking and were in a delightful conversation. When suddenly someone started to call out.

"Y/n! Y/n! Where are you!?" Someone called out.

"Oh umm see ya Denki, my boss is calling," Y/n said as she quickly got up and ran back to land.


But that wasn't the last time they would see each other. Y/n would come back to the pier every Saturday and the two would talk while her boss would be hosting the party in the building a few yards away. Y/n wasn't really the party girl and was happy to have someone that was more than happy to spend time with her.

Denki was happy to find so some that didn't fear his powers, and was a more than happy to spend time with him. The more Denki saw her the more he wished to be apart of her world. So he went to the sea witch in hopes to be with Y/n.

"So a pair of legs is your wish huh? Know why would you want such a thing?" She chuckled.

"I just want to be with Y/n, she kind, smart, and pretty cute," He said with a cocky smile.

"Tch. Fine but what are you willing to give up to become human?" She asked as she got the potions ready.

"How.. about my quirk. Electricity, I'll trade that to be human," Denki suggested.

"Hmm that's a powerful power kid... Alright it's a deal," she smiled as they shook hands.


It was another Saturday party and Denki wasn't at the pier. It was starting to get late and I was getting worried. I was about to head back when I noticed a bright flash a few yards down the beach.

I quickly made my way down the beach to see a blond boy passed out naked on the beach. I was lucky he was faced down, but I slowly inched closer to see if I needed to call the cops. But upon closer inspection I recognized this boy.

"Denki!" I gasped as I helped him up.


I managed to get him into one of the spare rooms and put him in pants. Sadly I couldn't stay to long when my boss called for me again.


As my senses slowly came to, I felt warm. My eyes slowly opened as I took in my strange new surroundings, with the sun shining in my face. I slowly sat up as I looked about the room, till there was a knock at the door.

"Denki, it's y/n, can I come in?"

"Ah come in," I answered.

Y/n slowly came into the room with soft smile. I could feel my heart pound in my chest as I took in all her features in this bright lighting. She was a lot prettier in the sunlight.

"So how are you feeling? And is this normal for a merman to do?" She asked me as she sat on the edge of my bed.

"I feel fine, now that your here~," I said with a playful smirk. Y/n smiled and rolled her eyes.

"And no, this isn't normal. I went to a sea witch and asked her to turn me human,"

"Why, what about your family and friends?" She asked me, slightly worried.

"I love my parents, but from a far. And I don't really have friends at home," I said with a sad smile. "I just really wanted to be with you so I gave up my power,"

"Wait if you could get rid of your power, than why didn't you do that. Then people wouldn't have to fear you," Y/n suggested.

"You want to something funny. I could either be feared for the rest of my life, or be looked down upon for not having any power. There is no win for me in that situation, but I'm willing to give up my powers to be with you," I said with a smile.

With a chuckle Y/n leaned over and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I could feel my blood flow to the cheeks as my hearts started to beat in overdrive.

Being human was a lot harder than anticipated, especially working For Y/n's boss as a luggage boy is not easy. Her boss likes that to throw a lot of fundraiser parties, so I have to move heavy speakers and any other heavy sets.


"Hhmm. No Denki move the Sound board to the left a bit," Rosa (the boss) said as she looked over the set up.

With a Sigh Denki pulled the sound board set up to a few feet to the left from it's original spot.

"Hmm no back to the left a tiny bit," Rosa said.

This went on for an hour with any kind of decoration, but soon the party was put together and was full swinging.

"I thought you'd be out here," Denki chuckled as he took his spot next to her on the pier.

"I'm surprised your not enjoy yourself at the party," Y/n smiled as she looked up from her book.

"It's not as fun when your not around," Denki sighed as he rested his chin on Y/n's shoulder.

"You now I'm not into parties," Y/n laughed as she stroked Denki's hair.

"But I'm certainly more into you than any party," Denki said with a smirk.

"Your such a dork," Y/n chuckled as she pushed Denki's head off her shoulder.

"Correction I'm your Dork," He said as he pulled Y/n into a passionate kiss.

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