《fantasy Au Mha x reader》☁ Ghost!Deku x reader x Vampire!Shouto


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"I Can't believe your going through with this," My best friend Denki said as we started at the suspiciously normal looking house.

This house is 6 miles away from the nearest neighbor, and this house was oddly cheap. It didn't help that there were many rumors, missing cases, and even murders that happen in or around this house. Many people who bought this house either left shortly after the longest was 2 months, went missing and were never found, or were found dead. Their body drained of all blood.

"So if I survive a 3 month in this house, Monoma will pay me $20,000 and basically serve me for 4 years? But what happens If I loss?" I asked.

"Nothing, If you loss but are still alive is enough. But promise me If you feel like your indanger, please drop the bet. Risking your life for one of Monoma's awful bets isn't worth it," Denki begged as he shook me by my shoulders.

"I Promise, If I feel like my life is in danger I'll immediately run for the hills," I promised as I grabbed my suit case. "Well I'll see you in 3 month Denki,"


The first month of living in the house house was pretty normal. You see Y/n isn't someone who gets scared easily, or at all. After a few weeks strange things started to happen. Things would go missing or misplaced. Than it started to get more aggressive. Plates and bowls would fly off the counter suddenly by an unseen force.

As Y/n walked into the kitchen plates, bowls, and many other things flew onto the ground.

"Huh," Was all Y/n said as she picked up one of the bowls from the ground.

As she reached out for the box of cereal, it than suddenly flew off the counter.

She simply bent down and picked up the box, only for the bowl to suddenly fall to the ground and shatters.

"It's fine, I'll just eat from the box,"

Y/n sighed only for the box to fly out of her hands by an unkown force.


"Get out," said a ghostly voice.

As Y/n carefully looked around she noticed a strange object on her table, an busted up old antique All Might figure. She didn't own any All Might figure. So to test something she decided to walk into the living room. When suddenly a plate was thrown in her general direction.

"Get out!!!" the voice shouted.

And on her couch was that same All Might figure. Y/n quickly ran over and snatched the figure from the couch.

"Show your self! Or else," Y/n threatened as she held on to the figure tightly.

"N-no don't break it please!?" Begged a green haired apparition, as tears ran down his face.

"Who are you why are doing this?" Y/n asked.

"Your not safe here, I'm just trying to save you," the green eyed ghost explained.

"So you tried to save me or anyone who comes here from what?" Y/n asked him.

The Ghost sat on the ground as he fiddled with his fingers.

"There is a monster in the house," He said simply as he showed his neck. There were to small puncher wounds right next to each other.

"Who are you? Were you some one who once moved in?" Y/n asked, as the ghost began to sob more.

"The second people, I'm Izuku Midoriya. The monster in the house got me," Izuku sobbed. " I don't want that to happen again,"

Y/n stared down at the sobbing ghost. Looking at the action figure in her hand with a sad frown. With a tiny smile she handed it back to the green haired ghost, who smiled in thanks as he took back his figurine.

"You know.. the monster tied my soul to this toy. It's the only reason why I'm still here... And the monster gave this to his son, to force me to serve him," Izuku explained.

"Well know the toy is in your possession are you free to do what ever you wish know?"

Y/n asked.

"Not until Shouto is defeated some how,"

"Shouto huh.. Tell me, is Shouto a vampire?" Y/n asked curiously.


"Y-yeah, Why do ask?" Izuku asked.

"I'm going to find a way to beat him," Y/n said with confidence.


"I... Don't know yet," She said honestly.

Izuku sighed with a deadpanned look on his face. Y/n quickly ran up stairs to get ready for the day. As she did that Izuku quickly slipped the all might figure into Y/n's bag. As Y/n finally got her unifrom on she could shake the feeling of being watched, it sent shivers down her spine. Unaware of a small bat hanging from the ceiling staring down at his next meal with his cold grey and blue eyes.


"What is this place?"Izuku asked Y/n as she entered a blood bank.

" This is an important piece to defeating Shouto," Y/n said simply as she whispered her plans to Izuku.

After a few hours, the two friends returned to the house as Y/n handed Izuku's toy back. as they entered the Living room, the air seemed to suddenly grew cold. Izuku began to tremble as he could sense some one coming.

"Is That you Shouto?" Y/n asked.

"Y/n what are you doing?!" Izuku asked nervously.

"So You really can't keep your mouth shut, can you Midoriya," Said a cold voice.

Y/n and Izuku quickly turned around to see a boy with red and white. One side red the other White. His grey and blue eyes glared dagger at use.

"So your Shouto?" Y/n asked the fanged boy.

"What's it to you?" Shouto hissed.

"I've come to bargain with you," Y/n said simply.

"Bargain, with scum like you," Shouto sneered.

"Don't call Y/n that," Izuku defended.

"Shut up Midoriya," Shouto shot back.

"I have an offer. Tell me How often do you get a meal. Every year or 3, it doesn't help that Izuku scares most of them off,"

"And what are you proposing?" Shouto glared.

"How about 470 ml of my blood every month. You'll be getting blood every month for the rest of my natural life span,"Y/n proposed. "It benfits both of use, you get feed and I get to live,"

"Like you would hold your end of the Bargain," Shouto scowled.

Y/n dug in her bag and showed shouto the blood bag. He stared at it for a few minutes before snatching it away, and mumbled a fine as he disappear up stairs. Izuku sighed in relief as he happily hugged Y/n.

Y/n gave a small gentle smile as she... tried to mess with Izuku's hair.


A year went by and Y/n still lived in that house, much to the surprise of everyone. Heck Denki stayes over once an awhile, though it still gives him the creeps. But for the most part it was a peaceful living, Izuku was fun to be around. He would help out around house and travel with her to the city and work. She was no longer surprised to see his All Might figure sitting on a chair next to her bed every morning. He says he and All Might are watching over her during the night.

Shouts was an interesting case. He would randomly show up around the house and stare her down. Also doesn't really talk to her. They simple exist together because of the deal. But Y/n had to leave for a business trip for 3 months, so she asked Izuku to swim some extra blood packs from the blood bank when she went to her monthly visit.

When she came back from her trip.

"Y/n your back!" Suzuki said happily as he hugged her.

"Y/n," Shouto said suddenly, " I hope your not doing another business trip. The other 2 packed were disgusting,"

"What wrong with the other packets?" Y/n asked.

"He said they tasted awful because they weren't yours," Izuku answered.

"Be quiet, Midoriya! I just want your blood only alright," He said with a red face as he disappeared up stairs.

"Alright," Y/n said as she sat on the couch.

"I'm glad your home Y/n," Izuku sighed as he sat next to you.

"It's good to be home,"

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